Ok, soooo, I've never written smut before, and I'm kind of nervous about posting this. However, I also had a ton of help from my WONDERFUL beta SinkingintheAbyssoffeels. Thanks so much, because this chapter would have SUCKED without your help.

Rose shifted on his lap as the Doctor pulled her closer, his lips molding to hers. A sigh slipped past her lips to his when she finally straddled him. Her hands came up to run through the Doctor's soft tresses, while his drifted lower to cup her hips. He'd never felt quite so warm to her. She pressed herself closer, craving more, needing more of him.

"Bedroom?" The Doctor asked huskily once he broke away.

"God yes," Rose breathily responded. She began to shift so he could get up, but he surprised her by sweeping her up bridal style. She laughed, hooking her arms around his neck to rejoin their lips.

"I can't carry you when you do that," the Doctor protested.

Rose grinned before resuming their kiss anyway. Halted in a snog in the middle of the corridor, the Doctor growled and he set her down, claiming her lips till she could hardly breath. Satisfied that she'd no longer be a problem, he pulled her toward his room.

"I can't remember the last time I laughed like that." Rose admitted to him as they wound through the halls of the TARDIS.

The Doctor sobered, remembering how close he'd been to losing Rose. They arrived at his room in moment they got inside Rose yanked off her top, tossing it into a corner. His mouth met hers in a fierce embrace. Rose could hardly tell where her mouth ended and his began as their hands roamed each other's bodies. The Doctor unclipped Rose's bra as she undid his tie.

She broke their kiss to breathe, not failing to notice the dark in his eyes, now almost black with arousal, and the evidence of said arousal pressed hard against her stomach.

"Bed?" She whispered.

"Excellent idea," he murmured as he kissed her hairline.

As the pair landed on the bed, Rose began to furiously undo his shirt as his hands slowly found their way to her trousers.

"We've got all the time in the world," the Doctor spoke softly into her ear.

His fingers teased beneath the waistband of her jeans, slowly and torturously, unbuttoning them.

"I don't know how long it was for you, but I've been waiting three months. I don't have the patience for you to take your sweet time today," she told him, nipping his collarbone.

He abruptly removed his hand, and yanked off her trousers and pants, leaving her bare.

The Doctor shrugged off his shirt, removed his trousers and pants, and tossed them into a corner. Rose snaked her arms up his back, arching to kiss up his chest to his neck.

His hand glided between her legs as his mouth strayed towards the peak of her breasts.

Rose broke off her attentions and whimpered as he sucked her nipple firmly enough to leave a bruise. Impatiently, she ground her hips into his hand as he pleasured her. Simultaneously, he rutted his erection against her thigh, relieving some of his own tension. Unwilling to stop just yet. His mouth shifted to her other breast, this time sharply nipping her.

"Please fuck me," she moaned. "You've had your fun."

With two more firm kisses from her neck to cheek, he slid into her. Rose sharply inhaled, and moaned as he began to thrust in and out.

This was how the Doctor showed his love, and there was absolutely nothing better than that. His hand still rubbed her clit in time with every stroke. Rose panted his name, kissing anywhere she could as their hands interlocked beneath the sheets.

He came first with a groan of her name, and she followed a few moments later with soft whimpers.

The Doctor rolled off of her, pulling her into his arms to lie across his chest as he slid out of her.

"My wonderful, fantastic girl." He kissed the top her head.

"And yet again, you've proven how you can dance," Rose said once she'd regained her breath.

"Are we still at the point where I need to prove something to you?" The Doctor teased her.
"Nah, it's just fun to point it out to you." Rose grinned. "By the way, you've left some lovely marks that I'll be needing to cover up tomorrow."

"I know," the Doctor responded. "I'm rather pleased."

"You just don't usually want anyone to know that we have sex," Rose pointed out as she grinned into his chest.
"I 'spose so," he agreed. "For one, because your mother would have murdered me."

"I miss her," Rose said, sobering. "I wish she'd stayed."

"I do too," the Doctor murmured, pulling her closer. "You could have stayed, you know."

"I was miserable. She kept telling me 'we'll find some way to get you back,' over and over. She's the one who persuaded Dad to let Mickey help me repair the universe hopper."

"Did you know it would work?" The Doctor asked.

"I had no idea. I just always carried it, and you were using the energy from a supernova, so I guess I hoped it would be able to transfer over."

"Either way, it still should have been incredibly painful, especially with that kind of outdated technology," the Doctor contemplated. "It didn't hurt, did it?"

"No, I didn't even feel anything. I just opened my eyes, and I was here," Rose told him.

"I'll run some tests in the morning," The Doctor's brow furrowed in thought. "Make sure there's nothing wrong."

"Not now though," Rose yawned. "You tired me out."

"I have that effect, don't I?" The Doctor preened.

"Mmm, yes. G'night Doctor." Rose murmured as she fell asleep. "I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered, planting a kiss against her temple.