Hey ya'll! I have thought this on top of my head and I decided to write a somewhat dramatic story. Please leave positive reviews and I will continue this story!

This is actually complicated. I gotta be honest because I don't usually write stories like this, but I had a dream about this and it's quite


"There they are!"

"Don't start with me! I'm so exhausted!"

"You didn't sleep at all last night?"

"It would've been nice if he or she doesn't use my bladder as a pillow!"

Leonard said putting out pancakes and other condiments, "Sorry honey."

Penny sighed rubbing her big bump, "Eight months of this and I hate all of it."

"Just two more weeks and one grueling 24 hours, then it will be over."

"It won't be, I'll have to deal with feedings, diaper changes, and much less sleep every night!"

Leonard then said frowning, "Penny, you know that I will help right? And our friends will help."

"Yeah… I guess," she sighs about to dig in her pancakes and took a bottle of ketchup and pours almost a whole bottle of it over the pancakes making her husband cringe with disgust. She put a forkful in her mouth looking at him mumbling, "What? Gotta get used to the weird cravings."

He sighs looking down at his pancakes and starts digging in.

Meanwhile across the hall…

"Are you sure you have everything you needed?"

"Yes Sheldon."

"Even the hygiene products you might need."


"Even your phone. I have a Life 360 app hooked on it so I'll know where you are."

"Sheldon! It's going to be fine. I'm only going away for two days, not for a year!"

Amy packs her suitcase while her husband Sheldon went down the checklist.

He then said, "Well i'm sorry, but I don't want you getting hurt."

"I will be fine. I promise! I'm just going on the train and reach Salt Lake City for the conference in three hours. I will be ok."

Sheldon hugs his wife almost tightly. "I'm just going to miss you so much. It's too bad I can't see you off cause I had to go to my office."

"It will be ok. I love you very much."

"Oh I love you too." And with that, they both kiss.


"How are the kids?"

"Good. Raj took them to daycare. They should be alright for a few hours."

Bernadette kisses him on the cheek, "Ok. I'll be at the lab, just call if you need anything."

"Will do Bernie."

"Are you sure about going to work today?"

"It's not going to be forever. I'll be going with Leonard to his lab."

She then said, "Ok. Be very careful. And make to call while on the train."

"I will."

Amy then hopped on a train heading to Salt Lake City and grabbed a seat by the window. The train starts to move away from the station, but the more it moves, the more bumpier the train car got.

It was never unusually bumpy… Until the train wobbles rocking back and forth and screeches causing the passengers to shout in danger.

Amy got very worried and scared and started to get up out of her seat moving to the aisle, but as she did, she felt the train slide off the track causing the train car to come off the rail and roll sideways and over and over and before she knew it she felt a big bump on the head and it all went black.

Leonard walked in the lab with Howard and turns on the light as he said, "Thanks for coming with me. I could use the help adjusting the new laser real quick. I can't get it to work. I sure can use someone like you right now."

"Sure. I would love to help you with that… Well let's just get started."

But suddenly the laser started falling apart as the room starts to shake causing Leonard and Howard to jump.

"It's an earthquake!" Leonard yells as the two stood underneath the doorway as the room continues to shake vigorously.

Raj just dropped off the kids at the daycare and started driving down the road listening to Beyonce on the radio. He started jamming along until car bounced losing control as he tries to steer causing it to collide with a truck which was in front of him and the car rolls upside down trapping him inside.

Sheldon walks out of 4B and gets inside the elevator.

"Wait for me!" Penny calls getting inside with him.

"Good morning Penny," he greets.

"Morning Sheldon," she replies, "Where are you off to?"

He answered, "I have to go to my office for something important and maybe after that, I'll go to the comic book store."

She then asked our of curiosity as the elevator doors closed, "What's so important?"

"It's just important stuff Penny," he replied in annoyance, "I don't need a nosy person seeing what important things I have that are important."

Penny sighs rolling her eyes before the elevator starts bouncing as it goes down.

"What's going on?" Sheldon says getting really scared.

"I don't know!" Penny leans against the wall, her hand went onto her tummy keeping her unborn child safe.

He yells gripping tight to a handle next to him as Penny looks around terrified, "Oh dear lord! Earthquake!"

The shaking and bouncing grew stronger until it stopped and the power goes out.



"I think we're ok."