Katherine's POV

"Sarah! John!" I called down the hallway towards my kids rooms. "Time to get up for school!"

I walked down to the end of the hall where Lucy's room was. When I opened the door, she was standing in her crib, holding onto the rail and bouncing on the mattress. She and I both smiled when I saw her.

"Come on. Let's get you up." I said, walking over to her crib and lifting her out of it, putting her down on the changing table next to the crib. I changed her diaper, got her dressed, then picked her back up and walked back into the hallway.

As I was walking back towards the stairs to the main floor of our penthouse apartment, I passed by Jack's studio. The door was cracked, so I pushed it all the way open and walked in. He was asleep at his easel. No wonder he didn't come to bed last night.

"Come on. Let's wake Dada." I said to Lucy.

"Dada!" Lucy exclaimed.

I walked towards Jack, and put my hand lightly on his shoulder.

"Jack?" I said. "Jack, it's time to get up. The kids need to go to school."

"'M up." He mumbled, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Dada!" Lucy exclaimed again, which made a tired smile spread across Jack's face.

"Mornin', Luc." He said, taking her from my arms and kissing me on the cheek in the process. "Come on. Let's go get some breakfast."

The three of us walked down the hall, then the stairs, to the main floor. I closed the baby gate behind me when we got to the bottom of the stairs, and Jack put Lucy down on the floor. She toddled over to her toys and sat down on the floor to play.

Jack and I walked into the kitchen, and when I did, I gasped.

"Happy tenth anniversary, Ace." He smiled. He had decorated the whole room with balloons and banners and other decorations.

"Jack. This is so sweet." I smiled.

"I's got a surprise for you's tonight." He added.

"More of a surprise than this?" I asked, gesturing to the various decorations around the room.

"Yep." He said, walking over to me and pulling me into a long, deep kiss.

"Eww." Sarah and John moaned in unison from the kitchen doorway. "Kissing is gross."

"Come on." I said, shooing the kids to sit at the kitchen table. "Eat some breakfast before school."

They sat down at the table. I put two bowls and spoons on the table, along with a box of cereal and milk. Both kids poured themselves bowls of cereal and started eating. Jack walked to the fridge and started to pull out somthing for Lucy to eat.

"Mama! Mama! Guess what!" John exclaimed around a bite of cereal in his mouth.

"What?" I asked while preparing their lunches.

"I learned about the letter 't' in school yesterday!" He exclaimed.

"That's so cool, buddy!" I said, giving him a hug before going back to packing the kids lunches. Jack walked out of the kitchen, then walked back in with Lucy in his arms, putting her in her high chair, then started feeding her.

"That's kindergarten stuff." Sarah said. "When your in third grade like me, you'll know how to spell words like 'somtimes' and 'shadow'."

"You were in kindergarten once, too, Sarah." I pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess." She lamented, going back to her cereal.

As I finished the kid's lunches, I said, "Alright kids. It's time to go, or Mama's going to be late. And you know who can't be late?"

"The boss!" Sarah answered, putting her bowl in the sink and putting her backpack on.

"And whose the boss?" I asked.

"Mama is!" John added, putting his backpack on. They walked out into the foyer and put their shoes on.

"Are you sure you'll be ok with her?" I asked Jack as I picked up my bag.

"Ace, you's ask me dis every day, and every day I's is fine." He laughed, putting food on Lucy's tray.

"Ok." I said. "I love you."

"I loves you, too." He said, pulling me into another kiss. I smiled as I pulled away, kissed Lucy on the head, then walked back out into the foyer.

"Come on kids, let's go!" I said, shooing them out the door. We rode the elevator down to the parking garage, then got into the car and I started driving them to school.

"Bye! I love you!" I called to them as they got out of the car at school.

"Love you, mama!" They chorused as they closed the doors.

As I was driving to work, I thought about Jack and my life together. Sarah was born seven months after our wedding, and we lived in that apartment for a while, just the three of us. Four years later, the same month I got pregnant with John, I got a huge promotion at the Sun. Jack and I moved to a bigger apartment to accommodate John, and since we had more money, it was really nice.

About a year later, I got another big promotion, and Jack and I decided that he should quit his job to pursue his passion - art. He wasn't making very much when he started, but it was still just a little less than what he made at the World. Soon enough, he was discovered as an amazing artist, and he was making so much more money.

When I found out I was pregnant with Lucy about two years ago, I had gotten another promotion, the biggest one yet. Jack and I moved into the apartment we live in now, the penthouse, but promised to each other that we wouldn't become rich snobs like my father was. Jack and I donate money to the Newsies lodge houses all over the city to help those boys get the care and lifestyle they deserve. In my job, I've also done my best to make things better for them.

As I walked up to my office, I read the sign on the door. Katherine Kelly, Editor-in-Chief. I smiled at the sign, as I did every morning, then took a deep breath, and opened the door.

(A/N - Thank you for reading all the way to the end of this story, and sticking with me through the whole thing. I do have a new Newsies story called They Were Afraid to Fall, a modern Javid story, that I just published, so go check that out!)