A/N: To The Vagabond Scribbler, thank you for your review! Yeah, that is the biggest change I made in regards to Willy's backstory in this version. I felt like him actually living in an orphanage throughout his entire childhood, run by a woman who couldn't care less about the children, seemed more "Roald-Dahl-esque" to me than the way I had it before. And I definitely see where you're coming from that you like to think Wonka is the sole inventor of his candies. It's all up to different interpretations, but the way I see it, I just don't see Wonka having the scientific genius to create these huge technological feats needed for his candies. Wonka is a great showman, a great designer, a great idea man. But he's not a scientist. So if this makes you feel any better about it, the way I thought of it, Wonka created all the ideas for his candies and all the aesthetic choices and pretty much everything else. He just needed the help of the scientists to actually bring his ideas to life (sometimes literally). Another way to think of it: Wonka might have provided some ideas about how he wanted his factory to look, but he wasn't the architect, the engineer, and the sole construction worker who built the thing. It was a collaborative effort of thousands and thousands of people. Yet you'd still say it's Wonka's factory. There's nothing wrong with collaboration in a company. In fact, that's the whole purpose of a company. That's why it's called a company XD So I don't think there's anything wrong with Wonka hiring these scientists as his own workers to use their technological prowess to turn his candy ideas into a reality. Now, you could argue that Wonka didn't give enough credit to his scientists in the public's eye, and yeah, there's certainly some gray morality there. But I like the idea of Wonka not being a perfect person—that he did some things that could be seen as wrong by some people. I mean, we're talking about a man who took an entire culture of people as his own and turned them into his work force. Let us not forget that XD But in slight defense of Wonka, he was always a bit secretive about how he runs his company to the public, so I don't think it was necessarily that he wanted to take all the scientists' work as his own; I think he just liked to be secretive about his company's practices in general. Anyways, sorry my response was so long. As you can tell, I just love talking about Wonka XD To Linkwonka88, glad you're still enjoying the story, and here's the last chapter now!

Log 23

It's been about a year since I've last written in this journal. To be honest, I kinda forgot about it until I found the journal again a couple days ago, so I guess it's a perfect time for me to close it off with one more log describing how things have changed here at the factory since the Oompa-Loompas moved in.

I wanted the Oompa-Loompas to feel right at home here at the factory (you know, except for the part with the deadly creatures and the disgusting food), so I constructed ten Oompa-Loompa Village Complexes throughout my factory for them to live in. They're all modeled after the treetop village they lived in back in Loompaland, except the treehouses are all constructed out of yellow fiberglass, and they all include more elaborate furniture inside.

In addition, I changed the factory's boat system from being a small steamboat to being a replica of the boat the Oompa-Loompas used back on the island. The only difference being that this boat is made out of pink candy.

We added an Oompa-Loompa Marketplace, where the Oompa-Loompas can access all of our meat and produce that is freshly grown within the factory. They love all the food here so much more than the food they had to eat back in Loompaland. Another new addition is the Oompa-Loompa School, where the young ones learn all the ins and outs of what it takes to run the factory.

I designed an outfit for all the Oompa-Loompas to wear while working in the factory. It's a PVC suit with a black-and-white-striped undergarment and black shoes. Their hair is styled to resemble a squiggly curlicue. Their PVC suits come in eleven different colors: red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, purple, pink, black, and white. The color of their suit is dependent upon the room they are currently working in. For example, the suits in the Chocolate Room are red, the suits in the Inventing Room are black, and the suits in the Fizzy Lifting Drinks Room are dark blue.

Ever since they've moved into the factory, I started to teach the Oompa-Loompas how to speak English. They're all very quick learners, so now, all the Oompa-Loompas can speak English fluently. Not only that, but the Oompa-Loompas have since all insisted that they go by English names now. So, Kampo is now Bob, Heekle is now Jerry, Feekee is now Susan, Jasoo is now Doris, and so on.

I left Loompaland with one hundred sixty-five Oompa-Loompas, but since there are no predators here in the factory, their numbers have since been growing, which is good, because I need a lot of employees for my factory. Right now, I think we're at about two hundred fifty Oompa-Loompas. Once we get enough Oompa-Loompas here, I think their birth rate will go down so they can keep a balanced population.

The Great Glass Elevator system has now been equipped with an Oompa-Loompa-accessible mode. Each glass elevator station now has two buttons—one to call an elevator designed for me, and another one to call an elevator designed for the Oompa-Loompas. The Oompa-Loompa elevator has all the buttons located near the bottom on three of the walls, rather than all the buttons covering the entirety of one wall, like in the elevator designed for my use.

Our special Oompa-Loompa scientists are currently continuing to study all things science—chemistry, biology, physics, etc.—so that they can have the means to turn my candy ideas into a reality. Like I said before, the Oompa-Loompas learn very quickly, so they're already quite experienced in their studies, and they've already started working on bringing some of my ideas into fruition. They also have access to all the documents my past scientists wrote when creating their inventions so that they can build upon what they discovered.

I've created some new candies ever since the Oompa-Loompas moved in. They requested that I use some of the ingredients I got from Loompaland in my new candies, so that's exactly what I did. I'm personally not too fond of the taste of snozzberries, but the Oompa-Loompas insisted that it's just an acquired taste and that I should still use its flavor in a few of my candies. So, I created three new Wonka Bars: Succulent Snozzberry, Dark Succulent Snozzberry, and White Succulent Snozzberry. That brings my Wonka Bar total to two hundred four. I also added snozzberries to my Lickable Wallpaper along with all the other fruits.

Another one of my new candies is called Pixy Stix, which is basically flavored candy powder. Its name comes from the fact that the powder is made from ground up pixa leaves, just like the Oompa-Loompas did back in Loompaland. Flavoring is then added to the powder to make it taste good. It comes in four flavors: Cherry, Orange, Maui Punch, and Grape.

Finally, we're currently working on a new candy called Luminous Lollipops. As their name implies, they're lollipops that glow in the dark. I got the idea after seeing the wonderful luminous butterflies in Loompaland. Luckily, the Oompa-Loompas brought some green caterpillars with them, so we actually raise the caterpillars in the factory so they can grow into the luminous butterflies. My scientist Oompa-Loompas are currently developing a machine that will be able to take luminous butterflies, extract their luminous properties, and put that luminescence into the lollipops. Hopefully, everything will work out.

Other than all that, I think that's about it. Ever since I opened my factory back up, the world has gone crazy! Everyone is ecstatic that I'm making candies again, and I'm making higher sales than I ever have before! It seems like everything is good again in the world. Or at least, in the world of Willy Wonka candy. The people are happy I'm making candy again, I'm happy I get to continue making candy without having to worry about spies, and the Oompa-Loompas are happy they don't have to eat revolting food or have to worry about predators anymore. Life really couldn't be better right now. I'm thinking back to what the Oompa-Loompas told me back in their homeland—that I was the one spoken of in their prophecy that would come save the tribe. I didn't believe it at all then, but I guess I did end up saving the tribe in a way, didn't I? Well, I guess this Willy Wonka signing off from the "Loompaland Log" one final time. So long!