Here we are again my friends. As always I do not own Naruto or Highschool DXD. Sorry It took so long to write this. I sat on a half completed chapter for like a month deciding where I wanted to go with it.


Chapter 4: I Feel So Used

There were three standard questions Sakura asked every day since we became devils. "Naruto, how's the arm?"

"I trained all day and it's like new. Colors back and everything."

"And any update on the bijuu?"

"No, they are still sleeping. That King piece did something to them but I can't tell what. Whatever is happening it's not hurting them." That was a crazy freak out when Naruto had noticed the first day after the change.

"So, are we going to recruit anyone else?" Sakura said while she brushed the hair that had fallen in her eyes behind her left ear. She sat with her bare feet curled under her. There were several books on magic sprawled on the table that she had been going through. Sakura had thought that learning the complex devil magic would pique her interest. Instead, she found herself drawn to the esoteric magic of shamanism. Devil magic was too strict too full of rules. It no longer felt like magic instead it was a mathematics equation. Maybe in her school days that would have appealed to her. But now she decided if she was going to learn magic it would be magical. What was more magical than traveling to the astral realm and forging a contract with a being beyond comprehension?

Naruto did not understand what the big deal was. To him shamanism sounded like a half-assed Senjutsu not that he would have said that to her face or ever. If that's what she wanted to do he would be nothing but encouraging. "I don't know Sakura-Chan I haven't thought about it. I have been focusing on getting used to being a devil like you. Our match is tomorrow after all."

"Well," Tsunade said as she laid out on the floor too tired from working on her Grandfather's Jutsu to move much. "I have been thinking about it. I would like one more so we have a full team. But there are not too many options and most everyone we know is tied to the village. It was an easy decision for me because I am mostly retired since Shizune handles the Hospital. I stick around to train you and Sakura. Sakura can do it for almost the same reasons. She only works part-time and she is your teammate. Where you go she goes and vice versa. Everyone else has their own jobs, their own teams and their commitment to Konoha. As for Konoha, I have leeway being former Hokage and a Sannin. Sakura does too as my apprentice so I could say we are going on a training trip and just disappear. You, on the other hand, will be difficult. As soon as you're "vacation" ends they are going to throw you on tons of missions. Konoha needs you out there in the field to remind everyone just how powerful we are to keep them in line."

"Ugh," Naruto groaned in annoyance. He glance away to keep his eyes from straying to Tsunade's exposed stomach. Her shirt had rolled up to expose her midriff and her heavy breathing displayed how firm it was. "Yeah I know only a few weeks and I am back on active duty. What am I going to do and who are we going to recruit?"

"I am working on it, that and your money situation should be resolved soon. And Sakura has mentioned someone who would work perfectly with the favor we are calling in with Sirzech."

Underworld - New Lilith Arena

"Naruto-sama, it is almost time for the match to begin. Is your peerage ready?"

"We are ready Grayfia-chan and call me Naruto. Is the arena set up like a forest?"

The silver-haired maid bowed her head. "Yes, Naruto-sama."

Naruto frowned as his shoulders sunk, "You really need to stop calling me that Grayfia-chan." Naruto ignored the twitch over the woman's eye and turned to the pinkette that was pulling on her gloves. "What do you say Sakura-Chan? Are you ready?"

The girl snorted in response. "I would still be ready even if I was asleep."

"See maid-Chan, Sakura-Chan is the best," Naruto said as he pumped his fist with enthusiasm. "She has everything under control."

"Idiot," Sakura complained but her heart was not in it as she turned to cover her light blush.

"I do not doubt your friend's skills but you should not take this match so lightly. Do I need to remind you that a girl's freedom is on the line?" Grayfia chided and then turned to the other blonde in the room. "And do you not think it is an inappropriate time to be drinking?"

Tsunade hugged the bottomless sake bottle to her bosom to protect it. "Mind your own business maid-chan. I have not been able to drink all week because I have been getting used to being a Devil."

Grayfia gave Naruto a questioning look as he laughed behind his hand. "The first day back she forgot about her henge and ran into Lee, who immediately confessed his undying love for her."

"That would be bothersome," Grayfia stated hesitantly. "But why would this be a problem is the man unattractive?"

Sakura continued the explanation to clear up Grayfia's confusion. "He's not ugly per se but he has a bowl cut, wears a green jumpsuit and has what looks to be caterpillars for eyebrows. He also has an obsession with being youthful and he is very enthusiastic about it."

"Yeah, bushy brow kept screaming at Tsu-chan to go on a youthful date with him. He also has a habit of declaring his love for every pretty girl that walks by, right Sakura-Chan?"

"Whatever," Sakura said attempting to not be flustered at the off-handed compliment. "Lady Tsunade only got out of it by saying she was already dating someone else."

Grayfia's lips curved up in an amused smirk. "Oh, and how did you keep up the ruse?"

"She forced me to take her on a date to a sushi restaurant."

"It wasn't a date brat," Tsunade defended as punched Naruto.

Naruto gracefully dodged and pointed at the woman in question, "You made me pay for your sushi. That's a date!"

"I am worth it," was Tsunade's calm response as she took another drink. "And it still was not a date."

"You made me blow a whole month's worth of my ramen savings!"

"Ha! See you care more about your ramen than it being a date. So then it was not a date."

"Hey," Naruto said as he crossed his arms in frustration. "If it cost me a month's worth of ramen it better be a date."

"Enough," Sakura ground out. She was tired of hearing about their date it gave her an unwelcomed feeling in her stomach. One that reminded her of her rivalry with Ino. "They have been arguing on and off about their date all week. And lady Tsunade refused to go outside or even drink until she could change her henge so it would make her look older rather than younger. We all have been ripping doors off their hinges. I could not go to work because I could not explain how a patient's cancer magically went into remission after I did some preliminary healing. Naruto gets giant wings of fire every time he gets into a good spar or has a taxing workout."

"I see. It can be difficult for powerful humans to adjust to becoming devils."

"No need to worry Grayfia-chan we have it under control now."

Grayfia hummed in response. "Since you are already I must go make the match announcement. Good luck," the maid said before the ground beneath her lit up with a Gremory teleportation circle.

Grayfia reappeared next to Sirzech and the Phenex Clan. "Grayfia you are just in time to begin the match. Thank you for bringing Naruto-kun and his peerage to the arena."

"Of course Lucifer-sama," Grayfia answered as she gave a slight bow.

"Do you think they are prepared for the match?" Sirzech asked with interest.

"They are very free-spirited. I fear that they are not taking this match very seriously."

"Shame," the eldest Phenex son said in a bored tone. "I really wanted to see what my new nephew was capable of. Mother's bragging really got my hopes up."

"Quiet Ruval. I am sure my Grandson has something planned." He was her favorite after all.

A magic circle lit up beneath Naruto, Sakura and Tsunade whisking them away to the forest battlefield that they requested. The trio tensed as Grayfia's voice rang out from the sky.

"Welcome, all. I am a servant for the Gremory clan, Grayfia. This Battlefield was built according to Naruto's and Raiser's advantages. The Uzumaki Peerage requested a forest and we have provided one for this match. Both Peerages have been transported to their respective bases on either side of the forest valley. The Uzumaki Peerage has been placed in an open field. Raiser's peerage has been placed in a replica of the Phenex Family's vacation home. The match begins...Now."

"So, what's the plan?" Naruto asked as he did some light stretching.

"There are fifteen of them total," Tsunade responded as she looked out into the forest in concentration. "Two groups of six are heading out in different directions. While it looks like Raiser and his queen are staying behind."

Sakura cracked her knuckles. "Naruto, we will handle them." Sakura cracked her knuckles then pointed to the sky. "You should go get to know your aunt."

Naruto followed Sakura's hand to where she pointed. Ravel was in the sky above the valley with her wings of fire holding her aloft. "Sounds good. Don't hurt them too badly."

Naruto watched the two women disappear in a swirl of leaves before his fiery wings unfurled from his back. He shot into the sky appearing behind Ravel almost instantaneously. Naruto took a moment to watch her issue commands to the peerage before he draped his arm over her. "You look cute when you are all serious, auntie-chan."

"W-what? Get off me you fiend!" She shouted as she attempted to push Naruto away.

"But Ravel-Chan you really shouldn't be out here in the open during a fight. It's dangerous."

"Whose fault is that? You had to request this stupid forest! None of my surveillance magic works with all these damn trees in the way."

"Aww come on that's no excuse," Naruto said as he dragged Ravel out of the sky to a large tree that overlooked the valley. "See if you sit on the branch and put away your wings no one can see you. Now sit let's watch the match."

Ravel growled as she sat next to the feral beast. "But I need to tell them where to go."

"Go ahead I am not stopping you. Oh look the girl with one pant leg is challenging Sakura-Chan to a fight."

"That is Isabela, she is onii-sama's rook," Ravel pointed out with a huff. "She is a bit of a boxing junky."

Naruto put his hand to his chin. "It's a shame that she is going up against someone like Sakura. You should tell that girl in the blue dress to join the fight."

Ravel looked at Naruto in confusion. "Why would you tell me to do that? It wouldn't be fair and Isabela likes to have fair fights."

"You're right you should tell those two with the chainsaws and the one with a staff to join in as well. Oh too late." It started with just a few Sakura petals at first but before Raiser's peerage knew it they were suddenly surrounded by hundreds. One in the priestess outfit caught on to what was about to happen but her magical shield was too little too late. The flower petal became flame exploding outward in every direction. The explosion leveled a good quarter mile of the forest.

Once the smoke cleared, only one person remained. Sakura stood with a smirk on her face without a scratch or a hair out of place. It was an image that Naruto would not soon forget.

One of Raiser's Bishop has retired from the match.

Two of Raiser's Rooks have retired from the match.

Three of Raiser's Pawns have retired from the match.

Neither would Ravel. "What the hell was that? What an underhanded thing to do when challenged to a one on one fight."

"Ahh," Naruto scratched his cheek as he thought of a way to justify Sakura's fight. "They probably said something that pissed her off or underestimated how strong she is. She has a bit of a complex where that is concerned. But she held back a little."

"H-held back. That's what you call held back!"

"Yeah, it was only a C-Rank jutsu. Oh, it looks like your other group has finally found Tsu-chan. You should tell them all to attack her if they want to have a chance of hitting Tsu-chan at all."

"Team Sword, attack her now. Do not let her get off a magical attack!" Ravel called out over magical communication.

The girl with the bandaged head used her knight enhanced speed to launch herself at Tsunade. She was surprised as her sword stabbed through the blonde Hokage's stomach. Tsunade went up in smoke leaving a skewered log in her place.

Before anyone could find her Tsunade appeared behind the two nekomata. She jabbed the back of their necks causing them to scream in pain before they passed out.

"What did she do to them?" Ravel asked as she clutched Naruto's arm in worry.

"They're fine. She knows not to hurt them too badly only enough to make them retire. She probably hit them with a bit of lightning to the spine.

Ravel gasped as a tree sprouted and grew at least twenty feet tall in front of Tsunade. The two knights jumped back in fear of an attack.

Naruto turned away from the action to focus on his aunt. "Why were you so shocked Ravel-Chan?"

"Y-You should not be so familiar with me, idiot. And it is nearly impossible to create something living with devil magic."

"What's the big deal we are family and soon you will be a part of my peerage." Naruto said as he turned back to watch the tree shrink down to form a bokken. It was not the first time he had seen the technique. He was still nursing some serious bruises from it.

"That wooden sword is not going to stand up to Karlamine or Siris. Wait, is she drinking?" Ravel asked incredulously.

The two maid pawns dashed at their full speed towards Tsunade. She side stepped their sloppy attacks while chugging sake. The former Hokage then ducked a slash from the large zweihander sword. Siris suddenly coughed up blood as Tsunade buried the butt of her bokken in the girl's guts. She disappeared in a shower of light.

One of Raiser's Knights has retired.

Tsunade twisted around to crack the two attacking pawns in the head retiring them as well. That only left the Knight. Karlamine lit her sword a flame and charged Tsunade in anger. She blocked the slash and the next few strikes with ease. Not once did the attacks even stop her from taking a drink of sake. Karlamine screamed putting all her strength in her next cut. The knight found herself overextending as her enemy disappeared before the sword could even hit. Tsunade made the girl pay for the error. The former Hokage smacked Karlamine in the head with the flat side of the bokken. The poor knight crumpled to the ground before vanishing in a ray of light.

Raiser's Knight has retired.

"Your two servants…"

"Teammates," Naruto corrected.

Ravel licked her all too suddenly dry lips. "Your two teammates destroyed Onii-sama's peerage like it was nothing."

Naruto just shrugged like it had been completely obvious to begin with. His eyes narrowed as Raiser's queen decided to show herself. A magic circle appeared under Tsunade who just body flickered out of it. An explosion a few degrees larger than an explosive tag went off where she had stood.

"Huhu," Confidence filled Ravel's laugh. "Impressed? I admit I was worried but Onii-sama's queen is very strong."

"Is magic always that slow?" Naruto frowned as he asked.

"It can be slow." Ravel pushed up her none existent glasses and went into her prim and proper teacher mode. "Most devil magic requires activation circles unless it is a part of family magic. Like the Phenex family has a natural aptitude for fire and wind magic. So low to mid-level spells of those elements do not require an activation circle."

"Really? You're so awesome Ravel-Chan," Naruto exclaimed as he pulled the blushing girl into a hug. "Can you teach me some of the Phenex magic sometime?"

"If I must," Ravel mumbled into Naruto's chest. Ravel pushed away from him attempting to try not to revel in just how firm Naruto felt.

Raiser's Queen has retired.

"What the hell?" Ravel asked in shock. The entirety of Raiser's peerage was gone except her. Ravel gulped and turned in fear towards Naruto only to see him smiling down at her. "Are we going to fight now?"

"Aw, Ravel-Chan I could never hurt my pretty little auntie."

Ravel's heart was hammering in her ears. Her mind going over the fact that he thinks she is pretty. "Really?"

"Of course, I will just knock you out. You won't even feel a thing or you could choose to retire."

Before she could respond the two of them were interrupted by a fireball. Naruto grabbed a completely unaware Ravel and flew into the sky before the fireball burned down the tree.

"Hey you could have hurt Ravel-chan." The girl clung to Naruto as he carried her like a princess.

"Stupid onii-sama," she mumbled into Naruto's chest over and over. She had no idea if she was talking about Naruto or Raiser.

"Ha! That fire would not hurt her she is a Phenex. Unlike you, you low class trash. Now let go of my sister before you sully her further."

"No, she is holding onto me quite tightly. She will be a part of my team soon anyway."

"You think half breed scum like you has a chance against me, a high class Phenex. I admit your servants are strong but they are not here. They cannot save you. Maybe once I have defeated you I will take them from you. Even that flat boyish one. I will make sure to break her in before I toss her back to you. I am not a monster after all."

"You talk a lot when you should be more aware of your surroundings."

"How dare you…"

"Behind you," Naruto cut off his uncle's rant.

"Like I would fall for that." Raiser said before he heard the words that would haunt his dreams for years to come.

"Shannaro!" Sakura's glowing green fist smashed into Raiser's back. The devil rocketed into the ground despite his wings and magic. When the dirt settled Raiser's mangled body was at the bottom of the newly created pit.

"Flat am I? I will show you flat!" A furious Sakura dove down into the pit. Quakes and angry shouting followed afterward.

"Ravel-Chan you shouldn't see this." Naruto pressed a pressure point on the side of her neck causing her to fall asleep.

Raiser's Bishop has retired.

Sakura leaped out of the hole looking very satisfied and refreshed.

Naruto landed next to the rejuvenated girl. "Feeling better Sakura-Chan? I know you have been stressed this week."

The pinkette flashed him a brilliant smile. "Yeah, I really needed that. It's just a shame he did not put up much of a fight."

"You did not give him much of a chance." Tsunade mused as she walked up to her two students.

"It wouldn't have mattered if she did it would have ended the same and just as quickly. You did great Sakura-chan."

"I am sorry," Sakura said as she grabbed Naruto's hand.

Naruto gave her a confused look. "For what?"

"I shouldn't have let him say all those awful things to you. I just thought I would wait in case you wanted to try to talk to him first."

"It's alright Sakura-chan. I know his type you have to smack him around first before he will ever listen."

Sakura pulled up the remaining courage she had from the high of victory. "Still, let me make it up to you. How about we go have some ramen when we get home. My treat just try not to eat through my entire savings."

"I would love to Sakura-Chan," Naruto affirmed as he turned away to hide the hope he clearly felt.

"It's a date then." Sakura turned to a frowning Tsunade with a smug grin of victory.

"You think that was enough to defeat me." Raiser crawled out of his hole with his injuries still lit a flame. His right arm was unnaturally bent and twisted the wrong direction, his rib cage was caved in and the left side of his face was carrying the indentation of Sakura's fist.

"While I admire your pain tolerance," Tsunade stated after taking a drink of sake. Unfortunately, it could not get the bad taste of Naruto and Sakura future date out of her mouth. "You should just pack it in and quit. This does not end well for you."

Raiser's legs were finally healed enough to stand. "Are you afraid to face me on your own half breed or are you going to just hide behind your women?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes at his rapidly healing Uncle. Sakura had really done a number on the man but there was one thing he wanted to know. "Why do you keep calling me a half breed? I am a full devil now."

A sadistic grin appeared on his uncle's face. "No matter what you become your whore of a mother was still just a human. And you will always just be a half breed."

Sakura stepped forward with clenched fist. "Sakura stop. Let me educate my uncle on the Uzumaki Clan."

Raiser snorted at the thought of a human clan. He never caught the fact that Naruto's eyes were flickering back and forth between sapphire and blood red. The weight of the world slammed into Raiser. He nearly bit his tongue off in surprise as he dropped to his knees. Scenes of his death filtered through his mind as Naruto spoke.

"The Uzumaki were known for their strong vitality and famed for their mastery in Fuinjutsu. But they grew far too powerful. So powerful that it took an army ten times their size to end the Uzumaki Clan. It is said that they could seal away beings as powerful as God's in a matter of moments. So when you call me a half breed. I will wear this as a badge of honor because I will always be proud of my Uzumaki heritage."

The hair on the back of Raiser's neck stood on end. Chains extending from Naruto's back rattled as they wound their way around Raiser's torso. The flames healing his injuries snuffed out leaving a broken arm and a heavily bruised face.

Naruto dropped the killing intent that came with Bijuu chakra. He stood over the kneeling, broken and bloody Raiser Phenex. "These chains are Uzumaki Sealing Chains and I inherited them from my human mother. Do you know why they are called sealing chains? You should be able to feel it. They suppress any and all abilities you have." The man's eyes widened and he tried to break free. "Struggle all you want these chains have contained things far stronger than you."

Naruto kneeled down to look Raiser in the eyes. One was half closed, there was snot leaking from his nose and blood running off his chin. "My mother's name was so feared that I was not allowed to know what it was until I was sixteen. That way her enemies would not hunt me down. She was a Kunoichi so powerful they fled at the sight of her. The other nations still whisper stories of her to their children. She was the boogie man in the closet, the monster under your bed. Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Death, would have destroyed your peerage with contemptuous ease. You think you are strong. You have no idea what strength is."

Naruto paused, his eyes bore into Raiser's own making the man feel insignificant. "Make no mistake we went easy on you and your peerage. Sakura could have made you a bloody smear with the flick of her finger."

"Naruto," Tsunade sounded bored but there was an undertone of command to it. "End it already so we can go home."

"Go to sleep, Uncle." Naruto poked the man on the forehead knocking him out.

Raiser Phenex has retired. Team Uzumaki has won the match.

Sakura put her hand on her hip and looked at Naruto with a raised brow. "Contemptuous, Naruto? How long have you been waiting to say that?"

"Sakura-Chan," Naruto pouted and his shoulders drooped. "I know big words, dattebayo."

A magical circle appeared on the ground beneath them teleporting Team Uzumaki to a new location.

Gremory Estate

The trio of Shinobi re-appeared in a room foreign to them. It was a lounge room with a grand fireplace filled to the brim with sofas and armchairs. The walls were covered in a crimson tapestry depicting scenes of humanity working together with devil-kind. All in all, the room was quite inviting and warm.

Rias, her Queen, and Katerina Phenex sat chatting with a woman who looked to be Rias's brown haired twin. Ravel was in an armchair good distance away from them. She was the only one to notice their arrival but she decidedly kept her attention away from them. Her cheeks were flushed red which Naruto thought was due to her close proximity to the fire. The last group consisted of Amadeus, Sirzech and another man who was a mirror image of Sirzech. They were in a serious hushed discussion. The man did not look thrilled with the result of the match and seemed to be letting Sirzech and Amadeus know it.

Grayfia cleared her throat drawing the attention of everyone in the room. "I present the winners of today's rating match, Team Uzumaki."

"Hey," Naruto said with a short wave causing Sakura to groan in annoyance. It only made the man who disliked the result of match frown harder. Even Sirzech had a look of disappointment before it was replaced with a smile. The atmosphere of the room was weird and it did not escape the notice of any on Team Uzumaki

Rias rushed towards Naruto but a cough stopped her in her tracks before she could wrap her arms around him. Instead, she bowed deeply. "Naruto, thank you for saving me from a marriage with Raiser."

Naruto blushed in response and scratched the back of his head. Despite everything he has been through and done he was still not used to people's gratitude.

"That may be but I do not think I can agree to this union."


"Quiet Rias. Do not interrupt your father." The brown haired woman said with a neutral expression.

"I saw nothing remarkable about this boy on the battlefield. Unless you count hiding behind the coattails of his servants. No. I do not think I will allow this change to the marriage contract."

Sakura scoffed and laughed at the thought of Naruto hiding behind her. The stink eye that Lady Tsunade gave her made Sakura keep it under control.

"Look, I promised Sakura-Chan that she could have first crack at him. It's not my fault he couldn't take it." Naruto said in his own defense. "I don't think-"

"That is right. You did not think." Naruto was cut off by the brown haired woman. "The whole underworld was watching this match and you looked weak. It will make the Gremory clan look weak if we allow this to continue."

Naruto scowled at the woman. He was about to yell back at them when he felt Sakura's hand on his arm. Her gentle smile calmed him down almost immediately.

"Correct me if I am wrong," Tsunade spoke. "I was under the belief that a king has to be stronger than their servants otherwise the Devil Pieces would not work."

Rias's father who had yet to introduce himself drawled, "I fail to see your point."

"Well if that is indeed correct. That means that my King, Naruto, did not fight Raiser because Raiser was too far beneath him." Tsunade narrowed her eyes. "In fact, his whole peerage was far beneath any of us. The way I see it you can cancel the contract or not. Regardless of your choice Raiser Phenex is no longer a viable candidate. It is really no sweat off our backs. Now if you are done posturing. I was expecting a victory party and booze."

The mood in the room had completely soured. The Phenex family sat stoic in disapproval of their friend's attitude. Katerina rose from her seat. "Come darlings, let's go. Ruval is waiting for us at home. Besides the Gremory's appear to be out of sorts tonight. It must have been something they ate as I would like to believe such behavior is beneath them." Naruto's grandmother turned to the other buxom blonde in the room. "Lady Tsunade we will just have a celebratory drink at home."

Before they could teleport a loud bang came from the door. Then a second. On the third the lounge door blew off its hinges. Naruto grabbed Rias and pulled her out of the way of the flying debris.

An average looking brown haired boy entered the room. His eyes landed on Naruto clutching Rias firmly into his and the blush on her cheeks. "Buchou's virginity belongs to me!"

"Wha." Was the dumbfounded response from the youngest Phenex in the room.

"Issei!" Rias shouted in embarrassment.

"No Buchou I will save you from this animal." Issei pointed his red gauntlet at Naruto striking his most heroic pose. "I challenge you for the right to have Buchou."

"Pass. Rias can choose whoever she wants to be with."

"That's what I thought. I watched your fight you and all you did was hide behind Mega Oppai and the flat board. I have trained for ten whole days to challenge whoever the winner of today's fight."

Tsunade snorted. "Ten whole days huh."

"Don't distract me Mega Oppai. I will get to those later."

Sirzech stepped forward with his father following his footsteps. "I think this is a good idea. I would like to see what the new Red Dragon Emperor is capable of. It will also give Naruto a match to showcase his strength. And if Issei does win Rias will be engaged to the new Red Dragon Emperor. It's a win for everyone."

"Not for us." Amadeus put his hand on his wife and daughter shoulders. "Lucifer-sama we were willing to let this insult slide before but this is too much. Are you willing to lose our family's friendship for a glimpse at my grandson's power?"

The answer was in the silence that followed. "So be it." Amadeus looked to Naruto. "Grandson please do this foolish old man a favor. Crush him."

Naruto glanced at his teammates. Sakura and Tsunade gave him the barest of nods. "Sure Ojisan."

Sirzech gave a strained smile to the group. The man was obviously having doubts about his decision. "Grayfia would you notify everyone that there will a bonus match today."

The silent maid addressed the forgotten pawn. "Hyoudou-san are you prepared for your match?"

"Uh yea. I think so." The sloven answer caused Grayfia's neutral expression to look strained to the point of her looking constipated. She did not deign to respond instead she just teleported from the room.

Tsunade ignored his lame response. "Lucifer-sama do not go anywhere after the match. We will be calling in my favor after the conclusion of the match. And after this you are not in any position to decline it."

"Of course." Sirzech teleported to the VIP seating.

"Sorry about this grandson." Katherina pulled Naruto into a hug. "The Phenex pride could only take so much and Zeoticus couldn't keep his mouth shut the entire match. At least once you win it should stop others from issuing a challenge."

"Kat we should go too. Give the kids a few minutes to themselves." Naruto's grandparents left to go to their seats.

"Man, what was their problem? Everyone was so tense. Who were they anyway?" Issei asked now that the room was cleared of adults.

"Idiot," Akeno smacked Issei on the back of the head. She rolled her eyes at him as he clutched his head in pain. "Those were Rias-sama and Ravel-sama's parents. And your little stunt may have ended an alliance that has lasted a millennia." Akeno grabbed him by the ear and pulled over to the corner of the room for a scolding.

"Naruto," Rias grabbed his hands and brought them to her chest. "Don't judge my parents too harshly. They really wanted my marriage to Raiser to happen. They wanted to bind our clans together."

"Then why were they still upset with me? I am still from the Phenex clan. And why are they okay with the overgrown lizard over there?"

"Because you are an unknown quantity. As for the Red Dragon Emperor's vessel, the dragon will not allow him to be weak. So even if he never trained the dragon would still improve his body." Ravel pulled Naruto's hands out of Rias's grasp. "This fight was going to show how strong the Gremory clan would be after the marriage. Instead, your team ripped us apart easily and you hardly lifted a finger to do it. So in the end it made you and my Onii-sama look really weak."

"Making the Gremory's future look weak." Naruto finished as he caught on to Ravel-chan's logic.

Sakura grunted, "Damn politics. We were here for a fight not a damn show." She stared down at the connected hands. She yanked him free of the younger blonde. "Naruto it's not your fault. We did not know they would have you on display for the whole underworld."

"If it was just the underworld it would not be such a problem." Rias stated. "Onii Sama wanted it to be seen by all the realms to show off the strong young generation. It's no wonder he wants another match to hopefully redeem the Devil youth."

"But the jerk was so weak." Sakura pointed out what she thought was the most obvious flaw in the plan.

"Believe it or not but Raiser-oni is one of the strongest high rank devil in the rating games right now."

"So Auntie what did you think of the match?"

"Don't call me that," Ravel huffed. "It was too far one-sided to judge. At least that is what I would say if I watched from the sidelines. But as someone who was in the match. You guys are stupid strong. Way too strong for your age. I almost feel sorry for the Red Dragon Emperor's vessel. He doesn't know what he got himself into."

"Naruto." Tsunade said to grab his attention.


"Remember, we are not here for a show. Do whatever you need to win but try not to show too much of your capabilities."

"Hai Hai."

Tsunade smirked at Sakura as she pulled Naruto into a smothering hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Good luck gaki even if I doubt that you will need it. And remember we still want to keep our abilities under wraps. I don't care if this is supposed to be a show."

Sakura and Rias silently fumed at the stupid grin on Naruto's face. But before either of them could rescue Naruto from the big breasted drunk they were interrupted by an announcement.

"Thank you all for remaining. I am a servant for the Gremory clan, Grayfia. We with the Gremory Clan are excited to present to you a bonus match. The match will be a one on one fight to submission or knockout between Issei Hyoudou the current Red Dragon Emperor and Naruto Uzumaki the youngest male of the Phenex Clan. This is an epic battle of Dragon versus Phoenix. The winner will gain the right to marry Rias Gremory heir to the Gremory Clan. The match begins...Now."

Naruto appeared at the far end of an old castle courtyard. It looked a lot like the medieval castles that he found in the history books from the Phenex library. Across from him a hundred feet away stood the unremarkable Red Dragon Emperor.

The boy put his fist forward. "I am a freshman in the Occult Club, Hyoudou Issei! Buchou Rias Gremory belongs to me!"

At that moment Naruto had PTSD flashbacks of a screaming blonde haired boy announcing to everyone who would listen that he would become Hokage. He laughed awkwardly and scratched his cheek. "Naruto Uzumaki, number one unpredictable ninja. Dattebayo."

Naruto clamped his mouth shut and cursed himself for falling into the lizard boy's flow. He could almost hear Sakura snickering in his mind. He had tried so hard to break himself of the habit of using his vocal tic.

"Buchou, I will end this in ten seconds!"

"Oi! Don't you think you are underestimating me?"

Issei charged forward running at the speed of an average ungifted person. "Buchou, I request promotion."

"Granted." Rias's voice echoed over the battlefield.

"What the hell? Whose side are you on?" Naruto screamed out in annoyance. "Do want to be owned by a perv?"

"Promotion: Queen." Issei's speed doubled instantly. "For Buchou, I would destroy god himself! I will be the strongest Pawn."

"Shine Forth. Over Booster!"

"Welsh Dragon Over Booster!

A bright green light surrounded Issei until it solidified into red draconic armor. "This is the low-class power of Balance Breaker, Boosted Gear Scale-mail."

There was a murmur of disbelief from the broadcast booth. Naruto could feel the increase in the lizard boy's power. The armor itself was pumping out Jonin levels of power but the boy inside was still low Genin at best. It was obvious to him that both could improve with time and effort. It was unfortunate that Issei did not strike him as the hard working type. But compared to Lee, who is?

Issei leaped into the air, his clawed hands arcing with green lightning. He brought them together to form an orb the size of an Odama Rasengan and fired it.


"Time to stop daydreaming." Naruto combined his magic and chakra and circulated it around his hand. He back fisted the hot pink orb into a castle wall.

The red dragon appeared from the smoke. "I got you now!"

Naruto sidestepped the haphazard punch. "It's about damn time you got here I was getting bored." Naruto spun kicking Issei in the ribs sending him into a tower destroying it.


The red armored dragon launched himself out of the tower. Too many watching it only looked like a green streak of light. In an instant he was on Naruto. Unfortunately, Issei's punch was far over extended.

It was a good chance for Naruto to test out his training in the Uzumaki fighting style. It was a style based on fighting multiple opponents at once. It focused on redirecting their energy and using it against them. And lizard boy was throwing his energy all over the place. Naruto guided Issei's punch off the line of attack and sent him back into the fallen tower.


"Oi, lizard boy power and speed is useless if you don't have the training to know how to use it." Naruto still had not left the spot he had started from.

Issei struggled to pull himself out of the rubble. He was feeling a little dizzy from being spun around. "Ugh, this is harder than I thought. But I will not fail! I will bring Buchou back!"


"I assume that count down means something. So you'd better hurry up before you're out of time." Naruto said with a good-natured smile. This spar wasn't much fun but he had to give it to lizard boy for trying. "You know what? Screw it. I am coming to you!"

Naruto's dash forward cracked the stone beneath his feet. He ignored his opponents squeak as he shouted. "I am going to use my most classic move."

Naruto had enough speed that he did not even need to bother with using clones. Before Issei could even react a fist smashed into his jaw.


Then a kick smashed into his stomach.


It was followed by a backflip kick that rocketed the red dragon into the sky.


Flames exploded into wings from Naruto's back. He rocketed after his red armored opponent passing in the sky. "Uzumaki Barrage!" He flipped into a hammer kick sending Issei back down to earth.


There was no movement in the crater. Naruto worried that maybe he had been too hard on the kid.


He landed next to the crater. "Hey, lizard boy you alright in there?"


The only answer Naruto got was a shout. "Dragon Lance!" A pink beam of energy shot out of the smoke causing Naruto to roll out of the way. The beam crashed through the castle wall and decimated a peak of a mountain in the background.


"I am not done yet! Buchou is mine!" Naruto sighed at the terrible punch but there was something about it that made the hair stand on the back of his neck. Naruto caught the offending arm at the wrist. There dangling from his hand was a silver cross. One that would have caused a ton of pain to a high class devil.

"Issei, how can you even hold that without pain?"

"My bishop used to be a nun. I borrowed it from her."

"But it would still hurt a devil. Wait. You sacrificed your arm to the red dragon for power, didn't you?" Naruto said in disgust. Naruto could feel it. The energy coming from the appendage did not feel like the boys at all. It was the same as the armor, the same as the dragon in Issei's boosted gear. Naruto knew the true costs for gaining instant power.


"That's right. If I have a dragon arm, a devils weakness won't apply to me!"

"Are you crazy? You can never go back and you will always want more power. What's next Issei? A leg? Your brain? Your Heart? Your soul? Don't go down this path. It will only lead to pain."

"I know that! But I will do whatever it takes to get Buchou back! To make her mine!" Naruto tossed the boy back into rubble.


"It's over Issei. Rias Gremory is a person not an object. She does not belong to you or me."

"I will not stop. I will do whatever it takes." The red dragon proclaimed with one last surge of energy. "Dream Finger!"

Count Over!

The energy that Issei had been building sputtered out causing the boy to land on his face. Naruto knelt down to red dragon. "Look, Issei you put up a good fight despite your lack of training but I think it is time to call it quits."

"No, I will never give up." The red dragon pulled a vial from his school jacket and removed the top with his teeth. He swung the vial with abandon splashing the liquid on Naruto's face and arms.

"Ouch." Was the last thing Naruto said before leaving nothing but smoke behind.

Issei rolled over to sit on his butt. "I did it." He said with a goofy grin on his face. "I won. Buchou is mine again."

Issei's musings were interrupted by a slow clap. "Congratulations you defeated my shadow clone." Naruto emerged from a shadowy corner. He reveled in the fact he could finally give a villain clone speech. "You surprised me by defeating my clone but they only contain a tenth of my strength. Now you should understand just how impossible this fight was for you."

Issei tried to stand but his legs gave out. He simply just did not have any more energy. "No, I can't give up."

"Because Rias belongs to you?" Naruto shook his head in frustration. "You know I read about dragons a few weeks ago. They sounded so cool so I had to know more even though I am a bit partial to foxes. There is one thing that all dragons have in common. They all have to have a hoard whether it's gold, jewels, or soft plushies. I mean it could be anything one even liked to collect donuts not even to eat. It would gather them up by the thousands let them go bad then go out into the human world and get more."

At this point, Naruto noticed the strange look that the lizard boy was giving him. "Anyways, what I am trying to say is that you seem to be doing the same thing. I heard you want to be Harem king."

"That's right!" Issei shouted with pride.

"That's the thing women are not treasures to be hoarded away. They are people. You can't own them."

"But I will treat them right."

Naruto shook his head before he looked at his forearm as if he was wearing a watch. "Whelp, time to go. But let me do you one last favor before I end the match."

"What favor?" Issei said before a bright golden flame lit over Naruto's palm. A solid black bar grew from the fire. It was the deepest black that Issei had ever seen. It was what he imagined deep space looked like from a spaceship.

"There are always consequences to instant power and I am not going to let you hurt the ones I care about." Naruto swung the truth seeking rod into the red gauntlet shattering it.

The pain for Issei was unimaginable and it was two-fold for the red dragon locked away in the Boosted Gear. He blacked out to the howling screams of the dragon.

Naruto dismissed the truth seeking bar and ran his hand through his hair. He really wished the fight had not gone that far. The gleaming silver chain caught his eye. "I wonder if he even told his friend he would use it for a weapon."

Without thinking Naruto snatched it up from the ground. It sizzled in his hand making it itch. "Uh it's over. Can you make the announcement?"

W-Winner of the match is Naruto Uzumaki of the Phenex Clan.

This time Naruto appeared in the VIP Box seating area. Issei had appeared next to him but was already being looked over by medical professionals. Rias and her peerage had rushed over to him as well. Except for Koneko-chan who was still in her seat munching on some dorayaki.

"Issei-san are you alright? I will heal you!" The short blonde's hand lit up with green light.

"Naruto, what did you do to him? Will my cute kouhai be alright?" Rias asked as she looked over Issei with concern.

"Yeah he just needs some rest since I drove the dragon energy from his arm." Naruto looked around the room. Tsunade was in a heated conversation with Sirzech, Rias's parents, the Phenexs and a few others. Sakura waved him over to her. She was standing in the corner with Ravel and a brunette with lovely violet eyes.

"Hey Sakura-Chan no congrats for my win?" Naruto asked as he reached them.

She snorted in response. "Like there was ever any doubt. Anyway, good job on holding back. I doubt they learned much from you have clones."

"Congrats, Naruto-san, errr. What do I call you? I don't like it when you call me Auntie and I don't want to call you Nephew." Ravel stood there awkwardly. It was weird having a nephew two or three years older than her. Especially one that is so handsome-grrrk. She meant to think he was so feral looking like he could just ravish her at any moment and there was nothing she could do about. No that's not what meant. She meant that he was so strong that he could just take her-.

Sakura caught on to Ravel becoming more and more flustered. "You could just call him Onii-chan."

Ravel reddened as if she was overheating. Naruto knew she had a strong control over the fire element but the smoke coming from her ears was impressive. A foxlike grin spread across his face as he leaned forward closer to Ravel. "You could call me Onii-Chan if you want and I can call Imoto-chan."

"O-Onii-C-Ch-San. No, I will call you Onii-San."

"Sure thing Imoto-chan." Naruto said as he messed up her hair.

"Don't call me that!"

A cleared throat brought everyone back to reality. The violet eyed girl was blushing at the conversation she had interrupted. This was no place for flirting! She bowed to Naruto. "Congratulations Uzumaki-san. I am Sona Sitri of the Sitri Clan."

Naruto waved his hand as if to dispel the stiffness of the introduction. "Mah Mah. I don't care much for formality Sona-chan. You can call me Naruto."

Sona's eye twitched in response. "Okay Naruto-san. That was an interesting match albeit a short one. Haruno-san and I were discussing how you accomplished some of your feats in the match."

Naruto sighed at the formalness. "Like what Sona-Chan?"

"Well for one, how did you move so fast?"

"What do you mean? I just ran or jumped. Why?"

A look of frustration came across her face as Sakura tried to hide her giggle. She had tried to explain this to the young Sitri during the match. "No, Naruto-san I mean did you cast any spells or use any magic to enhance yourself?"

Naruto thumped his chest. "Nope that was one hundred percent hard work and training."

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me at least tell me when you made that clone of yours."

"Ah that. I made my clone when lizard boy was screaming over boost at the top of his lungs."

"So at the beginning. How did no one see you?"

"Distraction is the name of the game Sona-chan." To prove his point he put on a familiar pair of purple rimmed oval glasses.

"Hey how did you get my glasses?" Sona formal exterior cracked as she leaped forward to pull her glasses off his face. Naruto pulled back causing her to fall right into his chest. Naruto swung her around to move out of the way of her incoming water attack. Unfortunately it hit a grinning Ravel in the face.

"Naruto leave the poor girl alone and give her back her glasses."

"But Sakura-Chan," Naruto cried out as he dangled the glasses high in the air making Sona jump for them. "She just started to relax. I don't understand how she can be so formal. We are all just teenagers."

"NAR. RU. TO. Do as I say."

"Aw fine Sakura-chan." Sona swiped the glasses from Naruto as he lowered them.

"I am glad you are all getting along." Katerina Phenex spoke up as she approached them with Tsunade and Amadeus Phenex.

Sona quickly pulled herself back together. "Sorry for being so unsightly Phenex-sama."

"Ara ara. Sona-Chan I quite agree with my grandson even if I do not care for how he got you to relax." The smile and her wink at Naruto told them all she did not believe what she was saying. "Naruto, Tsunade worked out your formal marriage contract with the Gremory's. They pushed for the marriage to happen when Rias graduated from high school. But Tsunade was insistent that we follow the original contract. So you will be required to marry once she graduates college. Also, the contract will be considered null and void if you both want to cancel the marriage."

"That's not so bad." Sakura wished they would have just cancelled it all together but at least there was a way out for Naruto. "How long until she graduates?"

This time it was Sona that answered. "At Rias's pace she will be done in four years. If she tries harder possibly three."

"Three years at most," Sakura mumbled. "That gives me time but he is still a bit of a dunce."

"Sakura-Chan you say something."

"Nope. I mean Lady Phenex why is a good thing we are all getting along?"

There was a sly smile on the elder Phenex's faces that made Naruto uncomfortable. "Because you will all be going to high school together."


"But I already finished school."

"Suck it up gaki. They are making me go too." Tsunade grumbled before she chugged from her never ending sake bottle. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "At least I made them agree to let us send shadow clones in our place."

Lady Phenex tutted, "Not every time but when you have other places to be its fine. As you know Sirzech is familiar with your circumstances."

Naruto's shoulders dropped. "Do I really have to? I was always dead last in school. I really don't want to go through that again."

"Naruto," Sakura glanced at Sona deciding what she should say. "There were reasons for that and most of them were out of your control. This might be a good chance to show everyone including yourself how much you have changed. Besides, I-I mean we will be there to help you with anything."

"And gaki you're a sage now so you can sit for longer than five minutes straight."

"Alright alright. As long as I have you two."

"O-onii-san I will be there to help too."

"Ara Ara Naruto I didn't know my little Ravel has taken such a shine to you."

Sona decided to ignore a gushing Katerina Phenex. "Naruto-san as council president it is also my responsibility to offer you any help you may need."

"Oh my. It is really the springtime of youth. Maybe I should go back to school too. What do you say Naruto? Would you let me be one of your girls?"

"Katerina," Amadeus Phenex said with a sly smile. "Where do I fit in this lovely picture you are painting?"

"Amadeus I didn't see you there."

"Is that right. I have been here since poor Sakura poured her heart out to Naruto."

"I-I did not!"

"You know how it is honey. Young love gets me all flustered."

"Uh huh. Naruto I thought you would be with Rias right now."

"No, last I saw her she was tending to the red lizard boy." The group turned to Rias as she was still checking on her pawn. The group frowned at the girl who never looked their way. "And the favor?"

"I believe your Queen handled it. Though I doubt Lucifer-sama is happy about it."

Speak of the devil. Sirzech strolled up to the group with a confident and easy going smile. "What are we looking at?"

Sona adjusted her glasses and filed away the mention of a favor. "Rias worrying over her pawn. He is a part of her peerage and it did look like Naruto hurt him pretty bad."

"I saved him. He sacrificed his arm for power. Instant power like that is dangerous." He gestured to himself and his teammates. "It's something we know far too well."

Sona raised her eyes at the admission and filed it away. "Whatever you did still looked painful."

"Yeah it did. So Sirzech I assume the Gremory's are fine with me now."

"Ah yes. They want me to extend an invitation to dinner so they can get to know you and your peerage better. And I hope to repair the relationship between our families."

"That's it? I didn't really do much more in this fight compared to the last."

"Naruto that speed you displayed was far faster than anyone else in your age group."

Sona adjusted her glasses again. She would never admit that she kept touching them to make sure Naruto hadn't stolen them again. "Also it was obvious in this round that you can handle yourself in a fight. Did Issei even lay a hand on you outside of that trick?"

Sirzech answered for Naruto. "No he did not and you won the psychological war. You should have seen those girls. They looked so broken at the thought of just being another shiny piece for his dragon hoard. I mean the kids got spirit for trying to get back up but yikes that was rough to watch. I don't think Akeno or Koneko has spoken to anyone since and Rias's little bishop looked like her world had shattered. My little sister seems to have bounced back from it though. If I did not know you I would have thought you were trying to break up Rias's peerage. Instead I know you were giving him and my sister's peerage sound advice."

"Speaking of Rias's peerage." Naruto held up the silver cross in his hand. "Anyone know who this belongs to?"

"You still have that!" Ravel practically shouted.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Grandson, religious relics and such are harmful to devils."

"Naruto do you feel any pain?" Sirzech asked.

"Eh it itches a little bit."

"I see." Sirzech rubbed his chin in thought. "The stronger the devil the less things like that hurt."

Sona pulled herself out of her own thoughts. "I believe that it is Asia-san's necklace." Sona called the small blonde over and pointed her towards Naruto.

"Is there something I can help you with Naruto-san?"

Naruto raised the cross up again. "I was told this was yours."

She clapped cutely in excitement. "I thought it was lost when Issei-kun didn't come back with it." She pulled an embroidered silk cloth from her jacket pocket. She unfolded it and let Naruto place the cross inside and delicately folded back up. "Thank you so much for bringing it back to me."

"Girly," Tsunade called out. "You shouldn't let others use things you so obviously treasure as a weapon."

Asia clutched the silk package to her chest. "But Is-kun said he needed it."

Tsunade pointed to Naruto. "You see that green stone on the cord around Naruto's neck. I gave that to him to show him how much I treasure him. That stone was a keepsake from my grandfather to me it is priceless. If he used it to attack someone outside of life and death situation I would never forgive him. But Naruto would never do that. He knows how important it is to me, so it is important to him."

"It was life or death. Issei said if he lost you would take Buchou away."

"Where did he get that idea?" Sakura asked in confusion.

"Rias isn't going anywhere in fact Naruto and his peerage will be joining you at school." Sirzech clarified. "My parents and I wanted Naruto to get to know Rias and her peerage better."

"But Issei-kun told me that Rias said she would have to leave if Naruto-san or Raiser-san won."

Naruto and the others turned back to watch Rias tending to her pawn. The boy in question had a stupid grin on his face.

"He is definitely awake." Katerina commented as the redhead leaned over. Rias's breast were firmly pressed into Issei's face.

"Definitely," Sakura said next with dead eyes. "He's so gross. How can she stand it?"

"Issei-kun is not so bad." Asia tried to defend him.

"Yes he is. At school he is known as one of the perverted trio. As council president, he causes no end to my paperwork and school complaints."

Tsunade took a drink of sake. "The things we read said that devils are manipulative and Rias is definitely a devil. This was probably the hardest that brat has ever fought."

Sakura clenched her fist. "Naruto when she comes over for training leave it to me."

Naruto nodded in response. "I feel so used."

Sirzech rubbed his temples to clear his quickly growing headache. "Me too."

There we have it. Rias as a pairing not looking too certain now is it. I tried not to bash but man I just really don't like Issei. I watch/read the scenes between Raiser and Issei over and over. And man I have to tell you that with out the flashbacks or monologues they both come off as a bag of dicks.

Anywho, we also see that Naruto is less likely to sit there and try to convince people of the error of their ways. In the fight with Issei he attempts to make the sleeze ball see the light but in the end he just could not work himself up for it. This is something he is carrying over from not becoming Hokage. Because after all the words and convincing in the end it still did not matter. He did not accomplish his dream. So while he is still a positive guy on the whole he does not feel the need to save people from themselves.