This is not, I repeat NOT, a regular chapter. Rather, these are the letters written between Draco and Harry during the time this story takes place. I had fun writing them, and I hope you have fun reading them. And if not, well, as long as you enjoyed the story, I'm good.

November 6th, 1999


I can't tell you how many drafts of this letter I've written and thrown away. I don't even know if you'll read this one, but I figure the worst that can happen is you'll set the parchment on fire and possibly send me a Howler in return. So, what's the harm, right?

That being said, I hope you do read it, because what I have to say is important. It's about Granger.

But first, I want to apologize (which is incredibly difficult for me, mind you). For all the terrible things I've ever said to you, or every done to you, I'm sorry. I wish I could blame it all on my upbringing, or my circumstances, but I can't. You get under my skin, Potter. You have since the day we met in Madam Malkins. I remember feeling so excited, I thought perhaps I'd met an equal, and when you wouldn't be my mate, well, it made me hate you.

Not that I hate you, mind. Just that, well, I hated you.

Bloody hell. I'm really blowing this, aren't I?

All that's to say, I wish I hadn't been an arrogant, hateful prat. I wish we had been able to be, if not mates, then at least civil to one another. I wish we hadn't fought on opposite sides of a bloody, horrible war. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I just need you to know that I'm sorry.

Now, with that in mind, I need to talk to you about Granger. She's the reason I hope you'll read this letter through to the end.

Granger is someone I've been more horrible to than most. From our first year on, she bested me. At almost everything (well, we both know she's rubbish at flying), she was better. And she was muggleborn. That never sat right with parents, and in my arrogant, prattish youth, it didn't sit right with me. But I was a stupid git. You know that, Potter. And I was dead wrong.

Now, you must wonder why I'm telling you all this. If I feel this way, why not tell Granger? Well, I have. I mean to say, I've apologized for being a prat, I've extended the olive branch, and wouldn't you know it, she's forgiven me. Of course, that's probably not a surprise for you. You got to grow up with her. I mean, I suppose we all grow up together, but you got to grow up with her. So you know how forgiving she is.

I'm rambling. Bloody hell, how is this so hard to say? Well, I suppose I'll just come out and say it then. It's not like you can hex me through post.

Oh, God. Please don't send me something cursed through the post.

Well, I'll just have to risk it.

This morning, Granger sent you a letter telling you that she's seeing someone. I know because I sat with her while she wrote it. I watched her hands shake as she tied the parchment to the owl's leg. And I was there, watching all this, because that someone just happens to be me.

I know, that's seems impossible. Trust me, I can hardly believe it myself, but it's true. Over the past few months, we've become friends. Really good friends. She's still better than me in all our classes, and she still can't fly a broom to save her life, but around that, I've gotten to know her.

I know her favorite dessert is a tie between lemon pastries and pumpkin pie. Her favorite color is blue, and her favorite book is a muggle novel called Little Women. (I read it, just to see what all the fuss was about, and it's actually quite good. Hermione is very much like the Jo character, I think.) I know that Weasley, coward that he is, left the both of you while you were out, risking your lives, to find those damned horcruxes, and that he came back (far too late if you ask me), only to turn around and completely break her heart just weeks before this term began. I know that her parents are being treated for lost memories, because she had to obliviate them to keep them safe, and that aside from them, you're her family. I know that when she smiles, her eyes crinkle around the edges, and when she's thinking particularly hard about something, she chews her bottom lip so hard I'm afraid she may split it. And I know that I care about her more than I've told her, more than I can even give words to.

You, Granger, and even Weasley have been through so much together. When she wrote you, she was afraid. She didn't tell you it was me, because she knew you'd worry, and maybe be angry with her. Given our history, she figured you'd try to come rescue her, or try to come kill me, and she wants-we both want-time to figure out what we are first. What we mean to each other.

But the reason I'm writing you and telling you this, is because I see how much it hurts her for you not to know, to not be able to tell you everything. You know how she gets when she feels passionately about something. She wants to tell everyone she meets, to spread the word far and wide. She's an open book, that one. So feeling like she can't share this with you is eating at her, and I just want to help.

I realize that hearing this may not be something you can wrap your mind around in a single day, if ever. So I'm writing you, risking a Howler or worse, so that you can have time to process all of this without accidentally taking it out on her.

I know it's a lot. I know hearing that a person you love dearly is in a relationship with a person you hate is difficult, but I want-no I need you to know that from this moment forward, I will do everything in my power to make sure she's happy, to keep her safe, and to do everything in my power to make up for all the pain I've caused her.

Granger...Hermione, is the most incredible person I've ever met. I wanted to be upfront with you about all of this, because I desperately want what she and I have to work. And to do that, we'll need you on board. But you can't tell her I told you. She needs to decide when she's ready to tell you, and even though I've really messed that up here, it's for her, for the greater good. So, there's that.

So now you hold my future and my happiness, Potter. The quaffle's in your hands.

Draco Malfoy

November 10th, 1999


What the bloody hell? I don't even know what to say.

You and Hermione? It just seems so...I mean WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!

I'd almost decided not to respond, sure this was some sort of trick or prank. I was so close to flooing McGonnagall and asking for permission to come check in on Hermione, sure you were planning something horrible. Just like she was afraid I'd do.

But then I stopped. And thought. And I re-read Hermione's letter, describing her new boyfriend, and dammit it all if I didn't start to feel less angry.

I really want to be angry about this, Malfoy. Hermione is my family. My sister. I love her more than almost anyone on this earth. And hearing that she's with you, after everything we've been through, just doesn't make sense.

Or, rather, it didn't at first.

But let me slow down a moment. I don't know quite what I want to say. I'm having to write this in the loo, of all places, to keep it hidden. If Ron saw, it would be bad. Very bad. Since Hermione dumped him, his temper's gotten worse. Every little thing sets him off. And this, well, this might cause a full meltdown.

So, back to what I was saying before, I want to say something that's just as hard for me to say as you apologizing. It pains me to say it. But, I forgive you. Bloody hell. I forgive you. And I blame Hermione for that, for setting the bloody example. But I do. And also, just for clarity, you're not the person I hate most. Sure, we're not mates, and sure, we've tried to almost kill each other a few times, but...well, I suppose that does sound an awful lot like hate, doesn't it? Regardless, I don't hate you. I don't like you, surely, but I don't hate you. And...I appreciate the apology. And also, sorry about that curse, sixth year. I didn't know what it did at the time. If I had...well, I'm just sorry, is all.

Now, back to Hermione.

Everything in me is telling me to trust what you're saying, and that's a really strange feeling. I keep reading your letter, and then reading hers, and there's just something that makes me want to trust you. I want to tell her, obviously, but I know Hermione better than you, and if she didn't want me to know, telling her that you went behind her back to tell me wouldn't bode well for you,. You know that look she gets, right before she knocks you down a peg or three? Well, if I told her, that's the look she'd give you. And if I could cause that, I would. But I wouldn't be there to see it, and that would just be a waste. So, no, Malfoy, I won't tell her I know. Merlin help me, I suppose you and I are in this together now.

Bloody hell.

Before I go, I just need to ask...why Hermione? Why now?

Be good to her, Malfoy, or I'll come after you with everything in me.


November 11th, 1999


I was getting nervous you wouldn't respond at all, or perhaps someone else-namely your ginger-haired roommate-intercepted my letter. Thank you, sincerely, for writing back.

Just so we're square, I forgive you for that hex. So, we're even, I suppose. At least as far as apologies go.

Right. Well.

You asked me a question. Why Hermione? Why now? So I'll answer in two parts.

Why Hermione. Well, I think that should be fairly obvious. She's gorgeous, for starters. Never have I met someone who cares so little about makeup and hair and all that rubbish, who also just naturally exudes beauty. Especially when she's riled up over something. Her hair gets all big, charged with magic, and there's this look in her eyes that's both terrifying and wonderful. Have you ever looked at her eyes, Potter? I mean really looked? They're the color of coffee with cream, with little gold flecks that seem to spark when she really feels something. But, her looks are only part of it, obviously.

She's brilliant, too. But you already knew that. Even when we're not in classes, she's figuring out puzzles, putting pieces together and solving the world around her like a ginormous equation. And it's not just logical things. She's insightful about the people around her, which can be bloody irritating if I'm being honest, especially when I want to surprise her with something. Though, I've managed to pull of a surprise or two so far that she didn't see coming. But, I digress.

She's also kind. She's good. I mean, truly good. The kind of good I'd only ever read about in novels. The kind of good, I suppose, that you are. The kind of good I'd never experienced in my whole life until I started paying real attention to her. She's so, so bloody good, through and through, and she's somehow extended that goodness and that kindness to me, and it blows me away every single day.

But you also want to know why now. Well, that's a bit more difficult to explain. Because this isn't a sudden realization, you know. This goes all the way back to third year, the day Hermione punched me square in the nose. She packs a mean right hook, and it hurt like hell, but it was her eyes after she'd done it-she believed that punching me was just. It was something I'd never seen before, someone with so much conviction, willing to go out on a limb for something, even if it was something as simple as punching a prat like me in the nose for saying ignorant things. It was fascinating, Potter. She was fascinating.

From that moment on, she was it for me.

Of course, I never thought anything would ever come of those feelings. For starters, I was raised to think of her as beneath me, all because of who her parents were. That sort of thing is hard to shake for a thirteen-year-old boy. Then, of course, there was the whole she-hated-my-guts part of this. Followed by You-Know-Who moving into my house and taking over and polluting every aspect of my day to day.

I never thought she'd go for me, never thought I'd have the chance to try to get to know her, especially when You-Know-Who was around. I definitely owe you a thank you for that one, for getting rid of him for the rest of us. If he'd ever known of my feelings for Hermione, she would have been in so much more danger than she was already.

All that being said, it wasn't until this year that I ever had the chance, without prejudice or evil overlords or overbearing parents hanging over my head, to do what I'd wanted to do over five years-just talk to her. That's all I wanted. And then, to my absolute surprise, she wanted to talk to me back.

Bloody hell, I'm gushing. I realize you probably don't want to read all this, but you asked, and the only other person I've ever talked to about Hermione is Zabini, and right now, he's busy pining over his own girl while fake-dating your ex-girlfriend.

Oh, right. I don't know why you and Ginny aren't together, but know that she's bloody miserable without you. She hasn't told me that, of course, but she's told Blaise. They have some sort of agreement-he pretends to date her, and girls leave him alone while he figures out his feelings about a girl he's loved for years, and she pretends to date him so the boys leave her alone. I just thought, you know, you might want to know that she's not actually with him. Or anyone for that matter.

Well, enough of that. Thanks again for, you know, not coming to Hogwarts and beating the living daylights out of me.


November 12th, 1999


Ginny isn't seeing anyone? At all? I'd heard, from Neville, that she was close with Zabini, and I'll be honest, I feared...but you're saying she isn't?

That's, I mean. That's great news.

Thank you.

P.S. And just so you know, I believe you. All that about Hermione, well, like I said, I know her better than you, so I believe you.

November 17th, 1999


How in world can you live with a piece of human garbage like Ron Weasley? How can you say you love Hermione so much, and still stomach the sight of that arse?

Then again, maybe you don't know. She said she hadn't told anyone except me.

Just...what did Hermione tell you, or the Weasel, perhaps, what did they tell you about their break up? Because with what she told me tonight, it's taking every bit of restraint I have not to apparate there and beat the bloody hell out of him.


November 18th, 1999


I spoke to Ron this morning. I got your letter last night, but I didn't know what to say.

Honestly, Hermione never really talked to me about it. I knew they had been fighting, knew Ron had a temper, but that wasn't anything new.

So, I spoke to Ron. I told him I was thinking of inviting Hermione over for Christmas, then asked him why they broke up. Played it off like I wanted to make sure things would be awkward. I expected for him to gloss over somethings, but instead he lied straight to my face. I know he lied, because I know Hermione, and the things he said about her were...well, they just weren't true. Trust me, you don't want me to repeat them.

Needless to say, I don't know anything true about any of their breakup, and I'm realizing what a dreadful friend that makes me.

Whatever you can tell me, please tell me. I won't ask you to share things she shared with you in confidence, things she would never want me to know. But, I want to know whatever you can tell me.

And, even though I know you can't tell her we're corresponding, just give her my love. Somehow.


November 20th, 1999


I'm sorry I was so angry in my last letter. I shouldn't have taken that anger out on you, what with our newfound...the word friendship feels wrong, somehow.

I just assumed, since you lived with him, that you'd know. But she wouldn't even have told me if I hadn't found her crying in the bathroom in the middle of a panic attack.

I can't say much. I don't want to betray her trust about this, of all things. But I can say that he hurt her, in more ways than one. And if it weren't for her needing me there with her, in that moment, I would have left straight away and I don't know what I would have done to him.

She keeps saying, over and over, that the war damaged him. That he wasn't always like he is now. But the war damaged us all. You know that better than most, Potter. Being damaged doesn't give any person the right to damage someone else, especially someone as pure and loving as Hermione Granger.

Just know that your friend hurt your sister in ways that make me want to vomit, and if we see you at in a few weeks for the Winter Ball, it will take a lot for me to restrain myself. He hurt her, really hurt her, and she still hasn't fully recovered from it.

As for the Ball, Hermione would really love it if you would come. I can't tell if she's more hopeful that you will come, or that he won't. But I know seeing you would give her a lot of joy. She has this ambitious hope that one day, you and I might become friends. Fancy that.

She wants to meet you at the train station alone. She's afraid of what you'll do if you see me there. I want to honor that request, but I don't think I'll be able to. Not if the Weasel is coming, too. I can't stomach the thought of her facing him without me there at her side. I don't know what I would do if I left her there, alone, and he hurt her again.

For Hermione's sake, I hope we see you December 1. Also, don't bring a date. There's a certain ginger-haired lady who, though she'll be on Blaise's arm, is desperately hoping you'll have time for a dance. (Blaise's words, not mine.)

See you,

November 30th, 1999


I know Hermione told you that both Ron and I plan to come to the Ball, but I wanted to give you a heads up before we arrive. Ron's bringing a date, and it's Pansy Parkinson.

They're not actually together, but he's somehow convinced her to come, hoping to make Hermione jealous, while also showing her you can't be trusted by flaunting your ex-girlfriend in your face. I don't think Pansy is totally on board, but she really wants to get back to Hogwarts, it seems.

Oh. The other thing. Ginny wrote us about a week ago, told us that it was you Hermione was dating. She said she wanted us to know, because Hermione was so happy, and we weren't to muck it up no matter what. She threatened us with her bat bogey hex, which, if you've ever seen it is definitely something to be frightened of. So, it's OK that we know now, and if Hermione figures out I already knew, we have an out.

Anyway. I know-and don't ask me how I know, I just do-that seeing your ex- will not affect your relationship with Hermione, but still, I figured a heads up couldn't hurt, right?

We'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, and even if Hermione says she wants to meet us alone, I think you should tag along anyway. She puts on a brave front, but it's mostly because we've always been too stupid to see when she needs us. I hope you'll be better to her than we ever were.


January 3rd, 2000


I let Hermione read our letters. I've never seen such a strange mixture of anger and pure joy on a person's face all at once. She wants you to know that if you ever want to know more about what happened with the Weasel, all you have to do is ask. After the Ball, she says she's ready to talk about it all. And if I'm being honest, I think talking about it with you would help her, particularly.

Thanks for socking him one for me. Er, for Hermione.


P.S. Hermione is insisting I tell you that Zabini and Parkinson are making a go of it. I'm not sure why she'd think you care, but she's standing beside me now, positively bouncing with joy at the thought of it. So, there you have it. Huzzah for love, and all that.

January 23rd, 2000


I owe you for those butterbeers this past weekend. I mean, I know you can swing it, but it's the principle of the thing. You understand.

Ginny and I were talking after you and Hermione left The Three Broomsticks. We both agree that we've never seen Hermione as happy as she is with you. It's like a light switch has been turned on inside her and it just pours out of her when she talks. And believe me, even though I now consider you a friend (somehow, that still doesn't seem right), it pains me to realize that Draco Malfoy can give her what she needs, when I cannot.

So, mate, even though it's a bit overdue, I want you to know that as Hermione's family, you have my blessing. Just keep taking care of her, and we won't have any problems.


January 24th, 2000


For the record, us being mates was not something I planned, but for what it's worth it, I'm glad for it. And as for those butterbeers, drinks can most definitely be on you next time.

I'm happy to see you and the Weaslette together again. She spends a lot of time with Hermione and me now, and I find her quite fascinating. And quite terrifying. As a bloke who loves another Gryffindor witch, equally fascinating and equally terrifying, all I can say is congratulations, and I hope that we can stick together when they inevitably gang up on us for something or another. It will happen, and I'm not sure either of us can handle it alone.

Also, I quite consider Weaslette my friend now as well, so on her behalf, I feel I must say-take care of her, Potter. Be good to her or I'll come after you with everything in me. And I'll have Hermione to help.

Also, Hermione would like me to pass along the following message:

Your blessing means the world to me, Harry Potter. I love you so incredibly much and I cannot wait until our next double date. Hugs! -Hermione

Obviously I'd never say such a thing, especially with how very emotional and embarrassing it is, but one doesn't say no to Hermione Granger. At least not someone as in love with her as I am. For her, I might even end a letter to you with "hugs." But not today.

Hope to see you soon, Potter.
