Dear Theo,

I can't believe it's been almost two years and a half since I wrote you last. I have to admit that nothing interesting truly happens in my life anymore. You would have had enough of me rambling all the time, so I just chose to keep quiet and live—although struggle would have been a better word—my life.

By now, you probably have entered secondary school. I wonder how your classmates are behaving? Well, I hope. You most certainly don't deserve to be treated the way I am. I should write another letter to the Laytons, ask how you are doing. I should also try meeting them some day; we have many things to discuss, after all.

As far as I am concerned, there actually is something new in my life. A little something that I will cherish all my life, as I cherish you.

It was a weird encounter, but a significant one nonetheless.

One week ago, as I was wandering in town, I came across a little kitty. The sun had already started to set, so I couldn't see very well, but here it was, meowing quietly. I bent down to stroke it and it immediately started to purr. Purr, purr, purr, purr… These sounds became actually quite relaxing, and I almost forgot myself.

A man's voice waked me up of my reverie. I almost let out a scream, but his voice sounded so gentle that I couldn't offend him with a mere cry. "Do not be afraid," he hissed, "for I am the owner of your little friend here."

I immediately took a step back. I could not have him believing I wanted to steal his cat, so I apologized straight away.

Much to my surprise, however, he started giving me a long speech about his condition, and, therefore, about the kitty's condition as well. At first, a feeling of unease overwhelmed me, and I was very suspicious of this strange man. Was he one of Targent's henchmen? Was he trying to gain my trust so that he could kidnap me and offer me to them? I couldn't rule out this possibility. That bloody organization stole our parents from us – then, why wouldn't them chase us, as soon as we were of age?

After one minute or so, though, I dropped my suspicions about him. He looked too… fragile to be one of them. Maybe even frightened—there was this look in his eyes I couldn't ignore—although I didn't understand why.

The man had to leave town because of what he called "complex issues". He had been taking care of the kitten for a while, but he had to look for someone he could rely on so he could entrust his little friend to them.

"You seem to be interested in him," he chuckled. I still hadn't stopped stroking the kitty, who was now standing on my lap. "I believe he likes you, too. Would you like to take care of him?"

Would I like to take care of a cat? I asked myself. Would I be able to? I didn't want to disappoint the man. He seemed to be counting on me way too much. However, I decided to not give it much thought: it would be nice to be having a cat. I was sure my parents—the Sycamores—wouldn't mind. So, naturally, I accepted his offer.

The man left five minutes or so, and came back only to give me a box in which I could carry the cat, along with some food and toys. I would have to manage to get the rest. When I left with his little companion, his eyes were not filled with fear anymore. He seemed relieved, but I still couldn't fathom why this situation had affected him that much.

In the end, I came out my parents' home to take a stroll, and I came back with a kitten. This was truly unexpected. As I approached my home, I started to fear they wouldn't want me to keep the animal, but they said nothing of the sort. They immediately understood, albeit a bit surprised. They said it would be better off his hands if the man couldn't deal with it anymore. "It will be so happy with us. At least, it won't suffer abandon," they admitted.

Abandon. This word reminded me of my own life. From this moment, I have started to imagine the cat, all alone, wandering in the streets, looking for a home, looking for someone who would love him. I have started to think, "what if I were in his stead?"… what would I have done indeed. His life could have been mine, though my life had been his. At last I am, and will be loved by amazing people. I am not alone anymore.

At night, though, I couldn't sleep.

Why did the man behave the way he did?

What did he have to hide?

What truly were the complex issues he mentioned?

I couldn't take my mind off him. He was unusually frightened for someone who just had to give his cat away. Did he have problems with money? The Laytons seemed to have some, and that was one reason why they couldn't exactly live the life they would have wanted. Maybe the man gave his cat to me because he couldn't afford to buy him what he needed anymore. Then, it was a fateful encounter. What would he have done, were I not in his path?

I eventually fell asleep. There were just so many questions I didn't have an answer to. One day, I thought, I would have forgotten that man. After all, he was just a shadow in the night, right?

Your brother, Des