Zuko runs through his forms his shirt folded and his shoes setting on top of them

"LIGHTNING GUY!" zuko pauses in his form looking over to see a pink girl and a girl who looks kind of like a badger frog.

"Lightning guy?" he asks

"YEA! You totally blocked azula's lightning attack." she tells him poorly mimicking proper lightning form.

"it's not hard, azula tends to throw lightning at me whenever we see each other." he adds sitting down on the sand

"That seems dangerous ribbit." tsuyu says and mina gasps .

"Are you azula's secret boyfriend."

"No." zuko says shuddering and mina takes out her phone snapping a photo of zuko and sending it with their location off to azula "And you've texted her. ." he sighs


"So what are you doing at the beach? Meeting friends?"

"No, training."

"OH what's your quirk?" Mina asks excitedly.

"It's very similar to azula's quirk." he says offhandedly standing up.

"Thats awesome azula's quirk rocks, blue fire is so cool. "

"My flames tend to be red, blue is azula's specialty."

"Oh thats cool too." she says backtracking

"Its fine, everyone has always been more impressed with azula's bending with mine, I don't need approval."

"Of course you don't, you where the firelord." Zuko looks up to see azula on the banister above him before she throws herself over landing next to him.

"You look rough, how long have you been here zuko."

"Since yesterday afternoon, I burnt endeavours face."

"Good for you." azula says

""Number two hero endeavour ribbit?"

"yes, he deserved it though he's an awful father."

"Oh, im sorry you had to deal with that." mina tells him "Its fine, azula do you live near here you got here very quickly." he changes the subject "Something like that, so what have you been doing alone on a beach." "Running through old forms, i haven't ran through them in years."

"Oh you mean the ancient forms you've bastardized with other forms of bending?"

"They beat you." he counters. And mina snorts.

"Wow he got you." she says and azula glares.

"Look azula, before you challenge me to an agni kai, i have no reason to accept a challenge."

"Of course you would, you're honor would demand it." she says covering one eye to mock him.

"I'm just surprised your coherent, after the day of black sun you always seemed off, much more than usual." he tells her rising. "Besides many of my forms are from sun warrior teachings."

She snorts "sun warriors, they died out long before we did."

"No, uncle iroh found them."

"Oh yes your fuddyduddy uncle"

"Uh guys, don't fight please. We just wanted to enjoy the beach!" mina yells getting in between the two reborn firebenders.

"Is bending what you call your quirks?" tsuyu asks the two.

"Firebending." azula supplies

"Did you two name your quirks together?"

"Yes we did." azula supplies

"You two must have been close ribbit."

"Not really, we were always pitted against each other."

Ashido looks around awkwardly. "So… azula want to join our beach day?"

"Beach day? Is that what this is and you just managed to find poor zuzu?"

Mina nods and azula looks at him. "You just can't catch a break, always running into heroes, first that group of rejects and now the pink girl and a badger frog."

"Pink girl?" "Whats a badger frog?" tsuys asks finger on her chin.

"Ignore her, she thinks she's a people person." zuko tells her standing up.

"You're welcome to stay too, everyone was impressed by you moving to block azula's attack."

"And I got scolded for it." azula scoffs.

"You threw lightning at a teacher." tsuyu deadpans.

"Zuko was pretending to be quirkless, it was the easiest way to force his hand."

"You didn't have to do anything azula." zuko tells her.

"Of Course I did, you need to be pushed into action. Without a cause you would sit on your hands all day." mina jumps in between them. "How about volleyball?" she cuts in breaking up the argument. If this counts as an argument for the two.

Azula grins darkly. "I get zuzu." mina flinches unsure of her decision at the look on her face.

Mina stairs at the firebending siblings standing next to each other, she realizes how similar the two of them look before azula throws the ball into the air jumping and knocking it towards them mina knocking it back azula knocking it up and zuko jumping and powerserving it tsuyu having to jump to the side to knock it back. And the look in azula's eyes make her realize their mistake..

Mina lays on the sand gasping for air. "Monsters, you two are monsters" she says as tsuyu pokes at glass formed on the sand.

"Did you have to set the ball on fire?" she asks.

"yes I did."

Zuko's stomach growls and mina giggles. "You haven't eaten since yesterday have you?" she asks sitting up

"I've had a lot on my mind" he tells her and she smiles " let's go into the city and get something to eat, im hungry too." she says "I could eat, ribbit." tsuyu agrees.

"I could eat and zuko will pay for me."

"No i won't, my card might be shut off now so this may be my last meal for a while."

"You've been poor before, you'll be fine." she says dismissively

"That's really mean azula."

"You could work in another tea shop." she suggests.

"I hate tea." he deadpans as he pulls mina to her feet "Enough arguing, food" she tells them

"Yea you guys argue too much."

The 4 of them sit in a small restaurant azula and zuko having ordered the hottest thing off of the menus

"So, you even have similar taste in food." tsuyu notes

" it reminds us of where we used to live." zuko supplies

"No, the food was better back home."

"I miss fire flakes." zuko adds

"Why aren't you in the hero course?" tsuyu asks suddenly.

"Your first instinct was to protect people, that sounds like a hero."

"I'm selfish. I wanted a simple life."

"Oh please zuko,i dont think youre capable of having a simple life." she mocks

"And I don't think you have it in you to be a hero, to much like ozai." he slams a few bills onto the table standing up.

"That's enough for today." he turns and leaves azula glaring at the door shaking with rage.

Zuko wanders through the streets 'damn azula' he thinks angrily eyes widening as a massive bolt of yellow lightning flies into the sky a few blocks away. He makes his way towards it turning a corner to see a giant woman, and a scraggly looking man holding his palm against a young woman's head.

"Ill fry her if you come closer!" "Just let her go, no one has to get hurt." she starts to shrink and the man panicks his hand starting to spark as zuko rushes him ripping his hand away from her head and redirecting the electricity into the sky gritting his teeth at the unnatural feel of the lightning passing through his body the man panicking and trying to shock zuko as mt lady pulls the girl away slamming her foot into him zuko falling on his butt his palms smoking.

"Thank you." the girl says and zuko looks up to see mt lady shrinking down and walking towards them .

"Nice save kid." she says before chopping him on the head

"That was so stupid, look at your hands"

"You were not the hero i was expecting to hit me today." he mutters holding his head

"Hey you're that kid from u.a!" a reporter yells from the crowd gathering around them

"What's your relationship with the up and coming hero azula?!."

"Will you be attending ua?!"

"Do you have a girlfriend?!" everyone turns to look at a random girl in the crowd zuko's cheeks tinting red.

"And that's my cue to go." he says standing only to feel a hand on his shoulder.

" Oh no you don't." Mt lady says.

"I'm not answering the police officer's questions alone." she says holding him in place her hand much too tight for it to be a kind gesture.

"I knew my quirk could redirect him, and her life was in danger. It wasn't a choice." zuko say to the officer who writes it down. "And how did you know your quirk would work."

"Because if it didn't someone could have died."

"Mt lady could have taken care of it." the officer scolds.

"What a mean thing to call her." he deadpans and mt lady spits out her drink turning on him angrily.

"You brat."

"Normally we would have to take you in, but your father told us it won't happen again so were going to let you off of the hook this time."

Nedzu sit in his office and the teachers all gathered with him

"I'm sure you all remember The boy from yesterday." he gets a chorus of agreement.

"There has been multiple people contacting me to accept him at the school. And earlier today he helped mt lady take down a villain and rescue a civilian."

"Not another problem child." aizawa says slamming his head down onto the table

"I think this zuku todoroki is just the kind of hero this school was made for." he says happily ignoring aizawa's outburst completely.