Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot.

I want to thank Psychadellic Flower, Meg, Ellie, candledot, Kasumi Izukawa, RE16 and all the other people who have followed my story from the start and reviewed all the time. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into reading this story.

Chapter 20

"If you love someone you say it........ You say it right then, out loud or the moment just passes you by" - My Best friend's wedding

Hermione sobbed as she reached Hagrid's hut. She saw that there was no light inside, an indication that Hagrid wasn't home. So she sat on the steps, buried her face on her hands and cried.

"What's happening? Everything was fine during the ball. Everything was normal. And then this happens. I guess it was my fault, anyway. I shouldn't have said anything. I should've just kept my mouth shut.*

Hermione continued sobbing.

*I miss him so much.*


Hermione avoided Draco as much as she can after that. She didn't want to face him because she was afraid to see all the things that she's missing. And she didn't want to miss him anymore. She wanted to just get on with her life and pretend that nothing happened. The funny thing was something really did happen. She had fallen in love so hard that it too painful to let go. But that's just what she had to do. That's life.

She walked down the hall, preparing herself to meet Harry, Ron and Ginny in the great hall for breakfast. They were going to Hogsmeade to do their Christmas shopping and to just spend the day with each other.

She plastered a warm smile on her face as she sat down beside Ron and in front of Harry and Ginny.

"Hermione," Ginny greeted me with a smile.

"Hey," Hermione said, taking a slice of apple pie and taking a bite out of it.

"How are you?" Harry asked cautiously.

Ginny and Ron explained the whole thing about Hermione and Draco. He was shocked at first and angry. But he learned to accept it. And now, he felt bad for his friend. He knew that she was hurting.

"I'm fine. Except that I have this five page long essay that I have to do for Defense against the dark arts," Hermione explained.

"What, we have an assignment?" Ron asked, panicking.

"No. I need it for extra grades. I've missed some school days before and I wanted to make up for it," Hermione said.

Hermione's gaze flickered to the Slytherin table and to a certain Slytherin boy. She sighed and looked away. Ginny, Ron and Harry caught this look.

"Hermione, are you sure you're fine?" Ginny asked

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be fine?" Hermione said.

"Well, you haven't be alright in the past week," Ginny answered carefully.

"It's been more than a week," Hermione corrected her quietly, staring at her plate.

Ginny looked at Harry and Ron worriedly. "So it has been. How are you feeling? Tell us."

Hermione looked at the three of them. She wanted to tell them but she had a feeling that they wouldn't understand. She smiled at them.

"I'll be fine. This is nothing. I'll get through this," Hermione said, smiling at them once more.

"Why won't you let us help you?" Ron asked, almost bitterly.

"It's not that I don't want you guys to help me. Believe me, if you guys could do anything, I'd let you. But there's nothing you can do. Nothing," Hermione said dejectedly.

"How do you know we won't be able to help?" Ron asked, pouting. "You haven't even tried."

"Ron," Hermione said, putting both arms around his waist and hugging him, "don't get mad at me. Please! I just-I just want to keep this for myself right now."

"We just want you to be happy," Ron finally said, putting an arm around her.

"I know and thank you. But this is my fight with Draco. I have to deal with it myself," Hermione said. There. She finally admitted after a long time that she's having a fight with Draco.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" Harry asked.

Hermione looked away, unsure of what to do. She hasn't told anyone of what happened, afraid that she was going to break down and cry all over again. She had decided to stop crying after crying over him so much already. She shook her head.

"I'm not ready," Hermione said softly, and then began to stand up.

"Where are you going?" Ginny asked.

"I'm going to the prefects' office. I forgot some of my books there," Hermione said. "I'll see you guys later."

She walked out of the great hall and went to the prefects' office. When she got there, she was surprised to see Padma there, reading.

"Padma, what are you doing here?" Hermione asked her, gathering her books.

"Just reading. I wasn't really hungry," Padma replied.

"Oh well. I'll see you later then," Hermione said. "Gotta get to class."

"Hermione, wait."

She turned around and looked at Padma. "What?"

"What happened that day?" Padma asked simply.

Hermione managed a smile. "Oh that. It was nothing. I was just not feeling well."

"Then why did Draco come after you?" Padma continued.

"Uh, he forgot to tell me something," Hermione said. "I really have to go. Bye."

Hermione left and shut the door behind her. *Everyone should just stop asking me about that day or I'm going to burst out crying.*


Draco watched as Hermione walked in the classroom. She had her usual bundle of books with her. She sat down as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She turned around to talk to Harry and Ron and they immediately got into a chat with each other.

Draco noticed that she looked tired. Her eyes didn't have that brightness that it usually had. And she didn't smile that often. *Damn!* How he longed to see her smile. He was just looking at her, when she looked his way. They locked eyes for a moment, and then Hermione turned away.

*Why can't I just talk to her?*

*Because you're afraid that she's going to turn you away.*

Draco sighed. *I should've just told her before that I loved her, that I still do with all my heart. I should've just told her that after 15 years of not experiencing anything even close to it, she taught me how to love...how to feel. Now might be too late.*

Draco leaned back on his chair as class started, still thinking about Hermione and everything that she had done for him and how she had changed his entire life and being.


That evening, Draco returned to the common room very late. He walked in and saw that Hermione had fallen asleep on the couch, a book on her stomach. He smirked and got the book. *Hogwarts: A history. Geez! Same book every time.* Then he smiled warmly as he gazed upon her.

She was sleeping so peacefully and so soundly that Draco didn't want to wake her up anymore and let her know that she had fallen asleep on the couch. He turned to leave and go in his room when he heard her mutter, "Draco."

He went to her again and kneeled beside the couch. He grazed her cheek gently with his finger. *She's so beautiful.*

"Draco," Hermione mumbled again.

He stared at her. *Is she awake?* He watched her for a couple of minutes then realized...*She's dreaming.* He smiled.

"Please don't leave me," Hermione mumbled yet again. Draco's smile disappeared as he saw a tear slither down Hermione's cheek. He became worried.

"Please don't leave me."

Draco held her hand tight. "I won't leave you, Hermione. I promise."


Hermione opened her eyes and felt that her cheeks were a bit damp. She sighed as she realized that she had been crying in her sleep again. Ever since she and Draco had gone their separate ways, she had been crying in her sleep. She guessed that because she couldn't express emotion when she's awake, she expresses it while she's asleep, in her dreams.

She began to sit up when she saw Draco Malfoy resting his head on the couch by her lap, his eyes closed and his hand holding hers. She felt...happy. There was no other word for it. She smiled at him, watching him as he slept.

Loving Draco had made her feel so alive and so daring. She had felt things she had never felt before, not even with Harry. She felt that being with him just made so much sense that you don't have to question it-you won't need to question it. It was just natural.

She shook him gently. "Draco, wake up."

He slowly stirred and opened his eyes. When he realized where he was and what he was doing, he immediately let go of her hand and stood up.

"I'm-I'm sorry," Draco said. "I didn't mean to--."

"It's okay," Hermione said with a smile. "I'm actually glad that you kept me company."

"You are?" Draco asked, surprised.

Hermione nodded. They became quiet for a while and Hermione realized that this was her chance. If she didn't do it now, she never will. She took a deep breath and tried to gather all the courage that she had.

"Draco," she began softly, standing up. "I want to tell you something."

"What is it?" he asked.

"That day...in the library, I told you something, remember?" she asked.

Draco only nodded.

"It didn't mean what you think it meant," she explained. "I was just trying to tell you that we hadn't had anything official and that..." *You can do this.* "Draco--."

"Hermione, it's okay. This fight isn't your fault anymore, remember?" Draco said. "It's my fault now. And I do understand now what you mean about what you said."

"I forgive you," Hermione said suddenly, surprising Draco.


"Yeah. I don't really want an explanation anymore. Besides, it was kinda strange getting mad at some guy who's not your boyfriend," Hermione said slowly.

Draco gulped.

"Draco, remember that time that you told me that you love me?" Hermione asked, taking the plunge.

Draco looked up at her. *How did she know that? She was supposed to be sleeping!*

Hermione looked back at him, the twinkle back in her eyes. "You left so suddenly."

"I'm sorry. I just-I was--."

"You just left and didn't wait," Hermione said.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Or rather, what did I say."

"What did you say?" Draco asked, interested.

"I said...I said I love you, too."

Draco just stared at her, not sure what he just heard. When it finally sunk in, he smiled slightly at her. She smiled back at him, blushing.

He walked over towards her, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. His other hand caressed her cheek gently. He leaned forward to close the gap between them. But just before their lips touched he told her, "I love you."

And then it was bliss.

The End.