Hey! It's me, the author of this Story. You may be asking why now is that I'm putting A/N, well… it's because the first three chapters were made one after another, so I didn't want any outside influence in making this story such as suggestions for the story, but feedback on how you are feeling with this story is appreciated and well welcomed.

I don't expect everyone to like this story, that's impossible, but at least to make the people who wants to read this, like this until the very end of this story.

Well, enough talking, you can put a review on how are you liking this story. Bye bye.

I do not own anything related to Boku no Hero. Only my precious Oc.

And now we can start.

Let's go beyond our limits,

Plus Ultra!

Blood On My Name

Chapter Four: Seeking beats

After classes.

"So you are the 'Crimson Blood' boy, eh?" Ketsueki blinked at the little bluntness of the girl who is right now in front of him, he took a moment to feel that she is not afraid of him but he still remained quiet and wary of her. "So the rumors were true. You are truly here." She said before looking him.

"And you are…?" Ketsueki decide to ask.

"Oh! I'm Setsuna Tokage, a student of the class 1-B." She said introducing herself. "So… how do you know Kayama-sensei?" She asked leaning a little closer to him.

"She is the one who watcher over me, to avoid people plotting to kill me behind my back." He answered taking a step back and leaned against the wall of the Academy, waiting for Midnight to appear.

She had texted him that he has to wait a little since she has to finish something of paperwork and memorize all the names of the students, especially the ones of the heroics department.

He gave her the ok and so he is here waiting for her. But he did not expect to see a girl there and willingly talking to him as if he was another person, and apparently there is a rumor going around that he is here in U.A academy, but he doesn't mind it because is true, he is there after all.

"Makes sense." She said before allowing herself to take a deep breath and exhaling to gaze the sky, that is turning orange thanks to the dusk. "A lot of people holds a grudge against you, someone watching you is not rare. But are you safe in your classroom?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked not knowing where she is going.

"A lot of people died that day, maybe some of the victims are family of those in your classroom. In mine I have one, and when he heard the rumor of you going here he basically began to say how you are monster and a lot of swearing."

"I don't doubt it. But I don't think so… it could be obvious since is hard to restraint something as a grudge without giving a slight sign of it." Ketsueki commented. "I keep quiet and see everyone in my classroom."

She grinned. "Good to hear that you keep eyes in everyone in your classroom. But do you see everyone who is not in your classroom?" She asked as she cocked her head. Ketsueki blinked one time before speaking.


"Oh yes." She agreed. "Look, I'll help you in this. I will tell you what the people think about you since you can't be near them and expect them not to be afraid of you."

"But… why would you do that?"

"I have my reasons. But don't worry, I've not hate for you. I want to be your friend." Tokage said calmly.

"My friend…?" Ketsueki asked suspiciously, this shouldn't be something really good. But her words seem to trustful that it made him reconsider her offer. "I am have no means to trust out of the blue, but if I get to know more about you and trust you, I can be your friend." He told her.

"Oh… I'd like that. No trust in people you don't know, is fair." She smiled, before looking at the door. "Kayama-sensei!" She called out as she ran to Midnight.

"Tokage? What are you doing here?" Midnight asked at seeing the green-haired girl, she turns to see Ketsueki, who was looking at her with the side of his eyes.

"I was here talking to Ketsueki. And what are you doing here?" She made herself the clueless.

"I need to give Ketsueki a ride home, since it's a long way from here. Not really far but at least take him there before night appears." Midnight explained before ruffling the head of Tokage. "Go home, and sleep well."

"Bye, see you tomorrow Kayama-sensei." Tokage said as she took her leave.

"You are her teacher?" Ketsueki asked to the older woman.

"Technically, I'm the teacher of Modern Hero Art History. So I'm your teacher and hers when is my class." Midnight said. "We need to go before the night arrives. But while we arrive at the car, can you tell me how your day was?" She asked.

"Aizawa-sensei threatened to expel us when we were doing the quirk apprehension test, but later he said it was a logical ruse." Ketsueki then began to tell her about this day. He detailed a little bit more about what they did in the quirk apprehension test, who some of them were apparently brave enough to talk to him without showing fear.

"I thought I was bad for kids." Midnight said under her breath, she locked her gaze upon the boy. "But, you did a great job." She was hesitant at first, but her hand came to ruffle his hair.

He didn't expect that, but it felt good. Warm of not being feared and expressing contact in him. He closed his eyes and smiled unconsciously.

Cute… Midnight thought. "Now. Let's go to the dorms."

[Plus Ultra]

Ketsueki arrived at the dorms. He went to change into more comfortable clothes and he went and ate dinner to later go to his room to continue his work on the earpiece. It didn't took much time for him to finish what he had to do, it was some adjustment and since he didn't have a subject to test the earpiece it will take a long time to officially declared functional.

The night fell and he was still up, he didn't have time to sleep. He had to finish another thing, the last piece of his hero costume. It's a mask that covers the entire face but is divided into three part. The mouth part is made of fabric with metal alloy reinforced with holes to purify the air being attachable a piece of removable metal that covers his entire neck.

The other part is made of the same thing, but the part where the eyes are there is an HUD where Rose would reside to be with him and help him analyze situations. It has two sharp-teeth in the corner where his mouth is supposed to be, and it also can be attachable to the same removable metal in his neck.

After while working on the part of the neck, fixing things, testing it, putting it on to see how it feels. It took two hours that, two hours just working in a part of his entire costume, the head. He let a sigh not wanting to believe how is going to feel the others like the hands or body, that would take him some days to make and polish.

"Dad, you should go to sleep. Is already 10:00 PM." Rose informed sounding tired, meaning she has to recharge.

"I know, I am going to do that right now." Ketsueki yawned before rubbing his eye. "Is there something you should tell me before going to sleep?" he inquired.

"Oh! But before that. Nezu left a message for you." Rose informed. "You want to know what is the message? It can interest you."

"Let me hear it."

"He said that your workshop is already up for you to use it, you'll can go and see it in a place near the dorms, but hidden that only you with your fingerprint can enter. You'll be have a refill in materials every month so don't go creating non useful things." Rose said the message that Nezu eft, before allowing him to turn to see the bed and walk to it.

"Good." Ketsueki jumped to his bed before yawning once again. But then, a loud noise was heard, like a bass being played in a weird way. He glanced to the clock and saw that it was frozen, it didn't move.

"Good Indeed." A voice spoke and his eyes shot open making the sleepiness he was feeling disappear in seconds. He sat quickly on the bed as he looked around to try and find the source of the voice. But when his gaze fell on the corner of the room he saw a woman leaning against the wall. "So… how are you doing?"

Ketsueki was speechless and frozen there, and he was not frozen by the shock, which it was a little, but he was literally frozen in his bed. He couldn't move no matter what he did, he struggle but couldn't so he tried to at least speak. "Who are you?" he quietly asked not averting his gaze from the mysterious woman.

The woman smirked. "You don't need to know that for now, but don't worry… you'll know." She said looking at the sky full of stars. "What a wonderful sight. Too bad you can't see it right now as you are frozen in bed."

"What have you done to me?" Ketsueki kind of demanded the answer.

"Don't speak to me like that, young man. Don't worry, I won't harm you, is not like I can either way." She said before sitting in the floor looking at him, still with a smile on her face.

"Are you there, Rose?" he called out the name of his 'daughter' but seeing that she didn't reply, he grew a little worried. "Rose!?" no reply.

"Don't worry, she is safe and sound, she is only offline." The woman said. Ketsueki blinked and the woman was in front of his face, that startled him but as he couldn't move it felt a little weird. "Oh, Ketsueki. You have to rest, we will meet again." She said before kissing his forehead, and Ketsueki felt sleepy once again. He felt to the bed.

"Bye, my mourning star… sleep well, and come back to fly."

[Plus Ultra]

Setsuna walked to her home and quickly went to see her mother. Who is in the living room watching some news as she made something with paint.

"Mom! I'm here!" Setsuna said as her mother turned to see her and smiled. She went and sat besides her as she looks at her phone to see the time.

"Hello Setsuna, did you met him?" her mother asked.

"Yes, and his nothing like the media said. Father was right." Setsuna said getting a nod from her mother.

[Plus Ultra]

When Ketsueki woke up, he was disoriented and confused. Although confused was the feeling he had the most, since he didn't really understood what happened last night. He felt right when he woke up but the feeling of yesterday felt so weird, like if something had frozen him completely except his mouth. And… why her last words felt so familiar? Why is he feeling a lullaby coming to him?

"Rose?" he called out furrowing his eyebrows as he sat in the bed with his feet touching the floor, and then he looked at the desk where his smartphone is.

"Yes, dad?" she answered, he let a sigh of relief since the mysterious woman wasn't lying when she said that Rose was okay, but it was still strange and kind of creepy that she appeared out of nowhere. "Are you ok?" she asked.

"I can feel better, you saw what happened last night?" he asked as he got up from the bed to go for his uniform and changed.

"No, something happened?" Rose asked and if Ketsueki could see her he would say that she is raising an eyebrow right now. Which is was the most possible option.

The silence that followed after her question was not tense or awkward, since it was a moment where Ketsueki began to think about what happened as he changes into his clothes.

The moment itself felt weird, being frozen and completely unable to do something, but at the same the time he felt safe with her, as if she was a guardian that no one spoke him of, which it was the most likely to be, since his mother once told him that he has a godmother, maybe the mysterious woman was send by his godmother, who he had never met, to protect him in the shadows? Possible.

"Nothing much." He lied to not worry her, his soft tone was enough to make a beeping sound from her, that meant okay or that she understood the message.

Ketsueki grabbed a chip from his backpack and put it on the phone. "Transfer yourself to the chip, and make a copy to be in here and the chip." He told her rather quickly but she understood as the transfer began, after the image display in the smartphone reached the full bar, Ketsueki took the chip out and put it in his pocket as well with the phone.

The boy sighed before leaving his room.

He walked to the kitchen and made breakfast for himself, a simple toasted bread and eggs, simply breakfast. He quickly ate it and went to the first floor to meet with Midnight.

"Hello Ketsueki, how did you slept?" Midnight quickly asked as he was in full view of the first floor, she was waiting right beside the stairs of the building.

"Fine. We need to go quickly." Ketsueki said, Midnight nodded and went after him to the car as he followed suit. "How do you arrive so fast? Don't you live… like… thirty minutes from here?" he asked.

"There is something called, alarm and being a morning person. And coffee, let's not forget about coffee." Midnight said as she enters the car. "And I always need to be the first one to check up on you."

Ketsueki entered too and kept his mind and the events of yesterday, it was weird, and he needs to think a lot about that, but since they didn't report anything weird happening then it can't be something good for his mental health, or it's a quirk?

Is a possibility, in this world new quirks are bound to appear, some of them harmless and some of them that could destroy someone in seconds. But most of those are kept in check thanks to medics and people who guide them well to not become something they can regret later, to have a normal life even if it is not so normal like it was a couple of centuries ago.

He glanced at his side to see the clouds as the little movement of the car make him move along with it.

"You did something last night?" Midnight asked, but when she saw Ketsueki looking at her she elaborated more. "Remember that you have a camera in your room to allow us to see what's happening inside, you made something what was it?" She asked once again.

"Parts of my hero costume, I was only able to do the part of the head since I didn't had the workshop, which now I have, so later this day I'll go and change something of my costume." Ketsueki told her shifting his gaze back to the clouds.

"So… you basically made another part of your hero costume in a day?"

"Not quite. When Nezu first came to me I already anticipated this, so I started right after he left. I went to the secret workshop of the Institution that people forgot about and I began my creation there. I have the parts here since they are attachable." Ketsueki explained as he took his backpack and showed the part of the mouth. "It still needs to be perfectly adjusted but it won't be a problem with the workshop." He put the part back into the backpack.

"Interesting. You made that yourself? You sure have a lot of free time." Midnight commented.

Ketsueki eyed her, before speaking once again. "Well, is not like I had nothing more to do before coming here. Sensei passed away and Dr. Jones should be back in America for something family related." He told her.

"But you are feeling comfortable here, right?" She asked narrowing her eyes. This was some of the things Nezu told her to say to confirm his day or well-being, since he won't lie it certainly helps a lot.

"Most of it, but the time will tell…"

[Plus Ultra]

They quickly arrived at the Academy and Ketsueki left the car and walked to it. He gaze to his side seeing people glaring at him, one of them is taking a photo, and he knows it thanks to the flash of the camera, maybe this will tarnish the reputation of U.A a little, since they allow a mass killer into their school without much protection.

"Ketsueki!" a voice called out his name, he turned to see how it was. It was Tokage. "Good morning!" She said.

"Tokage." He simply said.

"Can you walk with me to the classrooms?" She asked nicely and he juts nodded since there was nothing better to do. And they both walked to their classrooms.

"So… how was your first day? I didn't see your class in the opening ceremony. What was your class doing?" Tokage questioned as she remembers the ceremony, there was no sign of the 1-A class.

"The quirk apprehension test. Just because the teacher wanted to do that instead of going to the ceremony, although I already know what Nezu said." Ketsueki replied as he put his hand slowly in his pockets. "We were threatened of being expel if we didn't give our best, but that was a ruse." He finished before using his right hand to massage his neck a little.

"That was not very nice." Tokage pointed out. "Who is your teacher?" She asked.

"Shouta Aizawa." Came the simply reply.


"You wouldn't know of him, after all he is known for not liking the spotlight. He can be better known as Eraserhead, the underground hero." Ketsueki explained.

"I think I've heard of him, maybe when I was ten." Tokage commented as she walk a little more slower to think about it. Ketsueki also went a little more slower to go as the same speed as she. "But I'll think about it later. In which rank you fell in the test?"

"5 of 21"

"Top five, interesting. I fell in top 10." Tokage commented. "What is your quirk?"

"You like to talk don't you?" Ketsueki asked raising an eyebrow.

"I am known for being chatty, is one of my virtues!" she said cheerfully, but after seeing his blank face she cleared her throat. "But you seem the quiet type. You don't talk often?" she narrowed her eyes.

Ketsueki shook his head, before turning his head to face her. "I am normally the one who doesn't start the chat, and not many – almost all of the people doesn't want me near, it is a surprise that you accepted to be near me." He spoke truthfully before looking at the front again.

"Oh… but you are a nice person. And I know that media tend to vilify people who didn't do anything wrong, but you were like what? eight? When the incident happen."

"Close but I was seven. I don't really want to talk about the incident, many people wants my head as you said." He pointed at his head. "Well… we are here." He said pointing at their classrooms.

"Well, talk to you later!" She said as she entered her classroom and he entered his.

[Plus Ultra]

"I am…!" A voice resounded from the door, some of the classmates smiled and became excited knowing who is coming through the door. "…Coming through the door like a normal person!" and All Might appeared with his characteristic smile.

"Is All Might! I can't believe he is really here!"

"That design is so silver age! The art style clashes so much it gives me goosebumps." The pink-skinned girl said.

"Foundational heroes studies!" All Might said. "For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! This time, is the trial of battle! And to go with your first battle…" In the wall began to appear some compartments with numbers, All Might fake cough to catch again the attention of the students and he continued. " We've prepared the gear we had you sent in requested to match your quirks!"

"Our battle gear!" The spiky red-haired boy said getting up from his seat. "Awesome!"

"Go and get changed, we will be ready to go once everyone gathers at ground β! The garb you bring into the battle-field is vitally important, boys and girls!" All Might explained before leaving the classroom and leaving the student to go and change.

"Ketsueki, you have your battle gear here?" Iida asked as he grab his, Ketsueki nodded at his words and went for his and left the room to go and change into his clothes.

He changed as fast as he could. His hero costume is mainly black and red. is a jacket with long neck that ends right below the jaw with red outlines on it in the shape of a wing. Carbon fiber reinforced gloves that leaves the index finger and thumb of the right hand exposed to the air, he also wear black pants of asbestos fibers that are also in the jacket and the hood in the jacket. He also has tight boots but with cotton inside to not make him uncomfortable.

He attached the lower and upper part of the mask and then he grabbed the chip where Rose is and plug it into a space in the device/ equipment in his neck.

"Rose you there?" He inquired to see if it worked.

"I am here safe and sound, dad!" Rose said with her cheerful tone, which made him smile a little bit.

"Good, we need to go to the ground β" Ketsueki quickly said as the top part of the mask, which cover the mouth and face leaving two holes in the part of the eyes, began to connect with the rest. And the two hole light up in a neon-blue light. He put the hood on and left to go to the ground β.

"Ketsueki!?" the familiar voice made him turn to see someone in a familiar hero costume, basically someone of the Ingenium family. "Is that you?" Iida asked going closer to him.

"Yes." He simply said as he put his hands in his pocket. "We can talk later, we need to go." He informed as he ran. Iida nodded and went after him without using his quirk since it could break something by the speed.

After some time they arrived at the ground.

"Oh! Iida-kun!" the brunette called out the name of Iida.

"Uraraka. So that's your costume…" Iida took a moment to take a good look at it, simply but effective, maybe? "It looks good."

"Is a little tight." Uraraka commented as someone came closer to them.

"Guys!" Midoriya called out.

"Deku-kun!" Uraraka said looking at him. "Your costume looks really practical!" but then she began to rub the back of her head. "I wish I had drawn my sketch a little better… my costume came out a little puffy."

"Heroics is the best." The little guy with purple hair put thumbs up as Midoriya blushed.

"Sensei! Regarding the ground we will be using, is it the mock city from the entrance exam!?" Iida asked raising a hand.

Ah! So its Iida in there…. He looks cool. Midoriya thought, then he turned to see Ketsueki. And who is…

"Mock city…? That's where you were in the practical exam?" Ketsueki asked.

So that's Ketsueki… Midoriya looked between Iida and Ketsueki, both of them had good costumes compared to his.

"Yes! You'll see – in fact, take two steps and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle!" All Might said looking at them intently as he lectures. "Villain cleanup is usually seen out in the open, but statically, the better part of it is an indoor job. Most villains acts are committed indoors." The he put his fist on his chin to think on things while speaking. "Imprisonment… house arrest… the black market… in the hero-saturated society. Why, any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows!"

"So… what are we going to do?" Ketsueki asked casually eyeing the rest.

"We are going to do two-on-two team battle divided in 'Heroes' and 'Villains'. Though one of the team will have one more thanks to the odd participants in this." All Might explained. "But that will be quickly dealt with as soon as Young Ketsueki takes a letter from this box." He motioned to a second box with 'Lottery' on it.

Ketsueki nodded and went to the box and put his hand on it. Some of them were amazed at seeing the costume of Ketsueki although they didn't want to show that, so they kept quiet. Ketsueki pull out his hand and he had a ball in his hand with a letter. A.

"Ok! So Team A will have Ketsueki on it. Now, the rest must do it as well but with that box." All Might motioned the other box before grabbing it and placing it in front of him as he began to call out the names of the students to come and grab on of the pair of letters.

Ketsueki was wondering who his teammates on this will be, although he now has a guess since the brunette looked at him when she grabbed her ball.

And Midoriya looked at him too after he grabbed his...