Hello everyone, and welcome back! Thank you very much for the reviews and replies to my inquiry last chapter, I do appreciate it. It appears that most of you think it's fine to keep Achilles as he is, if only because we're so far down the road now that it's kind of pointless to change. As such, I will be leaving him alone/as he is.

That said, it's time for us to delve into the Dungeon alongside Achilles and Riveria and see what they discover both about Revis and about each other. So let's begin.

I do not own Danmachi

Achilles and Riveria made their way down the Dungeon, easily dispatching the upper floor monsters that were foolish enough to attack them.

"Thank you for taking me along, Achilles. I know that Finn was pressuring you, but I am glad you accepted my request," Riveria said.

"Ah well, it wasn't a bad idea to have someone else come along, this is quite likely an ambush, possibly even one specifically for me, but I am well aware that Finn has plenty of reasons to distrust me."

"He's just playing it safe, but he does think of you as a friend. We all do," she replied gently.

"Thank you. I know I've been more than an extraordinary asshole since I've come back but I am trying to be better. I want-," he cut himself off when he realized what he was about to say.

"Yes?" Riveria asked, giving him a curious look.

A bit of red came to his cheeks before he sighed.

"I want to prove you right. About still being the old me. Deep down."

It took a second for Riveria's memory to replay their past moment together, but when it did, a soft dusting of red and a barely hidden smile appeared.

"You are a good man, Achilles. One of the best I've known. That's the truth. But you're still recovering from the loss of those closest to you and what I suspect and fear is a great deal of self-loathing."

He nodded.

"I can't exactly deny that."

Saddened by his confession, Riveria reached out and took his hand.

"Please, Achilles," she pleaded, looking into his eyes. "For Bell, for your new familia, and for me, don't hate yourself."

The gentle request and the soft eyes of the woman before him warmed Achilles like few things ever had. He wasn't sure he could completely let go of his self-loathing, at least not yet, his failure to protect his familia still weighed heavily on him, but he couldn't find it in himself to deny her.

"Well, with a request like that, how could I refuse?" he replied, his own voice soft and tender.

She smiled.

"Thank you, Achilles."

"I believe I should be the one thanking you," he countered.

She laughed lightly.

"Then I supposed we should both just be thankful."

His smile grew.

"I can agree to that. Now," he lashed out and destroyed a monster that thought to take advantage of their apparent distraction to attack. "I suppose we should keep moving."

"Lead the way," she said, still smiling.

The two arrived at level eighteen not long after, having cut through the top floors with the ease one would expect from two high-level adventurers.

"We should probably check with Bors to see if he has any information about the killings," Riveria suggested.

Achilles nodded and the two made their way towards Rivira.

They two arrived at the town and found its gates were being guarded by a pair of adventurers.

"Halt!" one of them called.

"What's going on here?" Riveria asked.

"Sorry, Nine Hells, there have been a number of non-monster related killings recently so Bors ordered extra precautions," the second guard explained.

"That's actually why we're here. The Guild sent us to find whoever is doing the killings and put an end to it," Achilles replied.

"Well, if that's the case then you'll probably want to speak with Bors," the second said. "I'll escort you to him."

As the three made their way through the town, Achilles and Riveria noticed the streets were empty.

"Everyone's at the inn right now. Two more bodies were brought in less than an hour ago and the number of missing adventurers has jumped to twenty, so everyone's a little freaked out," their escort informed them.

"Then we'd best hurry. At this rate another adventurer might be killed if we don't," Achilles stated, his voice firm but tinted with concern.

Both of his companions agreed and so picked up their pace.

They arrived at the inn and quickly made their way inside. Riveria and Achilles were instantly met with the sight of dozens of Rivira's citizens as well as adventurers who had likely been warned about delving deeper.

All eyes turned to them when they entered and neither Achilles nor Riveria took any offense to the suspicious glares they were receiving.

"This way," the guard said, bringing them towards the back.

The guard knocked.

"What?!" came the familiar voice of Bors.

The guard opened the door and the three walked inside, finding Bors and several other residents inside, all standing over two blanket covered bodies.

"Nine Hells. Olympian. What the hell are you doing here?" he asked.

Again, neither took offense. He was in a stressful situation.

"The Guild assigned me to find the one doing the killings and put a stop to them. Riveria is here to assist me," Achilles answered.

"Is that so?" Bors asked, his eye narrowed with skepticism.

He walked up to the two and eyed them both.

"And how do I know it's not one or both of you doing the killings huh? One of those kids over there was a level three. The other a level two. We even had a level four brought to us in pieces. Only a high level adventurer like yourself could tear through so many mid-rankers like a hot knife through butter," he looked down at Achilles's sword. "Is that what you used to do it? A quick slice and dice?"

"Bors, please," Riveria pleaded. "I understand why you're upset, but Achilles did not do this and I think you already know that."

"Do I? I don't know this guy. What he's like. But I do know he's strong enough to kill these kids!" Bors pointed towards the bodies.

I'm strong enough to kill everyone in this village, I would have no need to hide myself, Achilles mentally noted, but obviously knew not to say.

"We believe it was the same woman who killed that level four from Ganesha familia a while back," Riveria stated, hoping the situation would de-escalate with that.

Luckily, that did do the trick as Bors turned his eye towards her.

"The red-haired one?" Riveria nodded. "Hm, I suppose that would make sense, though that does make me wonder why your familia hasn't dealt with her. Didn't you fight her multiple times?"

Before Riveria could reply, a growl pierced the air.

"Don't you dare try and put some sort of ludicrous blame on her shoulders," Achilles warned. "She is not at fault for this in the slightest and if you think I'm going to stand by and listen to you degrade her out of some sense of politeness to your situation, I suggest you reconsider very quickly."

A tense silence fell over the room for a moment, Achilles glaring down at the leader of Rivira, daring him to try anything at the moment.

Bors was no fool though. He knew he couldn't win in a fight against the man before him. Sure he was upset and didn't exactly take kindly to the threat at the moment, but he also recognized he was being an ass.

"Alright. Alright fine. I'm sorry. It's just that this whole situation is shit," he growled.

"That's why we're going to put an end to it, all we came here for is any potential information you have," Achilles responded, his voice still more of a growl.

"Not much I can tell you. It all began a couple of days ago, at least that's when we first realized it. Adventurers started going down the Dungeon and fewer than normal were returning. A few of us were starting to get concerned so I ordered a search party to go down and see if they could find anything. That's when we found the first body. Cut up like a butcher had worked them over. It was clearly not a monster attack. The wounds were too precise. We knew it was a person. A strong one too. Someone who knew what they were doing. Didn't even look like the poor souls stood a chance."

"That sounds like Revis," Riveria said. "She managed to beat Aiz in her first encounter and held her own against Finn for a while. That was months ago and I have no doubt she's only gotten stronger."

"That's why I'm here," Achilles replied. "Do you have any idea where she might be?" he asked Bors.

"The first two bodies we found on level nineteen, but the next three we found on twenty. We think that the increased vigilance and patrols are making her more wary," Bors answered.

"Then she might have moved down to twenty-one by now," Achilles said. "Well, whatever the case and wherever she is, we'll find her."

Or perhaps, she'll find us, he thought.

"Good," Bors said. "When you do, give her a good one for me," he said, holding up his fist.

"With pleasure," the Olympian replied.

Achilles and Riveria made their way down into level nineteen silently, both a bit weighed down by what transpired in Rivira.

"I'm sorry," Achilles suddenly said.

"Sorry? For what?" she asked.

"For snapping like that. It wasn't helpful to the situation but...I couldn't let him go after you like that. You don't deserve any blame."

Riveria was silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond. This was only made worse when she replayed what happened at the inn and finally realized something about what had transpired.

He defended me.

As much as she tried to resist, saying that it wasn't the time and she was being ridiculous, she couldn't help but blush at that.

I am a level six adventurer, not some fairy tale princess whose honor is being defended by her knight!

Even with that scolding, she couldn't help the warmth she felt at his actions.

"There's nothing to apologize for," she finally said. "In fact, I appreciate that you would come to my defense so readily."

"I'll always come to your defense, Riveria."

Both stopped.

Where did that come from?! Achilles mentally roared, having spoken the words before his brain had caught up.

Is...Is he...flirting? Riveria wondered, her own mind in just as much disarray.

It was lucky for both of them that they weren't looking at each other or else their embarrassment would have amplified to eruption levels upon seeing their companion's painfully red cheeks.

But, apparently some of Bell's luck had rubbed off on them as they were saved from any embarrassing conversation by the sudden appearance of numerous monsters. Both eagerly jumped on the distraction.

The monsters were dealt with in a manner befitting their station and the two, still very eager to not confront the embarrassing situation they had put themselves in, pressed on with all haste.

The two searched the nineteenth and twentieth floors, but discovered no sign of Revis, a fact that was not a great surprise, but did not exactly sit well with them.

"We'll continue to the twenty-first floor. Something tells me we'll be more lucky there," Achilles said.

Riveria nodded.

"I suspect you're right. As powerful as she is, I doubt that Revis is comfortable with taking on large groups of mid-tier adventurers and so probably put some distance between herself and the eighteenth floor."

"That might be the case, but it's just as likely she knows we're coming and is laying a trap."

"Then we will keep our eyes open."

The two pressed on and quickly reached the twenty-first floor.

"It's too quiet," Achilles stated as they made their way through the level.

"You're right. There should be more monsters," Riveria replied. "Someone's killing them."

"Yeah. Now the only question is, where is our mysterious someone?"

"Wherever she is, we'll find her."

"I hope so. I don't like knowing this woman is-," Achilles stopped, when he felt a familiar presence and heard the sound of movement. "Well, someone has interesting timing," he said.

Riveria's eyes turned to where he was looking and her grip on her staff tightened as the very redheaded woman they were looking for, slowly approached them.

Achilles pulled out his sword, but did no more than that as Revis came closer.

Is this a trap or is she just trying to be dramatic? he wondered.

Finally, when she was only a few paces away, Revis stopped.

"Achilles Caesar, where are the items that Zeus familia guarded?" she demanded.

Items? Riveria wondered.

"Hello to you to," Achilles responded mockingly. Receiving nothing but a cold stare from the red-haired woman he continued. "They're far outside your reach."

"You will either tell me where they are or you will retrieve them for me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because Enyo wants them."

"And…? I'm sure that there are many things that many people want. A child might want some candy, but that doesn't mean that they're going to get it. In fact, if a parent caves to their child's demands it's seen as irresponsible. This is a not too dissimilar case in terms of basic structure, only instead of candy, you want exceedingly dangerous items that I've personally swore to protect. In other words, Revis or whatever you're called, that would be a big 'no' from me."

Revis stared at him with cold, dead eyes.

"Either you give me the items or," dozens of viola burst out of the ground, surrounding the two adventurers. "I will force you to watch as they slowly tear apart and devour that elf behind you."

Riveria got into a stance and began to chant in preparation for the rebuttal she knew was coming. Yet, she couldn't help but stop as the unnerving sound of cracking, combined with a sudden chill, filled the room.

"That," Achilles growled, his eyes now nothing but a sea of electric blue while tendrils of lightning danced across his skin. "Was a very unwise thing to say."

That was all Revis needed and not a second later, the viola launched themselves at Achilles and Riveria.

"Walls of Lightning!"

A dome of light suddenly covered Riveria, protecting her from the viola who crashed against it, before bouncing off, falling to the ground, and bursting into ash.

Riveria didn't have time to be thankful for this as her eyes caught sight of Achilles charging Revis.

"Achilles!" she cried.

Revis was prepared and met his blade with her own. However, much to her shock, despite the many magic stones she had consumed in preparation for this fight, he was pushing her back. This shock was just enough of an opening for Achilles to force her blade down, grabbed her head and ram it into his knee with enough force to break her nose, before he unceremoniously booted her across the Dungeon room.

Revis crashed into the far Dungeon wall with enough force to crack it before falling pathetically against the ground.

He's more powerful than I thought, she thought, wiping the blood from her nose. But he will fall nonetheless.

She charged at Achilles and the two swords collided again and again, sending sparks through the air as two of the most powerful entities that Orario had ever seen battled against each other.

Riveria knew she was in a bind and had to act quickly. Achilles's Walls of Lightning had given her some breathing room, but that would evaporate instantly if she didn't get moving.

"Oh gentle spirits from the heavens, come to my aid and protect me from my horrid foes. Smite them with your divine grace and protect all that is good and just in this world."

She finished just in time as Achilles's spell wore off and the viola threw themselves at her.

"Pillars of Light!"

A dozen or so beams of blinding light suddenly appeared from above and struck down, piercing numerous violas and destroying them instantly. Riveria did not have time to celebrate though, as there were still many more and they were all eager to devour her.

Jumping away from one, she called out another spell.

"Burst with fiery color. Flaming Flower!"

The viola that she had avoided suddenly exploded, its body withering in agony for a few seconds before it burst into ash.

Yet still more came, forcing her to continue to dodge while throwing out the spells she could.

I'm too slow. It's only a matter of time before they catch me like this. Only one option then, her hands moved to her cloak.

Achilles and Revis continued to batter against each other, scoring small hits, but nothing major. However, Revis knew it was only a matter of time before he found another opening.

At this rate he'll overcome me, and soon. I underestimated his strength and endurance. I need to retreat for now, but, her jaw clenched as another powerful hit smashed against her sword and rattled her bones. How do I get away? He's too fast to simply retreat from.

Her answer came when, out of the corner of her eye she saw something that provided her the perfect opportunity to counter-attack.

"Looks like she made a good snack."

Achilles's eyes widened and, foolish as it was, he couldn't stop himself from turning. When he did, his heart stopped.

Inside the mouth of one of the violas was Riveria's telltale white cloak and green clothes.


He was stopped from calling to her when a terrible pain entered his gut.

Turning and looking down, he found Revis's sword embedded deep in his gut.

"I told you that she would suffer if you didn't give me what I wanted," the redhead stated.

Achilles was silent, nothing but pain wracking through his body and soul.

She can't be. Not now. Not when I was finally-.

"Flaming Flower!"

Both their heads shot around.

Riveria stood calmly in the midst of a group of viola, staff in hand, completely unscathed and looking like something from a legend. The only notable exception to her usual appearance was the fierce look in her eyes, and her outfit.

Knowing that she was too slow in her usual outfit, Riveria had quickly discarded her cloak and overclothes and now stood in what one might call her secret outfit.

She now wore a skin-tight black bodysuit that seemed to act more like a second skin than clothing. She always wore this under her other clothes in case she needed to get a bit more physical than was usually required. The bodysuit had numerous advantages. For one, it was very light and allowed her to move far more quickly and with greater flexibility. The substance the suit was made up of was also a bit of a miracle substance, providing both some level of protection and enhancing her magic. It cost a fortune, but she couldn't find it in herself to care at the moment.

"Pierce them with the icy knives of winter. Frozen spears!"

Several large shards of ice suddenly appeared and shot out at the viola devouring her clothes, piercing it and destroying it within seconds.

I liked those clothes you filthy creature, she thought bitterly.

The relief Achilles felt seeing that Riveria was completely safe and sound could not be put into words.

She's safe. She's fine. Of course she's fine you dolt. Riveria wouldn't go down because of some overgrown weeds, he thought, even as happy tears came to his eyes. Those tears only lasted for a moment, however, as he refocused on another matter. Now, he turned back to Revis.

The redhead didn't have time to react before she suddenly found her head crashing against Achilles's sending mind-numbing pain through her skull. That was just the beginning though as a hand clenched around her throat and pulled her up to look him in the eye.

"You have officially pissed me off, so I think a little revenge is in order," Achilles growled before he thrust his sword into Revis's gut.

Revis gasped, the force of the blow not only piercing straight through her body, but knocking the wind out of her as well. But Achilles wasn't done. Still furious beyond measure, he quickly pulled the blade out of her, then cut off her left arm. Before she could cry out at the loss, his hand moved from her neck to her face and then he threw her against the ground hard enough to create a crater.

"If Ouranos didn't want you for information I would be taking your head right now. So instead I'll just be taking your legs along with your arm," he stated, his voice so menacing that, had Bell or Haruhime been there, they might have noted how he sounded like a villain from a fairy tale.

Revis, in agony and barely able to move, glared up at the Olympian, her eyes screaming her desire to kill him.

"Alright, let's start with the left leg," Achilles said, raising his blade.

He was stopped at the last moment when a viola suddenly came from the side and pushed him off its tamer.

"You annoying fucking plant!" Achilles roared before cutting the monster in two.

It was already too late though as Achilles had just enough time to see another viola grab Revis and disappear back into the hole it appeared from.

Rushing over to the hole and finding it empty, his teeth groaned as his jaw clenched so hard it was a wonder nothing broke.

Part of him wanted to follow, but he managed to remember his elven companion and turned to find her.

Riveria had managed to defeat nearly all the viola and not a moment too soon. She still had plenty of magic, but all the moving and hopping around had physically exhausted her so she was quite happy to see that there was only one monster left.

"Burst with fiery-."

She was stopped from completing her spell when a sword suddenly flew through the air and pierced right through the viola, destroying it.

Surprised, it took Riveria a moment to recollect herself as she watched the sword suddenly fly backwards and into the hand of Achilles.

"Are you alright?" he asked, walking up to her.

"Yes I'm fi-," Riveria finally noticed his injury. "Achilles! You're injured."

"Oh, right," he looked down. "That bitch cheap-shoted me. Nothing too major."

"Nothing too…" the man before her had a gaping gut wound that even now was bleeding profusely and he was acting like it was a paper cut. "Come here," she ordered with a sigh.

She quickly healed him, checking over the area to make sure everything was already before she finally allowed herself to relax.

"I'm guessing she fled?"

Achilles nodded.

"Yeah. Had her pinned to the ground before one of her little pets got in the way. She retreated down that hole," he said, pointing.

"Hm, then she could be anywhere now. It's unlikely we'll be able to find her today and we're both more than a little spent. We should return to Rivira, rest and resupply."

Achilles growled, wanting to catch Revis as soon as possible.

A soft hand on his cheek ended his rage in an instant.

"It's okay, Achilles. I understand, I'm not exactly happy either. She's attacked my familia multiple times, almost killed me, and now her pets have destroyed my favorite outfit," she joked, giving him a smile. "But we need to play this smart."

Achilles sighed and his head dropped.

She's right. I knows she's right, I'm just really fucking mad that bitch got away.

Achilles began to look up, but stopped as something finally hit him.

Holy shit.

Achilles, in the midst of battle, hadn't actually noticed Riveria's current outfit and now that he did, he couldn't stop himself from staring, nor even attempt to stop the blush that came to his cheeks.

Riveria, noticing the way he tensed up and his rapidly reddening face, quirked her head in confusion.


His eyes snapped back up to hers, and she found herself stunned at how red he was.

"I'm sorry," he said, quickly turning away.

"Sorry?" she asked, even more confused than she was before. "For what?"

What could he possibly be apologizing for now? she wondered, racking her brain.

He didn't answer immediately and a few seconds passed before he managed to quietly answer.

"I forgot how stunning you are under all those baggy clothes."

Riveria blinked. Then blinked again. Then her face burst into flames.


Still not looking at her, Achilles repeated.

"I'm sorry."

"N-No, there's nothing to apologize for. It's not like this is somehow your fault. If it's anyone's it's mine for getting rid of my overclothes!" she replied, her voice coming out so quickly that it was a miracle either of them understood what she said. "If anything, I should thank you for the compliment."

Achilles turned to her, eyes holding a bit of surprise.

"Well...you are very beautiful, Riveria."

Her heart leapt at that. However, any excitement she felt was quickly dampened as self-doubt decided to make an appearance.

"I'm sure I'm nothing compared to Freya."

Achilles's eyes widened.

"Don't degrade yourself like that! Don't you dare!" he demanded. "You are so much more than she is and…"

He stopped as his brain finally caught up with his mouth, but it was too late.

"And?" she asked, her voice quiet as a whisper as her hopeful eyes looked up at him.

Mortified that his mouth had once again gone off before he could figure out what he was saying, Achilles decided that, as embarrassing as it was, he needed to finish.

"Maybe it's the ears, or maybe it's just human men's fascination with elven women," he said, nearly crippled by the embarrassment his own words caused. "But to me, you're far more beautiful."

The Dungeon fell completely quiet. Not a single sound passed the walls of the great labyrinth as Riveria processed what she'd just heard.

"T-That can't be true," she finally said. "I-I...appreciate the attempt at a compliment of course, but you shouldn't tell such obvious lies, Achilles."

"What makes you think I'm lying?" he asked, gently, but confused.

"Because it's obvious you are. Saying I'm more beautiful than Freya? Goddess of beauty? The woman you love? Of course you can't be-."


The force of his voice stopped it. It wasn't harsh, in fact it actually came across as gentle, but there was a power within it that commanded her to stop and listen.

He smiled tenderly at her.

"I don't love Freya anymore."

Riveria actually dropped her staff at that.

"You...don't...love her anymore?"

He laughed lightly.

"I'm a bit shocked myself. But...thinking about it, thinking about all that's happened, how easy it was for me to give you that compliment, I know now," he smiled brightly at her. "My heart no longer belongs to her."

Riveria was practically shaking now. She couldn't remember a time she felt so excited yet so vulnerable.

"D-Does…," she took a deep breath. "Does it belong to someone else now?" she asked, her heart thundering in her chest.

A light dash of red across his cheeks joined his smile.

"I think so, but I'm not completely sure yet," he answered honestly. "I think I need more time. That's why," he walked up to her and, before she knew it, placed a warm and oh so gentle hand on her cheek. "I'm willing to wait for you to tell me what I've been missing. Because I think, by the time you do tell me, I'll be able to properly reply."

Riveria's legs were undeniably shaking at this point as her eyes widened to borderline crazy proportions.

He knows! He knows how I feel! she screamed mentally. And...And he might...he might…!

Achilles watched the realization hit Riveria for a few moments before he chuckled, leant down, and kissed her forehead.

"I can't promise anything, Riveria, but I do think that if you keep being your wonderful, beautiful self, that I'll find my way to you. If that's what you want."

How am I supposed to reply to that?! she internally demanded. Luckily, no demand was required as Achilles used his magnetism to pull her staff back up and handed it to her.

"Come, let's head back for now. I think we both need the rest."

Stunned, but ecstatic to receive a distraction so her brain and face could cool down, Riveria happily, but quietly, followed after him.

Not a single word was said their entire way back to the eighteenth floor, nor was a single word shared when they re-entered Rivira. The closest to a word came when a few adventurers, noting Riveria's more revealing outfit, began to whistle and check her out. Achilles's response to that was to glare and growl at them, quickly dissuading them from any thought of approaching the elf.

They returned to the inn, where Bors and the others were waiting for them.

"Looks like you found something," Bors noted, his eyes gazing over the two of them.

Achilles did not fail to notice that his eyes lingered a bit longer on Riveria, a fact that he did not appreciate and so forced the one-eyed man's attention back to him, by explaining.

"We did. It was Revis. We found her on the twenty-first floor and battled her and some of her little vine creatures. I managed to severely wound her, but she fled deeper into the Dungeon before I could finish her. We're going to rest here for tonight then delve deeper to try and find her. That said, it should be safe to delve at least to level twenty-one now or as safe as it can be. However I would encourage large groups for now."

Bors nodded.

"Alright. I would have preferred to mount that woman's head to my wall, but I can recognize when someone's helped me out, so, thanks. You two can stay here tonight, half off," he said.

Achilles rolled his eyes.

Couldn't make it free, could you?

Riveria and Achilles followed after Bors through the inn until they came to a room.

"Because everyone's backed up here there's only one room available. Don't worry, it's got a double bed so nobody's got to sleep on the floor."

Both Riveria and Achilles felt the now very familiar heat of a blush return to their cheeks.

We're sharing a bed. Great, the ex-captain thought.

"Thanks," Achilles replied, though nothing about his voice indicated gratitude as he handed the money over to Bors.

The two, still a bit red-faced, entered the room and closed the door behind them, before they both honed in on the single, double bed.

"I can sleep on the floor," Achilles said.

"What? No. I could never ask you do that, especially not after you were injured," Riveria replied.

"You healed me, remember? Besides it won't be much different from sleeping rough in the Dungeon. In fact, it'll be an improvement in terms of temperature and safety."

"Achilles, don't be ridiculous. You'll sleep in the bed," Riveria said, her voice leaving no room for argument.

"Well I'm certainly not going to allow you to sleep on the floor," Achilles sent back at her, even putting his hands on his hips.

"Then...Then we'll both act like adults and share the bed. There's nothing wrong with that, it's simply the situation we've found ourselves in."

There really wasn't a way for Achilles to argue against that. She was right. They were adults and the situation really wasn't that bad. Hell, he'd done this before with others, even other women. Him and Briseis had shared a much smaller cot one time when they'd got caught in a blizzard. He still remembered how they'd had to cuddle up to each other to keep warm, Briseis cracking jokes about "not pulling a knife on her" in the night. This situation though felt so much different from those, because now he was sharing a bed with a woman he'd all but confessed to and whose feelings he all but told her he knew.

This is either going to be the best sleep I've ever had, or the absolute worst, he thought.

"Alright, fine. I'll take this side, you take that side," he said.

Riveria, glad that some progress had been made in their embarrassing situation, nodded and got on the other side of the bed.

"Do you want me to get us some food?" Achilles asked. "It'll be overpriced, of course, but it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to fill our stomachs."

"I think it's more imperative that we rest for now. We'll get some food in the morning before we head out to find Revis."

He nodded.

"Alright. Then, goodnight," he said, before getting on the other side of the bed.

"Goodnight," she replied and closed her eyes.

A minute passed in silence before Riveria finally admitted.

There's no way I can fall asleep like this.

Her eyes opened as she struggled to calm her racing mind and thundering heart.

He's not in love with Freya anymore and he might, she took a deep, but shaky breath. Be in love with me. Maybe. I'm not sure how to take that. After all this time I might finally, she turned and looked at the back of the man who owned her heart. Finally be with him.

A sudden chill passed up her spine and she shivered.

I forgot how cold it was without my overclothes and cloak, she thought as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Then an idea appeared. It was a crazy idea, at least to Riveria it seemed like one. However, after the events of that day, she couldn't help but like it.

Maybe it's time to be bold.

"Achilles?" she called.

"Yeah?" he asked.

Good, he's still awake.

"It's a bit cold in here, isn't it?"

"Hm, I suppose it is," he agreed. "Can't expect too much from this place, I guess."

"I suppose not. However, I was wondering if…" she swallowed. "If you'd be willing to allow me to move a bit closer."

She heard the sound of movement and felt the bed shift.


"To share body heat. Without my usual clothes I find myself a bit more affected by the cold."

Things fell quiet between them again as she awaited his response.

Please. Please.

"I...suppose that's fine," he finally said.

A giddy smile that no one would expect from the near century old elf appeared on her lips and she quickly scooted closer to him, not giving him a chance to reconsider his permission.

She shifted until her back touched his and she barely managed to restrain a laugh as she felt him tense.

"Thank you," she said.

"Y-You're welcome," he replied.

Things fell quiet again as Achilles tried desperately to fall asleep, but failed, while Riveria pondered if she should push her luck.

What's that saying? Go big or go home?

Resolved, she spoke up again.


He did not reply immediately, and she wondered if he was trying to pretend he was asleep.

It won't work, I can tell by your breathing that you're still, very much, awake.

"Yeah?" he finally asked, probably recognizing this fact.

"I'm still a bit chilly," she stated, then waited for him to figure out what she was suggesting.

Unbeknownst to her, Achilles figured it out instantly and his own heart now beat like a war drum.

Is she actually asking me to…? he took a deep breath. Shit, I'm such a green little shit. Am I really shaking this much because she suggested she wanted to cuddle? I'm an absolutely pathetic, green as grass virgin brat!


The gentle way she called to him snapped him out of his thoughts and filled him with such warmth and longing that, despite his self-deprication, he immediately knew what he needed to do.

"Fuck it," he said out loud.

Before Riveria knew it, she suddenly found Achilles flipping around and wrapping his arms around her midriff and pulling her against his chest.

"Better?" he asked.

Smiling, she nodded.

"Much better."

"Good. Let's get some sleep."

Now completely satisfied, Riveria closed her eyes and snuggled up against him as close as she could before falling asleep.

This is ridiculous, she thought.

She had been struggling to sleep for hours with no success. Despite succeeding in her endeavor to get close to Achilles and basking in his warmth, she soon found that it wasn't enough. In fact, now a new warmth, a fire within her belly, roared to life.

You've woken me up and I won't fall back into slumber until I'm satisfied, it stated firmly.

The problem, there was only one way to satisfy it, and it came in the form of the man whose arms were currently wrapped around her.

This is ludicrous. I am closer to him than I've ever been, in more ways than one, I should be satisfied. More than satisfied, she thought.

But you're not, the fire in her belly replied. And you won't be until he's yours. Completely, unquestionably, yours. So. Claim. Him.

The fire now practically burned her from the inside and she could feel herself sweating.

It's not that simply. I can't just jump hi-.

Her thoughts were stopped when something hard pushed firmly against her backside.

She turned her head and looked over her shoulder. Looking down, she saw her rear was pressed up against Achilles's waist, meaning what she felt could only be one thing.

Well...there goes my resistance.

Pulling out of the object of her affection's arms, she gently pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him.

Achilles awoke the moment Riveria pulled out of his arms and began to rub his blurring eyes. It was as he did so that he realized that he was now on his back and something was sitting on his waist. Blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the dark, he eventually realized it was Riveria who was above him, looking down with a look in her eyes he did not recognize.


"Hello Achilles," she said, her voice dripping with adoration.

The tone she used instantly burned away any fog around his mind.

"Um...what's going on?" he asked, not alarmed, but feeling more than a bit off guard.

"I want to tell you something," she said, the adoration still in her voice as she leaned down and put her arms on both sides of his head.

"A-Alright. What is it you want to tell me?"

"The thing you've been missing. Or were missing. The thing you wanted to know. The reason why I ran from you and blushed in your presence," she said, moving closer to him with each passing moment. Then, when she was just an inch above his face, she confessed. "I love you."

Achilles's eyes didn't even have a chance to widen before her lips captured his own and all her love and every ounce of her affection rushed into him.

A warmth that he could not describe filled him from the tips of his toes to the ends of his hair. It was overwhelming, yet blissful in a way that he could not find the words for. However, just as he was finding the strength and mental power to respond, it ended as the elven beauty above him pulled back.

"I know you haven't quite figured out your own feelings yet, and that's alright, but I don't want to hold back on my feelings anymore. I love you, Achilles Caesar. I have for decades and I want to give you my love. All my love. Right here, right now. I don't ask for anything in return, I just want to show you how much you mean to me. Will you allow me that, Achilles? Will you allow me to give myself to you?" she asked, nay, pleaded to him.

To her surprise, his response was near instant as, wide-eyed and short of breath, he answered.

"Yes. I will," he said. Then, with complete clarity and an unshaking voice, he added. "Claim me. Claim me, Riveria Ljos Alf."

The absolute trust. The delectable submission of one so powerful. The willful surrender of the man beneath her, it was sweet in a way that can only be felt, never described.

She instantly threw herself back at him and captured his lips, this time finding that they responded to her own. Never challenging her, but happily surrendering her own as they submitted to her conquest of them.

This. This is everything I've wanted. This is euphoria!

Pulling back from her new conquest, she smiled down at her Olympian.

"I think it's time I take this off."

Reaching up, her delicate hands found the top of her skin tight suit and began to slowly, teasingly, roll into down her body, her eyes never leaving Achilles for a moment.

Watching his eyes so eagerly follow the piece of cloth as it made its slow descent down her body was like a drug. A drug she never wanted to quit and needed everyday. A new, wonderful addiction.

And here he is, so willing giving me my fix, she thought as she brought the clothing down to just above her chest. Such generosity should be rewarded.

She pushed the bodysuit down to reveal her breasts and she practically quivered as she saw the desire in his eyes grow into an inferno.

"Take them," she cooed, her hands reaching down to take his. "They're all yours. No one else's. Only yours," she vowed, placing his hands on top of them. "Only yours."

It seemed like the well of desire she had thrown herself into had no bottom for each time she thought she had found its bottom, something new came along to force her deeper. This time, it was the warm, gentle feeling of her beloved's hands, massaging her breasts.

"Yes," she called breathlessly. "That's it. Claim them," she begged as she brought the suit lower. "Take them. Take what's yours."

Evidently taking her words to heart, he brought himself up to take one of the tips into his mouth and kissed it.

Riveria gasped as she was rocked with a desire that truly threatened to make her lose her mind. Now her desperation became too great to handle and she quickened her removal of her clothing, forcing it passed her sinful hips, her divine rear, and passed her delightful thighs, before she finally removed it.

Throwing the piece of useless clothing to the side, she reestablished her dominance over her man, pushing him down onto the bed as she stared down at him, her breathing a wonderfully ragged mess, her emerald locks hanging down like a silk veil, and her desire-riddled eyes staring down at her Olympian. Her man. Her Achilles.

"This is your last chance, Achilles. I mean to claim you, but I will not force you. I'd never force you to give yourself to me, but if you don't tell me right now that this isn't what you want, I will claim you. You will be mine and I won't be letting you go. So tell me. What do you want?" she asked.

For a moment she was utterly terrified that he would put a stop to all this right there. That, now given a chance to calm his mind and take measure of the situation, he would deny her. She would relent, of course, she would never force him to do something he didn't want to, but that didn't make the idea of rejection easier. However, her fears proved utterly unneeded as firm hands found her hips and squeezed.

"I already told you, Riveria," he said, his voice raspy with raw desire and affection. "Claim me. Make me yours."

And that was it.

Throwing herself down one more time, Riveria's lips utterly ravished his, re-conquering every inch of his mouth and forcing it into the most wonderful servitude. A willing servitude to her where all that was requested was his affection. His desire. His love. And in return he would receive all of hers. All her affection. All her desire. All her love. Everything she was she would give back to him.

"Then," she said once she pulled back. "I shall take what's mine."

Her hands found his pants and quickly pulled them and his underwear down.

"Goodness," she said, biting her lip. "I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I finally get to finally see your other sword, Achilles," she stated, her voice pure seduction. "I hope you'll forgive me, but I don't have the patience for foreplay today. I need you. I need to make you...mine."

"Then do it, Riveria. I surrender myself to you entirely," he said, smiling at her.

She actually growled at that and brought her face up to his.

"That was the absolute best thing you could say."

Pulling back one final time, Riveria placed herself above him, lifted her hips and placed him at her entrance.

"Now. You're. Mine!"

She thrust down and both gasped.

"Fuck," she said breathlessly. "It's perfect."

Her eyes snapped open.

Whereas others may have been confused by the sudden shift in location and situation, Riveria was not. She knew immediately where she was and what had happened. She was in the inn in Rivira. In a bedroom that had been rented. In a bed she now shared with Achilles. An unclaimed, sleeping Achilles.

I had a dream. I had a dirty dream. I had an utterly filthy dream about claiming Achilles!

It was actually a wonder that her face did not set the sheets on fire with how hot it was now. Never, in her entire life, had Riveria been so embarrassed. A dirty dream was one thing, but having said dirty, nay filthy, raunchy dream, as she lay cuddled up right next to the man it was about was something else entirely.

How am I going to even look him in the eye in the morning? Each time I even think about it I just picture him below me looking up at me and-.

Her thoughts stopped as something quite familiar pressed against her backside.

Slowly turning her head, she found what was currently pressing against her so firmly.

I'm still sleeping. I must be. I must still be dreaming. There's no way this is happening again!


She stopped, her heart feeling like it was about ready to burst from her chest.

"Y-Yes?" she called.

No response came and her anxiety turned to confusion.

Turning more, she discovered that Achilles was sound asleep. This increased her confusion, until she felt him pull her closer to him, push his hips more fully against her rear before he whispered out again.


I vow never to embarrass Bell again. No one should suffer like this, she vowed as she realized that there was absolutely no chance of sleep that night.

Hehehe. So...on a scale of one to ten, ten being the most, how pissed are you all at me right now? Hahaha. Well, I did say there was going to be lemons in this fic, but I didn't necessarily say that they'd all be real lemons.

Well, in spite of my ludicrous amounts of teasing, I do hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I certainly had fun with it. It's been years since I last wrote a lemon and it's kind of fun to get back to it. Whatever the case though, please share your thoughts with me. Did you love it? Hate it? Feel it was too fanservicey? Do you want to break my fingers for daring to write something like this? Tell me in the reviews or feel free to message me. Fair warning though, this is only the first of many lemons this story will have. I've got many planned and waiting for their time, so you'd best be prepared.

That said, I'll bid you all a fine day and I'll see you next time. So, until next time, bye for now.