
Hi all,

so here is the start of a new fic, this will be a larger fic then the others with the exception 4380 hours. I don't know if I am able to get that many chapters out. we will see! This will be an Optimus/OC fic. Ratchet will eventually join in the fun but for now it's just focusing on Optimus and the little femme. I Hope you enjoy, comments and kudo's are much appreciated!

Chapter 1:

Mika was bored, bored out of her mind so much that she felt like diving her jet into the ocean if she had to take another of these "Confidentiality, legal something" classes. Yes, she understood she was not allowed to speak with anyone about her work, and especially not let any one know that she was working with the Autobots, that of course did not exist.

Sighting again she started doodling on her paper, chuckling lightly when she doodled the officer teaching the class a half lizard with big frog like eyes and sharp teeth. Suddenly a shadow loomed over her and she managed the surpress a flinch. "Vandetta… report to Colonel Mclaggen for Autobot cleaning duty" the slightly pudgy and small man hissed trough his teeth.

Mika always imagined him still living in the basement with his mum and figured he joined the army because of some weird ass superiority complex. Shrugging she stood up "Better company" she merely said making the small man turn red in the face from anger, his eyes bulging. It was uncanny how much he resembled Mika's doodle.

"Show respect to your superiors Vandetta!" he snapped expecting her to salute and to address him by his title. "I will when I encounter my superior" she said with a fake sweet smile before turning from the class ignoring her team mates who where half snickering half shaking their heads taking the doodle with her.

As Mika walked to the autobot hangar humming absentmindedly to herself she saw Colonel Mclaggen in the distance, he spotted her and shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose and then patiently waited for Mika to reach him. "Vandetta, what did you do now?" he asked his exasperated. The small girl in front of him merely shrugging. "Bored, so I doodled this, Smith saw" she said and when she saw Mclaggen reach for the doodle she gave it to him.

"Officer Smith" Mclaggen corrected automatically, his tone bored and when he opened the paper he had to hold back a snicker but a small choked sound escaped nonetheless. "And now you have autobot wash duty, the horror" the colonel said with a sly almost hidden smirk on his face. "Yes terrible" Mika agreed. "Well, don't cheer to early, the Prime and Ironhide have just returned from a re-con mission, and the weather was pretty bad" he said giving the drawing back to Mika before turning on his heels and walking off briskly.

"Yes sir!" she called back and saluted, seeing him twist on his heels again, offering her a quick salute before marching on. She liked Mclaggen, he wasn't her commanding officer but he usually dished out punishments for naughty recruits but he and her had known each other for 3 years now and she knew he had a soft spot for her for whatever reason. Mclaggen was a handsome man, tall, muscular, sandy blond hair and soft blue eyes. But she always saw him as a friend, besides, she had her eyes set on someone else entirely.

"Hello Optimus" Mika called out cheerfully as she saw the muddied up mech standing in the hangar, he was currently discussing something with an equally muddy Ironhide when his brilliant blue optics snapped to her. The large mech bent down to one knee so he could be more on her level, his battle mask was still on but he sounded clear enough. "Mika" he rumbled in a friendly tone but underneath it was a question; what had she done now. He was aware of her training schedule and knew that right now she would have been in CDA training.

His optics zoomed in on the paper she was holding but before he could question her about it Ironhide had snatched it from her hands, suspecting what it was. There was a roar of laughter ringing trough the hangar as the weapons specialist looked at the paper. "Optimus, oh primus this is good stuff" he black mech spoke between vents. "So much resemblance" he snickered and tried to stop laughing and shoved the paper to the Prime.

The red and blue semi carefully grasped the paper and carefully looked over it before spotting the doodle, there was no question as to who she had intended with this. The prime was happy that his battle mask was in place because he too could not hide a smirk. Glancing at the small femme on the floor he tried to look stern "Mika, you can not get into trouble like this, he is an officer here, you have to remain respectful" he said in a stern voice.

"Ah slag it Optimus, no one likes the fragger anyways" The bulky mech to his right said making Optimus vent loudly "That-my friend- is besides the point, we must remain respectful" he said in a serious tone making the weapons specialist grumble something about weird human customs.

"I would like to say I'm sorry Optimus, but I'm not so.." she drifted off biting her lower lip some . She didn't like the prime to be disappointed with her, though she suspected this was not the case and he merely had to give a good example she wasn't sure. "But I will try" she conceded carefully making the large mech in front of her relax. "Thank you Mika, now I think I could use help getting the mud and grit out of my system" he rumbled offering his servo for the femme to climb on.

"Ey I need a wash as well!" the black mech groused. "I'm sure Ratchet is willing to help you Ironhide" Optimus said smirking before walking off to the autobot designated washing space. They had a different washing rack that had more privacy, but this was built so humans could help the transformers rinse off more quickly and remove the grit from hard to reach spaces. Mika smiled and blushed a bit at the thought of washing the prime, no matter how many times she got assigned to washing duty, she always got flustered.

She had noticed the Autobot leader growing more tense with every time she washed him and wondered if she did something wrong, washing him tonight would hopefully present the opportunity to ask.

"Transform please" she asked knowing he didn't like this part as the grit would grind against his protoform as he transformed. She had tried cleaning the grit out first but for some reason, it was easier when he was in his alt form.

The large Autobot nodded and silendly transformed into the gorgeous red and blue flamed Peterbuilt truck. Mika was amazed at how a truck could look so alive, and absolutely loved his alt form. She was a jet girl, but big trucks came in a good Second and Optimus was definitely, a big truck.

Optimus noticed Mika staring and felt his systems flush somewhat, he wiggled on his wheels a bit to get her attention and when that didn't help he tapped his horn and gave a loud pwaap noise. Mika startled out of her thoughts and coughed to cover her embarrassment "sorry about that" she said sheepishly.

"It is of no concern" Optimus spoke trough his grill, sounding a bit disembodied but friendly as always. Mika removed her long sleeved button up and tied it around her waist leaving her dressed in a standard issued navy top. Her dog tags rattling as she moved to grab the sponge and hose. " Ready Optimus?" she asked in a teasing tone. The whole truck seemed to shake for a moment before answering "Always".

Meanwhile Ironhide had visited Ratchet and the medic was busy carefully blasting out the grit with one of his tools using high pressure air. The soft pffft noises filled in the med bay until the yellow mech spoke up. "So, tell me again why you didn't ask a human to take care of this, they are much more skilled in the removal of earth rocks" The medic stated.

Ironhide clicked in mild irritation "Optimus snagged Mika before I could, and no other fleshy is touching my protoform" he said testily. "Of course, he did" Ratchet said almost rolling his optics, and Mika just happened to be there? Did she not have classes? He asked and stopped as Ironhide winched when grit was removed from a very sensitive area of his protoform. He stopped to look at the medic and the look was all Ratchet needed to know what happened.

"Of course she did" he rumbled shaking his helm. "Sit still or I will strap you down" he replied as Ironhide wouldn't stop wiggling. "Well stop tickling me then with that air thing!" the weapons specialist almost whined.

Optimus was going to burst a fuel line, he was sure of it. Mika had successfully and very effectively cleaned out the outside AND inside of his alt form. He nearly lost it when he felt her hands move to his gear shift and wasn't even able to communicate to Mika to stop as all that came out of his radio was static. And now he was in his root form and the femme was -very meticulously- cleaning his plating and sensitive nooks and cracks in his armor.

His armor flared out as her nimble hands slid over one of the main fuel lines in his chest to check for any remaining grit and he bit his denta together making a small grinding noise, oh sweet primus he was going to overload. The noble leader tried to fight it with all he had but knew it was a losing battle.

Mika frowned as she felt and saw Optimus tense again and sighted. Was it really hurting that much? Did he just not like it? Did she smell? what was going on. Straightening up a bit on the mechs chest she noticed he was venting rather fast as well, his cooling fans having clicked on and where blasting full power, the sound sounding like a jet getting ready to take off.

"Optimus.. " she called out but the Autobot didn't seem to hear her. "OPTIMUS" she shouted cupping her hands to the sides of her mouth in an effort to get over the sound of the fans. "oh for fuck sake" Mika cursed and kneeled to pinch a small wire near his chest. That suddenly got his attention as his optics snapped to her and a wild series of clicking noises escaped behind his battle mask, she now knew was him speaking in his native language.

The autobot leader saw that the little femme was trying to get his attention and shut his optics for a klik shutting down his cooling fans, or at least trying. By sheer willpower his fans powered down making it possible for them to speak. "Thank you "she said huffing a bit and planting her hands in her sides and adopting a -no nonsense- stature staring straight at the autobot leader's optics. "Optimus, can you retract your battle mask please, I would like to ask you something and I need to see your face" she said seriously. Optimus paused for a second and seemed to hesitate before complying. "What would you like to discuss Mika?" The leader spoke in a calm tone, though his processor was trying to already come up with an excuse for his frame's erratic behavior.

"Am I hurting you? Do i.. disgust you when wash you? I can arrange for someone else to do it if you like? "she rambled a bit looking down at his chest plating. The last thing she wanted to was to have someone else wash her sexy truck but if he was uncomfortable then this was it. wait, her sexy truck? She stopped her rambling when she felt the most gentle touch on her face.

Focussing her green eyes up to Optimus she blushed lightly at the gentle look on his faceplates. "Mika, forgive me if I have given you the impression that I was in pain, and please banish the thought of me finding you disgusting" he added sternly.

The small femme looked slightly placated, but she still seemed slightly unsure. "So what's going on then?" she asked gently stroking the plating on his chest smiling as she saw the plating open up, almost leaning into her touch, the plating felt warm to the touch.

Optimus gazed into her green eyes and allowed himself to get lost in the emerald gaze thinking on how he could explain this without embarrassing himself and the little worried femme on his chest. His spark nervously swirled in the chamber as he cleared his air pipes. "Mika, my protoform is very sensitive, the wires you clean, are also very sensitive as is some of my plating. When you wash me, it creates sensations I have not felt in a long time" he said after a moment of hesitation. Optimus felt his cheekplates start to heat up and knew he was glowing slightly blue from the enegon rushing to his faceplates.

Mika understood what he meant directly, and her eyes went as wide as saucers. "You… your aroused?!" she spoke loudly making the prime huff and glance around nervously before nodding. He was not concerned that any cybertronians might hear, as they already knew and had a different level of openness with regards to these topics then humans. So he made sure no other humans where within hearing distance before he nodded slowly. "Yes little femme I was, your touch is healing as it is, is also very stimulating" he explained seeing Mika turn a lovely shade of red.

"I..uhgm.. wauw" she said sitting down on his chest plates and running a hand trough her wavy red locks. Optimus face turned serious "I can inmagen if you from now on refuse to wash me or the others, I would understand this" he said making Mika glance at the leader again. "The others are also getting all hot and bothered when I wash them?!" she whispered furiously and gawked as the autobot leader gave a hesitant nod. Oh god how embarrassing, she had effectively given not one, but 5 different Cybertronians, several times! No wonder they kept coming back.

"Uughh… so now I'm like what, the cybertronian equivalent of a Matras?" she said using the army slang for slut. It took Optimus a while to look up the meaning as when he Googled the only thing popping up were actual matrasses. His optics widened, and he made a serie of almost distressed clicks before gently picking Mika up from his chest, propping himself up on one arm and bringing the still blushing femme closer "No, no please do not make that assumption, and do not call yourself that derogative name, you are anything but" he defended her. "Please know that Cybertronians have a different culture, we are not shy with who we choose as berth mates, and we do share. There are no matrasses, as you call them with Cybertronians. "he explained gently and pressed the small femme close to his faceplates.

Mika smiled gently at the nervous looking mech and gently stroked his faceplates, marveling the details of the plating and how soft they actually felt. She leaned into it and gave the big mech a hug at the best of her ability's. "So.. I got you all hot and bothered huh, did you ever, you know -finished?-" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

Optimus released air from his nasal vents in surprise from the question and spluttered some as his engine revved trying to make up for the spluttering. "I.. wel I" he stumbled. "I thought Cybertronians had a different culture, but you are responding quite similar to a human in regard to such a question" she said teasingly. When the spluttering and Primes engine had calmed down she looked him straight in the optic.

"Well? Have you?"

Prime decided to ignore the question claiming he had grit in his ear filial and would need to see Rachet immediately.