"As expected, President Grant has returned House Bill 1637. This first veto of the President's career - against a Republican backed bill, has made shockwaves through Washington."

Olivia crossed her arms, ruffling the grey silk of her blouse, as her eyes followed the reporters on screen. It hadn't even been five minutes since Fitz had used the rubber-handled, red VETO stamp he had prepared on his desk the night before. The televised event was a hot topic that was bringing on a whole range of emotions.

"I have to give the president credit." Somehow, they had managed to get Senator Theodore Whitby - a democrat from Massachusetts, to appear on the broadcast. The older, greying man had become something of a stable at the White House as of late and a bit of a mentor to both Olivia and Fitz. "I think this bodes well for the future of our government. We have a president who said no to the pressure coming from his own party and took a more moderate stance because he knows this legislation isn't right for the American people. This is truly a remarkable event."

"Indeed it is. And I have to ask, Senator, before you go," The news anchor called from his side of the split screen. "There has been much speculation, especially on other networks, of the role Olivia Pope has played in sort of… encouraging the president to veto this bill."

"As you mentioned, Neil, this is just speculation. I don't know what goes on behind closed doors and, frankly, it isn't any of my business. Maybe Ms. Pope did have some influence on this veto and maybe she didn't. What I can say is that President Grant is a very strong personality and I can't imagine that anyone could have changed his mind if he wasn't open to looking at this issue from every angle."

"So you would disagree, Senator Whitby, with the accusations that Ms. Pope is calling the shots for the president?"

The senator snorted, shaking his head with a smile on his lips. His dark eyes were sparkling with what Olivia took to signal his barely contained laugh. Anyone who had intimate knowledge of her relationship with Fitz, as the senator did, knew that neither party was calling the shots for the other.

"Absolutely not, Neil. Ms. Pope is an intelligent, very successful woman who happens to be, perhaps, the best crisis manager I have ever met or had the pleasure of watching in action. But she is not calling the shots. The president is a big boy He asks for advice, considers what is said, and then makes a decision. His decision. Does he consult Ms. Pope? Probably. I consult my own wife when I find myself in need of some advice. But to suggest that either is calling all the shots and forcing the other to do their bidding is, quite frankly, a disrespectful and simple-minded accusation."

"Strong words, Senator." Despite his statement, Neil Harris looked pleased with the senator's response. That didn't surprise Olivia. She had worked with Neil plenty of times - knew him well enough to know that he was agreeing with every word that Senator Whitby was uttering. She also knew that Quinn and the rest of QPA had worked their magic in getting Neil to present Senator Whitby with these particular questions.

"Maybe. I see a bit of myself in Ms. Pope, Neil. FOX - and let's not mince words here because they are the network perpetrating these attacks, are only making these accusations because they feel threatened by those like myself and Ms. Pope. They feel threatened by any person of colour who holds a position of power and they will do anything to demoralise those in these roles to fuel their racist agenda."

"I couldn't have said that better myself," Neil agreed, nodding his head along with the senator's words. "Thank you, senator."

The screen flickered and suddenly the news anchor was all that was filling the television screen. "We'll have more live coverage coming up."

Olivia tapped her fingers against her arms, chewing on her bottom lip. CNN had been encouraging - grateful for the veto, even. She was almost afraid to change the channel. Quinn had worked hard to get that CNN interview to where it had gone - and it had paid off. It was too new for FOX to have reacted, yet, though. There wasn't a doubt that FOX would be a little less than thrilled. Still, she reached for the remote on the glass television stand and changed the channel.

"…this is insane! Why let a woman dictate whether or not a bill passes? Why let such a liberal woman decide if your children can be protected or not?" Chris Davison was mid-rant, his face ruddy and eyes down-turned - jaws shaking as he spoke.

"The president definitely isn't thinking with the head on his shoulders," Kelly Reims chuckled. "I wonder where his fling was today? She certainly wasn't present for her veto."

"Probably out finding the next man she can turn…ahem on her knees…ahem to her cause -"

Olivia muted the television, eyes narrowing as Chris's mouth continued moving - his hands flying around. She tossed the remote onto the glass table to her left, barely registering the loud clink that echoed in the office. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks.

"Yikes. What are they saying now?" Quinn edged into the office, her heels clicking against the floor. The sound brought a small smile to Olivia's otherwise agitated expression. Quinn in heels was still something she was getting used to - at least on the semi-frequent basis Quinn had started wearing them.

"Chris Davison just insinuated that I am sleeping around in order to get my way with Congress," Olivia sighed, rolling her head in a slow circle until she felt her neck crack. The amount of pressure she had experienced within the weeks following her public debut as Fitz's girlfriend had contributed to more knots and kinks in her neck and shoulders than she had ever experienced.

"I'm sorry…did you just say that FOX called you a whore"? Quinn frowned, placing her hands on her hips.

"I try to ignore them -" Olivia shook her head, rolling her eyes, " - but damnit sometimes they make it so fucking hard."

"They're mad none of their PWG poster sluts could catch his eyes." Quinn shrugged, tossing her head back and cackling with Olivia. Wiping her now watery eyes, Quinn's expression turned serious. "I know you don't want to, Liv, but I think it's time we call in reinforcements."

"And what: threaten FOX into keeping their fucking mouths shut?"

"That's not the B6-13 you've built," Quinn reminded her. It was always a fight whenever using the top-secret military organisation was mentioned. Olivia had reluctantly taken control only after knocking her father from the top - citing a need to stop his manical underdog dealings. It had taken all their smarts, planning, and strength to topple Eli - and had nearly cost Huck his sanity. After taking control, Olivia had completely rebranded the organisation. It was still top secret, but things were done differently now. No killing. No torture. No threats.

"You know I don't like using them."

"They run intel, Liv - just as you've taught them. If they find something on -"

"No, Quinn."

"Then we use them to drop information about your relationship - nothing too private - and use information about the President's veto. By the time they're done, everyone will know that you're with Grant, only Grant, and that he chose to veto by himself."

"We do this clean," Olivia reminded her friend.

"Squeaky," Quinn promised, smiling. "But that doesn't mean that, in private, I'm not going to be loud and clear about my feelings toward FOX and their openly racist remarks."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Olivia smirked.

"Just because you can't tell them to fuck off doesn't mean I won't."

"I see you watched Senator Whitby's interview."

"I coached Senator Whitby for his interview."

"You're the best, Quinn."

"This is going to be an all-out war."

Fitz, hands dug deep in the pockets of his grey slacks, shrugged. Unlike Cyrus, who stood across the desk from him fidgeting and running a pudgy hand through his thinning, grey hair, Fitz was unbothered by the events of only moments ago.

"I pulled my support months ago, Cy. I told them to either make acceptable changes or scrap the bill. I even worked with certain senators and representatives to suggest appropriate changes. They knew that veto was on the table and they still ignored my warnings."

"You're not the one I'm worried about," Cyrus admitted, blowing a puff of air between his lips. "Have you seen what they're saying? About Liv?"

"I haven't heard anything they've said today."

Cyrus nodded, his gaze hardening as he provided Fitz with a summary. "Before you came in, FOX was all but calling Olivia a whore who is sleeping with you to influence legislation how she wishes."

Fitz's jaw visibly tensed and his hands curled into fists inside his pockets. "I offered to intervene. She turned me down."

"Because she doesn't want your support taking a hit," Cyrus smirked, rolling his eyes. "Above all else, she'll always be a crisis manager."

"She went to QPA to help manage the situation."

"Just QPA?" Cyrus wondered.

"Who else would there be?"

"She has a habit of calling in favours from some unlikely places." Cyrus shrugged, digging his phone from the back of his pocket at the sound of a notification coming from the device. "And it looks like she already has Quinn on the offensive."

"I don't think Liv would have to set Quinn on anyone."

"She's launching a social media attack on FOX," Cyrus chuckled. "She already has a whole host of others joining her."

"At least one of us can call them on their shit," Fitz sighed, running a hand through his own thick, curly locks.

"The two of you will get through this. Did you see Ted's interview with CNN?"

"I haven't seen anything, Cy."

"He ripped FOX a new one," Cyrus laughed. "It reeked of either Olivia or Quinn's coaching. Damn was it a thing of beauty."

"Ha." Fitz shook his head, walking around his desk and leaning against the wall nearest the window. Raising his arm above his head and resting his elbow against the white wall, his gaze travelled out to the sunny lawn. "Hopefully they lay off her soon. I'm going to ask her to marry me, Cyrus."


"I'm still planning that," Fitz admitted. "Soon, though. I have Abby helping me find a ring. I can't exactly go to a store and look myself. Shitty part about being the president."

"You and Abby will pick the perfect ring. Liv will love it. And she'll definitely say yes."

"With luck, right?" Fitz turned to look at Cyrus, his head tilted and a smirk on his face.

"I do believe she somewhat likes you."

"Have you seen Quinn's Twitter feed?" The door opened, slamming shut behind Olivia. She was already rambling, her eyes focused on the screen of her iPhone, as she came to a halt before Fitz's desk.

Fitz took a second to drink in the sight of her. He hadn't seen her since that morning - when he had had to leave bright and early. She had woken only briefly to kiss him goodbye before rolling back over and burying her head under the blankets. The white power suit she had chosen for the day was one of his favourites and he took his time appreciating the look.

"Cyrus was just complimenting her…twits? Tweeters?"

"Tweets." Olivia grinned, laughing at Fitz's exasperated expression.

"Cut me some slack. I have never in my life used that app."

"Who the fuck runs the POTUS account then?" Olivia raised a brow, crossing her arms.

"That would be Abby. Occasionally me, but Abby does it better."

"So Cyrus knows what Twitter is, but not you?"

"I can be a hip old man." Cyrus raised his arms, swaying his shoulders back and forth.

"Yeah." Fitz rolled his eyes, lifting a hand and waving at Cyrus as the man backed out of the room. Finally alone with Olivia, Fitz rounded his desk and rested his hands on her hips.

"Mmm. I love proper hellos," Olivia grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck and running her tongue along her bottom lip as their kiss ended.

"So do I." Fitz's voice was husky as his hands slid from her hips and around to cup her ass.

"Really?" Olivia giggled, hair bouncing as she shook her head.

"What?" Fitz waggled his brows innocently.

"I swear you couldn't go a week without sex."

"Want to bet on that?" Fitz raised a brow, moving his hands from her ass and back to her hips.


"Hm…I know how to fix your problem." Olivia's eyes sparkled, her bright red lips twitching at the corner. A perfectly sculpted brow was raised as she stared down the man before her. His eyes hadn't left her since she had first stepped into the Oval - wearing a tight pencil skirt and low-cut white blouse.

"My problem?"

"That problem." She tilted her head toward his lap, twinkling eyes falling briefly to the bulge in his dress pants. He could hide it if he wanted to - scoot his deckchair closer. But he wouldn't do that with her there. She had made the bet, even if he had been the one to egg it on with his challenging, and so he would make sure that she knew just how that bet was affecting him.

"I'm starting to regret making that bet," he chuckled, his eyes travelling the length of her exposed legs and fingers gripping the edge of the desk. Slowly, he rolled his chair until his lap was concealed by the dark wood.

Olivia had chosen the tight, pencil skirt with the very intent of enticing him. She knew she couldn't hold out much longer, but the proud, stubborn streak in her wouldn't allow her to give in. Nothing said she had to play fair, though.

"Well…we clearly still can't have sex because that would be breaking the bet." She shrugged, an almost regretful smile on her face. "But it doesn't mean we can't touch ourselves. In front of each other."

Olivia slowly licked her lips as Fitz took a huge gulp of air. She noticed that he had one of his hands in his lap, but she couldn't see what he was doing. Damn that desk. She had a pretty good idea just what he was doing, though.

"But it looks like you've already started without me." She made a show of pouting - the smouldering, sultry look in her eyes trained on his hidden hand and the movements his arm was making. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he spoke.

"Take your skirt off and sit on the desk." His voice was husky, commanding, as his hand continued moving beneath the desk.

Olivia grinned, fingers moving to the back of her skirt and grasping the metal zipper that held her skirt in place. Tugging on the zipper, the sound echoing as she pulled it down, Olivia moved her hands to the waistband of the tight material and began pushing down. Shimmying out of the skirt and her lacy thong, Olivia placed her hands on the edge of the desk. She effortlessly lifted herself onto the cool, smooth wood and shoved his papers out of the way.

Fitz licked his lips, eyes darkening, at the sight of Olivia sitting bare on his desk. Standing, he slowly began unbuttoning his dark blue shirt, pulling the material from the waistband of his pants as he did so. Olivia tried not to roll her eyes at the move. How many times had she told him that he needed to unbutton his pants first?

"Are you really thinking about my clothes right now?" Fitz chuckled.

Olivia laughed at his comment. He was becoming increasingly talented at reading her . Sometimes he knew how she felt before she really did.

"Just thinking about how slow you are at taking them off."

"Ugh huh. It had nothing to do with me pulling my shirt out the way I did?" Fitz teased, his fingers going to the button and zipper of his pants. He had both pants and boxers pulled down before she could respond.

"Absolutely nothing." She winked, her eyes travelling to his now exposed dick as he settled into his chair once more.

Scooting the leather chair just close enough to the desk gave Olivia plenty of space to place her feet on his thighs, right above his knees. He groaned as she settled into position - her legs spread wide and offering him an ample view of her pussy. His hand went to his cock, slowly stroking up and down as he watched her slide her fingers along her folds. Tantalisingly slow, she dipped her middle and ring fingers into her pussy with a soft moan. Her eyes were watching his hand, too, and she bit her lip at the feel of her own wet centre tightening around her fingers - imagining they were his. Had it really only been three days?

"Talk to me?" Olivia whispered, dragging her eyes to his face and gasping at the dark look in his eyes. It only made her want him more.

"You want me to talk dirty now? Don't just want to watch?"

"Please, babe?" Olivia all but whined. She loved dirty talk and it was something that Fitz excelled in…even if he didn't always believe in that talent of his.

"Maybe if you rub your clit for me."

Olivia bit her lip, whimpering as her legs shook with anticipation. Placing one hand on the desk, she leaned back as she pulled her fingers from her pussy. Sliding her fingers up her folds, she rubbed them over her clit - gasping at the pleasurable feeling coursing through her body once her fingertips made contact with the engorged nub.

"Good girl," Fitz praised and her whole body shook. There was something about the way he spoke to her in moments like this that had her body on fire. "You were already dripping for me before you even touched yourself, weren't you? Do you get wet just from seeing me? Imaging the things I can do to you?"

"Fuck," Olivia breathed, fingers moving faster now.

"I asked you a question." Fitz's voice was stern, egging her on further as his own hand moved faster - nearly matching her movements.

"Yes, sir."

That was a common theme of theirs whenever things got heated in this office. They both liked the 'President' role-play and it took no extra prodding for Olivia to insert it into whatever they were doing. She didn't relinquish control easily, but in this office - in this moment, she nearly always did.

"Stop," Fitz ordered. And Olivia did just that. She didn't always listen to him, but here he was in control. It was an unspoken arrangement between the two. "Put them back in."

Eagerly, she did. Shoving her fingers back into her throbbing pussy, her hips bucked involuntarily. It felt wonderful.

"Add another."

So she added a third finger. It coaxed a groan from the back of her throat, but it wasn't enough. As well as she knew her body - and as talented as she had been before meeting Fitz at satisfying her own needs, her fingers just weren't enough anymore. Her small hands were poor substitutes for his long, thick digits and, especially, his dick.

"Tell me what you're thinking about."

"You bending me over this desk and fucking me from behind. Making me scream loud enough that everyone knows I'm yours." Her fingers continued their bruising pace. In. Out. In. Out.

Fitz let a moan escape as he ran the pad of his thumb across the head of his cock. His husky voice only turned Olivia on further as he asked, "You don't think the bruises I leave all over your body are enough?"

Unbidden, her gaze travelled to the dark circle on her breast. There were more dotting her collarbone. More often than not, she found herself wearing sweaters and scarfs to hide the marks he was leaving. They'd never hear the end of it if she walked into public with those marks on full display. It was still fun to pretend, though.

"Answer me."

God, he was hot when he was commanding. Her fingers pumped just a little harder at his command, her eyes falling to his hand and what it was doing to his cock - what she wished she was doing to his cock.

"No, sir."

"Hmm." He tilted his head, his hand slowing just a bit as he appeared to contemplate what she had said. It didn't take him long to recover. "I bet you think about all the other ways I could claim you. The other ways I do claim you. Like me coming inside you, huh?"

Her mouth fell open at his words. She hadn't expected him to go there. Her legs fell to the sides further, her toes sliding over the edge of his thighs, gripping at his skin to keep from falling off completely. The new angle gave her plenty of room to pump her fingers deeper.

"You probably think about me filling you up over and over again, don't you? Until you're so full of my cum it feels like my cock is still in you."

Olivia bit her lip, hard, and moaned. Her imagination was running wild with his words and her fingers were completely soaked. Each word he uttered was sending new shockwaves to her pussy that only made her wetter - if that were even possible.

"You like that idea, don't you?"

There was something so…delicious about the way his voice wavered on that phrase - breathy and strained. Olivia let out a deep moan, responding with:

"Fuck, sir. That sounds so fucking good."

Groaning, Fitz stood from his seat. Olivia's feet fell from his thighs when he did so, but it didn't take her long to find a new resting place on the armrests of his chair. He stood between her thighs, looming tall over her, as his hand continued pumping along his length.

"Maybe one day," he whispered, his hand pausing each time he reached the head of his cock to squeeze ever so slightly - just as she always did when it was her hand and not his doing the work. "You'll take my thick cock until I can't cum anymore. Or until you can't fit anymore in your pussy."

With a whimper, Olivia's hips bucked against her hand. The sound of just how wet she was echoed in the room. It only made her want to get off even more. No one had ever succeeded in getting her this wet before.

"Fitz," Olivia exhaled, her legs trembling at the tight feeling spreading in her stomach. "I'm so close, babe."

"Keep going, babe. Be a good girl and come for me." Fitz's voice rumbled low in his chest, his strokes speeding up as Olivia arched her back. Her fingers rapidly pounded into her pussy as the trembling in her legs increased. With a loud moan, she tipped over the edge. Fitz's name fell from her lips as her pussy tightened around her fingers, clenching hard enough that she struggled to move her hand at all. When she finally pulled her fingers from her core, they were glistening.

"Let me fuck you," Fitz whispered, pressing his forehead to hers as he stroked himself faster, squeezing his dick a bit and groaning from the pressure.

"Then you'd lose the bet," Olivia reminded him, hips still flexing involuntarily. She chocked it up to her brain's wanton desire for his dick. Especially with it so close. It wouldn't take much to have him inside…No. Olivia shook her head, turning her gaze away from the pleading look in Fitz's baby blues.

"Please, Liv. I need to fuck you so fucking bad." His breaths were coming in harsh, uneven huffs. He was close. Oh so close.

So Olivia decided to help egg him on. One of her hands went to her breast, squeezing and tugging at her nipple.

"Finish on me, sir. Mark me with your cum so everyone knows who I belong to."

It took only a few more pumps for Fitz to come - right on the outside of her pussy. His hot sperm spurted over her slick folds. After taking a few, deep breaths to calm himself, he reached for her hand. Fingers wrapping around her wrist, he pulled her hand toward his mouth and slid her three fingers - the very three that had been inside her only moments earlier, into his mouth. A low rumble started in his chest as he sucked on her fingers, eyes latched onto hers.

"Fuck." Olivia bit her lip and watched, eyes half-closed. At the same time, she felt his hand wipe along her pussy. He gathered his cum on his long fingers before holding his fingers out to her. She looked at his hand, licking her lips slowly, before sliding her gaze back to his. Still, she kept her mouth shut.

"Olivia." Her fingers slid from his mouth with a pop and, when she smirked, he ordered: "Open."

She shook her head, refusing for just a moment longer, before finally opening her mouth. He shoved his fingers down her throat - gagging her and leaving his cum on her tongue. He didn't gag her for long and when he pulled his fingers free, she had a grin on her face.

"Testing my patience tonight?" Fitz teased, giving her a chance to swallow before leaning down to place his lips against hers.

"It's fun." Olivia smirked, her hands sliding over his well-muscled shoulders.

"Why are we doing this bet again?" Fitz wondered, resting his hands on either side of her bare body.

"Because we're both competitive people who don't know how to back down from a challenge."

"Right as that may be…" Fitz grinned, laying his forehead against hers, "I'm willing to concede this one."

"What? That wasn't good enough for you?" Olivia frowned, nails scratching gently down his back.

"That was great…but I'd rather feel your pussy around my cock than my hand."

"You paint a pretty picture."

"Tomorrow, I'll paint an even prettier one." Fitz winked, pulling back to place a kiss to the tip of her nose.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that your butt better be up at dawn. We're flying to California."

"California? Why?" Olivia tilted her head. That was the first she was hearing of this adventure.

"There's something I want to show you there."

She grinned, shaking her head. This wasn't spontaneous. That she knew. He would have had to plan this days to weeks in advance. His schedule would have to be cleared and security would have had arrangements of their own to make. At one point, she would have been pissed about the secrecy. At one point, a secret like this wouldn't have gone this far. She was reinventing herself here, though, as she constantly had to remind herself. And that was why, instead of arguing, she said:

"I can't wait to see it. But you better let me sleep on the plane!"

"This pool is amazing." Olivia used her index finger to slide the large, white oval sunglasses down her nose as she took in the sparkling, blue water of the kidney-shaped swimming pool. The sun was warm against her skin - the healthy amount that was exposed by her swimsuit.

"I'm glad you like it," Fitz chuckled, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her midriff. His skin felt warm, too, against the small sliver of hers that peeked out between her floral top and high-waisted, teal bottoms.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She rested her hands on his forearms, her nails grazing his skin gently.

"We all need a getaway sometimes."

Her head fell against his muscular shoulder, lolling to the side as he nuzzled his nose into the side of her neck. His lips sought out her velvety smooth skin, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses. Slowly, he trailed his lips down her neck and over her shoulder - leaving a glistening trail on her skin. His movements were only serving to cause a fire to build in the very depths of Olivia's stomach.

"Four days," she breathed, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood.

"Huh?" Fitz whispered against her skin, scrapping his teeth over her shoulder-blade.

"Oh fuck it." Olivia wrapped her hands around his arms - as much as her small hands could fit around his thick forearms, anyway, and tugged until he dropped them. Spinning around, she placed her hands on his shoulders, "If you admit you can't go a week without sex, I'll admit it."

"I can't go a week without sex," Fitz was quick to intone, large hands locking onto her hips.

"Loser!" Olivia giggled at the look Fitz threw her way, one of his eyebrows raised as though asking, 'Really?' "I can't go a week, either."

"Fucking finally."

And his lips were on hers. Olivia sighed - her mind drifting to how fucking difficult it was to kiss Fitz. He was a fantastic kisser. Depending on the situation, his kisses could be soft and loving - or desperate and hungry. Sometimes, tantalisingly so, they could be both. But he was so damn tall. Almost a foot taller than her. Even standing on her tiptoes wasn't always enough to kiss him without some kind of strain on both their parts. Somehow, though, Fitz always found a way around that inconvenience.

And so he did this time, too, as he slid his hands from her hips and around to cup the round globes of her ass. Forearm muscles flexing, he lifted her from the patio. Olivia wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on for dear life, and slid her arms over his shoulders. She moaned into his mouth as she felt his hard length pressing against her swimsuit clad centre.

"Mmm." She sighed into the kiss, shrieking as she felt his feet moving.

Fitz carried her to the beige, lounge chair at the head of the pool. They broke apart, laughing, when he all but collapsed onto the chair.

"That could have gone a lot smoother," he winked.

"I could have walked," Olivia laughed, sliding off his lap. Her hands went to the string at her neck, undoing the knot. Gripping the top of her suit, she pushed the material down her body until she was standing nude before Fitz and waiting on him to finish shoving his own swimming trunks from his body.

"Your kisses are addicting," Olivia admitted, straddling his body once more and slamming her lips against his. She groaned at the feel of Fitz grinding the length of his dick against her folds - coating his cock with her slickness. No matter how much she shifted her hips, trying to get him to fill her, he wouldn't. Instead, he took his time teasing her.

"Fitz," Olivia panted, pulling away from his mouth, "Will you just fuck me already?"

"I have a much better idea."

The sound of Fitz's hand hitting her ass made her jump, a red handprint showing against her skin. Pouting, she narrowed her eyes at the man beneath her.


Huffing, Olivia stood - her thighs involuntarily rubbing together. Raising a brow, she frowned when Fitz motioned for her to spin around.

"Now sit on my lap again," Fitz ordered, hands reaching for her hips and helping guide her back onto the lounge chair with her back to his face.

"What are we doing?" Olivia questioned. It wasn't that she was inexperienced, per se, but her past experiences with ex-boyfriends were nothing like sex with Fitz. He'd already introduced her to a whole new world.

"You'll see," Fitz grinned, pushing on the back of the lounge chair until he was laying flat on his back. "Now sit on my face."

"Fuck that's hot," Olivia muttered, scooting backwards until she was hovering just above Fitz's face.

Both of Fitz's arms went around her midriff. Olivia's hands found Fitz's thighs, nails digging into his flesh as she attempted to steady herself. She found her thighs squeezing against the sides of his face in anticipation of what was to come. A shiver travelled down her spine at the feel of his flat tongue dragging along her outer labia, stopping just before her perineum. A moan tumbled from her mouth and he moved an arm from her midriff so that he could use his now free hand to spread her open. His tongue met her clit, flicking rapidly against the encouraged nub. Olivia's nails scrapped against his thighs, leaving thin lines of red, when his lips wrapped around her clit, tugging at the sensitive bundle.

"Come on, Livvie," Fitz panted, pulling his mouth free, "You're not down there for nothing."

Olivia's eyes widened, her mouth forming an 'o'. Well, this was new. Licking her lips, Olivia's eyes fell to Fitz's dick - right in front of her face. She reached out, wrapping her fingers around his cock, and stroked him a couple times before taking the tip into her mouth and gently sucking. Fitz moaned against her clit, his mouth having returned to her centre the minute her hands were touching him. Once again, he sucked her clit between his lips. He used his middle finger to rub against the entrance to her pussy, teasing her.

Olivia took more of him into her mouth, sucking hard enough that her cheeks caved with the effort. At the same time, Fitz sucked her clit harder. Her head began to bob. Back and forth. Back and forth. The hand that was wrapped around his dick stroked the length of his dick that she couldn't fit into her mouth.

"Fuck," Fitz rumbled, releasing her clit and inhaling sharply, "Your mouth feels so fucking good."

Olivia hummed against him, lips curling upward at the appreciative rumble that came from his chest. She rubbed her pussy against his face as he began flexing his hips, slowly fucking her face. Her grip tightened on his thighs as he sped up his thrusts.

Fitz took her clit back into his mouth and the finger that had been holding her open dipped into her pussy. Olivia could only moan around him, her legs attempting to spread even further until she felt her knees dangerously close to the edge of the chair.

Eventually, his thrusts sped up faster than she could handle while still sucking. So, she opened her mouth wider, relaxing her throat, and let him fuck her face with little to no resistance. The audible wet sound of his cock hitting the back of her throat was so fucking loud - especially when paired with the wet sound of him fingering her. Everything was wet.

The pace of his thrusts became a bit too much and Olivia tapped his thigh twice, signalling a need for him to pull out. When he did, she breathed heavily as strings of saliva connected her lips with his dick. She only needed a few seconds before she leaned forward and swirled her tongue around the top of his dick, his hips jerking from the sensitivity. Olivia grinned.

Of course she exploited this newfound information by grabbing onto Fitz's dick and rubbing the pad of her thumb in circles over the tip. Fitz made a low, rumbling noise against her clit as his hips jerked back. He obviously wasn't a fan.

"Olivia," he warned, pushing himself forward and prodding the tip of his dick against her light-pink lips. But she kept going. It only took a few more seconds before his fingers were ripped from her pussy and he was reaching down to grab her wrist - pulling her hand from his dick. Satisfied with the amount of teasing she had done, Olivia opened her mouth again and took him back in. Immediately, Fitz started fucking her face again as his hand, and fingers, returned to her pussy.

But that familiar buildup in her belly was happening before she'd even started teasing him, so when he pushed a third finger into her - it almost snapped. Olivia's moaning only seemed to encourage Fitz to suck her clit harder, flicking his tongue around rapidly as he crooked his fingers inside her. And when she came, grinding herself against his face, it took her by surprise.

But he didn't stop sucking on her clit. And damn was it fucking sensitive.

Olivia's hips jerks just as Fitz's had when she was teasing him, and she soon realised this was payback. Fitz didn't stop fucking her mouth, either, and she figured the only way he'd stop exploiting her sensitivity was when he finally got off. At this rate, she couldn't fucking wait until he did because it was taking forever.

His low moans against her told her that he was close. The vibrations; however, only made her whine and whimper around his cock. She sucked harder, hoping that would speed him along, and she tried to swallow around the head as much as she could without allowing her trembling legs to bother her too much.

And soon enough, he came - spilling into her mouth. She swallowed it all, sighing in relief when Fitz finally released her clit from his lips. Both panting, Olivia pulled her mouth from his dick and rested her head on his thigh as his head fell back against the chair. She rested only a moment before standing, turning around and laying back on the chair with him. Only this time, her head was resting against his shoulder.

Legs dangling on either side of the chair as she straddled him, Fitz held her tightly against him. His lips sought hers, loving and gently. Once they broke apart, Fitz licked his lower lip and smiled at her. Hand rubbing down her sweaty back, his breathy words reached her ears:

"You're so fucking beautiful, Livvie. What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"Are you sure you deserve me?" Olivia teased, lifting her head just enough to challenge him with her gaze.

"Hmm," Fitz pretended to think, tapping the tips of his fingers against her back. "I hadn't thought about whether or not I could do better."

"Ugh," Olivia scoffed, lazily swatting at his bicep. "No way."

"You're right. No fucking way."