People struggle because of this quarantine, but all the introverts with fanfic be like this is my best life. Stay safe yall and take precautions.

All right this is still episode 671. I don't know how many parts this is going to be, but hopefully we are in for a fun ride. Also, I apologize as I am still trying to write Bourbon's character and I feel like I am not doing his intelligence justice. Hopefully it is just because he is underestimating Conan, still though, please be patient with me.

The police arrived relatively quickly and set about first interrogating the victim to try to piece the crime together. Conan stepped back into the living room and I followed him, intent on keeping him in my sight at all times. I see the brilliant blue eyes glance back at me and I stop. Right, this kid had the instincts of a not kid. I had to be careful not to set off that paranoia meter of his. I stepped around him, trying not to watch him as I crept over by Mouri-Sensei, who was standing arms folded across his chest.

The woman we saved was sitting on the couch, her jacket draped around her shoulders, silent tears streaming down her face. She looked like she was in shock. Megure Keibu sat on the couch and asked with a frank seriousness.

"So Ma'am, who are you and can you tell me the events leading up to this?"

I want to watch the strange six-year-old, but I also want to make sure I solve this case. I watch as the woman's shoulders convulse, holding back sobs through her explanation.

"My name is Kei Kashitsuka. I had contacted Mouri-Tantei because I wanted him to investigate a coin operated key left behind by my brother when he passed away. When I got here, the man in the bathroom pretended to be an assistant to Mouri-Tantei, saying that he stepped out for a bit and would return soon. Then he knocked me out with a stun gun. The next thing I know I woke up and we were in the bathroom and I was tied up with that duct tape, and he was threatening me about the coin locker. That's all I know."

Megure Keibu hummed pensively.

"So, this is what happened? Kei Kashitsuka-san, you came here to ask Mouri-kun to investigate a coin-operated locker key, but were met by a man claiming to be his assistant, and were knocked out with a stun gun. When you regained consciousness, you were wrapped in duct tape and trapped in a toilet."

Kashitsuka-san nodded tearfully.

"Yes, to make sure I wouldn't run away, my boots were taken off, and even the laces were removed."

Wait a moment, that confused me slightly. Why would the assailant take the time to remove the boots and the laces? If he knew that Mouri-Sensei was coming back soon, he wouldn't have wasted the time. Not to mention, if Kashituska-san really wanted to escape, shoes wouldn't have been an issue, desperation making her forget societal norms; no one cares about anything else besides survival in those situations.

Something about this story wasn't adding up, but I couldn't really explain it. I was still in the reconnaissance phase of gathering as much information as possible, I can sift through it later. Right now though, it was either a suicide case, or a murder in self-defense. Megure Keibu continued.

"And then when Mouri-kun and the others came back, this man panicked since they found he was confining you in the toilet, inserted the gun into his own mouth and committed suicide by pulling the trigger correct?"


Megure Keibu leaned forward.

"Do you know why he would want to trap you in a toilet?"

Kashitsuka-san bowed her head slightly, wiping tears out of her eyes.

"He kept asking me the same question. 'What locker is this key for? If you don't tell me I will kill you.'"

She fell into another bout of crying. Megure Keibu simply watched her, no longer pressing for answers on this obviously traumatized woman.

Takage Keiji interrupted by walking through the door, announcing his presence with a report.

"Megure Keibu, according to forensics, there was virtually no gunshot residue on Kashitsuka-san's body or clothing."

Wait a second that should have been impossible. She was right next to the corpse; if he fired the gun, she would have some on her right? Or does this only prove that the man committed suicide? I wonder what dear Conan-kun thought of all of this.

His eyes are sharp as he watches everything with silent calmness. I can tell, because I am doing the same thing. To any untrained eye it really did like he wasn't doing anything, but I could tell something was bothering him as well. Megure Keibu remarked.

"So he committed suicide, and Kashitsuka-san's testimony is true."

Is it though? This really did look like an open shut case, but it was usually those types of cases that causes me to be the most worried; I learned that from last time. There were too many details that seemed to be missing. It wasn't specific enough for my tastes.

"Yeah, probably."

Megure Keibu stood.

"All right, first, find the locker as well as what the man who committed suicide wanted."

Takagi Keiji straightened attentively.

"Yes sir."

He went back out the door, as Megure Keibu stepped toward the bathroom, Mouri-Sensei on his heels. I pretend to have my focus on them when I am really watching the youngest sleuth in the room. Conan narrowed his eyes at Kashitsuka-san pensively. I see he agrees with me; something about this case wasn't solved.

I pause. Why was I automatically trusting this kid's judgement? I mean he certainly does seem smarter then the average child, but that doesn't mean I, a full fledged PSB agent, should rely on his skills and intuition. What am I thinking? I am just here to observe, not get caught up in his thought processes or solving abilities, that is if he tries to solve it. Next I bet he will go check out the scene of the crime again. I hear Megure Keibu in the next room.

"Still, it doesn't add up. Why would he bring Kashitsuka-san here? He only wanted her to tell him what locker the key was for."

I watch as Conan turns and slowly walks into the hallway to the bathroom, silent as if he was supposed to be there, and not a single person questioned it. What kind of dynamic did Conan have that caused him to be a normality of a crime scene? Either they didn't see him, or they just didn't care. Mouri-Sensei agreed.

"I know. Despite threatening her with a gun and interrogating her after forcing her to move, he knocked her out with a stun gun and duct taped her, so it sounds like he was planning on shutting himself in here for awhile."

That was true. Why would he hole up in a place with no escape routes if he really did want to leave? Again, this is leaning toward the suicide theory; he didn't expect to leave. All of this over a coin locker. It seemed excessive at best.

"To sum it up, it was suicide by gun."

"Well, since I, Mouri Kogoro came back earlier then he expected, he probably gave up knowing he couldn't get away."

That was a good point. Did he expect to get out before we returned, and then committed suicide because we threw a wrench in his plans? Kashitsuka-san commented softly.

"He looked very impatient. He said that it'd be bad if he didn't find that locker quickly, or something like that."

"But still Kashitsuka-san, have you really never seen him before? If his objective was the key in your brother's belongings, then there was a good possibility that your brother knew him."

That was a good point too.

"No never. I never really met any of my brother's friends."

I twitched slightly. That was strange. Why would she not know any of her brother's friends? I wonder if she wasn't close to her brother and got his belongings after he died unwillingly.

So, let's think about this coin locker shall we? She said he was impatient. What could be so important that this person needed it in such a short amount of time? I wonder if the circumstances of his death had anything to do it. If he was caught up in criminal activity and was murdered for it, the criminals could be looking for the coin locker because of the money or drugs or contraband inside it. Again, I am thinking worst case scenario, but if this man was willing to take a hostage, then there has to be some criminal activity involved right? I bend down, asking plainly.

"By the way, how did your brother pass away?"

Huh, that's odd. She didn't react at all. I repeat the question; maybe she was just zoned out?

"What did your brother die of?"

She jerked and seemed to realize I was talking to her. Why wouldn't she react? I ask once more.

"What did your deceased brother die from?"

"Oh yes, He died in an accident four days ago."

She dug in her purse and pulled out her phone, flipping it open and showed me a picture of her standing next to a man with .

"This is my brother."

So there goes that theory. She had to have been close to him if she had him as her lock screen. So how did she not know any of his friends? I commented casually as I stared at the phone, trying to memorize what he looked like.

"Oh, you've made him your wallpaper."

Suddenly, I am hyper-aware of the child that was standing at my elbow, also gazing at the picture observantly. He snuck up beside me when I wasn't looking. I see him stiffen slightly…in recognition? Did he know this guy?

I was right in assuming that crime scenes were the catalysts that caused this kid to act seriously. Normally if I was looking in his direction and he was in my focus, he would notice my intentions and fly under the radar, throwing on that mask of his. Now though, I could practically see the gears turning in his clear gaze. I keep seeing these glimpses of a tiny sliver of the true person hiding behind the mask, but it wasn't enough. I needed to know exactly who I was dealing with.

"Speaking of mobile phones…"

The spell was broken as Conan snapped out of his thoughts, and the mask slammed down and for once it was genuine childish innocence crossing his face as he glanced up at Megure Keibu who was holding up an evidence bag with a cell phone in it.

"This mobile phone, belonging to the man who committed suicide is strange."


Megure Keibu continued, pushing the buttons to scroll through it looks like.

"The email he sent to Mouri-kun while acting as Kashitsuka-san about wanting to move the meeting is in the sent history, but there are no other emails whatsoever."

That was strange. Did he delete them all before we got to him? Kashitsuka-san tried to explain.

"He sent the emails after that from my mobile."

That explained the ones afterwards, but not the complete mystery. Megura Keibu continued, seemingly agreeing with me.

"But still, the fact that's the only email that was sent or received, and the contact list is completely empty. This doesn't look like that new a model."

Did that mean this was a burn phone? That made sense considering he was contemplating committing a crime. If so, where was his real phone? Mouri-Sensei suggested.

"Maybe he bought an old model for a cheap price? It is good condition."

Megure Keibu glanced up at his friend.

"Also the change and wallet in his pocket with the mobile phone bother me."

Change and wallet? What could be strange about that? Mouri-Sensei seemed to have the same thought.

"Change and a wallet?"

Megure Keibu nodded seriously.

"They were with the locker key that he stole from Kashitsuka-san, along with a stun gun, cigarettes, and a lighter in his coat pocket, but the change added up to around five thousand yen."

I raise my eyebrow slightly. That was an abnormal amount of change.

"Five thousand yen!"

Exclaimed Mouri-Sensei. Ran-san commented.

"If he had that much, wouldn't they be heavy and rattle?"

Megure Keibu continued.

"Not only that, he also had two 10,000 yen bills in his wallet as well as five 5,000 yen bills and there were forty-seven 1,000 bills. Don't you find that strange?"

This man was stacked for committing a crime. Why would he bring his entire life savings with him to hold up someone? Did he steal them from Kashitsuka-san? I feel like we need to see the full contents of the evidence that we gleaned from the man before continuing any further.

"Um, excuse me. If it is all right, could you show us the things that were in his pocket?"

Instantly a high-pitched childish voice popped in.

"You want to see them too, don't you Oji-san?"

Meaning that this boya wanted to see them as well. Of course he does, but I don't miss how he pushes the desire off on Mouri-Sensei, drawing attention to the man instead of course him saying that he wanted to see them himself. Mouri-Sensei seemed caught off guard a little.

"Oh, yeah that's right."

Megure Keibu acquiesced, and soon we had assembled all of the evidence on the table of the man's pockets. I was peering over Conan's shoulder as he also included himself into the investigation.

"This is all of it."

Mouri-Sensei remarked in disbelief.

"He had this much stuff in his pockets?"

Megure Keibu nodded.

"Yes. The locker key is being examined by Takagi-kun now, so it's not here."

My eyes roam over the items, trying to pick up clues that I am sure were there, trying to weave together the evidence to tell me its story. There were the excessive amount of yen bills and change, there was a lighter, two boxes of cigarettes, the stun gun, and a variety of other odd items. Nothing really stood out to me as particularly condemning, but then again, it didn't look like any other police officer or detective in the room had any ideas either, even the boy standing in front of me.

"By the way Kashitsuka-san."


"One of the two towels that fell by the body's feet in the toilet was damp on one side. Do you know why?"

A damp towel? Something that odd in a crime scene meant a clue of some sort. Kashitsuka-san answered calmly.

"I'm not sure, I was scared and had my head down the whole time."

Megure Keibu continued.

"Also, underneath those towels there was a knot at the end of your boot laces and they were caught up in your boots."

"Oh that's a habit from when I was a child. My brother always said when you wash fabric sneakers or the like, it's easier to hang them when the laces get like that. Like you'd expect, I don't wash my boots, but the habit just stuck with me."

Tears welled up in here eyes as she bowed her head.

"But…my brother isn't here anymore."

Mouri-Sensei turned to Megure Keibu, saying kindly.

"Keibu, would it be all right to leave it here for today? It hasn't been that long since she lost her brother, and a man she didn't know killed himself in front of her."

I see, trying to not distress Kashitsuka-san anymore, which makes sense. Being held up and have a man putting a bullet through his brain is no doubt traumatic enough, not to mention still dealing with the grief of her brother dying as well. I am surprised she isn't a blubbering mess constantly. Still, all these tears, and something still tugs at my instincts. Something about this case still needed to be discovered. I feel like we haven't even scratched the surface of this case yet; it wasn't a good feeling. Megure Keibu agreed.

"Then we will begin questioning tomorrow, so can you tell us your address and a way to contact you?"

Kashitsuka-san wiped her tears.

"Oh, yes, I can write it on something, right?"

"If possible, if you have any kind of identification."

"I've just finished university and I am looking for a job, so I don't have a business card. If I go to my house, I could give you my insurance certificate."

"Then please bring that tomorrow."


If she didn't have any identification on her, that means that she doesn't have a driver's license. In that case, she doesn't have a way to get back to her home. I still wanted to check in with her, because maybe another one of her brother's friends could come and attack her. Not to mention, I wanted to check out her home for possibly more clues to solving this mystery.

"Um…If you're going home, shall I drive you there?"

I offered kindly. I pointed over in a general direction of where my car was.

"I parked at a nearby parking lot. There is a chance that an accomplice of his might ambush you near your home."

Kashitsuka-san smiled softly, a grateful look falling over her face.

"Sorry to trouble you."

'Amuro Touru' smiled, polite as ever.

"Oh please, there is no need to apologize."

Megure Keibu asked deadpan.

"By the way, what is he doing here?"

Mouri-Sensei answered sheepishly.

"Oh actually, Amuro-kun is my apprentice now."

Megure Keibu recoiled in surprise.


Mouri-Sensei chuckled, a mixture of pride and embarrassment. Megure Keibu just watched his friend with fond exasperation.

"Geez, so you have yet another detective around you."

My ears perked up. Another detective? Who could that possibly be?


I voice my concern. Megure Keibu turned to me and explained.

"Yeah, there is another one besides you. A detective girl who's recently been showing up and wandering around crime scenes with Mouri-kun."

My heart skips a beat in anticipation. No way. Could it be Sherry? Could I possibly be that lucky that I stumble on her within the first week of hanging out with the Mouri's? I never heard of her being a detective, as science was her specialty, but she was certainly intelligent enough for it. No Amuro, focus on this.

"A detective girl you say? I'd love to meet her."

I will definitely have to investigate that later, and meet this mysterious detective girl. However, my plate was full enough as it was now with Mouri Sensei, Conan, and this case.

Enough of that for now, we need to get Kashitsuka-san home. Megure Keibu was already out the door.

"In any case, are you ready to go home Kashitsuka-san?"

Kashitsuka-san took the hint and stood up from the couch.

"I am coming with you."

I turn to see Mouri-Sensei standing near the door, still holding it open from when Megure Keibu exited. Kashitsuka-san held up her hands, trying to decline.

"No thank you I will be ok on my own."

Mouri-Sensei shook his head.

"No Amuro-kun has the right idea. If they are hanging around your apartment waiting for you the more people the better."

He reassured as he and her traipsed down the stairs.

"Wait for us."

Ran was next out the door hurriedly, leaving me alone with Conan. He was looking up at me with wide puppy dog eyes, nonthreatening in an almost genuine way.

"Is there enough room in your car for all of us Amuro-san?"

I smiled, pasting on my own mask.

"Since you count as half a person Conan-kun, I am sure we will fit."

I see the small twitch on his face, but I couldn't' figure out the emotion it was before it smoothed over. I follow the six-year-old out of the office.

We walk silently side by side as we follow the father/daughter/client group. The air wasn't awkward per say, but not quite comfortable either. Both of us still felt the tension of the day's events, and decided to stay within our own thoughts instead of engaging each other in conversation. I could tell he was deep in thought as he walked, not really noticing the surroundings around him as he almost walked out into the street without looking both ways.

No cars were directly on us, but one was coming that would hit him if he continued walking into the street. I urgently reached down and grabbed the back of his collar, gently pulling him backwards until he was on the sidewalk beside me, blinking in surprise at what just happened as the car drove by. I released the breath I had sucked into my lungs in panic and admonished softly

"Careful there Conan-kun. There won't be someone to always look out for you."

Conan looked up at me with a sheepish smirk.

"Sorry Amuro-san."

The crossing walk changed to green and we continued our silent journey. I break the silence amiably, fishing for answers.

"What were you so lost in thoughts about?"

I doubt he will give me a straight answer, but I would check just in case to make sure. Conan made no verbal reaction, but his body tensed, and he stopped abruptly on the sidewalk. I turn slightly to see the boy staring up at me with the clearest gaze, his normally sapphire eyes glittering dangerously in the dark. He reminded me of an agent, a hunter prowling in the night.

Then it is gone, disappeared into the unknown leaving behind a normal elementary schooler. He frowned, softened features even with the harsh emotion on his face. Not like the agent I had seen before, but a true child.

"This case I suppose."

I nodded, creeping slightly closer figuratively as I threw out the line, hook in the water baited and ready for his answer.

"What about it?"

He just grinned up at me.

"Nothing Amuro-san. Just seems like something is missing."

He skips off, and I narrow my eyes. He just…it wasn't just a face mask; he changed his entire body language to that of a kid. The previous hunter I had seen had disappeared completely, leaving behind the grade schooler which was turned up to dial eleven. Well shoot, did I scare him off? Did he suspect that I am suspecting him?

I follow after him. I can't get a read on this kid. One second, he is a capable detective, and the next he really is just a six year old. Which one was real? That was only when a dead body was involved too. It terrified me; this unknown force that I was now following toward my car.

We clamored in my RX-7, Kashitsuka-san and I in the front seat while Mouri-Sensei, Ran-san, and Conan scrunched together in the back. I pull out of the parking lot following Kashitsuka-san's directions.

"Kashitsuka-san, is this the right way to your home?"


Ran-san remarked cheerfully from the backseat.

"Come to think of it, this car's a different color then Sato Keiji's right?"

Mouri-Sensei scolded slightly irately.

"More importantly, why did you guys come along? It's kind of cramped in here."

My RX-7 is not used for public transport most of the time; I use her for her high speeds with the turbo engines, quick turns, and superb handling with the weight distribution, perfect for high speed chases and dire situations. I decide to follow through with what Amuro Touru would say and not any of my other personas, glancing into my rearview mirror.

"Sorry. This car isn't designed to have 3 passengers in the back seats."

Ran-san apologized for her father's brashness, again.

"Ah, no it isn't your fault."

She turned to her dad.

"And why did you have to come along Dad?"

Mouri-Sensei protested.

"Because I am worried about Kei-san."

I smirk as I continue to listen to them argue good-naturedly in the back seat. I glance up into my rear view mirror again just to see behind me before my gaze drifts down to the youngest rider in the car.

Ah, the little kid act is gone again and he is back in his detective mode. I can see the clear suspicion in his gaze as he stared directly ahead, before his glare shifted slightly to the woman sitting in my passenger seat.

Wait a second…did he think…no way. Did he think Kashitsuka-san was the culprit? That couldn't possibly be right… right?

No hold on, there was some merit to that. I had similar thoughts at the beginning of the case, but with some small pieces of evidence leaning toward the opposite side of the argument, I had abandoned that theory. I would be a terrible detective if I didn't at least consider the option.

Maybe I was thinking about this all wrong. I assumed the man had committed suicide, following along with Kashitsuka-san's story. It was obvious she was in high distress, so I believed her story, as it was the only story that came out of that situation; the only other witness was dead.

My instincts that were telling me there was something up here, was this what they were trying to tell me? I mean several things about the interrogation earlier were suspicious from her but was it enough to where she murdered him? The lack of gunshot residue, her supposed zoning out, the shoe laces. Conan was right; she was far more suspicious then the man. Alone, the evidence wasn't going to hold up in court, but if this boy truly believed that she was the culprit, maybe I should entertain the idea as well, even if he was just a primary school student.

I glance over to Kashitsuka-san who was staring down at her lap, looking exhausted, and her thoughts occupied by something. Guilt? Maybe.

All right Conan-kun. I will chew on the bone that you have thrown me, although it was unintentional. I know the other detective in the car wasn't going to reach that conclusion, and just like in the restaurant, where 'Sleeping Kogoro' outshined me, I have to learn how to think outside of the box.

I press my foot on the gas pedal, revving the engine slightly as we sped down the street. I was itching to solve the cases in front of me, not only the suicide, but also the mysterious boy sitting a foot behind me.