I don't own the characters or anything but the story.

Ministry of Magic's Marriage Law


All unmarried wizards and witches between the ages of 17 and 65 will be required by law to marry and procreate.

No witch or wizard will be allowed to choose who they marry, they will be chosen by the ministry.

You may be matched and required to marry between 1 to 3 others.

Matches are non negotiable and cannot be swapped or changed.

Matches will be determined by a test that will be sent to every wizard and witch that qualifies under the law.

Once the test is fully filled out and sent back to the ministry match result should be expected to come back within 2 to 3 weeks.

All wizard and witches will be required to be married within 2 months of receiving match results.

Each married pair or group will be required to have at least the same amount of children as members in their marriage group, though additional children are certainly welcome.

While a marriage group will have 10 years in which to birth all required children, the first child must be conceived within the first year of marriage.

If there is no sign of pregnancy within that time, an evaluation by the ministry and the healers at St. Mungo will be conducted and fertility potions may be prescribed.

If after an additional 6 months there is still no sign of pregnancy, the marriage group will then be recommended adoption as a means to reach their required number of children.

As there were many recently orphaned children because of the war, all marriage group may apply to go thru an evaluation to adopt as well.

The adopted child will count towards your total number of required children, but only one adoption will allowed to marriage groups that can concieve naturally and only at the ministries approval.

All candidates of the marriage law, whether male or female, will be required to brief medical evaluation to determine if they better as a carrier for a child (able to get pregnant) or the donor(able to impregnate).

Exceptions to the law

Widows or widowers who already have one child will not be subjected to the marriage law, but may apply to participate if they wish.

All witches and wizards already engaged prior to the announcement of the law. Must bring solid proof or consent to truth potion to confirm. They will be required to produce children in accordance with the law.

Failure to comply to law will result in imprisonment in Azkaban for 1 to 6 months. Further defiance will result in wand snapping and expulsion from wizarding world.

It was unusually silent and still throughout the normally bustling Burrow, despite having an increased number of people in it. The entire Weasley family, Harry, Hermione, Fleur, Sirius, Remus and Tonks were all sitting around the small living room and no one had said anything for a while. Not even Fred and George were attempting to alleviate the tension in the room as they normally would.

The new law had been a shock to entire wizarding world when it had been a atnnounced a few days before, not even two months after the end of the war. Despite the many protests from the wizarding population, the Ministry of Magic had insisted on the necessity of the law.

According to them is was because the wizarding world had taken a hit to their numbers during the first war and the amount of births during that time and in the following years was not enough to make up for the slump in population. Then the second war had occurred and while the blow wasn't quite as bad as the first war, it still had devastating results to the still recovering wizard population.

The Ministry had stated that while the law was somewhat drastic, it was a needed move for the wizarding population to ever recover. Even pleas to the new Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt had been in vain as even though Harry knew he was against the law, he couldn't not stand up to the vast majority of ministry official who were pushing for it. So regardless of their feelings on it, Harry and his friends were bound by the law.

Harry was suddenly pulled by the sound of flapping and looked in time to see several owls fly through the open window. Harry knew they were carrying the test they would need to fill out to determine their matches. They each flew to a different person and there was one for everyone beside Fleur, Bill, Tonks, Remus, Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley. Harry picked up the thick envelope that had his name printed on the front.

He pulled out and unfolded the pieces of parchment and read Dear Mr. Potter please read each question carefully and answer as fully and truthfully as possible. These questions will be used to determine the best match or matches so any deception will be severely frowned upon.

Harry glanced around the room to see almost everyone else had stated pulling out quills and writing and he grabbed his own quill before turning back to the first questions. What is your full name? Age? Gender? Sexuality?

Harry answered the first couple questions, but paused hesitantly at the sexuality question. Sometime after he broke up with Ginny he had started questioning his sexuality and had eventually come to the conclusion that while he was bisexual, he much preferred men over women. The only people he told about this had been Hermione and Ron, who had been surprised at first but ultimately accepting.

He knew the media would be very interested in who he was matched with, but he wasn't sure he was ready for everyone to find out his preference. However he also didn't want to lie and screw up any chance he at all of ending up with a good match he could be happy with. Finally with much hesitation he wrote Bi, prefer men. He then quickly moved onto the next question. Name three traits you find attractive in a partner? Harry paused in thought for a minute before answering courageous, caring and good sense of humor.

He then read over the next few questions What is you blood status? Your parents blood statuses? Grandparents? Is there anything about you family history or bloodline that may affect any children you have? If so, what? Do you have any siblings? Harry carefully detailed what he knew of his family history, most of which he had learned from Sirius and Remus.

He glanced up a his godfather for a second to see he was quite focused on the paper in front of him, which Harry found a little odd. He been very vocal with his protest on the law, stating that he only just been declared a free man and now the ministry wanted to take away his freedom in a different way. It seemed weird that he was so intent on the test now.

Harry gazed around at everyone else in the room to see that all those taking the taking the test had grim and serious looks on their faces. The three married couples in the room were talking quietly to each other and they looked no happier than anyone else. He looked back down as he thought about the fact everyone seemed to have resigned themselves to their fate.

The test took some time to finish as there were almost 80 questions that varied greatly and covered all different aspects of himself and his life. Some of the questions were What career do you currently have or wish to have in the future? What school did/do you attend? If it's Hogwarts what is your House? What are some of your Hobbies? What is your financial status? What something that you dislike in a partner? It went on and on and Harry was somewhat reminded of test they all had to take by Lockhart in the second excepts now all the question were about himself.

He finally finished answering the last question Is there any additional information you would like the ministry to know that was not asked on the test? Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he finally set down his quill and looked over his answer to make sure everything was correct.

He then noticed there was a another piece of parchment with test that read Mr. Potter your appointment for your medical evaluation will be on July 19 at 3:15. The results of evaluation will be included with your match results. Harry set it aside before rolling up his test and giving it back to the owl that had waiting beside him. As it flew off, he once again looked around to see how everyone else was doing.

Everyone besides Ginny and Sirius appeared to have finished already and were talking in low voices to each other. He moved over to Hermione and Ron, who were sitting together and Hermione turned to him with a strained smile before speaking "Now all we can do is wait and hope." Harry nodded thinking to himself how much he hated that a large part of his future was being decided for him.

For the longest time his biggest goal had been to defeat Voldemort and he had rarely thought about his future past that. When Voldemort was finally gone he had barely anytime to enjoy the fact his life was now his own when the marriage law had been announced. Suddenly control of his life had once again been taken from him and he hated it, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He had no desire to end up in Azkaban and he certainly didn't want to be expelled from the wizarding world, so he was stuck with hoping that the person or people he was matched with would at least be tolerable. He knew his friends were just as upset and angry as he was, in fact Ron had gone into a full blown rant when they first found out about the law. All of them had risked their lives to protect the wizarding world and were ticked off about what the ministry was doing.

Just then Sirius finished leaving Ginny the only one still working. Harry watched her for a second and noticed she had a calculating sort of look on her face that for some reason made him slightly uneasy. After the war ended she had been rather persistent in wanting to get back together with him and Harry had tried to reject her as gently as possible.

He had realized that any feeling he had might of had for had long since disappeared by this point and he wasn't about to lie to her. Even though he had explained that he didn't feel that way about her anymore she wouldn't let it go, insisting that if he gave it some time they could get back to where they were before.

He hadn't wanted to bring up his newly discovered sexuality as a reason for his refusal, so he had eventually told her that he was simply wasn't ready to be in relationship so soon after everything that had happened. She hadn't been happy, but for the most part had left him alone and at least now with the marriage law he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

Ginny finally sent off her test and Mrs. Weasley stated "Well, now all we can do is hope that you all get decent matches, but no matter what happens we will support each other through this." There was a chorus of agreement to her statement before Remus and Tonks got up and stretched. Remus mentioned having to get back to Teddy while apologizing for having to leave.

While the two were not affected by the law they had wanted to be there to support their friends, but now they really needed to get back to their son. The rest of the group bid them farewell as they departed. After they had left Mrs. Weasley decided to make lunch for everyone and Fred suggested playing Exploding snaps.

Several of them gathered around to play and ones that opted out, sat nearby to watch. Harry tried to focus on the game and not linger on the fact that soon he would be married, without a single clue if he would have any actual interest in the person or people. He wanted for the time being to just enjoy the last few weeks of freedom he was going to have, so he pushed all other thoughts out of his head.