Hello, viewers. Another day, another story. This will be AU. Instead of hundreds of years passing in Narnia while the Pevensies spent about 10 months in England since the summer, it would be 10 years since they disappeared. But first, before doing that, I will have a sorts of OC to guide them on the way to Aslan's camp, and she's special. So, I ask you to keep a open mind, and enjoy the story, dear viewers! Carpe Diem. -Traveler.

Long ago, in a world of magic and belief, connected by various secret portals, over the Western Wood, under the Northern Sky, alongside the Eastern Sea, and the Southern Mountains, is the land of Narnia. Near a glorious castle on the eastern coast, upon the lush grass within a forest is a roughhousing group of children in various species.

The eldest ones are 9 years old, a set of triplets; two girls and one boy. The eldest girl is fair-haired with warm brown eyes, having dark skin, and her name is Aspen. Her younger sister is black-haired with light green eyes, having pale tan skin, and her name is Zarina. Their brother is brown-haired with light green eyes, having tanned skin, and his name is Pippin.

The middle youngest are 8 years old, a set of twins; two boys. The eldest boy is red-haired with bright blue eyes, having tan skin, and his name is Rusty. His younger brother is black-haired with warm brown eyes, having pale tan skin, and his name is Flint.

The youngest is 7 years old, a young girl who goes by Misty. She is brown-haired with dark brown eyes.

Aspen, Zarina, Pippin and their cousins Rusty and Flint are human yet they are also able to become into fox cubs at times while their friend Misty is a full-formed Beaver kit. A voice loudly purred, "Children, do not get dirty too much, otherwise your mothers will be in a mood.".

They froze from roughhousing, looked up, and suddenly, grins adorned their faces as they called out, "Aslan!". Before them, laying down upon a warm boulder is the Great Lion, Aslan himself. Gloriously handsome in a golden pelt with a downy fair-golden mane and tail, Aslan chuckled warmly as his bright amber eyes glittered, "Greetings, little ones.".

Aspen escaped first from the huddle, shifting into a dark brown/flaxen fox cub, skipping into the boulder to nuzzle Aslan, "I missed you, Aslan, but Auntie Lucy missed you more!". Aslan rumbled softly, "Of course she does. After all, I was only gone a few days.".

Another motion of notice approached Aslan and Aspen as a black/cream fox cub was revealed, and Aslan purred lightly as he knew that this kit is Zarina. Zarina twitched her tail gingerly, "Where have you been gone to?".

Aslan laughed lightly, "Far beyond the Lone Islands, dear Zarina.". A brown/dark cream fox cub joined by Zarina's side, revealing himself as Pippin, "Was it scary, Aslan?". Aslan smiled warmly, "It wasn't scary at all as long as you keep faith, courage, and your wits about.".

Then Aslan slightly looked back to see Rusty and Flint trying to climb into his back. Rusty had turned into a fire red/dark cream fox cub while Flint turned into a black/flaxen fox cub as well. "Boys, what has your mother told you about climbing into my back?". Aslan reprimanded softly yet firmly.

They spoke together, "Don't climb unless you have permission.". Aslan nodded gently, "That's right, and?". Rusty quietly asked, "Can we climb into your back, please, Aslan?". Aslan chuckled, "Well, since you asked politely, and I forgive you as well, you may climb into my back, little Rusty and Flint.".

"Aslan?". asked a little voice, and Aslan turned his head around to see Misty sitting between the others. Aslan smiled warmly, "Yes, Misty?". Misty slapped her tail slightly, "Can we hear a story again, please?". Claims of agreements echoed from the others, voices covering one another here and there until Aslan gave out a growl that stopped everything and grabbed attention immediately.

"Well, it has been quite a while since I told a story. What could you like to hear?". Aslan wondered lightly. Pippin asked excitedly, "Can you tell us about how Grandma Kelly got here?". Aspen gasped, "Yeah, I always thought that Earth was a myth as she didn't tell us anything much!".

Aslan hummed lightly, "I suppose I'd tell you about Kelly someday, and looks like it's that day. Very well. Let's see here...Ah, yes, once upon a time, long, long after you're born, far in the future, in the world of Earth...there was a young woman, and her name was Kelly.".