Author's Note: Updated 5/22/20

Updated for content and ages. In this story Usagi and the girls are sixteen while Mamoru and the guys are eighteen.

To Save The World
Losing Control: Book Two

Prologue: Welcome Additions


Usagi shook her head but did as she was told. Mamoru's arm was behind her back and he helped lift her slightly. A scream escaped as something seemed to tear between her legs and she wished for the fifth time in ten minutes that she was not delivering her babies in Elysion with no pain medication.

Everything had been fine, even easy, until that first order to push. Now things were moving quickly, and she was exhausted. The contractions were more pressure than pain, but with the added intensity in her birth canal, she felt like she would break into pieces.

Mizuno Saeko, Ami's mother and an experienced doctor, knelt between her legs with Usagi's own mother, Ikuko at her side. They were the only ones in the room other than the panicked couple, and Maboroshi, as Usagi's father had taken one look at his daughter in pain and promptly passed out. According to Ikuko he hadn't even done that when she'd been in labor with Usagi.

"You can do this baby bunny," Ikuko whispered encouragingly. "You've got this."

Usagi nodded. She knew even though she was first, the other girls wouldn't be far behind, and while she was terrified, she had to make it look easy. If only to help the others. After all, if she could handle twins, the others could handle one apiece. Except for Minako. Unfortunately her near twin in looks was apparently her twin in fertility too.

The pressure increased as the contraction progressed. She bore down, her eyes locked on her mother's. Mamoru's arms sent her strength, and she let him help her push, needing his energy, his love, and his absolute devotion more in this moment than when they'd fought Metallia and Beryl.

There was a knock on the door just as Usagi fell back at the end of the contraction. Maboroshi, the Priestess of Elysion, hurried to answer it. Usagi could see Yume, her husband and the Priest of Elysion, at the other side. She could also hear his frantic words.

"Minako's water has broken," he said, sounding as though he was on the edge of panic.

"Oh kami," Maboroshi moaned. "These little ones are about to be born. I can go to her for now. Usagi needs her mother and the doctor more. Grab Naru to help me."

"Tell Minako I should be there soon," Doctor Mizuno said. "I think perhaps twenty minutes. If her contractions are too strong come and let me know."

Maboroshi nodded and hurried out the door.

Usagi was surprised to realize only seconds had passed. Another contraction was only just beginning to overwhelm her as the door snicked shut. The urge to push was greater than ever. At the command she sat up further and pushed with all her might. She let out a hoarse cry, more to focus on what she was doing than because of the pain. It seemed to help. Finally the contraction ended and she collapsed back on Mamoru.

"I can see the head," Ikuko breathed. "Purple hair."

Silver and gold light filled the room as Usagi panted. She knew the silver light was coming from within her own chest. Luna had ordered her to hide the Silver Crystal within herself until the children were born. It was the easiest way to help her through the labor. Mamoru was glowing golden and the light surrounded them both. He'd done the same with his own Crystal, and somehow it was pouring strength into her alongside his own.

"And this is why we aren't in the hospital," Doctor Mizuno reminded them.

Usagi panted as she waited for the next one to hit, then pushed again. It seemed easier. She felt the shoulders pass through and then the little body slide out of her and she screamed. Again it was less from pain and more in need to focus all that she was on what she was doing.

"A boy," Doctor Mizuno said, quickly passing the baby to Ikuko. The baby squalled angrily at being taken from his place of warmth and comfort.

Usagi watched even as her labor continued. Her mother cleaned the baby and checked him over carefully before carefully cutting the cord and bandaging the end.

Already the next contraction was overwhelming Usagi and she followed instinct. Mamoru was feeding her energy as she pushed. Three more agonizing pushes later she could feel the second baby in the birth canal.

"It's coming," she warned.

Everything seemed to fade in and out as she pushed, then again, and again. She was fading. Even with the burst of energy from the Crystals and from Mamoru, she was exhausted. The labor had started many hours before, and while it hadn't been as bad as she'd expected, it was impossible to sleep. All she'd wanted to do was pace back and forth or kneel on her hands and knees and rock forward and back. Her mother said it was instinct telling her how to prepare for delivery.

"Pink hair," Ikuko called out as the second child crowned. She was still checking over the first baby. Usagi leaned into Mamoru, her eyes still caught on the mess of purple hair over the bundle. A baby with pink hair and another with purple. That would be difficult to explain.

"One more big push, then you can rest until we deliver the placentas." Doctor Mizuno gave her an encouraging smile that promised everything would be well.

Usagi nodded. The pressure hit again, squeezing her belly like a vice, and then she was pushing. She let out a yell as she focues everything she had on delivering her daughter. An angry cry echoed as the second baby slid into the world. She seemed unhappy with the transition. Usagi couldn't blame her.

Then the boy was placed in Usagi's arms while her mother checked over and cleaned the girl. Doctor Mizuno was pressing on Usagi's abdomen.

"I think this part should be easy," she murmured.

Usagi heard Minako scream from the next cabin. She bit her lip. "Shouldn't you go to her?" she fretted.

"We will in just a moment."

Within a few minutes the final contractions helped Usagi release the placentas and she was being handed her daughter as well. They were the most beautiful babies ever born. Pink little cheeks, skin colored somewhere between her pale complexion and Mamoru's slightly darker tone. Their hair was messy and they were both slightly sticky, but each child was perfect.

"Mamoru, you're going to have to help her for a bit. We have to go now."

"I've got them," her husband said, urging them to leave.

Before the door had even closed he began to glow a bright gold and Usagi could feel waves of healing running through her. Her belly contracted, shrinking rapidly and causing cramps, but she didn't complain.

Whatever had torn healed as well and it no longer felt as though a truck had driven through her privates. She felt him sending her energy as well and had never been more grateful for his abilities.

"Look," Mamoru breathed. Usagi saw what he had. Both babies were opening their eyes. She looked first at her son, whose eyes were nearly the same midnight blue of his father's, though there was a ring of purple around them, darkening the irises. Then she looked at her daughter, whose eyes were the identical shade of cerulean as her own, though they were edged in a pink bordering on red.

"They're perfect," she whispered. She felt a tear fall on her shoulder and turned her head to see her husband weeping unashamedly as he held her up.

"They are," he rasped.

The little ones both began to fuss. "Think they're hungry?" Usagi asked, feeling uncertain.

"I guess so," Mamoru seemed even less sure than she did. It would be a learning experience, becoming parents. Especially so young. They would have to struggle and probably fail at many things before they got any better. "Let me take them for a second and you can get ready."

Usagi handed him the babies, and watched his face transform as he held his children for the first time. She snapped open her communicator and let it record the moment. Then she scooted further back on the bed, adjusting the pillows so that she was sitting upright and there was a cusion of support under each arm wrapping around so she could nurse the babies.

Usagi pulled her shirt open. It was designed for nursing and simply had a fold of fabric over each breast that could simply be spread for them when needed. Mamoru handed her daughter over, positioning her carefully, and then her son.

The pink-haired twin took the nipple easily, but her brother struggled until she opened his mouth and pressed the nipple inside. It was a strange new sensation, but wonderful. She peered down at the babies, happier than she could express.

"Mamo-chan," she whispered reverently. "Our babies."

"What should we name them?" he asked. "The girl looks just like you. A chibi Usagi."

"The boy is a chibi Mamoru," she said, a giggle bursting free. Her happiness wanted to swamp her. She didn't mind the joyful tears that fell. The children were absolutely perfect, and her husband incredible. She looked at the babies, and then back at him.

"Lets name them Mamoru and Usagi. Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Mamo," Mamoru suggested.

Usagi giggled again. It seemed silly to name the babies after themselves, but she didn't care. If Mamoru liked the idea then she was happy to please him. Of course, she would get first dibs on naming their next child. She grinned at the thought.

"Knock knock," came a voice at the door. "Nurse Naru reporting for duty. The doc said you need clean bedding and wanted me to tell Mamoru to go ahead and heal you now."

Mamoru laughed. "Already did."

The door opened wider and then Naru walked in, followed shortly by a hugely pregnant Luna in her human form. She had changed three days before and Usagi knew she wouldn't change back until her own babies were born.

"Oh Usagi!" Naru cried, rushing to the bed. "Oh they're beautiful!"

A sense of pride and accomplishment filled her. "They really are, aren't they?" she said, looking down at the twins again.

"Perfect," Luna whispered. "So perfect. Look what you made!" Her words were excited whispers as she rubbed over her own rounded stomach. "Mamoru worked quick. We thought we'd have to remind him."

Usagi snorted. "He wanted to heal me even before it began," she told them. "I think if he could have, he would have gone through labor for me."

"I could feel it," Mamoru said, blushing. "Every time she felt a contraction, I did too." He whispered it like an admission of guilt.

"That must be what's wrong with Kunzite," Naru said, looking over at Luna. "Why didn't you know this?"

"Not sure. It must have to do with the Soul-Bond. I thought he was just panicking." Luna shrugged her shoulders.

"What's going on?" Usagi asked, feeling a little confused.

"Kunzite told us Minako was in labor and that she was hurting." Another scream from the next cabin marked the end of Naru's sentence. "He was trying to get us to help her, and then he just went sort of still and started glowing, holding on to her.

A wail sounded from the cabin and Usagi realized one of Minako's babies must have been born. They would share a birthday with her own twins. That was something she hadn't expected, though now she had to admit the possibility had always been there.

"She must be having a harder time than I did," Usagi murmured.

"Not too bad," Luna corrected. "It's just going faster."

Only a few short minutes passed before another wail was heard. The second baby had been born. Usagi felt excitement well up inside her. She wanted to see the babies.

"Mamo-chan, you have to go heal her," she said, turning to look at her husband.

His gaze was on the twins, who seemed to be falling asleep as they ate. Both babies had their eyes closed now and she could feel Chibi-Mamo fall away from her nipple. He snuggled close, but she knew he was already asleep. Chibi-Usa lasted longer, eating hungrily before she too succumbed to exhuastion.

"Mamo-chan?" she called, realizing he was completely enraptured by their babies.

"Huh?" he looked up at Usagi's face, smiling beatifically.

"Go heal Minako," she ordered gently. "She'll need it."

"Oh!" He blushed and hurried to stand, bending once to give her a gentle kiss. "I'll be right back," he promised. Then he was hurrying out the door and Usagi turned to grin and Naru and Luna.

"Men," Luna whispered.

Usagi laughed. She didn't mind that he was in awe of the perfect little babies she held. They were all theirs.