I've had this idea for awhile now, but was struck with inspiration to start writing it!

Said inspiration can be found while listening to Lenni-Kim's "I'm Still Waiting For You" which describes this fic pretty well.

It was just a normal day in the city of Paris. Citizens were going about their day, and like usual, they were hoping today was a day that Hawk Moth would let the people have some peace.

Today happened to be one of those days.

Little did they know, another kind of villain was about to burst into existence.

Marinette started the day off as usual. She woke up, very annoyed at her alarm clock. She stumbled down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. After eating breakfast, she got dressed, brushed her hair and teeth, grabbed her school bag, and headed out the bakery door with minimal time to spare.

Adrien also started his day like he normally would. It was the exact same routine day in and day out - minus a sudden photoshoot that would start well before dawn - Nathalie made sure his schedule was perfect and wasted no time. But that was okay with him, because his routine led him to school each morning, or afternoon at the latest.

As Adrien's car pulled up in front of the school building, Marinette was rushing towards the stairs.

"Marinette!" He called a greeting to her. She stopped, spinning around at the sound of her name.

"Oh, hey Adrien!" She waved, waiting for him to catch up. His bodyguard grunted impatiently, but decided it'd be alright to take off.

"Remember how I asked you once if you'd like to go to one of my photo shoots?" he asked. She blinked with surprise before she nodded in reply. "I was thinking you could come to my next one, I think it'd be more your style than my previous ones."

If Marinette was being honest, she would've forgotten all about it, had he not mentioned it again. She thought he had just been polite in his offer.

"Really? When is it?" She asked excitedly.

Adrien grinned. "It's after school, I hope it's not too short notice. I only found out the details last night."

"Oh, no, it's fine! I don't have anything planned after school." Then it struck her that she did in fact have something to do later. "Well, actually I was supposed to head over to Juleka and Luka's," she said with a scratch of her head, "but we didn't have any specific plans. They wouldn't want me to miss out on an opportunity like this. I'll let Juleka know when we get to class."

"Okay, if you're sure they wouldn't mind," said Adrien with a chuckle and a smile.

"I'm sure. I'll make sure to schedule another time with Juleka when I cancel today."

He nodded. "Good idea. Anyways, we better get to class or we'll be late."


They walked in a comfortable silence for a few moments, as they entered the building. Then Adrien's pace slowed, drawing Marinette's attention.


"Ah," he rubbed the back his neck nervously. "By the way, how's Luka doing? You go over there a lot, right?" His green eyes locked onto Marinette.

"Luka? He's doing great. And yeah, I go over there pretty often. Why?"

Adrien frowned. "Just wondering. I haven't seen him in awhile. Or you outside of school."

"Oh," her smile brightened. "We've been pretty busy with band stuff, so that's probably why. Luka writes all of the songs music, and with the album coming out, and-" Marinette abruptly cut herself off, her face suddenly flush. "Well, we've just been really busy."

It took Adrien a second too long for his brief smile to appear as his heart fluttered at her words. "I see. Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I forgot something in my locker and I don't want to make you late for class. Could you tell Ms. Bustier that I'll be right there?"

Marinette smiled. "No problem!"

"Thanks, Marinette. See you in class," he waved and watched her head for the stairs before he turned around and headed into the empty locker room.

"Good job, Casanova! You've finally taken my advice and chosen one of your admirers!" Plagg beamed slyly.


"I wasn't going to say anything, but she was my only choice out of all of them. Very kind, and the food at her bakery… I'm going to be eating so much delicious food! All the cheese bread…" Plagg started drooling.

Adrien's eyebrow quirked. "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't choose anyone."

"Oh? Were you not questioning Marinette just now about that blue-haired Luka kid?"

"So?" he said defensively.

Plagg made a noise. "You were just making conversation then, asking if she spends a lot of time with him?"

He remained silent, his shoulders slumping as he sat down on the bench.

"What's up?" asked Plagg, landing on his shoulder. "You've been acting a bit weird lately, and after that conversation, at least now I know the reason."

"I don't know," he admitted. "Ever since I compared Marinette's handwriting to that anonymous poem, and after thinking it was from Ladybug…"

He closed his eyes and his brows pinched together. "It's pretty stupid."

"I'll be the judge of that. Hurry up and spit it out, or your teacher will be wondering what's taking you so long."

Adrien slowly opened his eyes as he let out a deep breath. "There are two different sides to this that I've been obsessing over, both of which involve Marinette being the one to have written that poem, which in itself is probably absurd for me to think-"

Plagg opened his mouth to cut in with a comment, but Adrien ignored him.

"-but I just can't seem to let it go. There's the side where Marinette wrote that poem and - and I guess I don't really know how to handle it if it's really her that wrote it. How could she like me, really? I'm just a guy who models clothes while she goes out there and does what she can to help everyone whenever they need her, even if she's risking something to do so."

"Thus your 'everyday Ladybug' comment. Continue," added Plagg.

"Then there's the side where, because I thought it was Ladybug's poem at first, then Marinette's, I came up with the thought 'what if they're the same person. Which is even crazier! But now it's been nagging at me. I want to find out, but I don't want to break Ladybug's trust. If they are the same person, that makes it even harder."

"... You lost me. Why would it be harder?"

"Marinette knows the thoughts and feelings Chat Noir has that I never talked to Ladybug about. If they're the same person, she's always known them. And yet, she's never loved Chat Noir. When Marinette said she loved me as Chat, I don't think she really meant it. I don't know why she said it in the first place, but she never had feelings for me as Chat Noir, she's made that abundantly clear. It was nice, thinking someone would actually love that side of me, even if it was only for awhile."

Adrien sighed and stood up, going to his locker. "It's harder because I care so much about Marinette to the point where-" he cut himself off, before mentally editing what he was about to say, "Where I would do anything to make sure she's safe and happy. I know she cares about me, she cares about everyone, but…"

"But she doesn't care for you?" Plagg filled in for him.

He didn't reply. If she really had feelings for Adrien, if she was Ladybug, would it be enough that she didn't love Chat Noir? Would Chat Noir being Adrien make her change her mind if she did in fact like him? Not to mention...

"I thought you said you didn't choose anyone. Yet you care if she has feelings for you? Sounds like choosing to me! Besides, how do you know she doesn't? If she wrote that poem, she probably does!"

"Which brings me back to Luka," Adrien shut his locker door a little harder than intended.

Plagg sighed and let out a groan. "We'll talk about him later. For now, you have to go to class. I don't want to hear you whining about getting in trouble for skipping class and being taken out of school by your father as punishment."

Adrien smiled. "Stop acting like you don't care, I know you do."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Thanks," he pet him in the head briefly and opened his jacket to let his Kwami hide for the day. "I know you don't like anything being cheesy other than cheese itself, but I don't know what I'd do without you."

He thought he heard a sniffle while he walked the empty halls to class.


Please make sure you leave a kudos and a comment if you enjoyed! They make me smile and encourage me to write!

If you're waiting for a Broken update or an update on one of my other fics, I've hit a bit of writers block with them, but don't fret! They're coming.

Follow me on tumblr toujoursmiraculous for fanfiction updates and other ML-related blog stuff!