*Disclaimer – I do not own DC Comics nor Justice League

WARNING – Violence, Profanity & SMUT

Thoughts – "He chop's his nose, to spite his face"


War's of Light Arc 1 – Prologue: Cataclysmic intro to the DC Universe, Breaking a Ho' into a Waifu & Hyper-driving into the start of a Shitstorm.

Somewhere on Earth

Cheap strip club


Dull throbbing pain coming from the near fully healed injuries from his last scuffle which ended in his ass being handed to him. Preventing him from fully enjoying the show put on by the rather athletically build exotic woman on the table, shaking her fake 'assets' giving her a body look that would have most men blowing their load in their pants as she makes her perspiring ass clap.

Little droplets of sweat over her bronzed tan skin giving it a partially glittery sheen like sapphires due to the dull neon blue light illuminating the dark corner table. Seemingly disappearing into the stuffy body heated air scented of cigarette smoke and cheap perfume. At every rippling impact of her ass-cheek's.

Taking a hundred from the diminishing stack besides him and moving it forward beneath a fresh shot of brandy.

"Why don't you take the night off?" Stern and rather youthful sounding voice contrasting with the beard giving the speaker a roguish look of a man in his late twenties.

The stripper squatting down to pick up the notes, giving him a near face to face view with her thong flossed cunt, partially wet with both arousal and sweat.

"You sure you don't want anything else baby?~" Whipping her hair. Rubbing her slightly thick inner thigh as she slips the money under the wail tailed strap of her micro bikini thong. Glancing at the money besides him, making more in the near hour she spent entertaining him and his rather uninterested friend playing with his I-pad. Than she ever has in one night aside from maybe getting lucky with a 'john' who has deep pockets.

"You deaf?." The rather androgynous pretty boy, off to the side. Looking to be in his teens speaks up for the first time.

The stripper seemingly offended but hides it behind a smile. Slipping off the table with graceful undoubtedly practiced ease, waving down a passing waitress and writing on a piece of paper taken from her notepad. Slipping on her skirt and tube top that seems as if it were painted on her.

"Got a name honey~?" She asks.

The pretty boy snickering before the bearded fellow who looks like he had just got patched up after a fight responds.

"Francis." Sighing before he takes a sip from the newly opened bottle of brandy.

Stifling a light laugh, before noting the irritation playing across his face. "Names Pam." Leaning forward and slipping the folded paper into his shirts pocket, and surprisingly the now partially sweaty thong warn into the belted waistband of his jeans. "Give me a call sometime?."

"Sure." Giving her a small smile before his friend waves over one of the girl's who has been keeping an eye on their table, them being the most 'generous' patron's they have had yet.

The young looking woman of struts over confidently with her platform heels. Fake tits bouncing under the straps of her neon pink sling bikini like costume. Contrasting with her near black, brown slightly shining looking skin and the noticeable slight cellulite of her all natural jiggling phat onion booty.

Francis glancing over to his friend. "Nathan, you fucken done with what you are doing?. If you thinking of getting me drunk so I can do even more stupid shit. It's not going to work."

Nathen replying with. "I'm done. Relax man, you've gotten four phone numbers from girls with great 'personalities'. Besides, the ambiance mixed with the scent of working women in an establishment such as this help me focus. And you could have just knocked them out or something. Not break half of their bones, you sure you don't want me to get you some anger management counselling or something?."

"Fuck you and your money, as soon as those bitches find out I don't make in a month what I've given them in a half hour. They'll drop my ass faster than they were ready to drop their panties when I was shoving hundred's in them." Taking another swig from the bottle. Liquid, liver killing pain relieving goodness warming his throat and belly. "Why you have to get into that douchebag's dad's home office anyway?"

"For this." Taking out a rather odd looking device the shape of a hand sized cube.

' Huh? The fuck was that?' Francis leaning in closer as he thought he saw the damn thing move, before Nathan connects it to the tablet. Glancing at the now ¼ full bottle thinking he should slow down as he tosses a hundred to the stripper hot dogging the pole, ass-cheeks threatening to swallow it up. Adjusting his painfully hard boner in his pants.

"Okay so here we go. If you had to have any superhero power, what would it be?." Nathen asks dead serious.

Francis giving him an incredulous look before sighing in defeat. After all the years growing up with a friend like Nathan, there's nearly nothing that can surprise him anymore. "This one of those scenario type question games?. Could have just asked me this shit over the phone, or at home while playing games.*Sigh* One Punch man. But more… broken"

"That's an Anime character."

"Still a Hero."

"Fair enough, if you were in a world, like, say DC?. What would you be or do?."

"Whatever the hell I want." Taking a swig from the bottle, half-drunk gaze drifting and fully focusing on the gyrating woman moving her body along with the heavy beats. Bending over, revealing the material buried in her crack, between her jiggling cheeks rippling at every ass clapping impact, glimpses of her darker shade of dark brown asshole under the string, pulling between her puffy pussy lips. Her scent tickling Francis's nose making his member throb angrily in his pants.

Not noticing Nathan's glare turning murderous. Causing the stripper who's focused on getting all Francis's attention to shudder with dread.

Her heated dancing toning down to relatively entertaining, pole grinding and making her ass clap between sexy displays of how to work a pole.

Nathan wanting to continue with his questions when some, asshat and his 'crew' approach.

"Fuck-off." The cunt who looks like he had steroids for breakfast wearing a shirt a size too small on his huge form, spits out. Not even waiting for them to leave as he sits down. One of his buddies lifting his shit to give a look at his gun.

"Come on man lets go", Nathan responds. Glancing at Francis, who is no doubt figuring out a way to fuck the new arrivals up. Though the way he grips the bottle in his hand indicates that he had already found his weapon of choice, after breaking it on the leaders head or face.

Swallowing his pride, he gets up and pockets the money which the asshole's eye, giving the now awkwardly standing girl two hundred before encouraging her to go home, or look for more bearable patrons with a firm but gentle squeeze of her hand taking the money. Nodding to him as she climbs off the table.

"Yo bitch we not good 'nuff for you?!" Moving to grab her arm.

Nathan already plotting a hasty exit as Francis buries his fist in the asshats face, chaining by using the gunman's face to crack his bottle.


"*Huff* Floor it Desmond!" Nathan yells to the driver just as Francis dives in through the door of the limo. Vehicles tires screeching as it pulls away. Huffing in slight exertion as Francis rolls to his side, mouth bloody, functional eye nearly swollen shut. And one of the assholes switchblades buried in his arm.

Tossing the ice into his open handkerchief and tying it up to form an ice pack as Francis empties his stomach into the empty ice bucket.

"Here you go, 'Streetwise Hercules'."

Francis taking the icepack and holding it to his swelling eye. Nathan playing around with his I-Pad. Francis giving him no response and just lays there.

Soon Nathan puts down the I-pad when the soft snores of the now sleeping Francis is heard. His amber eyes changing to a reptilian sickly green before morphing back.

"Desmond, find the nearest private hospital."


2 Weeks later

"Jesus Christ kid." Dark figure in a trench coat speaks up. Looking at the mess around him in the rather broad alleyway. Two out of three of his men dead, one with his throat slit from ear to ear clutches his now blood oozing gash atop the bags of cold garbage his corpse now rests atop of. The other having half his head bashed in by a cinderblock decorated with strands of hair connected to bloody pieces of flesh and meat. Eye hanging out the other still intact portion of his face, pooled fluid like bloody veiny egg yolk oozing out of it as the falling rain fills the socket and washes away the blood.

The shooter resting against the wall heaving in pain and exertion as he clutches the knife wound on his belly. Profusely bleeding.

Francis resting up against the fenced off portion of the alleyway, bloody hands limp on the ground to his sides. His breaths calm as his life ebbs away, along with the pain felt from the gunshot wounds.

Dark figure taking the umbrella from the rather large man to his side holding it over him. Stepping towards Francis who ignores them and stares up at the cloudy night sky peeking past the building rooftop's edge's.

"If you hadn't gone and put my nephew in the hospital. You would have had the potential to be one hell of a 'cleaner'" Pulling out a revolver from his side holster from under his coat.

Francis staring down the barrel of the gun.

Though before the trigger is pulled, a heavy crash is heard. The car idling at the alley entrance lighting it up with its high beams, is flattened like a crushed can.

"What the fuck is that!?"

Uzzi's, Shotgun and Pistol gunfire sound out along with monstrous shrieks and roars accompanied by horror filled death throes, sickening popping, snapping and wet ripping of flesh and bone.

Francis past the point of caring, unable to see clearly as unsteady footfalls make its way towards him in the now pitch black, silent alleyway.

Closing his eyes, the cold rain on his face. Feeling oddly at peace, before he is engulfed by a flash of light.


Staring down at Francis's form his body in critical condition. Nathan's wounds struggle to heal from the damage taken from over a dozen highly damaging firearms.

Frantically setting up the apparatus he designed for his and Francis's journey. Though not complete, should be able to fully telegraph him to the targeted destination leaving his dying body here. Though not sure if the power core will be able to properly do the same for himself. Finding himself in a similar situation to his dying friend. Who means more to him than to describe him as such.

For the first time ever, emotion grips his heartless form. Morphing into a pale lithe looking alien creature. Eight stick thin deceptively strong clawed arms. Working faster, as inky blood oozes from its wounds. Creeping despair causing it to recall its life spent on this earth filled with inferior beings.

/ Flashback /

22 Years Ago

A pod launched into a sun in hopes of destroying what is imprisoned in it. An abomination, from the womb of it's alien mother that bore it to the cold confines of a pod destined to be vaporised. Having flayed the mind's of nearly all who assisted the birthing after taking its first breath, seemingly knowing it would be put down due to physical abnormalities atop of having both genders. Its 'mother' with the last of her strength, made sure it would die before she did.

Though ending up somewhere else entirely.

First it watched and learned from these under developed alien beings. Fascinated by their creativity despite their flaws. Going on to take control of a young son to a wealthy family who was in a coma due to a freak accident. Slowly replacing parts of its host as time went on. Adopting the identity of this human male, Nathan.

Meeting Francis in high school, who were just a normal boy with slightly sadistic urges, especially in regards to those who've wronged him. Befriending him, thinking it should be able to gather more accurate information if examining how certain experiences generally effect a somewhat innocent mind.

During one of its experiment's it killed Francis's family and erased most of his memories of the event, purposely leaving fragments making him feel as if he was responsible for the gas leak and eventual house fire. Observing as Francis come to hate himself instead of irrationally lashing out or becoming self-destructive, rather thinking that nothing he did was good enough and that everything he does is a failure. Nathan figured the conditions where suitable to get closer to Francis who he thought of as a test subject at first, but ultimately evolved into an obsession.

Not having a specific gender it divided itself in two and morphed into a female that eventually became Francis's girlfriend throughout high school. Though when it fell pregnant and being fully self-aware it generally rebelled against its other half, sharing it's obsession with Francis came the instinct of protecting it's mate from threats. Even if it meant killing its other half Nathan, who was relentless in pushing Francis to his limits. Nathan killed it as it would try to take Francis away from him, but not before removing its unborn spawn for study.

Steadily experimenting on an unknowing Francis who was too worried over his missing and pregnant high school sweetheart. Unknowingly injecting substances that would trigger mutations in his body, thinking it drugs to dull his emotional pain.

Francis going into a deep depression when months later, he received a voice note with a recorded suicide and a folder containing forged DNA documents and other evidence that their supposed child. Was a result of the multiple affairs she had going on while with him. Nathan bribing men in their area who his other half 'apparently' fucked around with to confirm this. One being beaten to near death by Francis when he pushed it too far, by spicing up the lie of the love of his life being a cheating slut a tad too much.

Of course Nathan was there to help him get over it. Not that long after Francis was dating again, Nathan making sure the inferior females would see to Francis's needs for a while. But having to do mind wipes on some after being too attached, cultivating a mentality in Francis that female's exist just for relief, making him no longer capable of forming proper emotional attachments. Without removing the sense of gender equality he abides by. After a while settling for strip clubs, alcohol, anime, occasional bar fights and gaming.

Realizing its fault that it had become too complacent masquerading as a human, planning to return to its home world along with Francis. Deciding to make his earlier fantasies of experiencing otherworldly adventure a reality. Heading back to its hidden pod, only to find it taken by the government.

High ranking officials tasked to hide certain parts, after deconstructing the alien wreck. As an increased amount of personnel started 'disappearing'. Nathan finding something rather unique in one of the facilities turned bloodbath, that changed his plan entirely. After two years since graduating high school, locating the final piece to completing his device located in the safe of one of the college student's home attending the institution it and Francis attends.

/ Flashback -End- /

Approaching police sirens bringing it out of its thoughts, 'Nathan' activating the device gently placing it on Francis's chest. The box opening and starts glowing. Nathan activating an explosive the size of a small cooler box with enough power to erase all evidence, as well half the city.

Timer counting down as Francis's body turns to ash, reaching out to touch the pile of what remained of its reason for existing.

Reaching out towards the burning light and turning into a pile of ash itself.

' We will meet again…'

Police arriving on the scene, though before any could get out of their cars they and half the city are erased from existence.


DC Verse

Unknown planet


A sharp gasp followed by hacking cough's sound out through the filthy alleyway. Rather large humanoid wearing torn clothes a few sizes too small for the mountain of meat that is his body.

"What. The. Fuck!?" Looking down at his body that supposed to be filled with bullet holes. Noticing his body is completely different to his generally stocky one. Clothes feeling more like sausage casing, him being the sausage.

Standing up only for his pants to rip from ass to groin. His new set of improved tools comparable to that of some bad ending route hentai monster/villain flopping out and dangling between his legs.

Not getting the chance to fully wrap his head around his current situation before a tentacle wraps around his ankle. In freight and surprise he jumps.

With enough force to obliterate the vicinity, leaving it a fissured crater of dead alien beings as he blurs to outer space with untraceable speeds. Digging an abyssal trench halfway across one of the four moons surrounding the alien planet, with his face.

Gasping for breath when he realizes there is no oxygen. Floating in a tumbling like motion along with the building to car sized debris excavated with his forehead. Vision turning blurry as his face turns blue. Reaching out towards the blue/green tinged marble with half of it grey due to the massive cities. Consciousness fading as he fly's towards the planet with speeds rivalling a comet. Clothes burning off apon re-entry, gasping for air as he stares up at the dispersing clouds be burst through.



Somewhere on the same planet…

Blood red pupiless eyes staring down at the bloody smear, formerly a notorious broker. Her head shaven on the right with the rest of it ass length luxurious obsidian black. Very beautiful face, and a body garbed in a corset like battle suit concealed with a cloak, comparable to a curvaceous amazon goddess.

Glancing towards the cowering assistant, an alien female species with multiple eyes. Palming the altered mother box in her hand.

"This device. Is configured to lead me to what I seek?."

"Y-yes, b-but why would you want to release such a t-

Cut off when the building and two sectors, of establishments, housing, aliens in and surrounding the buildings, as well as the altered Motherbox in Grails hand is destroyed.

Goddess of anti-life shaking off her slight dizziness after she is buried several metres below ground.

Liquid rage flows through her at seeing the pieces of what remains of the device she spent the past two years searching for in her hand. Bursting from the ground, power flaring as she looks for the one responsible, prepared to make them plead for death.

A after a few moments of looking around the scar of destruction now forming the landscape. A man, human by the looks of it stands up and tries to clean his dirty naked body as best he can.

Grail disappearing in a burst of speed, punting him up into the air before burying him back down into the earth with a devastating punch, proceeding to fry him with her omega beams. Only to be blown back by a powerful vacuum of wind and shrapnel like debris.

Grail recovering as she manages to prevent herself from leaving the atmosphere. Heads back down and sees the man gingerly pulling himself from the body mould of molten rock.

Deciding to at least find out who he is, a foe capable of swatting away her omega beams and sending her rocketing to outer space without touching her. Warrants caution and a certain measure of respect.

Using a magic spell to translate what she says, she speaks as the man glances over her floating form. Feeling his gaze lingering on her exposed bits, she can't help but ogle the godlike specimen before fore her in turn. His rather plain looking face seemingly balancing his outrageous masculinity.

"Who are you?"


Francis trying his best not to make any sudden moves. Shifting his weight form foot to foot as gently as he can. Rubbing the warm spot on his chest, feeling like he had set the shower spray a tad bit too hot. Looking up at the light charcoal grey skinned goddess floating a few feet in front of him. Focusing on her darker shade coal grey areola on her impressive large tits peeping from her damaged corset battle suit.

His third leg between his legs giving a dull throb indicating he is a little more than interested in what he sees. Pulling his head out of his ass when the beauty asks who he is. Thinking it's the local authorities he hastily answers.

"Look I'm sorry, I don't know where the fuck I am or what happened to me. The next moment I'm dying and then I end up in an alleyway nearly tentacle raped before face planting into the moon and crash landing here." Taking a breath after a rapid-fire explanation.

"Your name and origins stranger." The woman orders.

Francis getting irritated at her attitude, but reasons that it's understandable considering he crash landed and most likely killed whatever the hell was living here. Replies compliantly. "Francis Harper, twenty-two years old. From earth, could you p-

Silenced when she speeds forward, Francis noticing her snarl when he said he was from earth. Though as soon as fight or flight reflexes kick in time slows to a crawl. Getting out of her way, time resumes when she skids a trench through the rubble.

Looking at him, seeming to more cautious as she shoots omega beams from her eyes his way. Running away the landscape blurs past him and he find myself standing behind her. Staring at her firm plush, tight round ass in leather like material'd pants.

Realization hitting him.

'I ran around the world in a split second!?'

The woman letting out a surprised sound before, yelling out. "Stop running coward!" backing up while keeping her eye's on her surroundings. Freezes when she touches his front. Cock between her covered ass and the back of her head touching his chest.

Body dispersing in a bling light before a hard impact is felt on his head. Accompanied by a shattering sound. Blade shards of the woman's axe like sword raining down.

Disappearing and reappearing a distance away from his attacker. Interest when he sees her hands glowing with some kind of energy, her weapon reforming before holstering it, rendering it useless. Rubbing his sore head when he realizes something.

"I'm Bald?"


Grail putting up a strong front, her arm numb and knowing she sprained her wrist by breaking her near indestructible metal alloyed weapon on the human's head. Thinking she can avoid further conflict by trying to be civil, and avoid her death although she will never admit it. Figuring since he isn't that angered as he rubs his bald head.

Subconsciously taking a step back as the ground trembles when the man named Francis merely clenches and unclenches his fists.

Though as she thinks about what to say when he makes a normal speed uppercut in the air towards her, a wall of wind like force slams into her. Eyes bugging out, most of her combat suite is ripped off, bones fracturing as the ground fragments and violently lurch up with her. Sent streaking across the sky, blurring through the clouds and emptying her stomach just as she breaks through the atmosphere. Struggling to stay conscious her lungs empty, grateful that she has new god physiology and able to survive in the vacuum of space. One of the moons stopping her as she forms a crater on impact.

For the first time in her life feeling real fear when Francis appears before her prone half broken form. Cocking his fist back and burying it in the ground beside her, world fading into black as she drowns in pain.

Only to wake up an unknown amount of time later.

Crying out and gasping in pain as she moves her broken body. Pain nearly forgotten as she looks around in awe. The fourth, and the largest of the moons orbiting the planet obliterated into bits of rock and dust. Which already starts the slow process of forming an asteroid belt around the planet.

Raging oceans of the giant planet seen form where she currently sits, swallowing up smaller landmasses.

In a stunned critically injured state, using her magic to open a portal to her mother's sanctum.



Abandoned Mission Temple.



Myrina stabbing her apprentice in the shoulder before stomping her in the face, sound of her nose breaking as she is blasted off into the stairs, one of the five columns surrounding the sand like fighting pit, stopping her.

Flicking the blood off her spear. Look of approval on her beautiful face as the teen of seventeen forces herself up on shaky legs.


Though a sudden rift opens up in the ring vacuum of space sucking up the sand, Myrina stabbing the spear into the ground and holding on. Her apprentice nearly sucked up by the anomaly following her action and anchoring herself with her spear stabbing into the now sand-less marble floor.

Though a bloodied grey skinned delicate hand reaches out and grips her ankle pulling her through before the battered figure of her daughter Grail, passes through. Forgetting all about the teen pleading for her help, watching her rapidly succumb to sub-zero temperatures and airless space before the portal closes.

Rushing to her daughters side, "Grail!." Franticly looking over her form already spotting several obvious breaks. Picking her up and blurring towards her room to where she can start healing her daughter.

Panicking as thoughts of her daughter challenging Darkseid, fills her mind. Already thinking of places they could flee to and go into hiding should he come looking to take her daughter away from her.

Grail's hoarse voice, albeit pain filled and exhausted. Myrina about to demand who did this to her when her daughter speaks.

"I found him mother, I found a weapon that can end Darkseid." Her body going slack as the last words leaves her lips.

Myrina elated and sceptical, though rushes to find healing salves and medicines to treat her daughter.


Months later


Sitting at the top of the newly constructed enviro-dome transmitter overlooking the newly constructed pseudo city serving as an Intergalactic Mercenary HQ in this specific sector of the universe. Amazed by the technological advanced races occupying this planet.

Scuffle with Grail greatly fucking up the environment, constant hurricanes and rainy weather. Francis letting out a sigh, absently taking the datapad passed around by the construction crew. Feeling the disgusting slick residue covering the device, familiar ping of credits being transferred sounds out after scanning his hand after foreign DNA prevented it from properly scanning his own.

"For fuck sake Xethulo, Wipe your tentacles before touching the paybox!. It's the eleventh time!, is my goddamn translator not working or something!?." Tapping the thin device around his neck as his skin cannot be penetrated for an implant.

His co-workers ready to bail, after witnessing him killing the last two foreman. Unknowing that it was unintentional and completely by accident. It would be an understatement to say that they feared him. Not to mention that there are rumours going around that him and some mystery woman caused the cataclysm that fucked the planet up. Said rumours giving him enough rep to get hired the first few hours after registering as a freelancer merc weeks ago.

Wiping the goop off on his pants and passing on the device before slipping off of the metal beam, freefalling to the ground far below. Hovering off of the floor before impact and landing with a soft thud. Heading to the deserted island which became his designated training spot as to control his strength. Like how hard to grasp something and not break it, how fast to move so he won't run straight through anything before stopping.

Practicing some self-defence used by humanoid species via hollow vid, mostly recordings from pit fights. Taking a liking to the alien fighters from Jayd. But adding moves from video games or shows into the mix, to his non instant-killing but crippling arsenal.

Gathering that he is in fact in the DC verse. Remembering Nathan's odd questions, that weird device he had and the ridiculous levels of Opness, not to mention his bald head. Then there's the woman who he assumes was Grail if she matches and surpasses the image's describing her in comic books, attempted to kill him before he nearly lost his shit and beat the crap out of her before ditching her on one of the moons.

Most of it is just insinuation, though it doesn't hurt to be prepared if it turns out he where right. With shit like the Spectre, Anti-Monitor, Doomsday, Dax Novu, Nekron and so many fucken more being a pretty good motivator to git gud. Not even sure if he is resistant to magic, so far his only weakness is prolonged period without breathing.

Basically learning some martial art and if possible, learn some magic is pretty high on his to do list. Even if not a genius and he proves to be talentless in any, having some insight and knowledge of certain things should prove useful. Eager to find a way to get to earth to be surrounded by some familiar non-alien things, even finish his studying. Hell, although up for experiencing new things, eating food that bites back sometimes, having blue balls in fear of contracting alien STD's gets pretty damn uncomfortable. A fellow co-worker of his diagnosed with some fucked up shit that rotted off his cock's and makes him shit puss.

Returning to his room in the hotel like establishment, de-contaminating himself and dressing in a synthetic fireproof material, black Dungaree with a cheap brown shirt underneath. Steel toed boots that looks similar to timberlands. Donning a grey hooded trench coat like raincoat that keeps his body warm. Headed for the door and strapping the holster and pistol. Taking out his portable terminal, scrolling through bounties as he makes his way to the hub.

The said place buzzing with activity. Strip club brothels, betting shop's, fast food joints, street fights, daylight robbery and murder. Even considering staying here but when he overheard that some of the development investors pulled out when finding out that this city will be fucked in about fifty years. Due to the steady migration of its citizens, exploding crime rate and recurring natural disasters already wearing down the newly constructed dome. He considered otherwise. But still, the grim gritty ambiance of this place suiting him.

A few minutes later Francis sits back in a secluded spot after adding his name to the roster. Waiting for a job while playing flight simulations on his terminal. Not long until he receives a notification.

* Mercenary 187.666. ; Alias – N/A; Confirmed kills: 20 High ranking bounties, 40 squadrons : Rank – Heavy hitter.*

* Contract issued: 50 000 Credits; Mission Type: Assassination*

* Issued by – Bling Bling the Hip Hop Ho' *

*Accept Contract: Y/N*

Tapping yes, Francis makes his way to the shuttle bay for pick-up. Meeting the rest of the six man crew. Made up of a Korugarian, half cyborg Jaydian, the rest Francis would have to look up on his xeno-encyclopedia. Ignoting the banter from the boasting Jydian who tries to solidify dominance over the gathered mercs.

Francis tries to recall who exactly the woman is hiring them.

"Hey you!"

Francis acknowledging the Jydian acting like a douchebag. Replying with a threatening "Fuck-off.", noting their employer arriving with a carrier. Francis disappearing from sight before reappearing in front of the ramp extending from the ship. "Might wanna stop flapping your damn mouth."

Their employer, appearance matching her alias. Dressed like a ho' in slutty platinum and diamond jewellery black X-shaped pasties over nipples, micro bikini thong bottom pulled up in a wail-tail, black fish-net thigh high stockings, Shin length black platform heeled 'fuck me' combat boots. Leaving little to the imagination, her near naked voluptuously athletic form on full display.

Holding her hooked blade attached to a chain as she tells us we will be paid after our Job. The Korugarian not given a chance to fully voice out his disappointment before a smoking hole replaces his face along with an ear ringing gunshot blast. Bling Bling holding up a smoking gun, like some hybrid of an Uzzi, Assault rifle and canon. Fact that she is holding that big ass thing as if it weighed nothing proves that she had higher than normal human strength. Even if looking exactly like one.

"An' one be having problems?" Her Smokey, heavy rather strange accented feminine voice sounds out threateningly. "Good. Get on da' ship we got'a job ta' do!"

Their little group following their employer into the ship. Francis taking the now dead teammates credits and blade. Making his way up the closing ramp before the shuttle blasts off.


Unknown System

Y'Abbah Dhabba Dhu


Laying back in the wreck of what was formally a food stall. Francis who was blasted into it with a grenade launcher, lazily eating the first pieces of decent, fully edible food that doesn't taste like, ass, cold snot nor raw meat. While watching the last and only remaining Czarian, going by the name of Lobo. Tear apart what remains of the group of mercs hired to take him out. Or in this case, provide a good enough distraction for their greedy employer to sneak up on him.

Bling Bling, with surprising speed manages to bury her hooked chain blade in Lobo's forehead. Kicking off of his chest, doing a backflip in the air before aiming and emptying the magazine of her gun at him.

Lobo blurs forward, punching her so hard in the face the left pasty covering her nipple come's off of her jolting breast bouncing at the impact.

Bling Bling crashing into the wall, about to fall forward when Lobo wraps his large hand around her neck.

Francis getting up as Lobo pulls the hook from his head, about to skin Bling Bling's face. Roaring out in pain when his limbs snaps like a rotten wood branch in winter, in ways they aren't meant to be bent.

Falling to his side with a resounding heavy thud, Lobo sees the Merc he thought he had killed first standing over him. Before looking at Bling Bling, who looks at him with surprise. Then at Lobo with bloodlust and sadistic glee as she moves to grab the bloody hook. Thoughts of what she will do as Queen of Y'Abbah Dhabba Dhu after killing Lobo, fills her head. But is stopped when Francis crushes her weapon under foot.

"Wha'chu doin'!?"

"You owe me bitch, I want everyone's cut. Besides." Glancing down to Lobo whose healing factor already kicks in. "Czarian's are basically immortal, and can only be truly killed by other Czarian's. But thanks to Lobo, they are all dead."

Bling Bling shocked and incredulous, Francis continues in a bored tone. "You didn't stand a chance, I suggest you look for another monarch to usurp. Either way I want my pay and a shuttle ride back." Reaching down and gripping her by the face, hoisting her up off of the ground. Increasing his grip threatening to crush her skull.

" I don' have Th' cred's." Bling Bling starts, the rest of her pleas muffled when he adjusts his grip.

Lobo's uproars laughter drawing Francis's attention. Getting up and standing on his now healed legs. "As Much as I'd be wanting to watch T' bitch be taught a lesson. I still be havin' a bone T' pick."

His hand gripping the gun and firing to a rather fat man in a fur coat wearing too much gaudy jewellery. Rounds hitting the ground in front of him. "Don't even think about it pudgeball. I'll be on ya before ya reach Th' door!." Lobo roars out.

Francis noting Bling Bling's struggling becoming weaker as she is being smothered by his hand. Dropping her to the floor. Shifting his attention to Bling Bling's informant.

Start of a cold sweat is seen, the man pleading for his life when he looks between Francis and Lobo, Bling Bling who is recovering her breath looking for an escape route.

Getting an idea the man responds. " Maybe I can be offerin' a sulotion T' yer' predicament?"

A few hours later, Francis now on his own somewhat small ship armed with standard guns and defensive shielding. With a disarmed Bling Bling as his prisoner and a course set for Earth.

Lobo having provided him with a ship, in agreement that he and Bling Bling never enter this sector of the universe again.

At the boarders of the galaxy before preparing to jump to another. The Ships computer indicating that the jump will take up to two days.

Francis heading to his quarters and removing the restrains off of Bling Bling. "Ima get some sleep. Help yourself to food by the synthesizer. Just don't fuck with the ship and I'll drop you off at the next habitable planet with a spaceport."

Seeing his action bring a confused frown to her face. Though she doesn't dare try anything after witnessing the said man leaving her alone obliterate a space pirate fleet with a single punch on their way to the edge of the galaxy.

Noting him stop and stare at the last solar system near the rim. Staring at the passing planets and the sun at the centre with wonder before moving on to his quarters.


Aboard Francis's Ship

Getting out of the showers, Bling Bling makes her way to her quarters, naked body on full display. Entering the crew's quarters with six bunk's available. Sighing before plopping down on the closest one. Already cooking up a plan as to how she can manipulate Francis. The man clearly a powerhouse, though his lack of ambition irritates her. He could have destroyed lobo and become the ruler of a planet.

Getting an idea, memories of how she broke Lobo and took his spot before her recent fuck-up. Smirking as she gets up and makes her way to the Captains quarter's where Francis currently sleep's.

Adding extra sway to her hips as she saunters down the small hallway, the doors silently hissing open to reveal a fully naked Francis asleep on the bed.

Bling Bling pausing as she takes in his form laid bare before her, focusing on his monstrous cock and balls between his partially spread legs.

Bald head, relatively plain looking face with scar over left eye to the side of his close cropped, bearded jawline. Steel grey eyes. Large perfectly chiselled body best described as a Mountain of meat littered with scars. Dense bush of pubes. Huge, immensely girthy, veiny, un-cut cock with an apple sized head half concealed in thick foreskin hanging just past his knees, huge mango sized balls in heavy hairy ballsack. 1.95 Metre tall form covered in olive, tan coloured skin.

"What do you want?"

Francis's annoyed deep voice sounds out. Opening his eye's when sensing that someone entered his room. Though finding it hard to tear his gaze away from Bling Bling. Taking in her form.

Back length slightly curly brown hair and a messy fringe wearing it up in an undone, messy pony tail with a light purple hairband. Seductively beautiful face with soft features. Dark brown eyes, plump, full, pouty cock sucking, darker shade of brown lips. Big, full, doughy E-cup breasts capped with small dark brown areola and nipples, resting heavily on her chest. Toned attractively muscled arms and firm abdominals, slightly long nails of her hands and toes painted black. Curvaceous hourglass waist. Flared meaty breeding hips with a big, phat, firm bubble butt. Waxed, plump puffy lipped tight pussy shading to a darker shade of brown outer labia and pierced clitoral hood. Sleek toned legs with, thick soft thighs and pleasantly toned calves. Voluptuously athletic form of 1.67 metres in height covered in soft slightly light shade of coffee brown skin.

The stunned beauty, regains some of her composure when seeing his lusty hungry gaze on her.

"Like wa'chu see big man?"

Somewhat rhetorical question answered by Francis's bitch breaking member revving to full hardness.

Bling Bling although having fucked countless men, even aliens. Feels intimidated to the angrily throbbing cock seemingly made to break bitches. Her puffy cunt moistening in anticipation, thick soft thighs rubbing together. Nipples on her big, full, doughy E-cup breasts hardening.

Francis moving to the edge of the bed in a seated up position. Knowing this conniving birth is up to something.' Fuck it, it haven't busted a nut since crash landing in this damn universe.'

"Okay I'll bite, why you don't show me why I should even consider keeping you around." Smirking at the irritated frown on her face before her confidently struts forward and kneels between his legs.

"You'll be da' one scream'n ma' nem'." She states before spitting on her hands, taking hold of his painfully hard mass. Slowly working up a steady jerking motion, one hand too small to even hold half of his girth. Getting lost in the feel of ridge like veins pulsing with arousal as she leans in to kiss the fore-skin covered fat tip.

Musk of the thick pre-cum oozing from his pisshole, becoming even stronger when peeling back his thick foreskin with her tongue, sucking the underside of the apple sized head. Earning an aroused shudder from her and an encouraging groan from Francis.

Sliding her hands up his cock while wrapping her plump, full, pouty cock sucking, darker shade of brown lips around his tip. Prodding his leaking pisshole with the tip off her tongue gathering the salty, slimy pre-cum in her mouth. Before releasing it with a wet pop.

Looking up into Francis's eyes as she drools the pre-cum infused drool over his cock. Reaching down and palming his huge mango sized balls. The feel of his heavy hairy ballsack in between her widely spread fingers as she hefts them, making her whimper like a bitch in heat as she absently rubs and stains the side of her face up against his burly fuckmeat. Delirious as the smell of his arousal and musk makes her light headed.

Feeling his large hand rest atop her head as she nibbles on his cockhead's underside. Lifting it up, feeling his slick head pressed against her drool and pre-cum glossed lips. Obediently opening her mouth as his head enter. Her half lidded eyes tearing up, pre-cum slick hands previously fondling his cum factories now rubbing all over her shuddering voluptuously athletic form.

Glossing her perspiring soft slightly light shade of coffee brown skin. Before one hand kneads one of her supple tits, pulling and tugging at her nipples. The other training down to her waxed, plump puffy lipped tight pussy slick with slimy girlcum oozing out a steady stream of pussy juice dripping to the cool floor and connecting her slick upper inner thighs with clear silvery webbed strands. Steadily feeding her probing digits into her velvety, clenching pussy, occasionally slipping out, playing with and swatting her clit before feeding her hungry cunt with more fingers until she's fucking herself with three, velvety walls spasming and clamping as if sucking on them.

Gagging, coughing and gurgling in a slippery mess that mixes with the tear's trailing down her lower face, dripping down and slicking her swaying tits before splattering In the growing puddle of pussy juice as Francis partially force feed's more of his massive fuckmeat past her tonsils. Her body locking up as a mini orgasm rips through her, hands raising up to grip Francis's rippling tree trunk like thighs as he steadily stretches her now bulging gullet with more cock than she could ever hope to swallow.

Bling Bling's seductively beautiful, pre-cum, drool and tear stained face contorting in a lewd expression of one suffocating in delirious asphyxiation induced euphoria. Her pussy squirting on the floor between her kneeling spread legs as she taters the edge of consciousness. Feeling as if the monster threatening to dislocate her jaw is fucking her stomach. Eyes rolling at the back of her head as her nostrils bubbling clear mucus infused slobbery pre-cum, tickled by his dense bush of pubes. Stretched lips around the base like a cock-ring. Fuckmeat bloating even further as Francis roar's in release.

Her spasming throat muscles milking his cock like a pussy, half lidded tearing eyes opening wide as an obscene amount of thick, pearly potent jizz is dumped directly into her stomach via spurts of thick, pearly, hot, slimy ropes. Seemingly endless flood filling till overfull, overflow surging up and escaping though her tightly stretched lips and spurting out her nose.

Francis releasing her head and pulling his cock from her throat pussy, with a lewd wet gagging retching slurp. Bling Bling giving a sharp deep gasp before holding her swollen belly and clamping a hand over her mouth as she regurgitates the excess cum she's unable to stomach. Forming a large alabaster puddle.

Gasping and letting out a burp before looking up at Francis past his still hard cock seemingly harder than before, breathing heavily. Unsure if she could take it. His godlike form coated in a sheen of perspiration, looking down at her expectantly.

On shaky legs she gets up, nearly slipping in the puddle of jizz as she puts her hands on Francis's wide, muscled shoulders. Steadying herself as she places her feet to his sides on the bed. Raising herself in a squatting position and aligning her dripping cunt with his cockhead.

His large calloused hands running up her sleek toned legs with, squeezing her thick soft thighs, tracing over her smoothly toned abdominals, Up her curvaceous hourglass waist, grabbing onto and kneading her big, full, doughy E-cup breasts. Leaning down, sucking and biting her rubbery dark brown nipples. Bling Bling gripping the back of his head with one hand, her back slick with beads of sweat running down as she erotically arches it, disappearing between the ass crack of her big, phat, firm bubble but. Hissing out in pain as she forces herself down, feet scrunching and pretty toes curling up in her sheets as she forces the huge head into her tightly stretched pussy. Francis grunting loudly when her vice like velvety, slimy folds grip and massage his sensitive head.

Pain near unbearable at feeling as if she is being split in two. About to dismount him when she feels Francis stop her with his hands. Gripping her in a painful vice, hard enough to leave bruises. One hand squeezing a supple sweaty ass cheek of her big, phat, firm bubble butt. The other holding onto the side of her flared meaty breeding hips. Fingers sinking and nails digging into her soft smooth flesh.

Retort cut of along with the breath being driven out of her lungs when it feels like her soul it being destroyed along with her spasming, velvety insides of her pussy in the form of a banshee's wail. Her pussy stretching to is limit letting out jets of squirt drenching his diamond sculpted abs in piss. Her tearing eyes bugging out and drooling mouth gaped open in a silent scream, hands gripping his wrists with force that would break a normal humans.

Taking more than a few moments to stuff over a quarter of his meat up her wrecked cunt. Bling Bling's wailing pleas falling on deaf ears as Francis's is determined to fully claim her. Leaning forwards and latching onto her mouth in a searing kiss.

Morphing into a sloppy liplock of muffled pain filled wailing moans and bestial grunts.

Bling Bling's pain morphing with euphoric pleasure, ruined cunt stretched to its limits as the huge head rams up against her cervix. Bling Bling releasing a disappointed mewl when Francis breaks away from the heated liplock. Laying back on the bead and folding his hands behind his head.

Bling Bling leaning forward, putting her hands on his chest, nails raking over his skin as she starts riding him in earnest like a wanton cock craving slut. Hollering out obscenities in between gruttural feminine panting, wailing orgasm induced squealing moans. Squishy squelching sounds of their joint sexes increases with intensity of their fucking, sounding out loudly through the body heated sex scented air

Francis's groaning and moaning at the toe curling pleasure of her vice like pussy stuffed with nearly half of his bloated mass. Admiring her face stuck between an expression of pain filled pleasure and focus, her flopping, bouncing sweaty tits scattering silvery droplets every time they fleshly slap together, her small dark brown areola and hard rubbery nipples dripping sweat drawing circles in the air. Her sweat slick big, phat, firm bubble butt rippling, jiggling and slightly spreading revealing her darker shade of brown sweat slick asshole. Along with the undersides of her sweaty thick soft thighs connected by a foamy, slimy web like strand like cocktail of their frothy fluid's. Tightly stretched, wrecked gushing pussy queefing as its inner folds are reamed flat my bloated mass spearing the wind out of her lungs and battering the entrance to her womb.

Bling Bling letting out a shuddering gasp like moan, her face contorting into a fucked silly ahegao as her sweat glistened body spasm.

"FUUUUUUUUUCCK!" hollering out as the biggest orgasm she has experienced causes through her. Her arms giving as she collapses forward onto Francis's heaving sweaty chest, his cock still buried deep inside of her

Panting hand gasping for air in desperation to fill her burning lungs. Feeling a foreign emotion when he combs her sweat matted hear from her face. Cradling her chin and looking deep into her fluttering half lidded eyes. Sparing him a rare exhausted smile, but feeling weird at this sense of comfort wrapped in his huge muscled, strong arms. Usually using sex as a method to get what she wants or scratch a frequent 'itch' gained from her near nymphomaniac level'd sexdrive.

Though is caught off guard when Francis rolls over and starts fucking her anew, his gentle deep thrusts in her destroyed sloppy cunt soon violent blurring jackhammering, as he pile drive's her into the bed with bone jarring thrusts.

Stuffing one of his large tick fingers into her mouth to gag and suck on, shutting her up as he squats over her. His other hand reaching under her, pulling her sweaty mane and leaning down to lick and kiss her sweaty neck. Francis fucking the ever living shit out of her like a demented nymphomaniac possessed by a sex starved lust demon, in mating press position.

Bling Bling ripping the sheets her hands grip, her legs wide spread in a V luckily the frothy pseudo lube provided by their fucking and their sweat prevents any friction burns in her inner thighs. bobbling in a limp flailing like motion, at the toe curling, mind breaking pain filled climax crashing into her like a Tsunami. As huge cockhead breaks past her final barrier and hits the back of her uterus. All her sore throat and breathless burning lungs can manage is ragged keening sounds.

Combined with his pubis slamming down on the oversensitive clit of her spurting, squelching cunt. Huge mango sized balls heavy hairy ballsack slick with slimy fuckjuice, slapping against her winking dark brown asshole glistened with the slimy cocktail of their combined fluids trailing down her crack and wetting the sweat soaked sheets, sack rising up as her uterus is filled to egg raping capacity with an alabaster flood.

Seems to be too much for Bling Bling to take, hear body giving one last particularly violent spasm before gong slack. Losing consciousness, her body numb and tingling from head to toe.

Sense of incredulous dread welling up when she feels Francis latch onto both nipples when mashing her tits together, sawing his still unbelievably hard cock in and out of her. But is snuffed out by the wave of exhaustion, greeted by post orgasmic bliss and unconsciousness as he dim lights on the ceiling of the room fades into black.

'What T' hel' I be gettn' myself into.'


One week Later

Oa's Solar System


Francis lay on his sex stained bed, captain's cabin filled with the stench of raunchy messy sex. Nearly every inch of the floor covered in thick cum, pussyjuice and Bling Bling squirt. The said woman in a semi-comatose state laying cuddled up next to him. They two only taking break's to eat and relieve themselves. Francis learning that he real name is Belladonna. Who has become somewhat more submissive and open after being, 'conquered' by Francis as she herself would put it.

Francis stroking the curve of her flared meaty breeding hips, amused smirk tugging at his lips at the wet queefing sound her raw, abused, gaping creampied pussy makes.

Thinking about what she had mentioned earlier.

' Wachu' plan'n T' do when' yer get Th'?.'

Join the Justice League?. No.

Be a Villain?, No, but he did entertain the idea of Belladonna wanting to start some sort of criminal organisation/syndicate. Him being her trump card to pull her ass out of fire.

Become a god?. This actually made him think about a few things, Depending on when he will get to earth. Olympus will have no king since Zeus most likely went on a fucking spree siring bastards. Or Apollo, took the mantel of god of Olympus. .

Deciding to not overthink things and leaving it for when he gets there.

Alert when suddenly the ship rocks violently, pulled out of FTL. The emergency systems blaring. Belladonna groaning awake, Francis picking her up and putting her in a space suit. Doing the same he heads to the cockpit, carrying Belladonna who has temporarily lost the function of her legs.

"What the hell?"

Francis and Belladonna stare in shock at the Titanic humanoid face visible in the sun as a moon sized bubble pops off of its surface, then closes. From their position, tiny black things seem to be flying around a little glowing green figure.

Multitude of solar flares given off by the abnormality making the ships systems blare. Frying the systems, the power core already in critical state of being overheated. Francis blurring to the escape shuttle with Belladonna.

Thinking about that green figure, he tells Belladonna. "Get to the planet in the distance. If what I saw was what I think it was. We won't be stranded after this."


Ardakian Trawl

Panicking as the shadow demons force their way into her bubble shield construct. But suddenly they are torn to pieces. Staring in shock as a rather large humanoid in a suit obliterates them with untraceable punching jabs.

"Fuck!" She hears the figure say. Noting his ripped suit eaten away by the shadow demon's.

Regaining her composure she surrounds him in a shield. Still shaken from the experience she speaks. "T-thank you stranger."

Receiving a curt nod in acknowledgement when his communicator goes off.

"Francis, get your ass ov' here. Don' think Th' piece of shit will hold,"

Without warning and the sound of her shields breaking the humanoid disappears.

Ardakian's ring communicator goes off, Kilowog's voice sounding out with concern and impatience.

"I'm in the middle of something!" Ardakian responds dismissively and streaks towards the shuttle entering Oa's atmosphere. Using her ring to shield the ship, the humanoid who saved her now folly naked as his suit incinerated on re-entry. Nearly loosing focus and dropping the shuttle as he approaches while muttering something along the lines of stealing someone called superman's suits. Aloof in regards to the flustered female alien.

Setting the ship down onto the ground. When a woman walks out of the shuttle door's with bowed legs, taking off her suit's helmet and frowning at the male.

"You be dangling TH' dong Fronta' ery' bitch you meet?"

The male seemingly ignoring the female when they are surrounded by green Lanterns. The female taking out her gun and aiming it at one of them.

Ardakian about to tell them that the two aliens aren't hostile when the male disappears. The sound of breaking bones is heard, To everyone's shock the male stands over a screaming Sinestro. Crushing his arm, and grinding his splintered bones while staring down at him with a murderous glare. Dropping his limp arm and glaring at all lanterns staring at him in shock with their rings trained on him, the male speaks.

"If any lethal intention is directed at her again, I will kill you all."

The female who Ardakain assumes is the humanoids mate inches towards him while holding her gun in one hand and pulling out a chained hook in the other. Ready to attack

"Stop!" Ardakian shout's gaining everyone's attention. "He saved me from an attack!."

Kilowag speaks up. "Everybody calm the hell down." Sinestro glaring murderously as Boodikka takes him to receive medical assistance. Scanning the two humanoids. "A human?" muttering to himself as the ring identifies the male as human and the female as a humanoid species from another sector.


Arisia Rrab stiffens in attention.

"Go with Ardakian and escort our 'guests'." Kilowag orders, turning his focus to Ardakian. "I expect you to make it to the de-briefing, on time."

Flying off and contacting Hal Jordan asking if he knows anything about the scanned human.

"Thank you." Ardakian approaches, awkward as the male humanoid is still naked. Constructing a green robe his size. Taking it and putting it on, him and his mate follow her and Arisia. "Didn't get your name. Names Ardakian as you've heard." offering her hand in greeting.

"Francis Harper." Taking her hand.

"Bling Bling." Folding her arms under her sizable bust while giving Ardakian a once over.

"I'm Arisia, lantern in training." The Elf eared human looking woman speaks up. Group making their way to where they will wait until called apon by the Guardians. Francis noticing the female Jaydian spotted amongst the dispersed group following them out of sight.


Months Earlier, Earth

US government secret facility


Memories not her own flooding her head, wincing at the vast knowledge and vivid memories. Muffled noises in the bright room scented with sterilizing agents to mask the scent of death and blood.

"Ah, the smaller one is awake."

Her blurry gaze clearing up, noting at least a dozen humans. Walking about either writing down notes. Busy recording data on a computer or poking and prodding the two large, dissected white aliens on the rather large tables.

"What should we do with it?" asks one.

"It's a 'she', why not use the male's semen samples to breed more subjects?"

Through before they can continue their little discussion, the female conducting the autopsy on the female white alien suddenly slashes two of the scientist's throats. Soldier's guarding the entrance mark in with a blank look in their eyes and start slaughtering the scientists with their combat knives. Two releasing the oddly calm female alien from her restrains. Before stabbing themselves in their throats. Seemingly regaining control of their minds, they panic and struggle while drowning on their own blood.

The pale white alien shape shifting into an abnormally large snake and proceeds to eat the two dead corpses on the autopsy tables. Morphing into an even larger one due to its increased biomass. Turning invisible and phasing through the walls.

Eating every living thing in the facility alive, muffled screams as they are crushed by muscles and eaten by acid, heard briefly by the next victim before they join their dying co-workers.

A sound of an alarm being triggered as it makes the surface. White Alien stumbling as more memories flood its mind.

'M'gann M'orzz, M'gann. A White Martian from….'

Hear head aching as more memories flood her mind.

'Francis…., Friends. Precious Person…. My Mate'

Dust cloads seen in the distance as a convoy approaches.

' I need to leave here, need to find someplace safe.'

Her large body contracting and shaping into a smaller more human looking form.

Luxurious Crimson shoulder length hair parted to the left with a few stray bangs. Very beautiful youthful face with rounded delicate features, Ruby red eyes, darker shade of emerald green full, pouty cocksucking lips. Large, supple gravity defyingly perky G-cup breasts capped with darker emerald green coloured medium puffy areola and nipples. Perfect hourglass waist with softly toned, defined abdominals. Flared wide child birthing hips and a plush, plump heart shaped ass that jiggles noticeably when she walks. Neatly trimmed bush of pubes, and a tight cunt with puffy lips. Toned sleek legs, with slightly thick thighs leaving a gap between them near her groin and toned calves. Voluptuous, amazon like goddess form of 1.70 metres in height covered in flawless silky smooth emerald skin.

Covering herself in a modest white sundress that fails to fully conceal her womanly shape and 'charms'.

Turning invisible before flying off towards the location in her mind. Though as soon as she nears it she feels faint. Fatigue taking over she crashes onto the sandy beach below.

' Francis… I will find you.'

Falling unconscious.



Hippolyta sitting in the gardens sipping on wine while sharing stories with Artemis when a warrior guard approaches.

"My Queen we have found… something that has washed ashore."

A few minutes later.

Hippolyta stares in awe at the breath-taking green skinned beauty.

"A dryad?" Artemis asks her queen.

"The Fye have long disappeared Artemis." Reaching to brush the unconscious girl's hair from her perfect face when she is assaulted by a series of vivid visions.

'Fear, Pain, Torture, Hope.'

Pulling her hand away as if burnt. Artemis, asking if she is okay. Hippolyta feeling the faith she has in the world of men weaken at seeing the horrors this girl from the stars had endured by their hands. Feeling that sending her daughter to the outside world was a mistake.

"Have a room prepared for her."

Hippolyta dismissing Artemis, wishing to be alone with her thoughts as she wonders.

'Just who is Francis?.'
