Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Spending the night at the police station, handcuffed, was not how she wanted to spend the night.

The night started well. She went to the bar with Naruto and Sasuke, wanting to spend time with her two best friends. They had drunk a few drinks, danced a bit (for her and Naruto) and tried to drag Sasuke to the dance floor.

No luck with that, Sasuke lived a stick up his arse since he was six. And even at twenty-one, it was still there. Naruto and Sakura had tried hard to remove it but they agreed that it probably was an Uchiha thing: Itachi and Fugaku had one too, which wasn't going to disappear any time soon.

But as much fun as it was, it went downhill soon after. Sasuke and Naruto accompanied her to get a drink (they didn't like the thought of her alone in the middle of drunk men.) when an idiot thought it was a good idea to grab her butt.

Now, Sakura always had a hard time to manage her anger. She had worked on it for years and managed a little bit better. So she had taken a deep breath, turn around to tell the guy off but Naruto and Sasuke were already on him, yelling how a guy should not do these kinds of things and didn't he have any respect for women?!

The guy could have apologized and everything would have been forgotten five minutes later.

But no, he had to open his mouth and say that nothing was wrong to just have a feel.

Wrong thing to say.

Next thing she knew, Naruto had punched the guy in the nose — she heard a loud noise and winced, no doubt it was broken — and Sasuke had kicked him in the guts. She tried to get her friends away from their victim — who was she kidding? She was the victim here — but the jerk's friends wanted to defend his honor.

And that's how a fight broke in the bar. People who weren't even in this mess before were now involved and she swears that she had seen a table fly across the room.

As much as she tried to stay out of it, she didn't make it unscathed. She had a split lip and felt a little dizzy after a hit to the head.

Then, there were police sirens and Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto were being led away in police cars, handcuffed.

Now, they were in the police station, waiting to be taken care of.

She let out a sigh, her head still hurting a bit.

"You alright?"

Nice of Sasuke to ask. Even though it was their fault. Kind of. She didn't want to admit that it was all because of her that their night was ruined.

"My head hurts a bit, I feel a little dizzy."

Sasuke frowned. Naruto almost jumped in his seat, ready to yell for someone's help.

"Do you want us to call for someone's help Sakura-chan? This could be a concussion," he said, worry in his voice.

"I'll go to get myself checked at the hospital after we're released." Sasuke nodded, reassured and Naruto smiled. She looked around her, eyes narrowed, "Hey, Sasuke, isn't it your brother over there?"

Sasuke tensed and looked in the direction she was pointing. "Shit. I didn't realize it was his police station. He's going to kill me."

She tried not to laugh and could see Naruto trying not to too. "I'm sure it's going to be okay."

The look Sasuke gave her told her he wasn't convinced about that.

Well, neither was she. Itachi was going to be pissed.

Indeed, Itachi was pissed when he came to untie his brother. He didn't say anything when he led him to his desk to take his statement but there was a promise of hell in his eyes.

Soon after, someone came to take Naruto and she found herself alone.

She didn't realize she has been dozing off until someone gently woke her up with a hand on her arm.

"You okay there?"

She opened her eye to a man in civilian clothes and a police insignia hanging off his neck. He was smiling and was sort of familiar to her.

"Sorry for making you wait, I'm Shisui Uchiha, I will now take your statement."

He smiled at her, and Sakura couldn't help but wonder what kind of Uchiha smiled. Especially to a stranger.

He got the handcuffs of her wrist and winced when he saw her wrists.

"I apologize for my co-worker. It seemed he tied them to tight."

She gave him a small smile, "Nah, it's okay, I didn't even notice."

He smiled, leading the way to his desk and helped her sit at the chair next to his desk. He then took place in his own chair and put a form out of the drawer of his desk.

"Alright, let's begin. I will need your full name and your age please."

"Haruno Sakura, twenty-one."

He gave her a wild smile. "Nice to finally meet you, Sakura. I heard a lot about you from Sasuke and Aunt Mikoto!"

"Nice to meet you too. However, I can't say I heard about you," she laughed when he pouted a little, "Sasuke doesn't really speak of his clan outside of his parents and Itachi."

He laughed. "Yeah, Sasuke is not one of the most talkative men. He likes to say that I'm a fake Uchiha."

She grinned. "Well, I can't say I've ever met any Uchiha like you. It's a bit of a surprise honestly."

He grinned back and went back to her statement.

He asked her to recount everything that happened this night and wrote everything down. At the end of the statement, he asked her to write her name down and then sign it.

After she did, he put the form away and looked at her, a frown on his face.

"Do you need me to call a doctor for your head?"

She shook her head no, then winced since it made it hurt. "Thanks, but it will be alright, Naruto and Sasuke will take me to the hospital after this." After all, a hit to the head could be serious, even if the victim didn't feel anything. It was better to get it checked. She smiled at him and asked: "So, you didn't tell me, am I going to be in trouble after all that?"

He grinned, shaking his head no. "You're out of trouble. You were the victim in all that and didn't participate in the fight, so you'll be fine. The guy who grabbed you, though, will have to spend a night in detention for the fight and then will have to pay an amend for sexual harassment and assault. Sorry I can't do more about that."

She smiled. "It's okay. Most men who do that get away with it. At least he will have to pay because of it. And Naruto and Sasuke?"

He sighed. "Sasuke and Naruto did partake in the fight. They will probably have to spend the night in detention too. I will see that with Itachi." He got up. "Do you have someone to call to get you to the hospital?"

She nodded and he smiled. "Alright, I'll be right back then."

Only a few minutes later did Shisui come back, Itachi on his heels.

"Seems like Sasuke and Naruto are here for the night," he said with a frown.

Itachi kneeled at her side. "Do you need me to take you to the hospital, Sakura? I can get you there faster with my car."

She pated Itachi's arm, a smile on her lips. "Thank you, Itachi but I can't' take you away from work like that. I will call Ino. She doesn't live far away from here."

Itachi nodded. "If you're sure. I will call to make sure you went to the hospital."

"Yes, sir." She laughed at his frown. "And sorry about all that, it's kind of my fault."

"You know it's not true Sakura." With that, he gave her one of his smiles — if you could call it that, but the movement of his lips was as close to a smile anyone was ever going to get — and then went back to his brother. She could see from her seat that Sasuke was not proud of himself.

"If Itachi is pissed right now, I don't want to know how Fugaku-san will be when he will learn that his son spent the night in detention."

That made Shisui laugh. He took place in his seat again, elbows on his desk. "I would worry more about Aunt Mikoto's reaction actually." He smiled again at her, and Sakura couldn't help but blush a little. Shisui was very handsome, even more when he smiled. "You should call your friend. I'll stay with you until she gets here."

"Thank you, Shisui."

The smile he gave her was almost too bright for her.

Shisui escorted her outside, where Ino was waiting for her. He gave her the right to see Sasuke and Naruto in the detention cell to tell them she was leaving. They almost chased her away when they realized she still didn't get her head checked.

Opening the door of the station, Shisui gave one of his big smiles. "Well, Miss Haruno, I hope to see you again soon. I will harass Itachi to know about your head, so don't you dare skip on the hospital trip."

"I won't!", she smirked, "Why are you so worried that I won't go?"

"A lot of people don't get their head checked after a hit. Big mistake if you ask me."

"And I totally agree with you." She toyed with a hair strand, suddenly shy. "Well, thank you for everything…" She looked to the side, before settling her gaze on him again. "I hope to see you soon, Shisui."

The young Uchiha put his hand on her elbow, squeezing a little. "Yeah, see you soon Sakura."

With one last smile, she turned away, joining Ino and her father, obviously worried for her.

Well, she really hoped she would see Shisui Uchiha soon, she thought with a smile. She was really interested in him.

Thank you all for reading this!

This new story is a Shisui x Sakura. I wanted to write something about a happy, drama free and healthy relationship because these are the best kind of relationship.

So no drama in their relationship but I do plan drama, just for something else.

And, English is not my first language, so I hope there are not too many mistakes in this. I try my best.

Don't hesitate to leave a review! Your opinion is important.

If you leave a review, please, stay polite.
