This was originally going to be a Marvel X KH fanfic, but then I decided to change it into a Sonic crosover instead.


SPOILERS: This story is set AFTER KH3! Finish the game or READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Destiny Islands

Sora's POV

It was a peaceful night on the islands as my friends and I were simply enjoying the warm breeze. The sky was beautifully covered with hundreds of stars shining down at us. And each star represented a world shining like a beacon while we were all relaxing by a large palm tree.


Fortunately, one of my best friends was resting on my lap, giving me something even more beautiful to gaze upon. All the stars in the night sky were nothing compared to the auburn haired princess who was dreaming peacefully on me. A Princess of Heart who became my girlfriend, but more importantly, a princess who I vowed to protect forever. She was my light and ever since I came back from Shibuya, I felt like I owed her something even bigger than life.

"Sora." My other best friend called out.

"Huh?" I muttered.

I quickly glanced back up at the sky, only to find a fading shooting star soaring away.

"Too late." I heard my friend commented.

The one who was really enjoying the meteor shower was a silver haired boy named, Riku. My closest friend who felt more like a brother to me and a Keyblade Master who went through even more trouble than me during our adventures. The two of us had both experienced hurt and suffering deep within our hearts multiple times, but we managed to come back around.

But upon getting possessed, falling into the deepest sleep, or even sacrificing yourself TWICE to save your love ones, I still felt like the one who suffered the most was the girl who was sleeping with a smile on her face.

"You know, Sora…"

"Tonight is like the night Kairi first arrived to the islands." Riku exclaimed.

I simply nodded at Riku and slowly looked down at the sleeping princess, remembering that night. She was washed up onto the islands back when Riku and I were little and was living at the Mayor's House. Ever since Riku and I first met her, our lives became extraordinary. She was the main reason why we wanted to see other worlds and it led us to saving them multiple times.

But upon remembering our lives, I began having a lot of symphony towards Kairi. The more I remembered how much she suffered throughout her life, the more pain my heart received. She lost her Grandmother upon arriving to the islands that night, got her heart taken by the Heartless when we first got separated, waited for Riku and I to return home for a long time, but then got kidnapped by the original Organization XIII.

As if those weren't bad enough for her, she met a terrible fate caused by Master Xehanort. A fate which resulted the old Keyblade Master in killing the princess with one single strike, shattering her spirit into a million pieces. I managed to save her by using the Power of Waking, but it cost me my own life, separating us once again. If it wasn't for Riku helping me get back home, I would've never seen her or any of my friends again.


My train of thoughts stopped in an instant a I heard Riku calling my name. I looked away from Kairi again and saw my best friend pointing at the sky in a confusing manner. My head rose up, only to find something green falling from the sky.

"A green shooting star?" I blinked.

"I don't think that's a shooting star." Riku guessed.

"A green comet?" I wondered.

"Whatever it is, it's going to fall into the sea pretty soon." The keyblade master answered back.

Upon gazing at whatever the green thing, I thought it just going to be some random space rock. Then suddenly, I got a strange vision; which gave me a closer look at what was coming.

"Huh?!" I gasped.

What was heading down to the islands was something completely unusual. Through the green light, was some kind of blue anthropomorphic creature. A blue hedgehog looking with white gloves and red and white striped shoes. Whatever was glowing green seemed as if it was glowing from in its right hand.

"Sora?" Riku spoke in a concerning voice.

"A blue hedgehog?" I said with my eyes widely opened.

"What?!" The Keyblade Master responded.

"I just saw some kind of blue hedgehog falling to the sea." I clarified.

We then gazed back to the sky as the strange glowing creature descending into the ocean. It fell into the water, illuminating the sea and blinding us in the process.

"I'll go rescue it!" Riku decided.

"Sora, stay with Kairi." He ordered.

"As if she wasn't sleeping on me." I stated the obvious.

The Keyblade Master ran off into the ocean, leaving me with the sleeping Princess of Heart. Fortunately, the princess began waking up as she slowly lifted herself off of my lap, rubbing the sleep off of her eyelids.

" something going on?" Kairi groaned, waking up.

"Where's Riku?" She asked.

"Oh, he's... taking a quick swim." I quickly answered.

"Huh?" The princess muttered.

It was the closest thing I could say towards the truth. The last thing I wanted to do was to make Kairi become worried upon saying how an unconscious animal fell into the sea. Riku was strong enough to save the animal and it wasn't a big deal to cry about it. Unfortunately, we still had to deal with the intense green light.

"What in the…" Kairi reacted, covering her eyes a bit.

Thankfully, the light stopped instantly, but what happened next surprised us. In a blink of an eye, Riku appeared with the blue animal, collapsing to the sand with heavy breaths.

"Huh?" Riku muttered.

"Riku!" Kairi and I cried.

We ran over to our best friend in concern as he was kneeling in disbelief, wondering what happened. Kairi went over to the unconscious animal while I went to check on Riku.

"Riku, are you okay?" I asked, offering to help him.

"Yeah." Riku nodded.

"But how did we get back so quick?" He wondered.

"What happened?" Kairi asked.

"Sora and I found him falling into the ocean, but when I dove in to grab him, he and I were engulfed by a green light." The keyblade master explained.

"Green light?" Kairi and I muttered.

I then glanced over to the unconscious animal and got a better view on him. Only time, I had an obvious guess of what was illuminating the scenery as I found a sparkling object rolling out of the animal's left glove. A small emerald colored diamond that was sparkling like a star.

"Green light…" Kairi whispered.

The Princess of Heart crouched towards the diamond and pick it up, getting a better examination of it. Like gazing at someone's heart, she and I ending up staring at the green diamond in awe.

"I can feel something." Kairi mentioned.

"Kairi?" I blinked.

"I can feel some kind of power from within this diamond." The princess clarified.

"Huh?" I muttered.

"That probably explains how he and I got here." Riku figured.

After seeing a plethora of mystical items throughout my adventures, Riku's words became a good possibility. Upon staring at the diamond with Kairi, I too began to feel some strange energy coming from it. Some kind of light energy calling to the princess and I.

"What's strange is that I can sense it being some kind of light energy." I exclaimed, placing my hand over Kairi's.

"Light energy?" Riku wondered.

Suddenly, the diamond started to reacting to our touches. A bright light light illuminated at us, swallowing all of us with its glow. Overwhelmed by our situation, I tightened my grip on the diamond and Kairi's hand, trying to shield her from whatever was coming for us. Extraordinary powers were flowing through me, striking my heart hard in attempt for me to let go. However, what really struck me was hearing the princess grunting in pain.

"Just hang in there, Kairi!" I called to the princess.

"S-sora!" She grunted.

Before we knew it, the light faded as we all fell back onto the beach. Unfortunately, we were at the wrong side of it as I immediately recognized where we got warped to. Of all the worlds I've been to, it was the last place to see with Kairi.

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