
Dipper tilts his head up and looked at the waitress, something seemed familiar about her. She was about the same age as he is and was about as tall as Mabel, her silky blonde Elsa style hair was long and braided reaching down to her waist. Her dark blue eyes and purple eye shadow made her more appealing, she had green pine tree earrings on both of her ears, the smell of Roses coming from her black and white uniform send a pleasant smell to Dipper's nose.

He took one last good look at her before something hit his mind like a boxing glove.

"No way!" He thought, "Pacifica?" He spoke thinking out loud.

The waitress stopped writing on her note and looked at Dipper.

"Dipper?" The waitress continued.

Chapter 5: Familly matter

Pacifica's POV

The cold morning breeze was passing through my ruffled hair sending a chilling sensation down my spine. I was lying flat on my bed with my head rested on the Cozy pillow, it almost felt like I was sleeping with a bunch of clouds.

As I continued to drift off to sleep, I could hear the door started to creak sending an unpleasant tone to my eardrums.

I groan and slowly peeped my eyes open, from the distance I could see a blurry figure tiptoeing towards me.

I closed my eyes and pretend to sleep, I could sense him getting closer and closer.

My bed started to tilt to the side like someone is sitting on it. I rolled my body to the side and instantly a strong smell of body cologne hits my nose.

I peeped my eyes open to see a man dressed in a white and blue tuxedo smiling at me, he reached his hand out and started to stroke my hair.

"Father?" I whispered, the figure suddenly stopped his doing and hugged me.

I was stunned at first and really not knowing what to do but the warmth and comfort he was giving me I just couldn't resist, I lean my body up from my sleeping position and hugged him back.

I started to hear sobbing coming out from the man.

"Father what's going on?" I asked puzzled.

"Daddy is so sorry." He whimpered hugging me tighter every second.

Daddy? I haven't heard those words in so long, I don't know what had gotten into him but I was terrified. I snuffed my head into his chest and started crying as well.

I could feel warm hands holding both of my shoulders, surely enough I was gently being pushed back. It was so quick I didn't even notice, he was like a ghost.

I wiped some of my tears away and focused my vision on the door, there I saw my very own father standing in front of it, he twists the doorknob and it opened sending a bright light to shine into my room.

I held my arms up and covered my eyes, the light was so bright that it made me go blind for a couple of moments.

It settled after a moment, I moved my arms away and saw my father walking out of my room with his back facing towards me.

I jumped from the side of my bed and on to my feet and soon started running towards him but no matter how hard I run, he keeps drawing distance from me.

I yelled and screamed at him but he doesn't seem to take any notice of me whatsoever. He just keeps walking forward with his back facing towards me.

"Goodbye Pacifica, be a good girl to your mother. You will always be my little girl." He stated before walking out of my room and into the light

"DAD, WAIT DON'T GO! DAD DAD!" I yelled reaching out to him.

And the next thing I knew everything went pitch black.








"Dad!" I woke up with a sudden jolt, I was panting heavily with sweat starting to stream down my forehead. I frantically moved my eyes towards the front door and noticed that he wasn't there, I flinched to the buzzing sound coming from beside me.

I looked at the direction to see my alarm clock constantly bleeping, 6:45 am it says flashing in red LED.

"It was just a dream." I sigh while rubbing both of my eyes with my finger.

The sound of chicken clucking was heard outside my room, that alone gave me a cue to start to get up from my bed.

I yawned and extend my arms and legs, it sends a pleasant cracking sound as I do it.

I scratch the side of my head before I got out from my bed and started walking towards the bathroom as I was walking I could feel every step I took made my ankles to ache.

I mumbled out a few words and decide to just cope with the pain. I made my way into the bathroom and flipped on the switch, in an instant the light flickered on. I walked up to the sink and briefly wash my face up with cold water.

As I finished drying my face up with a towel, I looked up to the mirror and saw a pair of dark blue eyes glaring back at me with messy blonde hair dangling over its shoulder.

I sigh once again before turning my back and went into the shower.

I took off my pyjamas and flipped the lever and soon enough a stream of hot water started to flow down from the tiny holes.

Life has been rough recently for my family, from dad selling the mansion so we can stay wealthy and to me losing one of my ponies but the worst part is when dad decided to leave us about a month after we settle into our new house.

It wasn't clear to me why he did these, I was only 13 when it happened. It was already past my bedtime, I tucked myself under my blanket with my stuffed animal held close to me. My body was shaking and my eyes were drenched with tears.

I could hear both of my parents cursing and yelling at each other like animals, every word they threw at one another made my body felt limb like someone is stabbing you constantly.

I covered both of my ears with my hands trying to block off the sound, I started to think about happy places like my teacher always thought me but it didn't seem to work at all.

My mind was flooded with questions and fear, at some point I feel like I am going to turn completely bonkers and with that, I heard a loud bang occur from downstairs sending a shockwave that rattles my room.

My body started shivering as I went out of the shower, it took me about 20 minutes to dry myself up and get dressed. I went with my usual working clothes consist of a white polo t-shirt with black stripes around it alongside with a pair of black jeans and a green pine tree earrings to top it off. I also decided to braided my hair and went with a rose smelling perfume.

I did a quick inspection of myself before walking out of my room and went downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going to the Diner!" I exclaimed walking down the stairs.

I peered my way through the kitchen and saw no one, I leaned my body back and tilt my head to the direction of the living room.

"Mom?" I asked once again.

I paused and lifted my eyebrows placing a finger on my chin, I jerked my eyes into the fridge and saw a note pinned to the side. BINGO! I exclaimed as I walked over to it.

"Pacifica, I'm off to work. I left you some lunch money at the drawer, and please lock the door when you go out."

Love mom

It ended with a kiss on it, I shrugged and tilt my head to the drawer beside me and like the note stated I saw a pair of twenty-dollar bill pressed against a mug. With one swift I swiped the cash out and stuffed it into my pocket.

My relationship with my mother had been going well. We started bonding and as a matter of fact, we shared a lot of things in common but it wasn't easy for her to cope the feeling that dad had abandoned us, I could remember hearing cries from her room in the middle of the night. I have to be honest I feel kind of bad for her since she kept blaming herself for it, I wanted to help her I really do but every time I tried I just couldn't get myself together and stand up for her.

Luckily though a couple of months later she started to move on from the past and focused on the future, I was transferred to a new school and she started working as a marketing agent in some company. I still have a little bit of contact with my father though it's in the form of short text messages.

He was still generous enough to send us money monthly but mom didn't take it well. She didn't accept any of them no matter how much my dad gives her.

I know that my family had financial problems and that is where I decided to work at the diner. At first, everyone was shocked to see a northwest like me working in a place like that but for your information, I'm not like my other relatives.

And so I started to work that every day after school and some evening shift in the holiday and I have to say I make quite a living out of myself from it despite being a 13 year old at the time.

I made myself a sandwich for breakfast before leaving the house, the distance between my house and the diner wasn't that for. It only took a couple of minutes to get there on foot.

I walking down the road with both of my hands stuffed into my pocket, from the distance I could see a familiar silver car speeding towards me.

The driver honked its horn at me before he passed me. I smirk knowing who the driver was and continue to walk towards the diner. I could see a couple of cars parked in the parking lot, must be a busy day today.

I went through the backdoor and made my way to the kitchen where I was greeted by my workmate, his name was Nathan, He started working here 2 weeks before I did. We become close friend from the start and he was like a brother to me.

"The princess has entered the building, I greet you, your highness." He sarcastically bowed with a spatula in hand.

"Hahaha, very funny." I playfully smack him in the back of his head. "There's a lot of people today huh." I continued looking through the kitchen window to see a couple of dozen people sitting in their table waiting for there order to arrive.

"You can say that again," Nathan replied walking back to his station.

"Where's Lazy Susan?" I asked looking towards the bar.

"The boss? don't know she went out just a minute ago." Nathan stated scooping a spoon full of mashed potato into a plate.

I grabbed my apron from the kitchen hanger and walked out of the kitchen with my notebook in hand. I shifted my head to one of the tables near the window. I could see an old man alongside with their grandkids I supposed, he was wearing an orange flannel shirt and had a huge beard. The girl sitting next to him was supposedly around my age, she was wearing a light blue sweater and have to admit she looks kind of gorgeous with that long wavy hair.

I then focused my looked at the boy who was sitting facing both of them, he looked a little familiar. He was wearing a plain orange T-shirt with a lumberjack hat sitting on his head, he seemed to be occupied with his phone.

I tidy up my clothes before walking towards them with a big smile.

"Have you guys ordered?" I asked.

"No, we haven't." Said the old man. "Kids, what do you want?" He motioned his hand towards the menu.

"I think I'll have the chilli fries." The boy said gesturing his hands towards the picture.

"One chilli fries." I wrote. "Anything else?"

"Maybe with some lemonade." He added

I finished writing down his order, I then shifted my attention to the girl. "And how about you?" I pointed out a pencil towards her.

"I think I'll have the mac n cheese and a can of pit soda." The girl pleaded.

"Ok," I replied writing down her orders, as I was writing down I felt an uncomfortable feeling building inside me like I was being watched by someone, I know I was in a crowded place but it feels different like he is very very close to me.

"Pacifica?" I paused hearing that name rang in my eardrums. I tilted my head towards the direction and saw the boy staring at me with his eyes widened and mouth hung open.

I examined him from the top to bottom, his light brown eyes kept staring at me. I gasped as I suddenly recognize him.

I viewed him once more before I spoke up.


"What are you doing here?" Dipper responded looking at the blonde.

"What am I doing here, wha when ah?" Pacifica stuttered.

"Pacifica?" Mabel questioned raising one of her eyebrows.

"The northwest kid?" Stan inquired.

Pacifica turned her focused on the two figure before recognizing them.

"Mabel?" Pacifica probed, "Stan?" She gestured toward him.

"Omg, it is you" Mabel stated standing up from her seat and walked over to Pacifica opening up her hands in an embrace.

Pacifica tried to back away at that moment but she was a little too late as Mabel wrapped her arms around her body giving her a warm welcoming hug. It lasted for a couple of second until Mabel releases her and placed her hand around Pacifica's shoulder.

"What are you wearing," Dipper questioned looking at her uniform.

"As you already noticed, I work here now," Pacifica answered with an annoyed tone.

"You work here?" Dipper replied giving her an unconvinced laugh.

"Hey! money doesn't grow on trees you know. I have to make living somehow." Pacifica defended crossing both of her arms.

"I thought you can make money appeared just by snapping your fingers." Dipper sarcastically remarked.

"Well, things aren't as easy as it used to," Pacifica answered with a low voice while rubbing her shoulders with his hand.

Dipper frowned hearing this sentence coming from a daughter of a wealthy family, he knew exactly what the Northwest family had been through since he left but he didn't know it was going to go this bad for them, especially for Pacifica.

"Pacifica!" A male voice called for her from across the diner.

"Coming!" Pacifica replied. "Well It's been nice meeting you two, maybe we'll catch up later." She finished and took off.

Dipper watches as Pacifica sprints to another table, he noticed something different from her. She was more obedient and self-aware this time, it's not like her usual self. Dipper kept staring at her as she wrote down orders and he could slowly feel himself falling deep into his thought, his pupil seemed to be bigger the longer he stared at her and his heart was pounding. For a moment he could see Pacifica looking back at him with a seductive look on her face, Dipper was frozen in place not wanting to look away from her.

He gave her the googly before a voice started echoing from beside him, he didn't take full notice of it at first but soon the voice became louder and louder.

"Dipper! Dipper! Dipper!" the voice called for him.

Dipper snapped back to reality as he could feel a sudden force occurred on his body making him sway back and forth.

"Bro, Bro wake up!" Mabel rocking his brother from side to side.

"Wha-what?" Dipper muttered shaking his head in the process.

"What happened bro? you're lost for a second there." Mabel asked sitting next to him.

"What, oh nothing just gazing through the ceiling I guess." He replied placing his elbow against the table and resting his chin on his hand.

"You were staring at Pacifica weren't you?" Mabel teasingly declared.

A part of Dippers cheek was turning red hearing this, as he soon struggled to make an excuse for himself.

"What? Me staring at her? Pftt c' mon how can you say that." Dipper stuttered in denial.

"Then why are you blushing?" Mabel pleaded.

"I'm not blushing, I'm just hot ok," Dipper replied with an irritated tone.

"You can't-fool me Dipper." Mabel teased with a sly smirk.

"I have to warn you kid, love is a dangerous game. You know what happens the last time you flirt with a girl." Stan suddenly intervene.

"I already told you I don't like her." He smacked the table and raised his voice at the end making the whole diner including Pacifica to look at him with a stunned look.

"Sheesh kid relax, we were only messing around. You don't need to get all jacked up like that." Stan commented

"I'm sorry, I have been feeling kinda off lately." Dipper sighed face palming himself.

"It's ok bro-bro, that's what puberty does to you," Mabel stated comforting her brother.

"Puberty?" Dipper thought to himself.

Northwest Mansion

Two figure could be seen standing beside another, one was wearing a tan coat alongside a red turtleneck. He was also wearing a pair of black pants followed by brown bulky boots. He has dark grey hair with a long streak of silver along the sides. He has light blue eyes and was wearing big rectangular glasses and assuming by the number of fingers present in his hands he has polydactyly.

The other figure standing beside him was wearing a dark brown lab coat alongside followed by a pair of solid black shorts exposing his hairy and wrinkly legs. He also wears sandals as footwear, he had a cowboy style hat covering his head alongside some green spectacles. He also has a long orange nose. He was typing some codes on his laptop which was hooked up into his neck by a belt.

"Are you sure, the anomaly you're searching is in my manor?" The figure with the laptop asked.

"Fiddleford my old friend, I'm 99.89 percent sure." He started writing something in his journal.

"You know this will cost me a fortune right?" Fiddleford probed.

"Believe me it is all going be worth it if we find it." The other figure affirmed.

"If." Fiddleford sighed punching the last key on his keyboard, the screen on the laptop turned red with a warning hazard bleeping in the middle of it. Fiddleford hesitated for a moment, tapping his fingers on the side of the laptop. "Are you sure about this ford? You know we are about to blow up a piece of history here."

Stanford finished writing down his research in his journal, he ticked the pages before closing the book and examine the manor. He rubbed most of his chin with his hand while giving an utterly unsure look.

He sighed before turning his attention to his partner. "We've got this far, it's now or never."

"I'm going to regret this," Fiddleford exclaimed in his thoughts. "Ok then, now get to cover."

With that said, ford immediately dashed into his hiding spot alongside fiddleford. They were hiding in a ditch a couple of meters away from the mansion. They stick out half of their heads up to see a full view of the manor.

Fiddleford drew his hand close into the ENTER key and slowly started a countdown.

"Commencing in."











A loud explosion occurred on the manor sending a pile of debris and soil into the air. Ford and Fiddleford tucked themselves deep within the ditch covering their heads with their hands. The shockwave was so huge it sends a couple of trees behind them to fly.

Minutes passed since the explosion, Ford went out from his hiding spot while waving his hands trying to clear out the dusty and unpleasant view. He coughed a few times before Fiddleford came out with his cowboy hat nowhere to be found revealing his minimum presence of hair.

The place of once stood a beautiful mansion was now replaced by a big crater with piles of debris and chunks of wood scattered around the area.

Ford took something out of his coat, it shares similarities with his magnet gun the only difference being the tip of the gun was straight instead of a Y shape.

He aimed the device at the crater and pushed down the trigger, it instantly turned on with a loud beeping sound coming out from it.

Ford made his way down to the crater with his device pointed down at the soil, the device flashed blue as he kept walking.

He stopped his movement the moment he saw something caught in his vision, it was supposedly glowing sending an illuminating blue light. Ford aimed his device at the sighting and immediately the normal beeping noise became an ear-popping ring and the flashing blue light turned static green, a smirk formed in his face. He holstered the device back into his coat before walking up to the material and grabbing it with his bare hands.

The material was shaped like a stone, it has holes all over its body but what makes it unique is its inner side was pulsing, sending a bright blue beam of light to shine through its holes.

"You found it?" Fiddleford called in walking up towards his colleague. "Wooihh that's a live one!"

"Fiddleford my good friend, our research has come to success!" Ford exclaimed putting the material into a plastic-like container.

Fiddleford took a step forward and admire the material at a close distance. He stared at it for quite a while until a worried expression came into his face.

"I don't know ford maybe we shouldn't do it," Fiddleford suggested backing away from the material.

"What? Why? You just blow up your house because of this." Ford exclaimed.

"I don't care about the house, I'm worried about that thing your holding something tells me it's going to bring some bad news for us," Fiddleford explained.

"C' mon now your just being paranoid," Ford stated.

"I'm not being paranoid Stanford I'm telling you that thing is dangerous!" Fiddleford said raising his voice.

"Look, I agreed to help you find that thing but I don't want to get involved in any of your crazy experiment. I still recall our last incident with that portal we made back in the day. It made me went completely nuts Stanford, it made lose my job and it made me lose my son. But things had changed recently I got my job back and my son's trust and I'm not going to lose that twice."

"Ok, I understand and I'm sorry for what I've done in the past. It was a dumb move I admit and I learned my lesson." Ford apologized placing a hand on his colleague shoulder.

"Thanks, ford," Fiddleford stated.

"Now, how about we went back to the mystery shack and have breakfast there?" Ford suggested

"Sounds good to me," Fiddleford stated.

Minutes passed and they made their way into fiddleford's car. Ford was sitting in the front seat while Fiddleford sat on the driver seat. Fiddleford puts his key into the ignition and turning it to the side that made the car to rumble.

Soon enough they started to cruise away from the area but little did they know, the material inside Ford's container was starting to glow under his coat. It appears to be sparking lightning bolt from its hold as its body was covered in a light blue aura.

And that wraps up the fifth chapter.

I wanted to say thank to CharaDreemurr52 for putting this story into his/her follows.

Thank you, I really appreciated it and thanks to all of you out there who are still reading this story so far.

Feel free to leave any critics and thought in the review box down below or PM me, don't worry I won't bite or will I?

And Mannn it's been a while.

Had a really big writer's block recently but truth be told I actually finished this chapter about 4 days ago.

And yes as you can probably guess I did a rewrite on this, originally this chapter was going to take about 15k words.

But I find 15k words is a little too much and too boring for some people including me so I decided to break down these chapters into several parts.

I will be posting chapter 6 shortly after this or maybe later, idk

Stay tuned for the next one.



(I also forget to mention, in the first chapter Dipper said to Mabel that she was 15 which is technically true but after a couple of research. I noticed that they were still technically 14 since this fic takes place in the month of June 2014 which is 2 years after weirdmageddon and their birthday is at the end of August so yeah)