Kara walked with food in hand to Lena's office. Today had been quite the rough day, first off Snapper was a total douchebag, Mon-El having sex in the supply closet of Catco with Eve, which was totally gross. And Cadmus being an absolute hell.

So she could really use some distraction, and who is better than her new friend? Who she still owed something... which was quite scary. Because Kara didn't know what to expect of Lena, yet. She knocked on the door since Jess, Lena's secretary, already left for the day. Not long after she heard a muffled "Come in" And with that Kara opened the door and stepped inside.

The majestic room was clean as ever, Lena sat in her chair and looked up from her work. A bright smile plastered across her face as she exclaimed "Darling!" Lena quickly stood up and walked with a quick step towards Kara. There they hugged and Lena said in Kara's ear "It's always good to see you."

Kara's hairs all across her body stood up, just because she felt Lena's hot breath against her ear. Lena let go of Kara and motioned to go sit on the couch. Lena gracefully sat down and Kara sat down beside her. Without a problem Kara placed the bag containing the food on the table and started to unpack it. She went to the Chinese restaurant and got quite some food, not knowing what Lena would like. And that didn't go unnoticed by Lena "Kara, darling, why did you bought that much food?"

Kara ducked her head and sheepishly smiled. A bit nervous she said "I-I-uh- Didn't know what you wanted."

Lena chuckled and rested her arm on the back of the couch "Darling, just chow mein is good enough." Kara nodded and looked up, her face got red and she quickly focused on the task in front of her. The last thing she grabbed out of the bag was two boxes of potstickers, her favourite.

She looked at Lena and asked "Do you have cutlery? I am terrible at eating with sticks." Lena chuckled and stood up, she walked to a drawer on the side of her office and grabbed two sets of cutlery. With that she walked back and sat down, this time she sat directly next to Kara. Their thighs and shoulders touching. Lena grinned when she saw Kara turn red.

"So, darling. You obviously have come here for a reason. If you want to rant, you are more than welcome." Kara nodded and started to talk about her day and about how the image of Mike and Eve was imprinted on her mind, which she absolutely hated. Lena just listened and smiled sometimes. After some time, when Kara was telling her about that Snapper wanted her to write an objective piece about Cadmus Lena placed a hand on Kara's knee. Which made the woman turn bright red and stop in the middle of her story.

Lena chuckled and said "Kara, darling. If I go too far you can tell me, I know I have never gone far- but I can't want anymore."

Kara's head snapped towards Lena as she asked "What?"

"I know you want to take things slow with us dating. But darling, you looking this perfect- I can't wait anymore."

Kara looked shocked for a moment before gulping her saliva down. The thoughts of 'I didn't know we were dating, were we?' raced through Kara's mind. So she nodded since the thought of 'Play along' playing in her mind.

She found her voice again and said "I-I am sorry. I didn't know you had a big of a problem with it- I just- I don't want to make mistakes." To make things perfect Kara started to look down, acting like she felt terrible.

An index finger found her chin and lifted it up. Lena and Kara looked each other directly in the eye. "Darling, you won't fuck up. You never could. I already have fallen too deep for you." Kara slowly nodded and gulped her saliva down again, since she didn't expect this.

Lena slowly leaned forward, leaving room for Kara to move away. But Kara knew she needed to act upon Lena's feelings to make this feel real, even though she didn't know Lena and her were in a relationship. Which was a real surprise for her, because she never expected this day to turn out this way. But for some reason it did. And she couldn't really hate the day anymore.

So Kara moved forward, their lips connected. And with that they had their first kiss, a short and sweet kiss. But it was a kiss, no tongue was involved. But Kara kinda liked it. Lena still had her eyes closed and a bright smile on her face when Kara opened hers. Kara's smile turned bright since she saw what she did to Lena, how happy she made her. And it was safe to say that Kara would do quite much for Lena. Mostly because she was the only friend she could be Kara with, and not just Supergirl.

Lena finally opened her eyes and her eyes met Kara's. In a hushed tone she said "Thank you," Kara nodded and waved it off, Lena shouldn't have to thank her for this. "No I mean it, thank you. I just couldn't wait anymore. And you gave me what I asked for." Kara just nodded again, but she wasn't listening anymore. She grabbed the box of potstickers and started to eat them, since they were still luke-warm. But she enjoyed it.

And with that they started to talk and eat, Kara was quieter than before since she had to get over of the previous shock. When Kara was leaving Lena gave Kara one last kiss, one that was a bit rougher than before, and with that Kara left. Kara flew towards her home and started to thinking, thinking about what the hell happened and she came to one conclusion "I am fucked."