Author's Notes

Please be advised that there will be different kinds of content in this fic both sexual and violent. It's Game of Thones after all. Enjoy.


Dorne. It has always been my home. It is all I ever knew. My name is Isolda Hotah, daughter of Areo Hotah, Captain of the Martell guard and prince Doran's personal bodyguard. He has served Prince Doran for many years, and earned the title he had. The air was hot today and I found myself bathing in a private pool in the Water Gardens. My father, having the title he had, meant we lived within the palace with other noble families. I serenaded the water as I let my fingers run through the ripples.

This was my life: to wake up and live a fancy life, eat delicious food and talk and walk with the common folk. I didn't see my father much, because of his position, and had many servants to talk to instead. Two of them, joined me in the square pool. We giggled and splashed each other. They had beautiful bright skin and soft supple skin. Long dark hair that disappeared into the water. This was most of Dorne. I had my father's complexion which is why many knew I was his daughter. My hair was tight in curls like my mother who passed long ago. There's talk that she had Martell blood in her. One of the large windows in the room let in the sun and the heat.

"So I have heard rumors." Lyenne stated. She had a sharp chin and cat like eyes. She loved to gossip.

"Oh I can only imagine what you have heard." Summeria said. She had a round young face and gentle eyes.

"I heard Prince Doran and considering going back into the fold with the other six kingdoms." she said lowly as she swam closer to us. After Tywin Lannister sacked Kings Landing and ordered a warrior to rape and murder Elia Martell and her two children, the world in Dorne grew black and the kingdom separated from the fold of the others. Summeria scoffed gently in disbelief.

"If Prince Doran does that, it's because he wants vengeance on the Lannisters for their horrendous acts." she said, her nose crinkling with her anger. Because of my father's position I knew the Martells first hand.

Prince Oberyn is much older than me, but we have a very close bond. Some may call it love, but I knew my future was meant for something else. I always wanted to marry Oberyn, but he loves everyone as much as he loves his country. I wanted a man who only wanted me, who worshiped the ground I walked on.

"If Prince Doran truly wishes to do this then that usually means setting someone up for marriage. He has no daughters, and he would never marry anyone in his family to a Lannister." I explained moving my hands gently in the water. This was of no concern to me however. Politics had nothing to do with me. I walked up the steps of the pool a golden ring around my hip that had white fabric flowing around my legs with water gliding off them. I wore nothing else, my breasts bear yet covered by my thick hair. I sat down in one of the chairs and poured myself a glass of wine.

"I am sure whatever the prince is planning it is in the best interest of us all." I replied. Just as I spoke, I saw Oberyn entering the room with his usual devious smile.

"I am always planning things in your best interest, my beautiful Isolda." he purred. I smiled at my good friend.

"My prince." I replied as he moved over to me leaning down to plant a delicious, and lust filled kiss upon my lips. He knew what I craved almost every time. He pulled back and caressed my cheek with his hand before looking at Lyenne and Summeria. "It is a perfect day for a swim. May I join you ladies?"

My servants giggled and laughed as they were chest to chest with each other.

"Of course, Prince Oberyn." Summeria soothed. I watched as Oberyn removed his royal robes, his bare bottom facing me now. He glanced back at me and winked before moving to enter the water with the girls. His hands hooked on each of their hips and I watched him share a passionate kiss with each of them. I smiled at them and watched them have their fun. My prince loves everyone which is why I could never truly have him. Dorne was open about loving who you wanted, having numerous kids, equality for both genders. It was a blessed place unlike the other kingdoms who frowned on all of it. I gathered my silk gown and placed it over my body and moved from my chair and over to the door.

"You are not staying Isolda?" Lyenne asked. Damn her worrying tone. I turned to them and smiled.

"I must go. I have other matters to attend to today. Drink in the days of pleasure for me." I said happily. Oberyn shot me a concerned glance before I left the room. I'm at the age to be married off. Father and I have discussed that I should find my own husband. Dorne had many single and handsome men. But no one wanted to take the chance with the captain of the guard's daughter. I walked into the garden to dry off under the sun. Guards who passed me bowed in respect as I did as well.

"Isolda!" I heard Prince Doran call and I looked over to see he and my father approaching. I smield at them both.

"My prince. Father." I replied and they both smiled.

"You've left the pools early. I thought you'd be there all day trying to stay cool." Prince Doran replied. I smiled some more thinking he sounded a bit too surprised that I had left.

"I thought I would go into town today and talk with some of the traders today." I replied. The price nodded, smiling warmly.

"Of course. The people love it when you visit them. We will be hosting our annual dueling tournaments soon, I trust you will be there." he announced and I nodded.

"Yes. I wouldn't miss it for anything." I replied warmly and he nodded.

"Good. We will speak again." he said and I nodded in agreement as he walked by me, his hands cupped behind his back. Father followed giving a small smile as he passed. My father was always a serious man. He used to laugh more when my mother was alive, but when a sickness took her and it was just he and I, he found it harder and harder to cope. And I was not a reason enough to try and get through her death. But there was love in his eyes for me, that much I knew.

As I said, I visited many people today in the city. I observed the new silks and dresses from traders and spoke with some elderly men who always gather around the fountain to talk about simpler times. Everyone was fed in Dorne. Everyone was happy. But the day was ending, and I found myself walking through the halls of the kingdom once more. The sun was just going down and I decided to bathe and eat lightly before bed. The air was hot as usual and I just stood on my balcony for a moment thinking to myself.

I was finding myself more and more without purpose every day and it was quite upsetting to me. I wanted to be more than just a captain's daughter. I wanted to see the world like many of the princes and princesses had. I had been to King's Landing before but that was it. A gentle knock interrupted my thoughts and I turned and moved over to my door to see my good friend, Oberyn standing there, a soft smile on his lips.

"Oberyn what are you-" But my words were cut off as he leaned in and kissed me hard and rough. His hands cupped my face as he pulled me into him. My body sprang to life at his words as I gently held his wrists.

"I have missed the company of my friend, sweet Isolda." he whispered raggedly against my lips. "May I have you tonight?" I sighed gently and immediately pulled him into my room.