Hello, and welcome to the next chapter!

JWJNation; Thanks very much! Here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Yeah, they have some sort of past together, that will be explained as we go forward.

Clarent excalibur; Thanks very much! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! I could see Kinhime doing something like that.

ShadowUzumaki55; Thanks very much! He did yeah, it was difficult, but he managed to finally unlock the Bankai. Maybe it is, who knows~ Karin and Yuzu will show off their stuff. I could see it being a good experience yeah~ He did yeah, he got to know a good few people better than he did before~ Takumi's ready to fight yeah~

Silver crow; Thanks very much! Haha, it was a fun scene to write~ Maybe they did, who knows but them, right~? His Bankai, we'll see what form it takes. Yeah, seems like they were friends. We'll be seeing them reunite this chapter, but have a proper talk in the future. Haha, Kinhime truly is quite the woman huh. Yeah, seems like Nanao knows quite a bit about him. Yup, the bath scene was fun to write haha. He can see that Toshiro does care for Momo yeah. Momo seems to be getting quite attached to the blonde haired Shinigami. Right now, it isn't his world, he has deeper ties with the human world, but that will change. Takumi and Aizen's relationship is rather complex, that's all I can say right now about them. Yup, he's got Bankai now~ We'll see the relationship between Gin and Takumi play out in the future. Yeah, Nemu's still Nemu no matter what~ I do believe Unohana could do a good deal of damage to Aizen if they actually fought. And yeah, he made something to help Ukitake. Orihime managed to encourage Takumi and now they're ready for the fight ahead. I hope it at least explains what her Bankai actually does, I think it's probably acid or something to do with healing. Mayuri and Takumi could have a moment like that. A son, or daughter, he'll have plenty of kids~ Yeah, that would fit Rangiku. We'll have to see if it does change him at all. Yeah if I did filler arcs, they'd not last as long as they did in the anime. Yeah, they'd be like those appearances. As he grows, he'll use higher level Kido. Karin could learn some Kido yeah. Kinhime would be like that. I could see him trying at least. Not sure about Tatsuki yet. We might have a scene like that, we'll have to wait and see. Kido corps commander, sure he could do. Renji wont be, he'll be doing something else. We'll see how the fight between Takumi and Byakuya goes quite soon. Cool Kido spells~ Luppi, sure~ He could have a fast way to neutralize the seals. Against those Espada, we'll see what happens. Orihime might have a scene like that with Rangiku. I could see Orihime here beating those two girls. Takumi could be immune sure. If it's needed then I do. I can see a fun moment with Yoruichi and Takumi if she enters that form. Yeah, they'd wipe out the threats quite easily from filler characters.

Noe; It could be like that yeah~ And he'd have an ability like that too~

StrikerTj; Well thanks very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far~

Skull Flame; Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! Haha, Unohana is a very dangerous woman. Kinhime's one of a kind alright~ Yup, some heartwarming moments before the action.

Guest; Momo could join his Squad yeah. I could see those two going as well~

Andrew123456; Yeah, that, Sekirei and even an Avatar story, I don't know when I'd get around to them though.

Nirvash Neo; Thanks very much! Yeah, it could be something like that~ Yeah, he'll meet the Fullbringers, and it could be sooner than canon time, I always liked the Fullbringers, and thought they had interesting abilities. I might be doing some of the fillers, probably not all of them. Ones that would be cool adapted, like the Bounts, but shortening it since while liking it, it did go on a bit much.

guest; Thanks very much! Yeah, we'll be seeing moments between them in the future~

Well, with those lovely reviews out of the way, it's time to start the chapter!

Save Rukia!

The time had come. The morning sun was peaking down from the sky. Or rather, the ceiling that was emitting light.

He had to wonder how his Father managed to accomplish that a hundred years ago. He could see his Father doing it now no problem, he himself also had built an artificial space that could emit light when the times of the day when the light was outside.

A cute moaning sound came from the side of him. He also felt something soft, and nice pushing against his arm.

It felt lovely.

A calm before the storm that was going to be that day.

Takumi's eyes glanced to the right hand side of him, seeing that Orihime was hugging onto him.

"She's so cute when she's sleeping~"

Not wanting to wake her, he didn't voice his thoughts, keeping them to himself.

He couldn't contain the smile that he had for the young woman.

He leaned down, and lightly kissed her cheek, making her smile, allowing her eyes to begin opening.

Peering up, she murmured "Morning..." and leaned up, wrapping her arms around Takumi's neck. The young boy held onto her, as she returned the kiss on his cheek, her eyes displaying a cute look, but he could see that she held some worries on her face.

"Orihime-chan, are you ready for the day?"

Orihime showed a resolute expression on her face.

She seemed ready to tackle the day head on.

"Yes...I'm ready Taku-chan. Whatever happens Taku-chan..."

Takumi offered the girl a comforting reassuring gaze.

He didn't want her to feel worried, he didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone.

He hoped that this situation would be alright for all of them in the long run, he was going to make sure of that, somehow.

"I know, we'll be able to get through this."

Orihime knew that Takumi would say something like that.

It made sense to her that he'd be ready, he always had some kind of idea cooking up in his mind.

"So Taku-chan, don't do anything dangerous."

"Haha, you're asking for the impossible there Orihime-chan."

Orihime thought it was a case like that.

But she still hoped that everything would work out for the best.

"Taku-chan...I really am glad you're you. No matter what."

"Yes...no matter what, I'm me."

She giggled, and bent into her lovers body. His strong protective arms wrapped around her, soothing her, calming the storm that was building up inside of her heart.

Now, it was clear that she could trust in him.

No, more than trust.

She had complete belief that he'd be able to do what they needed to do.

As Takumi was getting ready for the fight ahead, he felt a pressure coming closer.

A presence he was aware of, and knew rather well.

"Renji-san, what's on your mind?"

He called, as Renji pulled around the corner, an agitated look on his face.

"You know, one of my goals in life is to beat Byakuya Kuchiki...my Captain."

Takumi did recall a few things that he had heard about Renji's goals, and this made sense to him as well.

"You want to fight him, right?"

Renji nodded, but then shook his head.

"I'd love to, but right now...I'm not sure I'd be able to win against him. But even then...I don't want to feel useless, you know? I've trained, I want to do something important..."

Takumi bequeathed a light hearted smile, sprinkled in with some seriousness.

"You are, Renji-san. I'm leaving Rukia-chan in your hands. It's a very real possibility that she might be targeted, I need someone with a Bankai at least to protect her."

Renji chortled lightly.

"Honestly...well, if you're asking me to protect her...then I'll do my best. Though you better not lose to Captain Kuchiki! Because if you win against him...then that means you're stronger than he is...which means, I will want to fight you again, with both of our Bankai's!"

Takumi smiled softly.

"If you want to fight with Bankai's, then I'd be able to happily do that. Actually, it does intrigue me how you'd handle something so big during a fight. I saw your Bankai before, it looks really cool~ The snake that splits apart...though it makes me wonder what about the baboon aspect, which isn't represented in it."

Renji paused about that.

Even he had to think about why that wasn't represented.

But, he presumed it was because like his Shikai, it would just be a bigger version of that.

Renji began to laugh.

"Yeah, and yours...scary and cool I guess. With the whole lightning stuff, and the dark heavy clouds, it feels like a horror movie coming to life."

"I'm a horror movie come to life?"

"It's a compliment. When you go all science guy, you can be rather scary, but it's kinda cool at the same time."

"Hey, I'm not as bad as Mayuri."

Renji held back a snort.

"True...but, no one's as mental as that guy."

"Yeah...weird guy..." Takumi shook his head several times. "Ignoring that for the moment, Renji-san. I'll leave Rukia-chan to you. Make sure she's safe, alright? If something happened to her...well, lets just make sure nothing does. She's already been through enough."

"With my life, you can count on me. Just make sure you kick Captain Kuchiki's ass."

"Hehe, it's going to be an interesting battle anyway. So yeah, leave it to me. I'll fight cherry blossom boy~ It's going to be interesting, pink vs gold..."

"Haha, true enough."

The pair shared a laugh together.

Relaxing a little bit before the storm was about to come about.

Whatever was going to happen that day, it was going to be interesting either way.

A few short ten minutes later, Takumi gathered up the others. He stood before each of them, looking between them. He could see that they were all turned towards him. Trust was within their eyes.

He truly hoped that he wouldn't let them down.

"Okay everyone. It's time for us to begin. As I've been told, the gathering of you Shinigami shall begin shortly, Rukia-chan's execution being in an hour. Everyone knows what they have to do, and before we move out...I'd just like to thank you all. For believing in me and us from the human world. I know today will be tough for some of you." He glanced at Momo and Nemu when saying that. "I know that some of you might become injured...but remember, this is to protect the Soul Society. To make sure that they don't get what he wants."

"Right, so when the plan starts, we each split up, right?"

Renji asked, Takumi nodded.

"Just pretend to the others that you're just as surprised as they are that we've arrived." Takumi replied, turning to Shunsui. "Besides you and Ukitake-san, and I'm guessing Kenpachi-san wouldn't hold back either." Kenpachi nodded strongly, before Takumi added. "I'm sorry." to Shunsui while bowing his head. "I'm asking you to fight off the Captain Commander, I've felt his presence, he's no laughing matter. I know that I couldn't take him, so I'm sorry that I have to ask you to do this for me."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I've been speaking to Jushiro, he's just about finished unsealing it now."

"Aah, then I can go and modify it a little bit...then we'll all be set."

Karin raised an eyebrow.

"How long will that take?"

"No longer than twenty or so minutes. I've been working on it since the other day, so all I have to do is equip it onto the thing that Ukitake-san is unsealing, that's all."

"I see, good. We can't take too long after all."

Takumi agreed, turning towards Hanataro and Ganju.

"Okay you two, this battle might end up having a number of injured people. So, I'd like to ask you guys to make sure the medical teams are ready to go, Ganju-san I'll have you make sure that Hanataro-san is heard...since you're rather..."

"He's very loud, makes sense you'd pair him with the meek guy."

Karin uttered out, Ganju scowled.

"I heard that! I could fight too!"

"Ganju, don't lie."

Ganju huffed at Karin who did the same.

Takumi then continued on.

"I'm not sure how the battles are going to be split up yet, where everyone is going to be fighting. But when I do, I'll try and contact you guys somehow. And if not me, then it will be someone else that will explain what happened, and have you guys go towards the people that will need it. Your Captain will be busy confronting Aizen, so you're gonna have to take charge Hanataro-san and lead the best you can, okay?"

"Y-Yes Sir..."

Hanataro meekly said, as Takumi lightly tapped his head.

"No Sir stuff. Remember, just Takumi."

"Hehehe...y-yes, Takumi-san. But...a-are you going to be rescuing Rukia-san...truly?"

"That's the plan yeah, and this, will get Rukia-chan and hopefully me off the hook from dying. Maybe even the Visored too."

Hanataro wasn't sure who the Visored were, but it didn't matter as some of the others seemed to know.

Takumi then went over a few last things that could happen, and that might occur.

Everyone was astonished with the scenarios that were going down in Takumi's mind.

It seemed he had a strategy if people did certain things, if people did or didn't show up.

If they had to go and find those people.

Everyone couldn't help but feel that he really was good at coming up with plans, with things that could help them win and take down a good number of enemies. Even Shunsui and Unohana, for as old as they were, were very impressed with the amount of strategy they were doing that day.

Concluding the meeting, Takumi exhales slowly, as Unohana strolls closer.

"Takumi-kun, are you ready?"

Takumi hesitated for a few moments, noticing the eyes of Giselle on him with a lustful expression.

"Ah...yes, I'm ready now." Takumi turned to the others. "Then, it's time to begin~"

"Wait, what are you two doing?"

Karin asked, seeing that Takumi and Unohana were beginning to leave.

"Just taking care of business Karin-chan~ Don't worry, I'll be right there."

Karin wasn't sure what he was up to.

Unohana and Takumi left behind a rock, as Giselle skipped forward as did Shunsui.

Whatever it was that they were doing...it seemed serious.

She hadn't noticed it until Takumi was moving behind the rock.

The expression on his face, was a solemn one.

It was a look that would stick with her for a while.

Whatever he was going to do...he seemed to have mixed emotions about it.

About half an hour after what Takumi and the others did with the meeting, on the bridge leading to Sokyoku Hill with four members of the Kido Corps restraining and escorting her by having thick cords around her neck, tied to the collar like device that was binding her in place.

Rukia laments on the times that she had spent in the human world, what it meant for her truly.

How she was able to experience many joys.

How she could have spent more time there.

Also, she thought about the past.

What had happened.

How it had been amazing.

She couldn't stop thinking about what could have been…

But that stopped when Rukia sees someone she didn't want to see.

It was Gin.

He had a dirty smirk on his face.

It was a smirk that could barely be called dirty, but Rukia could see it. And when he rose his thin arm up, waving towards her, Rukia felt the resolve inside of her begin to shake. This man, was truly someone that she didn't like at all.

"My, Kuchiki-san. Is there something wrong?"

Rukia tried to keep her resolve high. She tried to make sure that she wouldn't crumble before this Captain. She simply couldn't do that.

"Gin...Ichimaru... why...why are you here?"

Gin made it closer to her, mere metres apart, wagging a finger at him, his face still in that cold manner.

"Now, now. I know you're getting executed. But manners don't cost anything. You should be addressing me as Captain Ichimaru, you know? If your brother heard you speaking like this, I am sure that he would scold you."

Rukia, trying to be unnerved by this man, bows her head as much as she could.

"You're right...I'm sorry, Captain Ichimaru."

Gin got in close to the smaller Shinigami, placing a hand on top of her head, and showed a light smirk.

"Don't worry, I wont say anything to him. I wasn't being serious. But, I did come here for a reason."

Rukia took the bait that Gin was launching her way.

"And that is?"

"For a walk. That, and to tease you a bit."

Rukia scowl intensified.

"To tease me..."

Rukia hated this man.

She truly never could see what he was thinking. The way that his smile never faded. The way that his snake like eyes and mouth would disturb her. She didn't trust him, not even for a moment. But, she also had to admit that when he did look at her, she felt herself breaking out into a cold sweat, his body language said everything that Gin wasn't saying verbally.

She was repulsed by this person.

She felt like he could kill her with a simple look, and his demeanour suggested the same thing.

"Kuchiki-chan, it seems that you're not fully aware of your surroundings. Is there something on your mind?" Rukia didn't answer him, as Gin snickered, pulling closer. "Could it be Takumi Urahara by chance?"

"N-No it isn't..."

Rukia pulled back as Gin threw a hand up in defence.

"Now, now. Calm down."

"Takumi...he's got nothing to do with this!"

"Your sudden anger suggests different."

He countered. The steel cold words cut through her.

She had allowed her emotions to get the better of her for a few moments.

"E-Even if I am...that's got nothing to do with you..."

"It depends on your definition of what you just said. It could have everything to do with me, if I involve myself."

The Kido Corps began to murmur things like "What did he say?" and "What does he mean?" while Rukia felt the intimidating stare that came from the man before her. The way that he held the power in these situations sickened her.

"What are you talking about…?"

"As I said, maybe it does involve me. The thought of Takumi-kun dying hurts me, my heart aches. You know, we used to be friends? It's true. Captain Aizen, myself, and Takumi-kun were a trio together. I don't want to have my friends in danger, I want to protect him just as much as you want to do the same thing. So, how about I help you out, and make sure that you can reunite with him?"

"W-What would you gain from that?"

Rukia couldn't believe him.

Why would he even bother now?

She didn't trust this man before her.

Gin though held a convincing voice as he spoke.

"I've been torn this entire time. Thinking about my friend being in this crisis. A crisis that I could help with. Even people are believing he had killed Aizen, but I know the truth, and that truth is that I can't stand having my friend being killed. I also know that if you died, then he'd suffer also. So, how about I free you? I can set you free, and make sure you and your friends escape to the human world."

Rukia couldn't believe what he was saying.

Something about the way he spoke...he felt genuine emotions.

Something that she hadn't from Gin before.

But now, he was being sincere.

She didn't know what to believe when it came to Gin.

"Are you..."

Gin moved closer, his hand gently tapping Rukia's head.

"Just kidding?" He chuckled with glee at the sight of Rukia's despair taking over. "Yes, that's right. Why would I help you?" Rukia was left speechless, an empty expression appearing on her face as he turned, and waved without looking. "Goodbye Kuchiki-chan. I'll see you at the hill."

With that, he disappeared from the bridge.

Rukia's expression deeply saddens.

Her heart felt as if it was being ripped in two.

Her resolve had been shaken.

For just a small moment.

A single moment.

She believed that he had become someone that she could trust.

Even if it was a very small part of her.

She dared to hope again.

She crumbled, her knees falling down due to her shaking legs. She couldn't make a sound, her face said more than words could do with the amount of despair and sorrow that she had been feeling.

Deep down, she had thought about Takumi coming for her.

Them going back to the human world.

She had thought that maybe they could just live peacefully.

This had reminded her of the thing she tried to forget.

Gin on the other hand, just showed his snake like smile.

Arriving at the Sokyoku Hill, Nanao was the first to begin taking note of which Captain's were attending. The only ones that weren't current there were Gin, Ukitake and his two third seats, Byakuya, Mayuri, and Soi Fon with her Lieutenant. Also, Aizen of course wasn't there but Nanao didn't count him.

Nanao could see her Captain looked relaxed.

"...It's so eerie, everyone's on high alert."

Nanao murmured, as Momo clutched her hands together.

"I'm worried...about Takumi-kun..."

"Takumi-kun, is it?" Rangiku prodded, seeing that Momo was lightly flushing. "Since when did you get so close? Was it when you slept together?"

Momo gasped as Nemu's eyes drew themselves towards Momo.

"Hinamori-san, you slept with Takumi-sama?"

"N-No! I didn't!"

"She did, it was the other night. She totally slept with him~"

"So, you have a crush on him Hinamori?"

Toshiro questioned, with Nemu seemingly pulling out a book, and looking through the pages, and began writing stuff down about Momo.

"N-No! You're misunderstanding! We just t-talked, that's all! He was...really nice, actually. He calmed me...it was weird, I was expecting a monster when I first heard of him...but, what I found was a reliable man..."

As she spoke, Soi Fon came with her Lieutenant. Her eyes went over the people present, showing a slightly annoyed look. She didn't seem to want to be there, she didn't even want to think about it at all.

Soon, Byakuya came with Renji locking eyes with him. Byakuya dismissed his Lieutenant's stare. Instead, he seemed to be focused on something else, his mind wandered to the time when he confronted Takumi in the human world, what he was capable of, and what he did, how he stood up to him.

He thought if he had progressed any, if he had become stronger.

Though now, he had to think about Rukia and her execution.

Not revealing his true feelings, he kept them to himself, and just calmly stared on as if nothing was happening.

Sometime later, as Rukia finally finishing her death march, ended up at the Sokyoku Hill. The giant wooden execution platform filled her eyes. She also saw that nearly all of the Captains were there. Even people she didn't expect like Kenpachi was stood there, looking rather bored.

Rukia's eyes cast over all of them.

She pondered where her Captain was.

She thought that maybe it would be too much for him to handle.

Yamamoto's old eyes fell upon her. Rukia could feel the intensity of the situation running through her. It was almost too much for her to take. She could also see the eyes of her elder brother on her, and Gin who was with his Lieutenant.

"Big brother...I...I..."

Rukia reached out to him with her words.

Byakuya...seemingly wasn't acknowledging her presence.

That, was more of a sting than anything else that could happen that day.

"Rukia Kuchiki!" Rukia's eyes shot for Yamamoto who looked on with his wise expression. "The execution will now begin!"

Rukia felt her blood run cold.

The others didn't say anything, while Soi Fon looked around.

"I'm surprised that her own Captain didn't turn up to this..."

She murmured to herself, Shunsui didn't mutter a single word, and thought "Come on Takumi." while appearing as relaxed as he could be.

Yamamoto's eyes land upon the young woman.

"Rukia Kuchiki, do you have any last words?"

Rukia looks down, and mutters "I only have one thing to say." which Yamamoto acknowledged and ordered her to continue.

Steeling her will, she breathed slowly.

"...I know that he's a wanted criminal. I know that you have your reasons...but, Takumi Urahara, please let him return to the human world. Along with his friends. They...He didn't recall a time when he was in the Soul Society...I don't know if that's changed now...but, I know that man. He is innocent. He couldn't be capable of doing those heinous crimes."

Nanao looked on and thought about what Rukia was saying.

"It seems that even though she's about to die...she wants to protect Takumi-kun. The voice she has...also gives away her feelings all at once. While in the human world...did she unintentionally fall in love with him?"

While her thoughts ran through Nanao's mind, Rukia continued with her pleading.

"So please...whatever happens to me, please don't kill him. I...I care about him. He...He's done a lot for me. He helped me...come to terms with the past...with Kaien Shiba's death." Byakuya's eyebrows narrowed ever so slightly. "I know that I'm asking something that might be impossible...but even a slim chance of it happening...please, don't kill Takumi Urahara."

With the words surrounding them all, most were taken aback by her voice.

It was sincere, honest, true.

Her feelings displayed themselves openly.

It was clear to everyone there how much she cared about him.

Even Renji, her childhood friend was stunned by her words.

But, he was happy all the same.

Acknowledging what she said, Yamamoto bowed his head in agreement.

"I promise to do my best to allow Takumi Urahara, and the Ryoka to leave this place after your execution."

Rukia didn't know if she could believe it.

But it was the best she was going to get.

"Thank you, Captain Commander."

Speaking from her heart, Rukia now accepted her own situation.

Isane turns towards Unohana, an unsure look on her face.

"Captain...his words, isn't it unnecessarily cruel to say that? I don't believe he currently has any desires to fulfil her wish of allowing Takumi Urahara-san to simply leave here with his life intact."

Unohana denies this, and explains as she watches Rukia's face. Seeing it being content.

"Maybe he isn't. But he is being compassionate with his words. See, her face? She looks at ease right now. Perhaps it is because of the guilt she felt for what happened with dragging Takumi-kun back to the Soul Society, knowing his death would be quite assured. No, this is his kindness to her, the kindness only he could give right now."

Isane wasn't convinced, but she didn't know what else it would be.

As they spoke, several members of the Kido Corps assemble around Rukia and the Sokyoku itself. The large blade that sticks out of the ground, the height of it was dazzling to Rukia.

Yamamoto sighs, and says "Lets commence with the execution." to which they obey the order.

They then begin unsealing the Sokoyoku, large ropes that bound it to the earth, and are left to fall from the clash. Crashing into the lands below, they make an audible noise.

Rukia is then pushed towards the execution scaffold, urged by the Captain Commander himself.

With several members of the Kidō Corps assembled around the Sōkyoku, Yamamoto orders the commencement of the execution.

Though she was standing at the edge of her death...a peace entered her.

She wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was the promise of Yamamoto, maybe it was the fact that despite what Gin had said...she was able to get over that. She wasn't going to allow him to win over her this one last time.

"In the end, Takumi...it feels as if though it came full circle. When we first met...we were so young, you trained me...you became someone that helped me do many things. And in return, I got to repay the favour, and reteach you to become a Shinigami. But more than that...you made me happy. I got to spend time with someone that made me smile...thank you, Takumi."

As she thought about it, three medium sized cubes rise from the platform in front of Rukia. As if by telekinesis, her arms were forced outwards, spreading them as far as they could go, being locked in place. Her legs forced together at the same time, locked together, she wasn't able to move at all.

Rukia felt the feelings inside of her heart growing.

Rukia then saw her body being lifted off the ground, high into the air. Suspended in the sky, her eyes didn't look down. She looked forward, seeing the giant blade sticking out of the ground. It was many times her size.

Nanao clutches her hands together, thinking "Come on Takumi-kun, please hurry..." while Shunsui simply placed a hand on her shoulder. That alone was able to comfort her that Takumi would be able to come back soon.

Flames from the Sokyoku erupt from the bottom, and begin spreading up the pole of the large blade, before reaching said blade. Swirling into a giant flaming mass, which began to erupt forward even more.

The flames spread forth, going into the sky, shocking most around.

"What's...What's it doing?"

Momo asked Toshiro who shrugged.

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like this before."

"It's taking shape..."

Rangiku muttered as Nemu spoke up.

"It's gaining wings."

Nanao glances at Nemu as Soi Fon furrows her brows.

"This kind of creature...it looks as if it's becoming a phoenix."

True to her words, the giant fire bird that looked like a phoenix spread its large wings. The flames spread further and further. The fires could be felt from all of them down below. Rukia could feel the heat of the flames.

She almost felt as if she was being burned from this distance already.

Yamamoto exhales, and shows his strong resolve.

"This is the true form of the Sokyoku, and it will end with the execution by impaling Rukia Kuchiki."

Rukia just stared at the giant fire bird before her.

While than being frightened…

She was feeling free.

She was feeling as if she was able to experience a normal life again inside of her mind.

She replayed the key events in her life. From being person from the Rukongai, to meeting Takumi, to joining the Shinigami Academy, to even being apart of the Kuchiki family thanks to Byakuya, meeting Kaien Shiba, and how she had finally met Takumi again in the human world.

Renji from down below clutched his hand as he murmured "Come on Takumi..." feeling ready to jump into the fray himself if Takumi didn't appear.

Rukia shed a single tear, as she mutters "Thank you everyone...goodbye..." and simply embraces what's going to happen to her.

Because she had accomplished what she had wanted to do, she could accept her incoming death.

She wanted to thank him.

Now that she had done that…

Rukia closed her eyes, seeing the giant burst of fire in the form of a phoenix coming for her.

Renji clutches his sword, and went to move…

When rain began falling.


Soi Fon muttered, as more and more rain drops keep falling down.

Turning their eyes to the sky, they saw that dark thick clouds had gathered in the sky. Beautiful lightning danced through the clouds, crackling and sparkling away.

Rukia also felt the rain hitting her.

She couldn't make heads or tails of it.

She wasn't sure what was happening, so she opened her eyes.

What she saw had astonished her.

From the sky, a giant bolt of lightning fell down upon the Sokyoku, smashing it away from Rukia's body. Lightning was wrapping around the giant birds body, shocking it, while Byakuya's scowl grew on his face.


No sooner than whispering that out, another giant lightning bolt descended from the heavens themselves, hitting the platform behind Rukia, and in the lightning, silhouettes appeared.

But more than that, Byakuya noticed that the scaffold had been split right down the middle.

"Impossible...the scaffold...it was supposed to withstand the power of a million Zanpakuto...to break under that lightning bolt..."

Byakuya was bewildered, seeing the two sides of the scaffold remain still able to support the people that had appeared.

As the lightning was dying down around them, the figures revealed themselves.

Takumi, Orihime, Giselle, Yuzu, and Karin.

Takumi stretched his reddened arms, and announced "Phew, that seemed to work~ Oh, it seems that we split this scaffold...gotta control the output of that." while Byakuya was bewildered by what was going on before his eyes.

"Wow, that was freaking awesome! Lets do it again!"

Karin cheered as Yuzu clapped her hands.

"I have to admit, that was amazing~"

She smiled out, while Orihime breathed a sigh of relief.

"Taku-chan, we did it. We stopped the giant fire bird...why is it a giant fire bird?"

"I don't know, I thought it was just a blade that produced fire. Didn't know it turned into a giant fire bird, phoenix creature...makes me want to study it even more….is it bad that I want to study it even more? I know we should be focused on what's happening...but that looks hella cool! I want to see what makes it tick!" His eyes went to Giselle and smiled happily. "You okay Gigi-chan~?"

"Yup, I'm good Takumi-kun~"

Giselle smiled out, waving towards the Shinigami.

Many of the Shinigami looked relieved. Renji himself that Takumi had appeared, and now Rukia was safe.

Byakuya on the other hand looked absolutely angry.

He couldn't contain it, which was a rare occurrence for him.

While they had a casual conversation, Rukia was taken aback by what was happening.


Rukia called out to him, drawing his attention.

"Hey Rukia-chan, been a while since we've seen one another huh."

Rukia didn't know if she should yell or be happy that he was there.

Either one wouldn't express fully how she felt about anything that was happening.

She then settled on understanding something.

"What are you doing here Takumi!? Why did you come for me in the first place?! You should know, someone as smart as you...taking on the entire Soul Society...it can't happen Takumi! W-Why did you come here..."

Takumi was taken aback for a few moments by her words.

But, he understood they came from a place of wanting to protect, a desire to not have anyone killed because of her. In that sense, it made complete sense why she'd be angry at him, why she'd want to get him away from the area.

"I know, no one can take on the world alone Rukia-chan."

Takumi snapped his fingers, with lightning shooting out of the sky, and broke through her binds, as well as wrapping around her body, bringing her body towards his own.

Catching her in his arms, she peered into his eyes as he did her own.

"But, I couldn't leave you to die, Rukia-chan."

Rukia could feel her emotions bubbling inside of her.

The sadness, the pain.

But also the renewed hope.

She didn't think she had any of that left.

But now…

Maybe she could have some of it back again.

"Takumi...you're a dumb genius...you know that? Everything that's happened...I begged for him to let you go...to go back to the human world...I didn't...I came here to stop you from dying...I was alright with it...I was-"

"I wasn't alright with it Rukia-chan!"

Rukia gasped as she saw the disheartened expression on his face.


"You shouldn't die for anything you've done. Nothing you did was wrong. You wanted to live, you wanted to be a good Shinigami. I'm not going to let you die for doing your duties, doing what you did."

As he said it, Soi Fon looked for a blade on Takumi.

But she couldn't see it.

She couldn't see any kind of blade at all.

All she could see was the huge thunder clouds in the air, which responded to his commands.

Suddenly, the phoenix screeches, and rears back its head, ready to strike them a second time.

"This thing doesn't learn, does it!?"

Karin announces, pulling her Zanpakuto back.

"Wait, Karin! Everyone! You can't do this! That has the power of a Million Zanpakuto! You will be killed if you do it, you will die!"

Rukia warned, but Karin scoffs.

"I will not be beaten by a giant bird. Fire or otherwise."

Yuzu found it odd she stated it like that, but she pulled out her Quincy bow, rearing it back for a shot.

"Me too, we'll fight fire with energy!"

"Ooh, maybe I could turn it into a Zombie~"

Giselle sang out, as Orihime looked towards Rukia.

"Kuchiki-san, don't worry. You said it yourself, Taku-chan was smart. Did you think we'd come here without a plan?"

Rukia became puzzled as Takumi smiled down at the other Shinigami.

The giant fire bird went to strike them, when Takumi looked towards the right hand side.

"Oh, seems like we don't have to fight the giant fire bird. I'm so glad that I was able to take a look and modify the shield~"

Yamamoto didn't understand what he was saying.

Until a giant cable attached to a metal rod wraps itself around the neck of the phoenix.

Yamamoto and the others looked towards the cable, and saw that Ukitake was stood there, with a giant shield slammed into the ground. His two third seats were also beside him, Soi Fon's eyes went towards Takumi, and immediately yelled "This was your doing, wasn't it!?" causing Takumi to turn towards her.

"Hey Soi Fon-san, been a while."

"Don't "Been a while." crap with me! Tell me!"

Takumi grimaced as Shunsui moves forward. Getting to the rod, he grabs it tightly, and forces it deeper into the ground. His eyes went towards Ukitake and he said with a grin "You took your time, didn't you?" while Ukitake sighs slightly.

Soi Fon's eyes went towards the shield, and saw what was going on.

"That shield...it was Yoruichi-sam….her families crest on it." Her eyes landed upon Shunsui and Ukitake. "Are you going to be destroying the Sokyoku?" She growls, gaining no answer, then turns to her Lieutenant. "Go and stop them you oaf!"

He couldn't move, while Takumi flashed down before Soi Fon so fast that Flash Step masters such as Byakuya were stunned, he glanced back up to see Rukia standing beside Orihime just as bewildered as he was.

"Now, now Soi Fon-san. It isn't nice to call people oafs."

Soi Fon's eyes shot for him, and swung out her leg, but he disappeared in a flash of lightning, and appeared beside Yamamoto, perched on his shoulder, and staring into the eyes of the old man, giving off a light grin.

"Takumi Urahara!"

"Yes, Yamamoto-san?"

Takumi replied calmly to the aggressive ways that the man was showing towards him.

Yamamoto released a small growl as the cable from the shield around the neck of the bird, began to emit a strange energy.

Watching with shocked eyes, the giant flaming bird was beginning to be forced back towards the shield, with parts of its body coming clean off the giant bird. The flames rained down as if the sky itself was opening up the heavens.

From the rain clouds, and the flames from the giant bird.

The blade itself of the Sokyoku also began to be ripped apart, shredding into the shield, before being disappeared all together. The flaming embers of the giant bird disappear as do the rain clouds, Byakuya noticing that Takumi had received his Zanpakuto once more.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Yamamoto demanded from Takumi, who, still sat on Yamamoto's shoulder, looked between each of the members around.

"Did you think I'd simply not stop you all from doing this?" He jumped off his shoulder, and flashed towards the others, arriving back up with Orihime within moments. "You think that this is right? Murdering an innocent girl?"

"Even if you say that Takumi...it wont get through."

Rukia bleakly said it, Takumi nodded, knowing that she was saying the truth.

"I know, it seems hopeless to try and explain it to them. They think we're just a bunch of criminals. They believe that I killed people in horrible experiments." He turned towards Rukia kindly. "But, you know Rukia-chan? If people can't see the truth, isn't it our job to make them see what is truth and what isn't?"

"Even then...how are you going to do that? Even with all of you guys here...those Captains down there, they wont let us go quiet."

"Maybe they wouldn't. But we've come too far. I'm not going to surrender, I'm going to uncover the truth, and give us both freedom Rukia-chan. You shouldn't have to settle for dying. Everyone came to save you. Orihime-chan, Karin-chan, Yuzu-chan, Gigi-chan-" He grinned at Giselle who waved her hand excitedly. "-among others, we all came for you. And even if it is the entire Seireitei, it's not going to be a case where we die."

Rukia looks into the eyes of Takumi.

Seeing the strength that he had.

Seeing the resolve that he had.

She was dazzled.

But more than that, she could see the newfound power he had gained.

He was stronger than back in the human world.

His spiritual energy was shining gold.

Wrapping around her in a safe blanket.

Like she could be comforted in this power.

Still, she wasn't sure if it was going to be enough.

Takumi then saw the commotion back down in the group of Shinigami.

He smiled and simply said "Kenpachi-san! It's time!" Kenpachi's wild eye became even more wild as he began laughing maniacally, to the shock of Rukia, watching Kenpachi lift his blade, and swing it down into the ground, unleashing his spiritual pressure all in a single burst.

"W-What is the meaning of this Zaraki?!"

Soi Fon demanded as Kenpachi laughed.

"Haha! Come on little ninja! Do you want to fight me also?!"

"B-But, what's going on?!"

Soi Fon's yell didn't reach Kenpachi, as he came swinging for her.

But as he did, Komamura came to block the strike with his blade, and push against Kenpachi's own.

"Looks like I've got a fight right here, right now."

Kenpachi showed a maniacal grin, and looked to Takumi who confirmed it with a nod of his head.

"Yes! Then come on! Lets see what's under the mask!"

Kenpachi grabbed the man's mask, and with his incredible strength, launched him right off the hill, with Kenpachi laughing as he jumped after him.

His Lieutenant Iba attempted to jump after them, but Yachiru cheered "I am Lieutenant of Squad Eleven and Squad Taku! You wont get by me!" and delivered a double kick to the back of his head, his eyeballs popping out of his head.

"Yay! Have that!" Takumi watched as he shot off the cliff, with Yachiru turning to Takumi happily. "Taku-chan! I'm going with Ken-chan!"

"Okay, be careful!"

"Yup! Will do!"

Yachiru jumped off the cliff as well, following Kenpachi as fast as she could.

Yamamoto looked disgruntled by what happened, looking at Takumi who showed his smile.

"Takumi Urahara...it seems that you have been gathering allies."

"Seems so."

"Still, to tame Kenpachi Zaraki...what kind of Demon are you?"

Tosen spoke with hesitation in his voice, while Giselle leapt down.

"Honestly, Takumi-kun's no Demon~ I think he's an Angel really~"

Tosen's face contorted at the sound of the new voice.

She then landed on the ground, pulling the skin by her left eye down, her tongue sticking out in a cute manner.

"Hehehe it seems that my time to shine is on~"

"Gigi-chan, you got him?"

Giselle waved her hand, summoning her bow, and aimed it for Tosen.

"I'm fine with this kind of fight." Giselle moved forward, swaying her body side to side. "Don't worry about anything now, it's going to be fine."

"...You're the Quincy girl that I've heard about. The so-called Giselle-sama the Slayer." Takumi and the others wondered about what kind of rep Giselle had now in the Soul Society. "If it's alright, I'd like to be your opponent."

"Then follow me~"

Giselle bowed, and shot off at high speeds.

Moving through the area, Tosen chased after her, with Shuhei being stunned.

"My Captain...and that girl...the legendary Giselle-sama, the Slayer...n-no, he's going to be in danger! I have to-"

He went to move himself, when Karin jumped down, and announced "Don't worry about her, I'm the Slayer now!" swinging down her sword, she then announced "Getsuga Tensho!" unleashing a pure wave of energy for the man.

"Have that, 69 guy."

Shuhei paled at the sight, murmuring "Ooh shit..." and tried to dodge out of the way.

But the wave was fast, and moved right for him, catching him up in the power, blasting him off the hill in a single shot. His screams could be heard ringing out through the area, until a thud sound could be heard, hitting the ground down below.

Takumi and Orihime cringed at the sight.

"Damn...she's gotten stronger."

"She one shotted him Taku-chan."

"Scary huh. Don't piss off Karin-chan."

Orihime nodded at the wise words.

"Yes! That's my sister! Keep going Karin! You're great!"

Compared to Orihime and Takumi, Yuzu was cheering on Karin happily.

Rukia was astonished by what was happening, turning to Takumi with bewilderment.


"Been gathering some allies, Rukia-chan. Isn't that all apart of building a battle force to fight your enemies?"

"Still...Kenpachi Zaraki?"

Rukia said in disbelief, Takumi nodding strongly.

"I know, right? It's weird, but he's like my best friend sort of now I suppose, at least according to Yachiru-san." Takumi turns to Orihime with a light smile. "Ready Orihime-chan? I'm counting on you to take care of Rukia-chan for me."

"Okay Taku-chan, I'll take her with me. Just remember, be careful. With what happened before...with what was..."

"I know...don't worry, I'll be alright."

Orihime believed in Takumi, so she was ready to do what he needed her to do.

Running a hand across his reddened skin, she smiled gently.

"Okay then Taku-chan, I'll do my part here, and make sure that you stay alive as well as Kuchiki-san." Orihime grabs Rukia's hand, smiling gently. "Kuchiki-san, lets go, okay?"


"Here we go!"

With that, Orihime jumps off the scaffold from a very high distance up with Rukia in arms who screamed "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" but Orihime brings out her shield after announcing the release command for them, allowing them to catch the pair, then glide gently down to the ground, leaving Takumi and Yuzu the only ones up high.

"Takumi-kun, it's going to get hectic now. But we'll go and find this Aizen, okay?"

"Right, I'll leave it to you Yuzu-chan, be careful."

Yuzu gave a grateful nod, as Orihime, and Rukia land on the ground safely.

Then together, Orihime and Rukia began to run away, with Nemu quietly slipping away as well, on the orders of Takumi to keep them safe and sound from whatever was going to happen next, the same with Nanao, and Renji.

Soi Fon, unable to understand what was happening, turned to Takumi once more, angrily announcing to her Lieutenant "Don't just stand there, go and fight them, right now! Get them!" to which he complied, jumping forward.

Chojiro looks towards Yamamoto who nods his head, so he sticks out his Zanpakuto, releasing it, as did Marechiyo, one turning into a rapier, the other turning into a giant ball with spikes coming out of it.

Turning towards Orihime and Rukia, they went to move forward as Karin snickered, closing the distance, getting before Marechiyo who looked down at the girl with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What are you doing girl?"

He demanded, and readied his sphere with spikes to strike her with it.

Karin though channelled her energy into the Zanpakuto she had, swinging it forward, and cleaved right through the sphere. The sphere shattered into many pieces, shocking Marechiyo, the fear being set in as he saw her smile.

"N-No! Stay away from me!"

Marechiyo demanded, readying to strike her down.

"Sorry, can't stay away. I've gotta finish you off!"

But she slipped into his personal space, embedding her Zanpakuto's hilt into his torso, releasing a stored up energy that she had in the blade, blasting Marechiyo across the battlefield, past Soi Fon who sighed "What an idiot." and then crashed into the remnants of the scaffold.

Chojiro gasped at the sight, readying his rapier, and came at Karin.

She smirked, as Takumi appeared with Yuzu, parrying Chojiro's blade with his own, then Yuzu pulled up her bow and arrow. Charging a very strong arrow, she aimed it right for the upper body of Chojiro, who winced at the sight before him.

"My names Yuzu, and I'm a Quincy~ Now, please don't be worried, I wont kill you~"

"Eh...o-okay, then I'll stop you..."

He meekly replied, but Yuzu shook her head with a strong look to her.

"Ooh no, I can't let you. So, please don't struggle, and I'm sorry about the pain you're about to receive."

Chojiro didn't like the sound of that.

All he could do was watch as the arrow shot out. The energy arrow however split into many different pieces, hitting all over Chojiro's body, leaving more and more wounds on his body. He was trying to move his Zanpakuto to intercept them, but the arrows were faster than he had anticipated, then Yuzu charged up a final arrow.

"Here we go! This is what I've been learning from Giselle-sensei!"

Yuzu cheered, unleashing a final arrow that exploded into a mass of energy in front of Chojiro, taking the Lieutenant of Squad One away with the heavy burst, flinging him past Yamamoto who caught him with a single hand, placing him down onto the ground.

Takumi could see that Yamamoto wasn't pleased with him at all.

His cloudy eyes erupted onto Takumi's form, and he began pulling his cane out.

While he was, Gin chuckled to Izuru "Come, lets get going." and moved away.

Toshiro glanced at Karin and Yuzu, who nod, so they begin to move away as well with Rangiku and Momo following on. Unohana and Isane look towards Takumi one last time, who was content with them going, so that's what they did.

Leaving Takumi the sole person in Yamamoto's sight, the older gentleman pulled forward, his aura beginning to ignite in fire. Takumi could see that even without releasing his Zanpakuto, his aura was being set alight.

More than that, Takumi could feel the nearly ungodly amount of power that he had.

While it was quite strong, he wasn't going to be taken off either.

"...Young Takumi Urahara, you doing this makes little sense to me. I remember you as a child, you moved with logic. What is logical about fighting the Seireitei? Are you intending to get away with fighting us all like this? Do you genuinely believe you can beat me in a fight?"

Takumi denied what he was saying.

"I never said that I could sir, and you're right. I move with logic, if I didn't have a chance then I'd not do anything this reckless. I'd come up with something else. But, if you claim to know me as much as you imply, then you must know that these 'crimes' that have happened to the Soul Society, weren't because of me. My Father is also innocent. And as for the Visored group...they were victims of circumstance, victims of the real person behind this."

Yamamoto drunk in the words Takumi said, attempting to make heads and tails out of his words.

"And who is the supposed real person behind this crime? It was a crime that makes me disgusted to remember. Those innocent people, being turned and twisted into horrible creatures. Am I supposed to simply believe you?"

"I can't make you believe me. All I can say is that you're about to find out who is the real person behind this. I'll make sure of that myself."

Yamamoto crossed his gaze at Takumi.

"So fledgling, do you perhaps have a way for me to learn these truths?"

"I do sir, yes. But, it's not ready yet."

"Then, until it is, you'll have to come with-"

"Sorry Old Man Yama!"

Shunsui came fast and hard at Yamamoto who simply deflected the swinging blades with his cane. Ukitake also took out his blade, and came from the left hand side, forcing the old man to move his free hand, blasting out some kind of energy towards him, Ukitake didn't have a choice but to jump back.

"It seems that two Captains have also joined a wanted criminal. Explain yourselves immediately!"

Yamamoto demanded, but Shunsui just says it clearly with his eyes set before him.

"That's the thing Old Man Yama. That boy over there, is the reason my eyes have been opened. I never liked the idea that Takumi was the reason for those unfortunate deaths. No matter what evidence was before my eyes. My heart was clear from the beginning."

"It's the same for me Sir." Ukitake added. "I couldn't accept it, and Rukia...she's my subordinate, and if she believed in him, then so did I. I have heard myself all I need to know to believe Takumi-kun. The evidence he's gathered, the understanding of my own heart. He is someone that I believe in and I shall follow beside him."

Yamamoto couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Even Soi Fon was stunned.

Byakuya's eyes settled upon Takumi who stared back with a strong expression on his face.

"It seems you've swayed people, Takumi."

"Seems so, Byakuya-kun. Couldn't sway you, could I?"

"I'll not be swayed by simple words."

"Heeeh, I thought that would be the case. Still, can't blame a guy for trying, can you?"

Byakuya simply stared on towards Takumi, who did the same thing.

Yamamoto looked between the two of the oldest Captain's, his eyes narrowing.

"If that's the case, then that makes you traitors also. I'll listen to your words, after you've been detained!"

Shunsui chortled while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Alright then. But if you want a real fight, then come and fight Jushiro and I. Lets leave the kids to get out their feelings here."

"H-Hey Shunsui-"

"Come, we're going."

Ukitake was then forced off the cliff side, with Yamamoto sparing a glance at Takumi.

"You did act with reasons in the past, so I have to believe you're doing that now. I want an explanation in full when this is over."

"Trust me Sir, you'll have many questions for when the big reveal comes. As long as things go to plan, it will explain a lot if not nearly everything, and I'll fill in anything that it might not."

"It better. I do not want to lose good Shinigami to your lies if they are lies. I hope they are truth. And if that is the case, then I'll express my apologies. But, if they are lies...I wont hesitate to kill you, is that understood?"


With that, Yamamoto jumped off the cliff, flipping down the side of it.

Takumi exhaled, glancing at Byakuya.

"Intense guy huh."

"You don't have to worry about him."

"Oh? Why's that?"

Byakuya's hand reached for his blade.

"Because I'm going to be dealing with you myself."

While Byakuya threatened Takumi, both of Ukitake's third seats went to move, when Soi Fon held cold eyes.

"Whatever your reasons, you do not betray the Soul Society."

With a cold tone, Soi Fon dashed for Kiyone, and sends a kick in her direction which would be powerful enough to cause a good bit of damage to her, she thought that she'd be finished off.

But Takumi appeared beside Soi Fon, grabbing her foot just in time before it reached Kiyone who was shaking from the speed the pair had.

"Sorry Soi Fon-san, but you can't do it again!"

Takumi flipped his hand, sending Soi Fon flying a good distance.

As he did, Takumi turned to Kiyone and Sentaro.

"Please do as I ask, and go to the medical area of Squad Four. Hanataro-san is there, and is currently readying to deploy several medical units out to help the injured. Go and tell him who's fighting him, and in what general location please."

"EH? But why should we trust in you!?"

Sentaro snapped, but Kiyone simply nodded.

"Alright then..."

"What do you mean, alright Kiyone?!"

Sentaro snapped at her, but she looked directly into his eyes.

"Because our Captain believed in him. That's enough for me."

Sentaro grabbed his head, and sighed deeply.

"Grrr….you're only doing this to get on his good side...w-whatever! Come on then, lets go!"

"Heh, alright then."

With that, Sentaro and Kiyone rushed off together, leaving Takumi behind with two Captains.

Soi Fon and Byakuya.

No one else remained on the hill now.

"So, I get to dance with two Captains then? That's going to be difficult for me to do."

"The only fight you're having here, is with me."

Soi Fon's eyebrows twitched.

"No Kuchiki, I'm going to be fighting him."

"You had your chance, this is my time to fight him."

Soi Fon stomped on the ground.

"Kuchiki, don't involve yourself in matters that don't concern you."

"...Concerning matters, that's difficult for me to understand clearly. I have to involve myself like this. It's fine though, because I'm going to be fighting him while you stand there. In fact..." Byakuya turns his finger towards Soi Fon. "Bakudo-"

"Hado 4, Byakurai!"

Soi Fon announces, shooting off lightning towards Byakuya, forcing him to dodge.

Then they launched at each other, their sword swinging out and clashing violently together.

Takumi watches on as the pair fight for the 'right' to fight Takumi himself.

Pulling back, Takumi places a finger to his chin.

"Great...two people fighting for the right to fight me...no, lets be real, it's for the right to kill me. Why can't it be two girls fighting for the right to hug me? That would be nice...Orihime-chan, Rukia-chan...that would be great...Gigi-chan would be awesome...Karin-chan would probably try and attack me so...but her sister would be kind to me...Yoruichi-chan even...Rangiku-san seems cuddly...maybe Hinamori-san, or Shiro-chan...Nemu-san would be good too...heeeh, if only~"

As he sighed, the two Captain's continued their fight while Yoruichi landed beside Takumi.

"It seems that you've got two people fighting over you. Isn't it great?"

"Byakuya-kun is fighting for the right to kill me. Honestly, this is going to be difficult."

"Well, if it was two women then it would make it even better, right?"

Takumi had to wonder how she knew he was thinking something like that.

"H-How do you do that Yoruichi-chan?"

"Because I'm a mind reader." Takumi held back a laugh. "However, you seem to be calm right now. In your situation, I don't know if I'd be as calm. Still, this is risky Takumi, are you sure you still want to go through with this?"

"It's a little late now."

"I suppose, I just can't help but express my worries, can I?"

Takumi shrugged.

"Don't worry, if everything goes according to plan...and even if it doesn't, as my Dad would do, I've got backup plans upon backup plans. Always need to be prepared..." As he spoke, he felt a spike of pain in his chest, clutching onto his robes tightly. "Damn...I didn't think..."

Yoruichi showed concern, placing a hand on his back.

"Takumi, you alright to fight in your..."

"I'm fine...nothing I can't handle."

Takumi assured her through gritted teeth, so she sighed.

"Honestly, seems like you're determined. Go on then, I've got Soi Fon." Yoruichi flashed forward, getting between the two warring Captains, and kicked Byakuya away, while Soi Fon's upper body was grabbed. "Come on Soi Fon, no fighting Takumi today!"

"Y-Yoruichi! Is that you!?"

Yoruichi smirked as she revealed her face fully.

"Miss me Soi Fon?"

Soi Fon became angry as she was forced off the cliff side, leaving only Takumi and Byakuya alone together.

Takumi's eyes deeply peered at the man before him, Byakuya took his sword and made a stance with it.

Two warriors on the battlefield.

The wind swept between them, blowing their robes ever so slightly.

Eyes locking together.

Souls ready to do battle.

"It seems you're determined to fight me Byakuya-kun."

Byakuya didn't twitch at the smile that Takumi was showcasing.

"Yes, I have to fight you because...because I need to understand something."

Takumi found it odd that he was saying that now.

"Understand what? I have to understand what you're attempting to do with your own damn little sister! How could you let her die like that?! She needed you Byakuya, and you just left her! I don't care if she's not your biological sister, you took her into the household of Kuchiki, she should be your pride as a warrior!"

Byakuya was stunned by his words.

It felt...weird that he would say something like that.

"...Tell me one thing Takumi Urahara."

"What's that?"

"Rukia, do you love her?"

Takumi was taken aback by that.

Why would he even say something like that?

It didn't make sense to him at all.

"If I did or didn't, would that change how you view her? Is it because of me that you have turned your back on her?"

"...No, it wouldn't concern me whether you did or didn't love her."

That just confused Takumi a little bit.

Why was he asking about it...he just had to wonder about that.

"Then why do you want to know?"

"Because, I wish to understand, what possessed Rukia to give her powers to you. What possessed her to fall in love with you."

Takumi's eyes widened ever so slightly that Byakuya would even say that.

"W-What? Rukia-chan doesn't..."

"Even I, can see the truth." Byakuya drew his sword, pointing it at Takumi. "We fought back in the human world, the spiritual pressure around you has increased since then. Have you gotten stronger in skills? Or is it simply raw power?"

"I'd like to think I've improved in a number of different ways."

"Then, show me your power, Takumi Urahara."

Takumi and Byakuya stared one another down.

The intense pressure the pair were releasing.

The way that their auras bounced off one another's.

It was truly going to be a destructive battle.

The time to fight, was about to begin.

End chapter!

So, we begin with the save. Spending a few moments with Orihime, and having a conversation with Renji, and rallying the others, they went to go and do what they needed to do. Rukia also was briefly shaken by Gin's words, but also showed her true feelings in the face of her death, making it even clear to someone like Byakuya.

Then Takumi and the others arrived, and he's seemingly done something to modify the shield that was used against the large fire bird.

Splitting off into different battles, Takumi vs Byakuya, Giselle vs Tosen, Kenpachi vs Komamura, Shunsui and Ukitake vs Yamamoto, Yoruichi vs Soi Fon, and Renji's taking care of Rukia with Orihime, and some others, finally Unohana's group is going after Gin and going to find Aizen.

Well, until next time, thanks for reading!

Takumi; Orihime, Rukia, Yuzu, Karin, Nemu, Giselle, Liltotto, Momo, Soi Fon, Yoruichi, Hiyori, Nelliel, Tier, Rangiku, Toshiro (fem), Nanao.