This is a Batman: under the red hood/agents of shield crossover A.U. I don't own either of them, this is only for fun. I don't get paid or claim any of this except any original characters I come up with. In the beginning Jason is 21 and skye is seven, agents of shield happens pretty much the same as in the show, except skye is younger and Jason/red hood joins them in episode two or three. There will be changes to the storyline, it's an A.U. Also Jason was trained by Batman, Talia, and Ra's, as well as a few other people. He is perhaps the most dangerous person in this fic save May. Enjoy.

Jason was walking around Gotham city enjoying his 21st birthday. Bruce and Alfred were overseas doing some corporate thing to get a Wayne enterprise building over in Europe.

They had left Jason to watch over Gotham in their absence. So Jason had woken up and made breakfast, cleaned up, and was walking out the door when he noticed a box addressed to him on the front steps of Wayne manor. He had taken it downstairs and did a full scan on it to see if it was dangerous.

When the computer determined it was safe to open, he did. What was inside shocked him.

Twin M1911 pistols with a dozen magazines, six boxes of ammo, two holsters: a side holster and a hip holster, and a note.

Dear Jason,

I was a terrible father, I abandoned you when you needed me most. Your mothers death hit me so hard that I didn't think about what would happen to you. I can't atone for my sins against you, but maybe if you can use these to protect yourself, it would make me feel better about myself. This is the last act of kindness I can show in this earthly existence. I suppose that I'm just finding another excuse to run away from my troubles, please forgive me.

~your pathetic excuse of a father. Willis Todd.

Jason read the note a few more times before he put the guns back in the box.

He grabbed his utility belt and left the cave.

Downtown Gotham later that night.

He preferred to patrol in his civies, it really brought out the idiots.

"HELP!!!!" A young voice yelled out.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked the young girl.

"He wants to hurt me." The girl said.

"Stay behind me."

The girl moved behind Jason.

"Hey!" A mans voice said. "You seen a little girl around here?"

"No, but I see a man who's going to be a soprano."

"Oh, a tough guy huh? I guess I'll have to beat it out of you."

The guy reached for Jason, but Jason was ready, he had done this so many times that it was muscle memory. He grabbed the guys arm and broke it at the elbow before kicking him to the floor, grabbing his leg and pulling on his foot and pushing on his kneecap causing the mans leg to break at the kneecap.

"Aahhh!!!!" The man yelled.

"Shut up!" Jason snarled. "Now tell me. What were your plans for the girl?"

"There's a guy who will pay almost anything for children with special skills."

Jason grabbed the guy by his head and smashed it into the ground. "HUMAN TRAFFICKING!!!!! Scum like you make me sick to my stomach, I just want to puke."

"Hey! I have five other children to take care of, bills that are past due, if I can get that money then I'll be a good father to them."

Jason stomped on the guys hand and said. "You are pathetic."

Jason picked the guy up, walked to the street, and threw him into oncoming traffic.

When he looked back at the girl, she was looking up at the sky, he had an idea.

"Hey skye."

She looked at him. "Me?"

"Yeah. I don't know your name, but I'm confident that you don't want to be reminded of the filth bag. You were looking up at the sky, you need a fresh start. Want a new family?"

Skye looked puzzled for a bit. "What?"

"Do you want a new family? If your old family is like that piss ant, I wouldn't blame you for wanting a new one."

Skye reached out and Jason took her hand. "I won't let anything bad happen to you."

The next morning.

Skye woke up in a strange bed. She looked around and saw Jason.

"Hey skye."

"Hello." She said sheepishly.

"Come on, I'll fix you breakfast."

"You don't want me to make you breakfast?"

"Skye. You're 7 years old, you should be watching cartoons, and saying stuff like 'one more episode', not offering to make breakfast. That's my job."

"It was my job."

"What do you mean?"

"When I lived with the bad guys who tried to hurt me last night, I had to make them breakfast, I learned real quick to wake up early and not to burn it."

Jason was furious, this little girl was admitting that she had been abused in her past. He was going to kill the people responsible.

He took her to the kitchen and asked "What is your favorite breakfast food?"

"Whatever you're having I guess."

"No, what do you personally want for breakfast?"

"I'd like cold cereal."


"I've never had cold cereal before."

"Then let's get you some cold cereal." Jason looked around and didn't find any cereal. He grabbed some bread, milk, and sugar. He broke the bread into small pieces, sprinkled a tablespoon of sugar over them, and poured milk over the top. He gave it to skye and said. "It's not Cheerios or anything, but it's a type of cereal."

Skye tried a piece and smiled at him. "It's good."

"I'm glad." Jason poured himself a cup of coffee and watched skye eat. In the chaos that was his life, he had found someone who gave him hope. He had hope for his future, and it came in the form of a little girl.

Breakfast was interrupted by the sound of the doors being forced open.

"Skye." Jason pointed at a cupboard. "Get in that cupboard and don't come out for any reason. Do you understand?"

Once skye was in the cupboard, Jason grabbed the throwing knives on top of the fridge and the two butcher knives in the knife block, and walked out to the entryway.


"Wayne! We know you have her!" One of the guys that broke into Wayne manor yelled.

"Bruce isn't here, dill weed." Jason wouldn't swear around skye, he wouldn't be the cause for her adding to the swear jar. Lord knows that they could buy their own island with how many swear jars Bruce, Dick, Barbra, and himself had filled in the cave.

"Where is he?" The guy, Jason thought he looked like a frank, asked.

"He's over in Europe doing a humanitarian mission before going and doing the same in a few third world countries. Left me here to keep everything in order."

"We came for the girl." Frank said.

"Girl? What girl?"

"The girl that's here with the effing tracker in her back."

"First. You owe five dollars to the swear jar, and second. She's not an animal that you can do whatever you want to!"

"Who's going to stop me? We have you outnumbered and outgunned."

"But Not outsmarted." Jason threw a dozen smoke pellets filling the entryway with smoke.

He threw three throwing knives disarming the men, before running into the smoke and taking them out with a series of brutal punches leaving them unconscious.

The kitchen five minutes earlier.

Skye had crawled into the cupboard and was staying hidden. She heard mumbling, but couldn't make it out.

It was quiet, almost to quiet, she wanted to cry, but didn't want to let anyone know she was there. So she stayed quiet, and she waited, she didn't know how long she waited.

The next thing that skye heard was. "Skye!"

She opened the door to the cupboard and saw Jason. "Is it safe?"

"It's safe."

She crawled out of the cupboard and began crying.

Jason picked skye up, rubbed her back, and took her upstairs.

He turned on the water to the bath and let it fill up, then he went to Dick's room and pulled out an old chest. He opened it and found an old outfit that looked like it would fit skye. "How about you take a bath, you can change into this, and we can go shopping. How does that sound?"


Jason grabbed the clothes and went back to the bathroom.

When he walked in he heard a gunshot, felt pain in his head, and dropped skye. Instinct kicked in and he smacked the gun away and punched the guy in the ribs breaking at least two, he spun the guy around and grabbed his neck before yelling. "Skye close your eyes and cover your ears."

When he was sure her eyes were shut and her ears were covered he broke the mans neck.

He turned around and saw skye's arm bent at an unnatural angle. "Oh my gosh. Skye, are you hurt anywhere else?"

Skye looked at her arm and said. "I don't know, I didn't even feel it."

Jason called the police.

"911. What is your emergency?"

"Yeah, this is Jason Todd out at the Wayne mansion."

"Of course Mr. Todd, What is the nature of your emergency?"

I need to report two crimes that might be related, and I need an ambulance."

"Okay Mr. Todd I will send an ambulance right now. What were the other two crimes you were talking about?"

"Well not even two minutes ago, a man tried to kill me and a little girl who I'm going to see if I can take custody of her."

"There are channels for that."

I know."

"What was the second emergency?"

"Three guys barged into the manor and tried taking her by force."

"Do you have proof?"

"Yeah. I have both attacks on camera."

"We will look at them."

"Send them to commissioner Gordon."

"Yes. I know the procedure."

Jason was going to ask another question when he heard.

"GCPD! Anyone here?"

"Up here!"

A minute later three Gotham city police were in the doorway.

"Mr. Todd, is everything okay?"

"Yeah." Jason said. "There is that guy, he has a broken neck, and the three downstairs should be unconscious."

"Turn around sir." Dan, one of the cops said.

Jason turned around and Dan saw the bullet wound.

"You got grazed, can you sit down and let an EMT look at that."

Skye went to Jason. Jason picked her up and sat her on his lap and held her while an EMT looked at her arm.

"You're really brave." The EMT said. "I'm Molly, what's your name?"

"I'm da... Skye."

"Do you not want to say your name?" Jason asked.

Skye shook her head no.

Jason felt the EMT working on him, wipe away the excess blood from his head.

"This isn't to deep, a few stitches and you'll be good as new."


"And we need to get this little one to a hospital." Molly said.

The EMT's loaded Jason and Skye into the ambulance.

The hospital.

Jason had gotten stitched up and was following the EMT to radiology. "What are we doing here?"

"She has a broken arm, I want to see if she has any more broken bones." Molly said. "A doctor will be with you shortly."

A few minutes later a technician came in and said. "Okay, if we could have you change into this." Handing skye a hospital gown.

Jason took it and walked skye to the changing room, he gave her the gown, and said. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

"With that broken arm?" A nurse asked.

"I'm new at this. I was going to go get the adoption papers today when we were attacked."

"Oh, let me help you hon." The nurse took the gown, and walked skye into the changing room.

After ten seconds Jason heard the nurse exclaim. "Oh no, who would do something like this?!"

Jason ran in and saw skyes back, it was covered in scars and burns. Jason ran out into the waiting room and into commissioner Gordon.

"Whoa kid, where's the fire."

"I don't know what to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Skye, the girl I'm trying to adopt, she's got signs of abuse. I don't know if I should be, mad, sad, pissed, vengeful."

"Well, we have her name for you."

"Her name?"

"Yeah, turns out her name is Daisy Johnson."

"What else do you have for me?"

"She's been in the system before. Her parents died in a house fire."

"That's just great. I was trying to spare her from finding out the horror of the system, turns out she has already felt it."

"Do you want me to draw up the paperwork for you?"

"You mean it? You'd help me adopt her?"

"Yeah. I helped Bruce with you and Dick, why wouldn't I help you?"

"Thank you."

"You can thank me by doing three things."

"What's that?"

"1.) that little girl in there needs you, so pull up your boot straps and be the best big brother that you can be.

2.) don't let her get involved with the family business.

3.) if you find anyone who hurt her, make sure we can't trace it back to you."

"I will." Jason turned on his heel and went back to the radiology lab where skye was waiting for him.

"You didn't leave me."

That sentence broke his heart. "I will never leave you of my own volition. The only reason I would leave you is if I were dragged away, but putting up one hell of a fight in the process, or killed."

"Please don't die." She said and hugged him.

A nurse came and said. "Okay skye, let's get you a cast. We have all sorts of colors, we have: pink, purple, green, blue, black, white, yellow, red, orange, and glow in the dark."

Skyes eyes brightened and she said. "Glow in the dark!"

The nurse took them to a room where they did an X-ray to see if they needed to set the bone, when the X-ray came back the nurse said. "We will have to set the bone a little."

They were taken to another room and they asked skye to put her arm on the table.

Jason asked if she wanted to squeeze his hand or something, she grabbed Jason's hand and when they set the bone she crushed it with all her seven year old strength.

When the bone was set the nurse put some gauze on skye's arm, then opened the cast, wet it, and wrapped the arm tight enough to hold, and loose enough so as not to constrict blood flow. "Now we can go get X-rays."

They took skye back to the radiology lab and took X-rays of her whole body.

After that the nurse took them to a room and said. "The doctor will be here shortly."

True to her word, The doctor was there maybe two minutes after the nurse left.

"Hello, I'm doctor Thompkins."

"Hi Leslie." Jason said.

"Jason, go wait outside."

Jason left and waited in the hallway.

In the room.

"Hello Skye, I'm doctor Leslie Thompkins."

"Why did you tell Jason to leave?"

"Because I need to do a check-up to make sure that you are all right and it might be... uncomfortable for him."

"Is it my fault?"

"No. No, no, no. It's not your fault dear."

Leslie wrote. 'Todd, Skye. Questions self esteem and possibly even self worth.' In her file.

Half an hour later.

Jason was pacing and ready to climb the walls when the door finally opened and Leslie let him back into the room.

"Jason!" Skye shouted.

Jason hugged Skye and said. "did she give you a clean bill of health?"

"Walk this way."

They followed Leslie to a room and Leslie said. "We will be keeping skye at least for tonight for observation. I'll be back in five minutes with the X-rays."

Jason pulled the covers back on the bed and put skye down. "Want to order room service?"

"Whats room service?"

Jason handed her the menu and said. "Choose anything you want."

"What are Dino nuggets?"

Jason picked up the phone, and called room service.


"Could you have two orders of Dino nuggets sent to room 222 in paediatrics?"

"What two sides would you like with it?"

"On one, lets do Mac-n-cheese and French fries, and the other lets do coleslaw and French fries."

"That will take about 20-30 minutes."

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

"You too, sir."

There was a knock on the door and Leslie stuck her head in. "Jason. Could I talk to you out here?"

"I'll be right back." Jason said as he walked out the door.

"It doesn't look good."

"What are you saying?"

"The earliest breaks happened when she was probably two years old."

"You're telling me that someone broke her when she was two years old?"


Jason began pacing.

"And it seems that the burns and cuts were ritualistic."

Jason lashed out and punched a hole through the wall. "THEY CARVED HER UP FOR SOME KIND OF SADISTIC RITUAL!!!!!"

"And not just any ritual."


"A ritual that was used back in WWII to try and take out the pain receptors and increase the amount of adrenaline the body produces to make their soldiers more efficient killing machines."


"It's possible, but also unlikely, it's possible that the ones responsible killed her parents and took her from her family and did this to her and only through a miracle she was able to escape."

"If they are still alive, they better start running."

Skye's room.

The minute Jason left, skye started feeling lonely, a few minutes later she saw a fist come through her wall.

"They carved her up for some kind of sadistic ritual?" Jason's voice was only audible because he was yelling.

The voices became a mild whisper for a second before she heard Jason say. "What."

It got quiet till she heard Jason say. "Nazi's? Effing Nazi's did this to her?"

After a minute, Jason came back in, he looked cross.

"You owe five dollars to the swear jar." Skye said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes. Yes I do."

Jason sat down next to her and waited.

A few minutes after he sat down, a group of nine men came into the room.

"Can I help you?" Jason asked.

"My name is Phillip Coulson, I work with the Strategic. Homeland. Intervention. Enforcement, and. Logistics. Division."

"And I care why?"

"Because of your past, we are being... cautious, with your request to take custody of Daisy..."

"It's skye now, dill weed." Skye said.

"You heard her dill weed. Her name is skye."

"Okay. We need to be sure that you are a good guardian for her."

Eight men reached for their guns. On instinct Jason kicked one guys kneecap causing him to fall to the floor in pain.

Another man grabbed his gun and pointed it at skye.

"JASON!!!" Skye shouted.

Jason spun around and launched himself between skye and the man before grabbing the gun, twisting, and pulling back effectively breaking the mans hand. "I'll be back for you later." The venom in his voice freezing the man in place.

Jason took the gun and threw it at a man hitting him in the nose, breaking it. He grabbed another man and broke his arm at the elbow.

Jason picked up two of the guns and emptied the magazines into the remaining four men. "Rubber bullets? I'm disappointed."

"We aren't here to hurt anyone, just to test your abilities to take care of Skye."

"You should have brought more men."

Coulson pressed a button on his watch and men and women came in and started taking the others out. Then a woman came in, she was of oriental heritage, and she was small but powerfully built. "I take it that she is your Calvary?"

The woman shuddered at the words, but she shook it off and went into a fighting stance.

"Let's hurry this up. Our dinner will be here in ten minutes."

The woman made the first move and punched at Jason's face, Jason sidestepped and hit the woman's arm to the side, causing her to hyperextend.

"I don't know about you, but I will protect skye to my last breath."

"We'll see." The woman said.

Jason moved quickly and kicked her in the leg before punching her in the stomach, chest, and throat. He grabbed her head and brought it down towards his knee when coulson said. "Stop. You have shown me what I needed to see. Skye is in good hands."

Coulson wrapped an arm around the woman and they walked out.

As they walked out of the hospital Phil said. "Thank you for holding back May."

"I wasn't holding back coulson."


"He wasn't holding back either, he has been trained in at least three different fighting styles and has been trained to incorporate them with one another."

Coulson had questions, that needed answers, but before he could ask them his phone rang.

"Director fury?"

"So? Is he who we want?"

"I believe so sir."

"So why haven't you brought him in yet?"

"He is working on getting custody of a little girl he'd like to adopt."

"Push the paperwork, make him happy so he makes us happy."

"I'll push the paperwork sir."


"He would follow this girl into hell to save her sir, the only way he's coming is if we get her to come first."

"See to the necessary arrangements then."

"If you are saying that we should kidnap the girl in order to get Jason sir. With all Do respect that's a stupid idea sir."

"Why is that."

"He beat May sir."


"He beat May in hand to hand sir."

"Then we should try and recruit her."

"That's my thoughts sir."

"How old is she?"


"Great, we have to wait 11-14 years."

"Unless we find a way to convince him otherwise."

"Get back to base."

"Yes sir."

Fury hung up.

"You wouldn't actually kidnap a child just to get someone stronger than me, right?" May asked in shock:

"I wouldn't. Not unless there was some reason I had to."

Skyes room.

"Were they after me?" Skye asked.

"If they were, then they are heading home to rethink their lives."

"Dinner." The nurse said, bringing in their food.

They sat at the table and Jason said. "Have you ever had Dino nuggets before?"


"Then you have been denied one of the greatest meals of all times. Here's what you do."

Jason took a T-Rex nugget and a Stegosaurus nugget and said. "So you have this guy the T-Rex and he's like 'this land is my land if you want to live on it then you have to respect me.' And the other dinosaurs are like 'okay, cool story bro.' And they just go on their ways. A few years later and the T-Rex is bored and goes to check his land. He sees all the Dinosaurs happy and everything and thinks that he wants their happiness, but instead of asking how to get happiness, he says 'I will tax all of you if your happiness.' So the stegosaurus is like 'hey you can't tax happiness, you have to get it through yourself.' The T-Rex didn't like that he couldn't get happiness through taxing his subjects, so he eats the stegosaurus.

Jason dipped the stegosaurus nugget in ketchup and ate it.

"The T-Rex is a dill weed." Skye said crossing her arms.

"I know right." Jason said with food in his mouth. "So the other dinosaurs see this and are like 'that's wrong dude' and they attack the T-Rex and kill him."

Jason dipped the T-Rex nugget in ketchup and ate it.

"No more dill weed."

"No more dill weed." Jason said. "But what they didn't realize was that they needed the T-Rex to eat all of the sick dinosaurs, without him, the other dinosaurs got sick and died."

Jason ate the rest of the Dino nuggets.

"That's sad."

"Yeah, it is."

Skye re-enacted the same story as Jason. When they were finished eating, jason made sure skye was ready for bed and tucked her in. "Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?"

"What's that?"

"It's a story before bed."


"A long time ago, there was a boy. This boy lost something very important, he tried to find it, but everywhere he went he couldn't find it, then he..."

Skye was sound asleep.

"I'll finish the story later."

Jason say in the chair and dosed off to sleep.

The next morning.

Jason woke up to the flash of a camera. He looked up and saw Dick and Barbra in the room with Gordon.

"What?" He asked.

"Blackmail." Dick said.

Jason looked down, saw the little girl on his chest, and melted. "Want to call up some room service?" He whispered.

Dick and Barbra walked downstairs to get breakfast and bring it back to the room. Gordon stayed and talked with Jason.

"I went to pull up the adoption file this morning and it seems that the paperwork has already been pushed through. In layman's terms. Congratulations, it's a girl."

Jason was so happy, "you mean I get to adopt skye?"

"Yeah, it happened a lot quicker than most adoptions I've seen, usually they take weeks, if not months."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"Take care of her, that's how you can thank me."

"I will." Jason said shaking Gordon's hand.