Hey guys, and here's a chapter that is going to have a flashback. Though, this will be some dark shit. But I know that it'll explain Izuku a lot more, and change people's view of the world that surrounds him. This is going to be why Izuku isn't ever going to turn the path of villainy, and why he's not going to be the edgy person people want him to be, and lash out at everyone. So, here's the chapter where everything, I hope, makes sense. Chapter 16.

Izuku POV

A few years ago, I saw the truth of the world for people like me.

People who dare to not lie down and accept their fate as useless.

I was walking home from school, toward the Dojo.

'Okay. So, I just got to say to Master Bang that I don't want to attend anymore. I'll say it's because I don't have enough time, and blame the exams.'

I felt really guilty, but at the same time, I felt like I was standing still.

Despite me being strong, no one cared.

I remembered Master Bang teaching me restraint, but… it was hard not to lash out.

I was so close to that day, when Bakugou tore my notebook in half, and threw it out.

He laughed, and I felt like showing him my strength.

I wanted to hurt him. Despite what my Master taught me.

But I wasn't restrained that day.

The only thing that kept me from hurting him that day was the fact that I didn't have the chance to.

He walked out of the classroom, before I could hurt him, cackling about putting me down.

'I'm sorry Master, but I can't find time to continue. I'll try to come later, if I can manage my school work, but I want to take a break.'

What I wanted was an excuse not to be so restrained.

I wanted to show them I was strong.

I wanted to show them all.

How idiotic that was.

"Hey! You're under arrest."

I heard that as I walked down the road.

I remembered seeing arrests ever since I was 7.

But this one… would scar me for my life, and show me what people do to people like me.

I raised my eyebrow, and looked over, towards an alleyway.

I took my phone out, and started recording.

That's what my master told me to do for arrests.

I saw a guy, wearing casual clothes, being pulled out of the alleyway, towards the wall.

He had blonde hair, and seemed to be foreign, first speaking in English, then started speaking in Japanese.

'Why doesn't he use his quirk? Is it because…'

Realization struck me for the first time in my life.

'Is he like me…'

"Hey! For what reason?!"

He was then slammed against the brick wall.

The policeman poured an entire bottle of whiskey on him, which made the man cough out the alcohol.

"You… were Driving under intoxication."

"What?! Why did you pour that on me?! I'm not drunk!"

"Now… who's going to say that you are innocent if they give you a breathalyzer?"

"What? What the hell is this for?!"

"If you don't stop, I'll put a fucking cap in your head!"

He continued to struggle, saying,

"Why? What did I do?!"

A gunshot went off, and the man who was previously struggling stopped.

The situation became clear.

This was a murder.

"Stay down! That's what you deserve!"

Several more bullet shots were heard by me.

I felt like throwing up.

The man's head was destroyed.

His entire body was destroyed.

I shakily stopped recording, but dropped my phone.

It made a clank sound as the flip phone I had at the time shattered against the concrete.

My face flared up with anxiety.

The police officer looked, and saw a shadow, where I hid behind the trash can.


I ran, faster than I could handle.

At that time, I could only run average speeds, at 6 miles per hour.

I ran across the street, towards an alleyway, trying to hide.

'If I'm caught… I'm dead!'

I felt like I couldn't hide anywhere.

He knew that he was quirkless, and took it to his advantage.

What was he going to do against a kid who is even weaker?

Eventually, I hid behind a trash can, on another alleyway.

I tried keeping quiet, but I couldn't.

My body was shaking.

I had my hands on the side of my head.

I buried myself into my knees.

I felt like I was next to go.

The man shot a few extra bullets around.

'I'm… sorry… Master Bang.'

"So you think you can get away from me, criminal? Well not on my watch! You are going to jail!"

He didn't see me.

In his eyes, which I could barely see, he wasn't happy.

My blood rushed to my head.

I felt like I was about to pass out.

I couldn't… breathe.

'I'm sorry… Mom.'

Just when he was about to go near the trash can, someone appeared.

"Hello there officer."


The officer saw… my Master.

Master bang saw me, but pretended like he didn't, wearing a face of… searching.

"Have you seen a young boy? He has green hair, he's a small child, freckles. I was supposed to meet him earlier."

I was controlling my breathing, now that he came in front of me.

I felt much more calm, and tears started to spring up from my eyes.

I made sure I was quiet, forcing my sobs into my hands.

The police officer put his gun back, and ran off.

The man seemed like he didn't want to deal with a quirkless old man, so he retreated.

"Find him yourself, old man! Or you can get a hero!"

Even when he left, my sobs went into my hands.

Master Bang sighed.

"People give no respect to the older generation anymore, do they?"

He looked down at me, with one knee on the ground.

"You saw something he did, didn't you?"

I moved my dirty hands away from my eyes.

He looked deep into me, especially my eyes.

He could always see what I was feeling.

Both his knees went onto the sharp pavement, and he let me cry out onto him

He patted my head, as I continued to release my frustration, my anger, my sadness.

"I'm sorry… boy. You weren't supposed to see that. I… didn't want you to see that for years..."

Eventually, I stopped crying.

"Now, you understand why I wanted you to keep restrained?"

I shook my head.

"Why? Why do people deserve that? He didn't even do anything wrong!"

He looked down at me, standing up.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see his grim expression.

"That happens. It happens… even to the best of us."

I looked up to him.

"I am quirkless as well. That was not the only person who they hurt."

His tears sprung out, and he fell down on his knees once again, and cried onto me, as I did.

Eventually, our tears slowed, and we stood up, with heavy hearts.

He walked me back home, holding my hand tight.

He cleared his face of any tears, so I did the same.

My mom was concerned, but my master stuck up for me, saying I was with him.

After worrying, and telling me to promise not to be reckless again, my Master left, and I walked in, with a broken phone in my pocket.

I remember the next day, where the news of this broke out.

The police officer reported that the man, who was unnamed, was drinking and driving,

A lot of my elementary school classmates said things like,

They kept saying "if he didn't" or "if he did".

As I walked down the hallway to my classroom, I heard them speak about the man

If he wasn't driving drunk, he wouldn't have died.

If he wasn't resisting arrest, he wouldn't have died.

If he wasn't quirkless... he wouldn't have died.

None of them knew the horror that man had gone through.

No one… except me.

This time, I turned my eyes and ears off.

I stopped listening to them.

'I'm sorry Master. I can't afford to be mad or angry. Otherwise… I don't want my mother to find my corpse rotting on a dead alleyway.'

I pushed myself to keep going to Martial Arts.

I broke barriers I didn't think possible.

People continued to call me weak.

But I didn't care anymore.

My eyes and ears were now fully focusing, as my master instructed me, but I felt so empty that I didn't care about their qualms with me.

So I continued to wall myself from everyone, to avoid lashing out.

They had no idea what I'd been through.

My eyes had darkened that day.

They were no longer the shining green that they were just a few months ago.

They had become dull.

On my way home that day, I looked towards the blue sky.

'I'll achieve my dream… without any of them. I'll work on my own, and get there. I'll make sure that… Master Bang… Mom…. Both of you, will have someone like me you can be proud of. I'll be the person they will never dismiss as weak.'

Most people took one look at my dullened eyes and avoided me, calling me a 'creep'.

But I told myself I didn't care.

I continued to run past them, past everyone.

I won every tournament.

Every competition.


Yet I didn't feel accomplished.

My life… felt still empty.

I… felt… lonely.

I was 13 at the time, and… I felt more empty than usual.

That no one cared about me… even if my mom and my Master did.

I kept telling myself I was fine, but that was one of the only times I didn't tell her about anything.

Luckily, or unfortunately, she trusted me, continuing to smile and embrace me, not knowing how much that meant to me at that time, and especially now.

I fell to sleep, watching the moon come over my window.

Then, I got out of my bed.

I looked at my phone, a OnePlus 5, and searched up something.

Jobs. Carriers. Schools. Family.

Anything to keep me from feeling empty.

Then, I saw the website for the school of All Might.

'Wait… UA!'

I remembered the first video, one from years ago, about All Might walking out of the rubble.

One who, as far as I knew… just worked hard to get in UA, with or without a quirk, and became the number one hero.

He… went to UA.

So that's where I had to go.

The only place that accepted quirkless heroes like me.

A place where I… could become... THE STRONGEST HERO.

And that's a wrap. Thanks for reading. Anyways, I really wanted to post this chapter since nearly the beginning, since everyone was claiming that I was missing details, Izuku was ooc, the teachers were, etc, but this chapter would come out of nowhere with what I had established, so I decided to post a filler chapter that would lead into this chapter, then this. So, thanks for reading, and I'm going to work on the 17th chapter.