A little present /aha

Hinata Shouyou was impatient, with how much he was pacing back and forth before the ice rink and biting his thumb. His partner mentioned that she was going to use the toilet before their turn came up to perform - and he understood, seeing as how he usually did the same when he gets overwhelmed - but their turn was inching closer. His coach looks at his tiny form with worry.

"I'm sure Kiyo-chan will come, Hinata. Why don't we try breathing exercises while we wait?" His coach said, her voice light with a bit of anticipation. Hinata nodded, taking a deep breath.

All his life, he'd been figure skating. Since the age of 6, he had been inseparable with the glistening floor, sleek and smooth, waiting for him to glide. Whenever he had the chance, he would watch the Grand Prix with amazement and wonder, hoping one day, his lanky form will soon become like those that were full of color and beauty.

The glimmering world seemed so far away, and in fear of missing out, he took every chance to skate. He entered the mini contests on his own, often racking up 1st place rewards, with few 2nd place medals. It earned him the nickname Red Prince - his skill on the ice outshined the other kids. It wasn't until the pair skating became popular did he decided to look for partners. He loomed over the girls and very few boys, hoping one would be like him. His gaze pierced through the few children he studied during public practice.

He one day found a girl named Sakamura Kiyo, whom, like him, fell in love with this strange, cold world. Her eyes were as black as the night, as was her hair that drifted past her shoulders - the direct contrast to Hinata's burning orange hair and bright eyes. They had created a program, choosing a simple and elegant routine with a soft piano song to skate to.

Yet, no sign of her appeared at their first Junior tournament together, and as Hinata Shouyou began to panic, his duet was announced. He looked at his coach, with a look of anxiety and fear.

"I'm going to talk to the announcer, okay?" She leaned over, patting his head, "Go and search for Kiyo-chan."

Immediately, the 13 year old Hinata bolted past her, pushing through the string of adults and kids alike. He began towards the female restrooms, though he never ventured in. He walked around a bit more, tightening his hold on his shirt, before finally, finally, spotting her flowing red gown in the distance.

As he was about to call for her, he spots her talking to someone. A tall boy, almost his age, with striking blond hair and matching blue eyes. He looked to be a skater, but with his height, Hinata would have mistaken him as a high schooler.

"Do you even like skating with him? With... whats-his-name." He overheard them. Kiyo gave him an exasperated look.

"Not really. The only reason why I even agreed to be his partner was that he's the Prince." Kiyo grimaced, not noticing the small, yet quivering redhead behind her. "He kinda sucks sometimes though. Like, if I wanted to twirl in the air, I can't because Hinata is so short! He's useless!"

"Kiyo?" Hinata's voice was high and pitched, almost on the verge of tears. Kiyo jumped at the note when she turned around. She paled.

"H-Hinata? I-I didn't-"

"We're going to be late. Let's go."

At that, Hinata began walking away. He didn't care if she was going to follow or not at this point, because what was on his mind the most were the words Kiyo had called him.


'But so what!?' He thought back, but his eyes had already begun to sting. As he squeezed through the group to his coach, he looked out to the floor.

It didn't look as beautiful as it use to be now.


They skated a lovely piece, their skates tight as the smiles they held. Hinata could feel the breeze of his speed, focusing on his hold on Kiyo, before suddenly he felt his heart stopped.

He lost his grip on Kiyo as he attempted to spin with her. The girl slid across the ice, losing her footing, before slamming hard into the rink's wall. A loud thud echoed through the stadium, a look of shock spreading across the audience as Kiyo stumbled up. Hinata rushes over to her, worry etched onto his frame. He held out his hand to help.

She pushed him away and skated off the ice.

"I don't need your help, you dumb prince."

He followed shortly as the announcer distracted the audience.


Although the program had been wonderful, they fell into the last place. Their competitors looked at them with pity as realization dawn on Hinata Shouyou when he gripped the bronze medal against his chest.

The Red Prince has fallen.

He biked home that evening, already sobbing to himself as he pushed through the empty streets of his hometown. Hinata wasn't very good at hiding his emotions around others but he held it in until he rode home by himself.

He didn't look nor talked to Kiyo the entire time after her comment. Even though his coach tried to coerce them back into talking, it was useless as Kiyo made it painfully clear she did not want to talk. Hinata was fine with that as he left the rink. The moment he rode on his bike though, all his tears unleashed. He sobbed into his bike handle as he threaded through tiny alleys and quiet neighborhoods. With it being so late, he figured no one would notice his display.

He cried until his legs gave way and he tumbled forward, falling over his bike and laying limp in front of the electronics store. He laid there on the concrete, angry and sad as he looked up into the setting sky.

Angry at Kiyo for not trusting him, for not believing in him, despite being his partner for months.

Angry at losing in the only sport that made him feel free. He felt like a part of himself broke that early evening when he felt his legs began to drag and ache. It felt like he was walking through cement, despite knowing the program like the back of his hand. When his grip on Kiyo slipped, he begged whatever God to make him move to catch her momentum, but he couldn't.

Hinata grumbled to himself, wanting to scream and cry even more, but the flicker of the show on the tv caught his attention. He sat up, his hands slowly wiping away his tears as he looked at the screen.

His eyes widen- there, right there, someone was flying.

'Karasuno's Little Giant spikes another! Landing them at the set point after a challenging display against Randamu!'

'Volley... ball?' Hinata sniffed, rubbing away the few tears on his face. He never heard of volleyball being a sport other than to mock him for being so short. 'But... the Little Giant is also short... and he's... flying...'

The noise from the crowd had gone mute when another ball lifted into the air. It switched from player to player until Karasuno's setter got to it, making a passing smile to the ace. The Little Giant ran back before dashing forward, his arms swinging behind him. Hinata clutched his shirt, feeling his heart beat when he swore he saw black wings spread wide on Karasuno's ace.

His eyes glimmered when the ball made contact with the spiker's hand.

'I... I want to play volleyball!'


"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS?!" Kageyama yelled, his voice echoing as Hinata held his breath.

It felt like time had stopped before him when his eyes met the cold, stark blue that resembled the ice he use to skate on. He shook it off, wanting to fight back, bite back and call him an asshole, but he found that he couldn't. His words died as he watched the other walk away, disappointment and anger waving off of him like the light. Hinata felt a pat on his back.

"Geez, what's his problem?" His friend commented, but Hinata couldn't help but agree with what Kageyama said.

What had he been doing these past 3 years...?

Even as a first year now, his heart ached whenever he biked past the ice skating stadium. It also had a court for basketball players and volleyball players to play in, but Hinata couldn't bring himself to go back. Not after losing. Not after running away.

But his heart ached to jump so high and complete an axel. Skating on that off-white, cold surface, feeling the anticipation of his planned act. When he shifts his weight from one foot to another or grabbing onto his blades as he swings to spin, he feels excited and in control all at once.

After 2 years, he still feels the desire to feel free and alive, but-

'It's the same for volleyball,' He reminded himself, shaking his head and continuing his ride. After that horrible loss from Aoba Josei, Hinata pushed on to become an even more outstanding decoy. He didn't have time to figure out quads or make a program.

'Even though...,' his mind wandered, 'Jumping and spiking the ball feels really nice, it's not the same as jumping through the air or pushing myself to glide faster to do a triple loop... or, would a Lutz- wait, that wouldn't work for a first quad- though would it?'

His mind wondered a bit, as he finally arrived at his school, locking it at the bike stop and rushing in. Hinata hummed lightly as he made a mental image of the first quad.

'I-it's not like I'm actually going to do it, but it... it should be simple first so I wouldn't lose too much stamina, right?' He nodded to himself, his eyes glazed as he dreamt of the cold, off-white floor, 'the first quad can have little toe jumps, before a big transition into the next quad, filled with more-'


'But, maybe a toe loop would be nice in the second one? Like a soft hop-'

"Oi, Hinata."

'Hmm, I'd like to hear the music before I-'

"Hey, dumbass! Are you listening?!"

"WH-!" Hinata looked up at the piercing eyes of Kageyama, "W-what is it, Kageyama-kun?"

The setter made an annoying sound, "I've been calling your name for the past minute dumbass. Pay more attention to your surroundings."

'Ah, was I really that lost in thought?' He smiled at the taller boy, looking apologetic, "Sorry, Kageyama-kun! I was kinda thinking of some stuff."

A huff, "You actually use that brain of yours?"

"Of course, I do, Bakageyama-" he was interrupted when the setter gripped onto his head, "-aH, I'm sorry! Sorry!"

Kageyama released his grip on the shorter boy's head, clicking his tongue at him, "What the hell were you thinking about anyway?"

At that, Hinata paused, feeling a little uncomfortable. It wasn't like he 100% hated Kageyama, but he wasn't entirely sure if he should let him know that he use to figure skate. With what their fight after their loss, and Hinata's own envy of Kageyama's skills, Hinata couldn't help but want to keep the other a little farther from his heart. But then again, they are partners-

'No, no, no- he'll definitely make fun of me! Much more, think I'm some loser who ran from ice skating-!' Hinata grabbed the hem of his shirt, tensing at the thought. A flash of Kiyo's eyes comes to his mind.

"N-nothing much, Kageyama-kun," quickly, he changed the subject, "Besides, don't we have an English quiz today?"

"Oh, fuck."


There were very few things Kageyama Tobio hated more than losing in volleyball. Oikawa, for instance, with his smug-ass smile and his constantly annoying skills in serving. Another was pickled plum in his onigiri. He will fight with anyone who disagrees on this.

But things, of course, change with time. How he serves, how much he is aware of his teammates, how much he trusts them... Kageyama isn't sure how much change he can really handle, but he knows without change, he can't become stronger.

But there was one hurdle he found was going to be a pain in the ass.

Dealing with how easily Hinata Shouyou lied to him.

Now, Kageyama was by no means a genius (except in volleyball), but he knows when Hinata lied to him. He'd done it before, and it nearly cost them the game, ruined practice, and whatever friendship they shared. Like hell if Kageyama was going to let that happen again.

Even during practice right now, Hinata isn't fucking focusing!

"Hinata, I swear to God if you don't focus-"

"I am- I am! C-can you stop grabbing my head- It hurts!" Hinata whimpered, gripping tight onto Kageyama's hand. At this rate, Hinata might as well turn bald by the time he becomes a third year.

"Then focus, dumbass! I don't know what your deal is recently, but if it messes up our quicks, I'm going to-"

"I get it! Sorry, geez-" Hinata pouted once Kageyama's released his head. The setter huffed at the smaller boy, turning away to walk back so he can serve.

The other team members looked on with a bit of interest. It wasn't surprising when the two would start a fight, but they know better. It was obvious to the third-years Daichi, Suga, and Asahi that Kageyama is a little concerned about Hinata. Although, they were curious about what Hinata had been thinking to distract him from volleyball practice.

Daichi took action first, "Alright, let's form a 3-on-3 for now. Tsukishima, go on Kageyama's and Narita's team-"

The tall middle-blocker clicked his tongue at the mention of Kageyama.

"-Suga, Asahi, and Nishinoya on the other side. Hinata, come over here and we'll practice some receives, okay?" At that, everyone separated at their captain's request.

Hinata walked over a little slowly, feeling a bit uneasy. It's not that he mind practicing receives - God knows he needs to work on that, too - but from the look on his captain's face makes him feel a little apprehensive.

'Well… it is Daichi-san after all. I don't think he'll think I'm weird if I tell him I use to figure skate…' Just as Daichi throws the ball in the air, Hinata's eyes immediately focus on the cusp of sunlight that touched the ball. He wanted to jump and spike it, but he leaned down, his knees slightly bent, as Daichi smacks the ball hard towards him.

It goes on a bit, with nothing but the sound of small comments and sneakers squeaking on the court floor. Daichi waited patiently, keeping track of his control on the ball as well as the first-year in front of him. Somedays, he wonders if being a captain of these little crows is worth the headaches.

"Hinata…," He began, causing the boy to flinch a little as the ball smacked his forearms loudly. It made the ball flow upwards a bit, but the timing was perfect as Hinata caught it. "...are you doing okay?"

"Hm?" Hinata tilted his head, "I think so? Why?"

"You seem a lot more distracted than normal. What's going on?" Daichi asked, tone light as he watched the other shift from side to side.

"It's nothing… really," The middle-blocker sighed, twirling the ball between his fingers.

Daichi stayed silent, waiting for more information.

"R-really… maybe…" Hinata trailed off a little, before looking up at the ceiling. "I just... I guess I miss... skating."

"Skating?" Well, that wasn't what Daichi expected to hear. He'd assume something was going on at home or maybe he got caught up on some drama, but skating? "As in… rollerblading or…?"

Hinata laughs lightly at that, "I, um, I use to figure skate. When I was younger." He lifted the ball high, before passing it to Daichi. "I was good at it, until, well, I started playing volleyball in my last year of junior high."

"Huh, I never pegged you as a figure skater, Hinata," Daichi smiled, making Hinata smile as well, "But is that what's really bothering you?"

At that, Hinata's smile tightened as his shoulders tense up. "I…"

Daichi sighed a little at his underclassman's nervousness. "It's alright if you want to go ice skate, as long as it doesn't bother practice, Hinata."

"I-It's… nothing really..."

"Hm. Either you don't like ice skating anymore-" Daichi lifts the ball high, watching with a bit of interest as Hinata immediately perks at the action, "-or maybe something happened that made you stop skating."

Hinata flinched. He didn't react as the ball flew past him, his hair swaying at the speed. His eyes widen at Daichi's gaze, a strong and firm stare reminiscent of Kiyo's. His own eyes drop to the ground.

"I-I have to use the restroom! Please excuse me-"

Hinata rushes out the gym, not noticing the concerned gazes of his teammates.


Yuri Katsuki had been figure skating since God knows how long. His interest was piqued when he watched Viktor Nikiforov ice skate at the World Championships and Grand Prix Finals, winning gold medals like a child receiving free candy. His inspiration had gotten him to the point of finally attending the tournament before his wonderful dog passed away - in addition to being in the last place (as well as being threatened by another Yuri in the men's bathroom).

He grew up practicing mostly by himself, occasionally teaming up with his two childhood friends, Yuuko and Takeshi, as well as taking ballet lessons from Minako (who convinced him to figure skate in the first place). He never would have thought he would meet an energetic boy with hair like the sun at a public ice rink one day.

"Oh, um, are you doing alright, little boy?" Yuri asked, wondering why this short 6 year old wasn't stepping onto the ice.

The boy looked up at him with bright eyes, and unashamedly yelled, "I don't know how to skate!"


That fateful day, Yuri taught this bright child named Hinata Shouyou how to ice skate. He gave lessons to the best of his ability, being a novice during that time, but Hinata took all the lessons with great vigor and excitement. Yuri couldn't help but think that this boy was beyond precious.

Even during their short practices, Hinata would show up, full of energy and life. Yuri couldn't tell what would melt first - him or the ice. Yuuko and Takeshi took great fun poking at them, commenting that little Hinata was like a duckling as the boy attempt to follow Yuri's steps. If the little one practiced well, he'd eat ice cream while they all sit and watch competitors ice skate in the break room (especially Viktor's amazing programs).

Yuri could tell if Hinata wanted to compete against him, he'd be in trouble.

When Yuri came back home from the Grand Prix Finals, he wasn't prepared to disappoint Hinata - the boy who always looked up to him and saw him as a big brother. What was he going to say to that bright face of pure sunshine? He felt his stomach twist as he leaves the train platform.

When he arrived, Minako greeted his line of sight, bubbly and excited as Yuri tried to hide his weight and sense of failure. They both made way for Yuri's home, and as they entered the restaurant, his eyes fell onto the face of a little boy whose eyes burned. Yuri couldn't even look at him.

Until Hinata started crying.

Yuri's first instinct was to run, but instead, he bent down, bowing low as his eyes clenched shut.

"I'm… I'm sorry, Hina-chan-"


"...eh?" Yuri looked up at the little boy, his face shocked as behind him, Minako sighed.

Hinata rubbed his eyes quickly, one hand gripping tightly onto his white t-shirt, "I'm sorry- I'm sorry I let Vicchan go to heaven without seeing you win. I'm sorry-"


Hinata leaps forward, clutching tight onto Yuri's coat to hide his tears, "I… I'm sorry, Yuri-nii… I'm sorry..."

Yuri could feel his heartbreak at the poor boy's cries, so he held him tight, breathing evening to try and hold in his own tears, "It's okay, Hina-chan, it's okay. I'm here now."

The little one sniffed, looking up with his eyes dimmed and red from crying, "...Yuri-nii…?"


"...welcome home."

When Viktor arrived, all hell breaks loose. When Yuri told what had happened and that Viktor will be staying at the bathhouse inn with the Katsuki family, Hinata buzzed with so much excitement he burst through the onsen to see...

...a naked Viktor.

To the boy's embarrassment, Viktor only seemed to tease and make fun of Hinata, saying that if he eats his veggies, he'll grow up to become like Viktor. Hinata's ears burned brighter at the elder's fun.

When Hinata met Yurio, the child instinctively tried to hide from him. The then-15 year old Yurio didn't much care for the squirt, thinking his skills on the ice probably didn't match his own.

Yurio did not enjoy finding out that the 11-year-old was just as good as he was when he was at the Junior tournaments. If he wasn't careful, Yurio thought he might have to knock this kid down a peg. He came here to force Viktor to keep his promise, not to scope out a potential competitor. Yet, just as the Hot Springs on Ice competition came closer, Yurio didn't feel too angry at Viktor for forgetting his promise since his Agape short amazed the little boy.

"You were so cool, Yurio-senpai! You went swoosh and phsshhh on the ice!" Hinata buzzed after a practice session one day. Viktor and Yuri could only watch in amusement as Yurio's ears turned a little red at the compliments.

"O-obviously! When you reach my level, you might even be able to perform it, мышонок."

Hinata made a face, "M... Myush... ka?"



"No, мышонок."


Yurio groaned at Viktor's laughing, Yuri next to him chuckling at the small boy's attempts to speak Russian. "It's not so hard to say it! It's like, мышонок!"

"That doesn't help, Yurio-senpai!"

A sigh, "Блядь."

"B... bli-ad?"

Viktor lost it.

My, my, well it's been a while since I've written a fanfic. I like this idea so far because this had been the only one I've completed an outline for (me? planning ahead for a story? it's more likely than you think :3c)

I hope you enjoy this, and if I'm wrong on some terminology, please don't be afraid to correct me.

Also, the two russian words? Yurio calls Hinata мышонок (mysh') which means mouse and the second one Блядь (blyad') which means fuck.

Yurio don't teach little Hinata curse words :ccc