
The OC's that may or may not appear/be mentioned in this chapter are Annie, Lodhi, Akio, Phipps, and Marcy who belong solely to DustR25.

The OC's I own that may or may not appear/be mentioned in this chapter are Sebastian and Velvet.

Any other OC's that may appear in future chapters will be told who they belong to accordingly.

Everything else like the original racers and Sugar Rush itself obviously belongs to Disney.

With these disclaimers out of the way I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


It had been a few months since Sebastian and Velvet had been added to the game Sugar Rush. And things had been going fairly well except for a few things: Marcy's hatred of Sebastian, Velvet and Annie both being in love with Sebastian (trying to win his love as a result), and Sebastian's indecisiveness of who be wanted to date. Which had not only caused conflict between Velvet and Annie but caused trouble for Marcy and Sebastian. With Marcy making it very clear to Sebastian that she did not want him to be with Annie. And that if they ever got together Marcy would beat Sebastian into oblivion if Annie was to ever be hurt by him whether inadvertently or not.

All of these factors had quickly left Sebastian feeling drained dreading the next wave of drama that may or may not come, and his constant visions were not helping anything.

Sebastian assumed this day wouldn't be any different, as he groggily opened his eyes his messy blonde hair sprawled all over his pillow. The racer groaned, ignoring the fact that he just woke up and had yet to have his morning coffee, he knew he did not want to deal with anymore drama today. But, he had to, he had to grin and bear it going on like nothing was wrong even if each day literally killed more and more on the inside. So with great reluctance Sebastian got himself up and dragged himself to his bathroom. Hoping that this day wouldn't leave him feeling like a pile of limp piece of lettuce like the other days had done.

(Hours Later……)

Sebastian watched as Marcy received her first place trophy for the last race of the day and it wasn't out of envy, jealously, or anything like that. But instead it was relief, Sebastian had just barely managed to purposely lose to Marcy. The anime-loving racer feared that if he had beat Marcy at a race then Marcy would beat him into next week. Not that Sebastian cared too much about winning anyway. He'd much rather have fun doing what he loved then to ruin racing for everyone thanks to being over competitive like Marcy.

Of course not everyone thought the same way he did, as much as it disappointed Sebastian.

"Oh Sebastian!" A familiar voice called out, and before Sebastian could even mentally groan Velvet was walking towards him swinging her hips as she held a vanilla cupcake with a buttercream frosting filling. Sebastian took a deep breathe as the red beauty approached forcing the warmest smile he could muster on his face.

"Hi Velvet, how ya doin'?" Sebastian cheerfully said as Velvet just got in front of him,

"Just wonderful, I'm sorry you didn't win the race." Velvet replied.

"Don't be sorry, it's fine Velvet. You know I'm not in it for the glory."

"Of course your not, what am I to expect from someone as humble as you." Velvet said with a giggle causing Sebastian's cheeks to turn a subtle shade of pink.

Unfortulently though this interaction didn't go by unnoticed by Akio or Annie.

Akio simply watched deciding not to get involved unless it was urgent, while Annie seethed annoyance from every pour in her body.

'Why can't Velvet just leave Sebastian alone?' Annie thought just as Velvet made eye contact with her with a sly grin on the red heads face, before giving Sebastian a kiss on the cheek placing the large cupcake in the stunned racers hands.

"I will see you around, cupcake." Velvet loudly announced, making sure Annie could hear her as she left, leaving a furious Annie and shocked red-faced Sebastian behind. Once Velvet was gone Annie made a beeline towards Sebastian, not wasting a single minute to take away the affection Velvet was trying to get for herself.

"Hi Sebastian. Do you wanna come back to my place and get a little rubbing in?" Annie shamelessly asked, causing Sebastian's (who had just recovered from one shock already) face to somehow turn an even brighter shade of red.

"I-I-I'm n-not sure if I should do th-that." Sebastian mumbled,

"I know you wanna." Annie argued a knowing grin spreading on her face as Sebastian bit his lip grinding his foot against the ground.

"Well….I...I...m-maybe a little bit. B-But we haven't e-even been on a date before...I-I don't want to rush a-anythin' a-at least not too much." Sebastian said, just barely managing to make eye contact with one out of the two women his heart pounded for.

"Well you've never asked to take me on one." Annie retorted causing Sebastian to break eye contact with his potential lover his confidence shattering in seconds,

"Sorry, it's my feelings being all over the place I've been...well...too scared to ask. Would you even wanna go out on a date with someone like me?" The anime-loving racer doubtfully asked,

"Sure." Annie said.

"R-Really? Well umm..." Sebastian said taking a moment to think, "How about we have a nice picnic together? It seems like a good casual first date to try out and we can enjoy each others company without anyone botherin' us."

"I'd like that." Annie replied a smile starting to grow on her face.

"Great! So….umm….how about we do it tomorrow after races? And we can just see what happens." Sebastian said his eyes seemingly lighting up like a dozen candles in the dead of night, and it appeared as if Sebastian's happiness was a little contagious as Annie started to radiate the same amount of joy. After a moment however a thought clicked in Sebastian's head as he spoke, "Oh wait….almost forgot the location. So...how about after racers are over we head back home to change into our regular non-racin' attire...then we can meet up in candy cane forest by taffy lake. How does that sound?"

"My non-racing attire wouldn't be appropriate." Annie replied.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow his cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink, "Do I wanna know? Or should I stop while I'm ahead?"

"You don't wanna know." Annie stated, unknowingly causing Sebastian's heart to thump loudly in his chest.

And Akio sighed in relief, glad to see the conversation had gone well, it appeared as if the potential disaster had been averted.


(The next day…..)

Races finally came to an end as Sebastian made his drive to the edge of candy cane forest with Annie following right beside him. Nothing was said between the pair as they drove making the trip to the forest a very quick one. Sebastian and Annie stopped almost simultaneously with Annie stepping out of her kart both wearing as Sebastian nervously lifted a large picnic basket out of his kart. The two then began their walk into candy cane forest talking and chatting for a bit. Before eventually coming across the small clearing that occupied the one and only taffy lake.

"You mind holding this?" Sebastian asked holding the picnic basket out for Annie,

"Sure." Annie gladly taking the picnic basket.

"Thank you." Sebastian replied as he pulled out a rolled up blanket from the picnic basket before walking over to taffy lake. Spreading out the blanket on the ground so it was a foot or two away from the edge of the lake. However as Sebastian did this Annie noticed the blanket appeared to have an anime character on it with the words 'Death Note' written above said character. This took Annie by surprise, she didn't know a whole lot about anime but she knew a very small amount about the series 'Death Note'. Luckily she knew enough to know what she never expected Sebastian to watch an anime revolving around such a topic.

However, Annie's sudden interest in the blanket didn't go unnoticed by Sebastian who took a look at what had perked his dates curiosity, "O-Oh! I-I'm so sorry, I-I guess I grabbed the wrong blanket by mistake."

"It's fine." Annie replied but that did little to calm the raging blush on Sebastian's face making it appear as if the poor racer had a fever.

"A-Anyway, y-you can come over here now, got the blanket set up and all." Sebastian said, as he sat on the blanket praying to whatever deity out there that he was glad he didn't bring his one of his 'Hentai' blankets by mistake. That would've been so much more embarrassing (and harder to try and sweep under the carpet) to Annie. Luckily though, Sebastian had the perfect cover in order to hide his firetruck red face as Annie came over sitting on the blanket putting the picnic basket in front of them. With Sebastian wasting no time to unpack the food he had in his picnic basket,

"So you like anime?" Annie asked trying to break the tension that was in the air she couldn't help but feel a bit bad that Sebastian was so nervous.

"Uh….yeah. I had fallen in love with anime when I was seven in my backstory. I remember listenin' to some songs on my phone that had been to this anime called 'Story of Evil'. Once I realized where the songs were from I decided to watch the anime and it was one of the greatest things I had watched. After that...everythin' just...snowballed. I got into more animes, started readin' mangas, learned how to speak, understand, and write Japanese, and studied everythin' I could about all that stuff in general. I couldn't understand why I liked everythin' about Japanese culture...but I did...and I still do." Sebastian said, his nerves relaxing slightly as he began to reminisce on those memories. Sometimes he missed being a kid, things were such simpler back then.

"Huh, didn't think you were so invested in it all." Annie said the surprise her voice clear as day,

"Oh…uhh….sorry. G-Guess I said too much….probably sounded like a dork or shut in." Sebastian stammered stopping in the middle of his unpacking as his relaxed nerves tensing up again.

"No, no, it's fine Sebastian." Annie said,

"A-Alright, Annie, if you say so." Sebastian said, as he finally pulled everything out of the picnic basket. The last items being two bottles of sparkling apple cider one was alcoholic while the other was non-alcoholic.

"I hope you don't mind if I got somethin' alcoholic." Sebastian smiled nervously as he handed Annie the alcoholic cider, "It's just I wasn't if you had a taste for this stuff and I thought I might as well get ya somethin' more to your tastes. Don't worry though, it ain't too alcoholic, I'm sure by your standards I'd probably be mildly alcoholic or something's along those lines."

"Thanks." Annie said as she popped the cork off her drink taking a few sips noting how, true to Sebastian's words, she couldn't taste an abundance of alcohol in it. "So is what you got there alcoholic?" Annie asked puncturing her question with a another drink from her beverage,

"Oh nah, I can't handle alcohol all that well so I just got myself somethin' to keep my nice-n'-sober." Sebastian replied popping the cork to his own drink. Annie then took the brief moment of near-comfortable silence to survey the spread Sebastian had set out. Only to realize Sebastian had packed what the equivalent could be as a full course meal.

"So…..you pack us a feast?" Annie questioned unable to even attempt to keep the surprised tone out of her voice,

"Well…..not really….at least not when I first started out. But…umm…sorry Annie….again." Sebastian sheepishly replied his cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink.

"It's okay Sebastian. On the contrary, I'm glad to have found a guy who can cook." Annie winked causing the man next to her heart to skip a beat,

"Oh well…..thanks." Sebastian said obviously very flustered. The racer then began to reach for the fruit salad had had prepared for himself the night before only to accidentally touch Annie's hand. Which had been trying to reach for the plate of cheeseburger triangle sandwiches Sebastian had slaved over a hot stove as well as almost making himself sick to make. "Oh I'm so—" Sebastian started, only for his words to die in his throat as he could make out how the front of Annie's jacket was unzipped. It was unzipped just enough to reveal a tight tank top underneath as well as the top most of her bra that Annie wore. Sebastian was quick to act as he pulled his eyes away and picked up the plate Annie had been reaching for offering it to her.

"Thanks." Annie simply replied as she took the plate trying to keep a sly grin from appearing on her face, Sebastian had obviously seen her bra, it didn't take a genius like Lodhi to figure that out. Sebastian wanted to see what was hidden away, Annie knew it, she just had to really get his attention.

"So uhh….you know I thought you did really well at the Grand Prix, if I had been feelin' well we might've been able to—uh….what are you doin'?" Sebastian nervously asked as Annie slipped her jacket off purposely allowing the straps of her tank top to slide off her shoulders in order to make her bra and overall chest stand out more,

"Well…..it's a bit warm out here….don't you think Sebastian? I just thought I'd let my body breathe a little. Unless…..that makes you uncomfortable…." Annie seduced, noting how Sebastian took another glance at her bra before pulling his eyes away again with greater difficulty then before.

"N-No!" Sebastian blurted before clearing his throat, "I-I mean…..I'm okay with this…..I wouldn't want you t-to burn up just because of me."

"Aren't you sweet." Annie said with a chuckle admiring how despite how much Sebastian wanted to he tried to keep his eyes from wandering trembling slightly with a face so red it could be seen from a mile away.

"Tha-Thanks." Sebastian mumbled, "I-I…..well…umm…" Annie smiled as she saw Sebastian resolve beginning to crumble just enough for Sebastian to hastily look at her chest again.

"Come on, Sebastian, why not get a little closer?" She said effortlessly enticing Sebastian over to who nervously obeyed occasionally glancing at her chest as if it were candy thanks to his walls having been broken down,

"Now I got three ways of getting your attention but for now I will give you one of them, you've been staring and I know what's in your head...go for it ..." Annie said eliciting an embarrassed squeak from Sebastian.

"Y-Your sure?" A tempted look growing in Sebastian's eyes, "I-I-We're in the m-middle of candy cane forest, s-some could see us. I-I'm not so sure about this."

"I told everyone where we are if someone does see they'll be dead where they stand." Annie reassured. And with that Sebastian hesitated for a moment before eventually touching Annie's breasts giving them a small squeeze as he made contact.

"Good boy." Annie said her face flushed causing Sebastian to squirm slightly starting to pick up pace squeezing Annie's breasts as he bit his lip trying to conceal some whines, "And it seems like you can't hold it in."

"F-Feel...so...s-so...dirty." Sebastian mumbled hiding his face in embarrassment.

"I knew you were a dirty boy." Annie said forcing Sebastian to look her in the eyes, "Show me just how dirty you can be."

Sebastian wordlessly looked at Annie, momentarily stopping his squeezing as he cautiously thought about what to do. Once a moment passed however, Sebastian numbly nodded.

After all, what Annie wished for, Annie got.

(An Hour or so Later…..)

Sebastian shakily sat himself down on the blanket taking deep breathes, as Annie sat beside equally worn out. The anime-loving racer felt his eyes land on the alcoholic apple cider before taking it in his hand giving it to Annie.

Annie took a drink from her cider, "That was interesting."

"S-Sorry if I overdid it." Sebastian said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't worry you didn't." Annie said and for a moment things fell into a comfortable silence before Sebastian spoke up,

"I-I'm glad I didn't overdue it...but...umm...A-Ann...I just want you to know that...I love you. And...I don't solely love you for your body...I-I love you for who you are as a person." The anime-loving racer said.

"That's good since I love you too." Annie said,

Sebastian eyes widened in surprise and shock. "R-Really? Y-You mean it?"

"Yep." Annie replied causing a happy grin go appear on Sebastian's face as he felt happier then he had been feeling in a long time,

"So...do you wanna finish this picnic or not? I'd hate for all this food here to go to waste." The racer asked the happiness obvious in her voice.

"Sure, lets dig in." Annie said, and her and Sebastian began to eat talking to one another.

With the atmosphere much happier then before.


(The Next Day…..)

Sebastian put his kart to a stop as the last race of the day came to an end taking a moment to step out of his kart to stretch. Sebastian watched as Annie stopped her kart as well walking over to her brothers. The racer felt his heart flutter at the sight of his new lover, however his eyes quickly were diverted from Annie when he saw Velvet making her way over with another large cupcake.

"Hello Sebastian~!" Velvet said,

"Hiya Velvet, how are you?" Sebastian said waiting for the right moment to tell Velvet that he was taken.

"I'm fabulous, yesterday I got a lovely little coupon for this new restaurant that just opened up. Would you want to go with me?" Velvet asked fluttering her eyelashes in the most seductive way possible, she was taken by surprise however when a pitiful expression plagued Sebastian's face.

"Sorry, Velvet. But….I can't do that…..Annie is my girlfriend now." Sebastian said,

"W-What!?" Velvet blurted dropping the cupcake she held out of pure shock.

"I hope we can just be friends, Velvet." Sebastian said trying his best to be as nice and gentle as possible,

"B-B-But…." Velvet stammered.

"But that will have to wait, Sebastian and I have a few thing to take care of, at my place." Annie said with a wink as she pushed Velvet over to side taking Sebastian's hand in hers, her lovers eyes widenening knowing exactly what Annie was implying just a few seconds ago.

"S-Sorry again, Velvet, but Annie and I have gotta go." He quickly said, walking away from Velvet who stared in shock as Annie and Sebastian got in their respective karts and drove off together. And without another word Velvet walked away a small frown on her face as tears began to pour from her eyes causing her mascara to run.