This chapter has been edited for grammar mistakes and added content. A second chapter has been added in honor of the late actor, Cameron Boyce.


And may he rest in peace.

Luke Ross woke from a nightmare about being trapped on an island where thieves, ruffians, murderers, villains lived together. In the nightmare, he lived as a young, starving boy who stole for his next meal. He vaguely remembered being covered head to toe in grime and filth with no way to clean himself. An ungrateful woman with an obsession for dogs forced him to do unreasonable chores.

Sounds like Mrs. Chesterfield.

Anyways, Luke awoke from his uneasy slumber at around five in the morning. Not too eager to relive the dream, he decided to solve the problem of the unpleasant sensation on his skin.

Luke showered!

Quite a shocker, isn't it?

This teenage boy—who could make people faint by simply lifting his arms—bathed until his entire body pruned. Not a single speck of dirt touched his skin. He smelt wonderful, thanks to the body wash and hair products he almost never used. He must have emptied every bottle until he finally felt clean.

By the time Luke stepped out of the bath, a full hour passed without him realizing. Since it was only six with none of his family members awake, Luke quietly left his room to not disturb anyone. Traveling down the stairs of the penthouse suite, he escaped to the terrace to watch the sun rise.

As he laid on a lounge chair, he pondered the nightmares that refused to leave his head.

Admittedly, the dreams occurred for the past couple days in an unusual country called 'Auradon'. In one dream he plotted with three teens a year older than him—two very beautiful women with either blue or purple hair, and an athletic man that could easily put him to shame—to steal a priceless item from a museum. However, the teenage man tripped the alarms forcing them to flee.

In another dream, Luke showed the blue-haired woman an invention he made. His creation accidentally poked a hole in barrier that somehow leaked magic into the island.

Luke's favorite dream? Dancing on a yacht with a girl way more beautiful than the other two. She had long brown curly waist length hair and wore an amazing blue ruffle dress with a pink bow wrapped around her waist.

Luke really wished he would dream of that mystery girl again. She seemed to be perfect for him, almost like they were meant to be a couple. Too bad she was only a dream. . .

When the sun rose at about seven, Luke went inside and toward the kitchen where he heard water running. Bertram, the family's butler, was nearly finished cooking breakfast for the five inhabitants and himself.

"Hey Bertram," Luke greeted, sitting at the kitchen island. "Do you need any help with breakfast?"

Bertram raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "What are you planning? Another prank that will ruin my favorite kitchen utensils?"

"I'm not planning anything," Luke insisted, shaking his head in denial to show his sincerity. "I had a nightmare last night I'm wanting to forget. I could really use a distraction . . . that isn't a video game."

Bertram thought it over for a few moments. "Alright," he began reluctantly, "if you really want to help, you can wash the dishes in the sink. Both sides. The bottom has to be clean too, even if we don't eat off it."

With a roll of his eyes at the harmless joke, Luke set off to do the task assigned to him. Bertram turned his back for barely a minute before the young man announced he was finished. When the butler adverted his attention back to his 'master', he didn't hide his surprised and impressed expression.

"Well done, Luke," Bertram praised after inspected the drying dishes for any signs of dirt or filth. "If you still want something to do, you can set the table while I finish plating the food."

Once again, Luke did the request, receiving the same approval as before. By the time his siblings and nanny entered the kitchen, Luke had finished washing the second round of dishes and now waited impatiently at the table. As the other four sat at their designated seats, Luke chowed down on his meal, cleaning the plate in under three minutes. He went back for seconds and even thirds.

"Slow down, Luke!" Jessie, the red-haired nanny that was many years older than him, chided as she stole his plate for his own safety. "You act like you haven't ate in weeks. The food isn't going anywhere."

Luke froze. The nightmare really has gone to his head. Until then, he hadn't realized how incredibly starved he felt and that he was actually enjoying Bertram's cooking.

"Sorry," he muttered as he played with his silverware, refusing to meet the gaze of anyone. "I've been up for the past couple hours. I had a nightmare that scared me enough to bathe."

Zuri, Luke's youngest sister, burst into a fit of laughter. "Yeah, right," she commented sarcastically. "Like you actually showered."

Wordless, Luke lifted an arm. The others waited for the usual odor, but were quite astonished by the great smells that emitted from him.

"See?" He questioned rhetorically as he lowered his now useless 'weapon'. "I've had similar dreams, but this one was the worst of them all, mainly because I acted like Ravi."

"And why is that a bad thing?" Ravi wondered as he tried not to be offended.

"Because I acted timid," Luke insisted with a huff. "Where the dream took place, you can't act anxious or cowardly. You have to act like you are the one in charge. You have to pretend to be fearless, even if you are internally fearful."

"Sounds like the dream really shook you," Jessie observed as her gaze softened. "Why don't we finish up breakfast and head to the park? A little fresh air might help keep your mind off the dream."

Half an hour later the Ross siblings and their caretaker walked across the street to the park while Bertram stayed behind to enjoy a few hours of freedom. Luke didn't pay attention to what his family members decided to do. His attention was on a gorgeous young woman sitting at the edge of the wishing fountain, lightly stroking the top of a duckling's head.

That 'mystery' girl just happened to be the same one from his dream.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves from seeing her beauty in person, Luke casually strolled over, taking the spot next to her. "Hi," Luke greeted almost nervously as he held out a hand to shake hers. "I'm Luke Ross. I live in the apartment complex across the street."

The girl smiled, gladly shaking his hand as the duck swarm away to his mother. "It's nice to meet you."

Luke waited for her to say her name, but she never did. Not wanting to push her when she didn't, he decided to make small talk. "So, are you from around here?"

The girl shook her head in denial. "No, I'm just visiting for the day. I have to go back to my boarding school tomorrow."

"That sucks," Luke commented with a snarl of his nose. "I'd hate to go to boarding school."

The girl laughed like she was hearing an inside joke. "Actually, the school is pretty amazing," she insisted as her smile grew. "And I'm not saying that because my mother's the headmistress. The owners of the school choose a few select few students to pay for their tuition until they graduate. About ten students have been given the opportunity to study there and they absolutely love it. We have a sword fighting team, dance, band. Anything that you can think of, really."

Luke chuckled. "Are you trying to recruit me?" He teased. "If so, I'd say yes, if it meant most of my classes would be with you."

The girl raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Are you flirting with me?"

Luke shrugged carelessly. "Maybe. Is it working?"

She shrugged her shoulders in the same casual way as her smile grew even more. "Maybe." The girl tilted her head curiously. "So, who did you come here with?"

"My nanny and my three adoptive siblings." Luke motioned to the four that were watching him from afar. "Well, I'm adopted and so are my youngest sister and my brother. Who did you come with?"

"My three friends, who are also my classmates." She gestured to behind Luke.

Luke turned his head slightly and tried to hide his surprised expression. The trio were the same three that he had dreams about. The only difference was the two girls' hair color were now black and blonde.

"They are very beautiful," Luke complimented before he turned back to the mystery girl with a smile. "But you are better."

The girl blushed at the praise. "Nobody has ever told me that before," she confessed almost bashfully. "They are the prettiest girls at our school."

"But they are nowhere near your beauty." Luke smiled even more, making a quick decision to poke at the bear. "But I would think that even more if I knew your name."

The girl's smile faltered as she sighed. "You really don't remember, do you?"

This time, Luke tilted his head curiously. "Remember what?"

"Don't worry," she insisted. "I know what to do to jog that memory of yours."

Without a second thought, the girl leaned forward and kissed Luke. His eyes widened at the contact, but suddenly everything came swirling together in his head.

With a soft, happy sigh, Luke placed a hand on the girl's cheek and pulled her closer to deepen the kiss, much to the surprise of his five watchers. The girl smiled during the kiss and though she wanted to continue, she pulled away to see the end results of her 'experiment'.

"Jane," Luke announced as he leaned his forehead against hers. "You are Jane, my beautiful girlfriend of three months, who decided to use our first kiss to make me remember her."

Jane smiled at the answer, nodding her head approvingly. "Right as always, Carlos."

Carlos sighed sadly as he gazed at those that had become his family. "Let me tell them good-bye," he insisted, "before we go home."