Chapter 17 -

Dumbledore was sat in his office, deep in thought. As of the moment he had quite a lot of things to think about. The first thing on his mind was the diary that Henry Potter had taken from Lucius Malfoy, he was rather glad that Molly Weasley had allowed him to view the memories of herself and her son Ronald. The diary was likely another horcrux, and now Henry Potter had it. There was a possibility that he hadn't worked out what it was, but this was also the same man who had mastered wandless magic and was capable of taking all three unforgivables without so much as a scratch. Dumbledore didn't know if Henry Potter knew about horcrux's but it was likely.

Speaking of the Potters, all three were currently posing problems for him.

Henry Potter was building many important relationships in the ministry, he had the ear of the minister and between himself and Black, who the ministry treated like royalty to make up for their mistakes, he pretty much controlled the ministry. Then there was Gwen Potter, she had instantly taken the history teachers position right after Bins had disappeared, something that led him to believe she was at least partially responsible for his disappearance.

She was also becoming a favourite of the staff members, she got along with them all and Dumbledore didn't dare make a complaint about her out of fear of the other staff members complaining. She had also seemed to memorise all the rules and would gladly use them to her advantage whenever possible, something that all three Potters seemed to do. She also made sure that his interactions with Harry Potter were as limited as possible. He knew that if he even tried to talk to the lad then she'd interfere or call her husband and him deal with it.

How could he mould Harry when she kept him away from the boy? Apparently she had somehow even managed to get Severus to stay neutral in regards to Harry.

Then there was Harry himself. When the boy arrived he had shown his metamorphic abilities, something that Dumbledore had blocked when the child was younger, which told Dumbledore that Harry had found a way around all the blocks. Though it was more likely that one of the adult Potters had found out and removed them. The boy was also a healthy and sociable lad, he was also rather intelligent according to his teachers. They all sang praises about him whenever they could. This wasn't supposed to happen, the boy was supposed to be weak and Dumbledore was supposed to slowly mould him into exactly what the greater good needed.

Harry did not befriend the Weasleys, nor did he befriend Granger. As of the moment his best friends were Neville Longbottom and Susan Bones, while they were light sided members of a light sided family, they weren't under Dumbledore's control and he didn't like that. Their families were also very powerful and could cause many problems for him later. Another of his friends, one who had now turned into his girlfriend, was Daphne Greengrass.

The Greengrass's were a neutral family, they were neither light nor dark. While he didn't mind them, he did not think it was a good idea for Harry to be associated with them until they made it clear that they were aligned with the light. To do so is a risk. Also why couldn't he pick another girl, like Ginny Weasley or Hermione Granger? Both were light witches, Hermione Granger was loyal to him and the Weasley family were very big supporters of his. They could be helpful in guiding him.

But Dumbledore couldn't interfere...not as long as the Potter adults were around. Damn them for ruining is plans! He had tried many times but they kept stopping him! He couldn't win against them. He tried getting them in trouble, tried to get Mrs Potter fired, tried everything but nothing worked!

That night Dumbledore fell asleep on top of his desk after passing out drunk.

"Ah, hello Mrs Potter" Lockhart grinned as he entered Gwen's classroom as she was marking papers

"Can I help you?" Gwen said without looking up from the work she was marking

"Come now" Lockhart said as he walked towards her "is that anyway to speak to a fellow colleague? I've just come over here to see how you are doing"

"I am doing perfectly well Professor Lockhart, but unless it's important, I hope you don't mind allowing me to just grade these papers."

"Ah, such a passionate and hardworking woman" Lockhart laughed as he sat on the desk that Gwen was using "I must say that I absolutely admire that about you. Personality and brains all in one lovely red headed package."

"Can I help you Lockhart?" Gwen sighed as she looked up from her papers "If not can you please leave"

"Actually" Lockhart smiled brightly as he raised his hand and gently cupped Gwen's face as he leaned in "I'd like to help you" He closed his eyes as he prepared to kiss her, which meant that he didn't get to see the furious expression on her face.

"Goodness me" Fudge yawned after a rather stressful meeting between himself, Amelia Bones and Henry Potter "that was tiring"

"Indeed" Amelia Bone nodded as she bit back a yawn herself

"Yeah well we're the unlucky sods in the positions where we have to do these things" Henry Potter said as he stretched

"Too true" Fudge chuckle "are you alright? You're not normally this tired"

"I had a busy night. Um...shouldn't Dumbledore be in this meeting of ours?"

"He had sent a letter saying he'd be unable to make it" Amelia explained

"Of course" Henry snorted

"Is there a problem?" Fudge asked

"With Dumbledore? Yes, yes there is" Henry said "several actually and I'm surprised that nobody's noticed them before"

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked

"Am I the only one who thinks we need to keep a better eye on Dumbledore?" Henry asked

"Why would we do that?" Fudge asked with a confused expression

"Don't any of you think that he might be a bit too dangerous?" Henry asked, glad that he got their interest "I think the man has too much power"

"What do you mean?" Amelia frowned

"okay, look at it this way, have any of you ever wondered why Dumbledore never applied for the position of minister of magic?"

"Well...yes" Fudge shifted uncomfortably "he's always said that he didn't want the position"

"He doesn't need it" Henry replied, causing Fudge's eyes to snap towards him "think about it this way, he is not only the Chief Warlock, but he is also the Supreme Mugwump, giving him two high ranking ministry positions, if you have that plus all of his fame and respect, he has plenty of control in the ministry. Then there is Hogwarts itself, Hogwarts is the main and biggest school in wizarding Britain. Nearly everyone studies there and grew up there. Now think about that, it's basically spending several years under Dumbledore's watchful eyes"

"Don't you think you're being a bit extreme?" Fudge asked as he wringed his hands

"No, I don't" Henry shook his head "think about it this way. You're a muggleborn, you just discovered the magical world and you come to a nice lovely school under the control of Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster that everyone worships. Or if you were raised in a magical family and attend Hogwarts under the control of non other than the man that every light wizard praises. Now you might think I'm being extreme but Dumbledore is in a position where he not only affects the ministry, but also the minds of our children. Plus, if we're being honest, his behaviour has been bothering me"

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked "What has he done?"

"Did you know that the first time I met Dumbledore he tried to read my mind?" Henry asked, causing both of the other occupants in the room to gasp

"I can't believe it" Fudge turned pale

"Why didn't you report this?" Amelia asked, looking furious

"Right" Henry snorted "you wanted me to tell the world that the defeater of Grindelwald, enemy of Voldemort, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, Hogwarts headmaster and leader of the light, Albus Dumbledore had mind tried to read my mind? That would've been as successful as a muggle attempting a levitating charm with a tree branch."

"True" Amelia sighed

"But that's not all, I feel like Dumbledore has been taking a rathe unhealthy obsession with my nephew. My wife has been rather worried as well, I mean Dumbledore has been constantly trying to get Harry into talks in his office and most of the time it's without any good reason. Also when I was originally attempting to adopt Harry, Dumbledore kept insisting that he be returned to his muggle relatives, never mind the fact that he was repeatedly told that they were abusive. He had also kept demanding that he see Harry. His obsession is worrying and I fear that one of these days I may have to kill or at least hurt Dumbledore to keep him away from my nephew"

"Oh my" Amelia gasped "this is very serious"

"Indeed, I also worry what will happen if he tries to go through Harry's friends to get to him"

"You mean my niece?!"

"Well...she is one of Harry's friends, it's common knowledge that she along with Neville Longbottom and Daphne Greengrass are Harry's best and closest friends. It's only a matter of time before he decides that they could help him get closer to Harry"

"But why? Why your nephew?" Fudge asked

"There was a prophecy" Henry answered "the prophecy talked about a boy who would defeat Voldemort permanently, Dumbledore believes it to be Harry"

"But you-know-who is dead!"

"No, he's not" Henry replied "I have proof"

"What are you talking about? Why are telling us this now?" Amelia asked

"Because I can finally prove it" Henry smiled, in truth it had taken him some time because the horcruxes were not in the same places as his last world. For example, in this world he had trusted the cup and the diary to Malfoy, while he had given the locket to Nott. The ring was also what he had hidden in his cave. "I had spent some years tracking down Voldemort's horcurxes"

"Horcruxes?" They both repeated

"A foul magic, it rips apart a piece of your soul and places it in a container, as long as these containers exist, you can't die, and I know for a fact that Dumbledore knows about them

"Merlin, what are we going to do?!" Fudge said panicking "What will we tell people?!"

"Nothing" Harry cut him off before the man started having a heart attack "we don't need to tell them anything, I have found all of his horcruxes and I have destroyed them. Voldemort is now dead, I tracked him down yesterday, that's why I'm tired. I took care of him, Voldemort is no longer a problem, as far as everyone else is concerned, he stopped being one after Harry had stopped him. In fact, I trust that we will have no mention of this conversation to anyone outside of this room?"

"Of course!" Fudge's head bobbed up and down like a crazed house elf, Henry briefly wondered if Dobby would be willing to challenge Fudge to a head bobbing contest. wouldn't be a contest...Dobby would destroy him

"We have one last problem to deal with, that's Dumbledore." Henry said "I've spent the last few years documenting proof of all of his crimes, and I've been cutting at his influence. Now he won't be able to buy his way out"

"You have been busy" Amelia couldn't help but say

"True" Henry grinned "I could've killed Dumbledore years ago...but then that would make him go down in history as a good wizard and me as an evil one. I want Dumbledore to go down in history in exactly the way he deserves."

"Hey Aunt Gwen" Harry said as he entered History class with his friends

"Hi Harry" Aunty Gwen smiled "hi everyone"

"Hi" They all chorused

"By the way, did you hear about Lockhart?" Daphne asked with a huge smile "Apparently he had somehow made his way into St Mungo's without any hair and clothes, he then confessed that he had obliviated people and stole their work"

"Really?" Gwen said with a knowing smile "Imagine that"

"Wait!" Harry's eyes widened "You had something to do with that didn't you?!" He and his three friends looked at her with disbelief

"I don't know what you mean" Gwen replied with a small shrug and an even bigger smile, she winked at them before making her way to her desk. Soon the other students came in, they were a bit confused when they were met with Professor Gwen Potter humming casually as she marked papers while Harry and his friends looked at her with dropped jaws.

"Professor Dumbledore, you're under arrest" Henry Potter said as he entered the hall along with Sirius Black and a few other aurors "crowd control" Henry whispered to them, they nodded their understanding. Henry would deal with Dumbledore while they made sure non of the students or teachers got hurt.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Dumbledore demanded as he stood up, Gwen bit back a smile, her rage amplifying spell was working. Dumbledore was pretty pissed off, for various reasons that didn't even include the spell. Not only did he have a colossal headache from the Potters, Snape had informed him today that the dark mark had disappeared yesterday. He had shouted at Sevrus for not telling him about this sooner only for Snape to glare at him and point out that he tried various times to contact him but Dumbledore wouldn't come out of his office and hadn't told anyone the new password for it. That was because Dumbledore had passed out drunk but he didn't feel the need to tell Snape that.

"You are under arrest sir" Henry said as he stopped in front of the stage that the head table was on.

"Under what charges?!" Dumbledore demanded, not noticing the many people that were disturbed by his very uncalm manner.

"Many, many charges." Henry replied "You are under arrest for stealing, kidnapping, aiding in child abuse, neglect, placing illegal blocks, harassing, stalking and intending to harm the heir to two most ancient and noble houses. You are also being charged with false imprisonment, abuse of power and position, embezzlement, endangering children, forming illegal vigilante groups, bribery and illegal mind reading. Regrettably, your dress sense is not a crime because I'd put you in Azkaban just because of it if it was up to me. Now you do not have to say anything though it may harm your defence when you fail to mention something you may alter rely on in court, you do not have to say anything but anything you say can and will be against you. A lawyer will be provided if you can't afford one but I doubt that you have that problem. Now come quietly"

"No!" Dumbledore shouted as he drew his wand and shot a powerful spell at Henry Potter. Henry didn't even flinch, he merely swatted it aside.

"Add attempted assault of an auror to the list" Henry said calmly "go on Dumbledore, fire more spells or come in quietly. I don't care either way, you'll be in a cell by the end of the night."

Dumbledore was furious, how dare this man try to arrest him?! He was Albus Dumbledore, leader of the light. He roared and kept firing more spells, Henry lazily pulled up a shield, Dumbledore had kept firing spells for a good five minutes, not that he was counting. Gwen had held back some laughter, it was entertaining watching her husband treat Dumbledore like a child throwing a tantrum. He was still using the same shield, not one of Dumbledore's spells had broken through. In fact Henry had even thrown a few eye rolls and glanced at his wand occasionally to emphasise his more Dumbledore continued, the more his reputation would go down while Henry's went up.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Dumbledore had suddenly yelled, the green light flew from his wand, shocking everyone in attendance. Henry lazily caught it in his hand before crushing it like a paper cup.

"Add use of an unforgivable and attempted murder to the list" Henry said before he pointed a finger at Dumbledore "stupefy" Henry's stunner easily tore threw Dumbledore's shield and knocked the old man unconscious. "Sorry for disturbing your evening everyone" Henry said to the hall just before he levitated Dumbledore's body up and began walking off.

Harry watched everything with wide eyes and a smile, he saw his uncle wink at him right before leaving with Padfoot, the aurors and a floating Dumbledore behind him. He looked at the head table and saw his aunt give him a small smile. He couldn't help the tears of joy that came out.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Daphne asked as she took his hand

"I'm happy" He gave her a teary smile "It's finally over, I don't have to worry anymore. I can just be happy with my uncles, Aunty Gwen, Neville, Susan and you. I'm happy"

"I'm glad for you" She smiled and kissed his cheek

"Thanks Daph" Harry rested his head on hers "thank you"

Dumbledore was taken to court where he was pumped up with veritaserum and forced to commit his crimes, he was sentenced to Azkaban and Henry made sure to place magical blocks on him to prevent him from escaping. He though this was fitting seeing as the man had given Harry his own blocks and nightmares.

McGonagall took over as the new headmistress with Gwen Potter taking the deputy head roll after Professor Flitwick insisted that he thought she'd be better at it. The kids all had a happy school life, at the end of it Neville and Susan had got together and both joined the auror force. Daphne and Harry had also got together, Daphne eventually became a healer while Harry started his career off as a quidditch player before eventually switching to a job at the ministry. After some hard work and continuous promotions, he had eventually became minister of magic.

Harry and Daphne had also had four kids, two girls and two boys. The boys were names James Henry Potter and Alex Sirius Potter while the girls were Lily Susan Potter and Rose Daphne Potter. The two had become god parents for Neville and Susan's children and vice versa.

Henry and Gwen eventually had to give up their mortal lives, they faked their deaths after they reached an appropriate age to die at but made sure they left everything to Harry and Daphne

"I can't believe it" Gwen/Ginny said "another world done"

"Yeah" Henry/Harry nodded "I'll miss little me"

"Me too" Ginny smiled "I'm glad I was his favourite"

"You're not his favourite" Harry sighed "we've had this conversation a million times"

"And you've lost a million times, get over it" She said with a small pat on his head

"Don't know why I put up with you" Harry muttered

"Because you love me" Ginny grinned "and for the record, I love you too"

"Thanks" Harry snorted "now, shall we?"

"Yep, on to adventure, fun and wherever the hell we end up"

"We'll be fine" Harry said as he grabbed her hand "we're together and that's all that matters"

"I love you" Ginny said as she kissed him

"I love you too" Harry kissed her back just as they slowly disappeared

A.N: Hey guys, yes I know that this is a surprise and rushed ending but I have my reasons. The story was running out of steam and I needed to just end it before I decided to leave it forever. I'm sorry but it's the truth.

Now, some of you may be wondering what's going to happen next. Well, I've decided that this is going to be the last of the lightning curse series. I'm sorry but I've just quite frankly backed myself into a corner here as I can't really make future stories interesting with an all powerful Harry who has lived through the events of it twice.

I've decided that I'm just going to focus on my other stories. I may start a new story but that's to be decided.

I want to thank everyone who has ever read any of the lightning curse series, especially those who have read all three. I'm sorry if you feel let down but I just really felt like I needed to end this instead of just leaving it permanently unfinished. I hope you understand. But again, thank you so much for reading, I love you all and I appreciate all the support shown to me since I started writing. Thank you, goodbye, hope you enjoyed the chapter and feel free to leave a review.