The Hofstadter Change Continuation

Chapter 6

Dr Beverly Hofstadter excitedly pored over the drawings for the new farm office and Creche with facilities for storage on the second floor of the building.

And there had also been enough land left over, for the construction of a small house for herself too.

It had been quite a battle to get the plans approved but finally, they had now got the green light to go ahead.

Although the regulations stipulated the need for a separate access to the creche and to the Creche parking area so that all farm traffic could be kept clear of the creche.

While the exterior of the farm office, although part of the new building was separated from the creche with ship-lap fencing dividing the two.

While the interior of the building was divided by a stud wall separating Creche from office.

Access to the farm from the office would be accessible utilizing a path from the office to a pull-off and parking area adjacent to the main farm access road.

While Beverly's house was to be built to the other side of the creche.

Beverly smiled. At how well this change had gone.

She had been expecting an uphill struggle, seeing as how she had been desperately clutching at straws for a solution to her career woes.

But the truth was she had never been happier.

As a child, she was constantly reminded by her parents of the need to always attain the top grades, if she wanted to emulate her father and become an eminent Surgeon.

And despite consistently obtaining said top grades

There was never any praise from her parents at her achievement, because it was always expected of her.

Beverly shuddered as she remembered the day her parents had all but disowned her because she had chosen Psychiatry as a career, (she had realized for some time before that awful day that being a Surgeon was just not for her).

And so she entered the field of Psychiatry, and because it had been drummed into her for so long of the need for her to do her utmost to succeed

Beverly strove mightily to be the most dedicated Psychiatrist of any.

But now that there was no longer any need for her to be so dedicated.

She had now discoveredhow pleasant it could be. To simply spend time in having fun and companionship, with her granddaughter, her daughter in law and her son.)

She had formed a close bond with Susan, Penny's mother, (Mainly over the genius both saw in their granddaughter, Honey Marie.)

She had also grown very close to her daughter in law, whom she had originally dismissed on their first meeting as a lowly waitress who was only dating Leonard for financial reasons.

Beverly smiled again at how her judgment towards Penny had quickly changed. For as soon as their discussion had turned to the subject of her son, Penny's cheeks turned pink, and her eyes had grown wide with adoration, as she revealed to Beverly on what Penny liked most about Leonard.

Yes, people can use words to deceive, But their facial reactions often spoke volumes.


Two months later, and the planned extension to the house was complete apart from the painting and decorating.

(During this time Wyatt and his wife Susan had been staying at the ranch house formerly owned by Aksel, while the work was in progress.)

Also, the foundations to the office /creche were now completed. And the creche access road had been laid, ready for the builders to begin the erection of the walls of the new building.


One day, on a lazy Sunday morning.

Penny, Leonard and Honey Marie were all enjoying having breakfast together.

Penny smiled pleasantly as Leonard played the game of trains entering tunnels, in an attempt to encourage their little girl to eat her breakfast.

But Honey Marie was more interested in the black toy dragon from Penny's favourite movie, 'How to train your dragon'. (Which Penny would vehemently deny if asked)

"Mmf." Honey Marie informed him as she pushed the spoon away.

"Come on Honey Marie. Just one more spoonful for daddy please?", Leonard pleaded.

"I think she is acting the part of Astrid? especially the way she lashed out at that spoon," Penny explained helpfully.

Leonard finally groaned in defeat and dropped the spoon back into the bowl as Penny smiled in sympathy at her husband's distress.

And as Leonard cleared up the mess, Penny began to consider as to why on earth she had even been scared of being marriage, and then later having children?

When being a wife and mother was so, so satisfying.

And Penny strongly doubted that she could have been any happier than she was right now.

But Penny smile turned to a frown as she looked towards her husband while cradling her bump. For a minor concern that Penny had for the first few years of her relationship with Leonard, had now turned to cold fear.

She had tried often to encourage him with little success, and Penny felt it was vital that she found a solution, before it was too late.

And that scary thought began to bring tears to her eyes, but not without Leonard's notice.

"Penny?, are you OK?", a concerned Leonard asked her at seeing her sudden change of mood.

"I'm OK Sweetie, It's just pregnancy hormones", Penny answered quickly. While wondering to herself if she could perhaps ask Beverly's help.

Leonard nodded, "if you're sure Honey", he said, though feeling rather uneasy that Penny was hiding something.

Three days later at her ante natal checkup, Penny was advised by the Midwife that due to the increasing demands on her body by the fast growing twins she was sternly advised to take things a lot easier from now on.

Penny could not understand their concern. She was already doing next to nothing as it was now that Joe the manager was running things, although she had been a bit busier lately, training the young horse that had belonged to Aksel and that Leonard had given to her. (as well as cleaning out the animal's stall.)

But she was scared enough to not want to risk the twins health by being stupid, so the midwife drew up a plan for Penny to take more rests during her day coupled with some gentle walks for exercise.

This warning, added to the sight of Penny shedding tears three days ago affected Leonard markedly. He was terrified at the thought of losing the twins. And if he lost Penny too! It would be the end of the world as far as Leonard was concerned.

And true to form, Leonard began to overthink things and he became more stressed.


Things came to a head for Leonard a week later. He was alternating his time between making some repairs to the ranch buildings with Sam, and walking round the farm with Penny when she took her gentle exercises, which was most enjoyable for both Leonard and his wife as they talked of their plans for the future, IE. raising their three children, their plans for both the ranch and the farm, and growing old together. The last subject often brought the dread back in Penny's tummy. And she had wondered when Beverly would act on Penny's request, Penny hoped it was soon.

And soon came a day later.

A few weeks previously Howard had rang Leonard to tell him of some research in progress at M.I.T. in manufacturing a more efficient solar panel. This project was for the 'Leyton, Ratcliffe, Green energy company.

And Howard had learned that the company were at that time looking for locations across the United States to conduct field tests and Howard had made the suggestion that Wyatt's farm might be a suitable location. As it was relatively near to the city of Omaha and there were many locations on the farm, and indeed now the ranch where solar panels could be installed.

But, due to a breakdown in communication, Neither Howard, nor Leonard had heard that the farm had been favoured.

So Leonard rose one morning to find a large 'Leyton, Ratcliffe' company van pulling to a halt outside the farmhouse.

Although it was only the surveying team. It was enough for Leonard to enter panic mode and he immediately sought out his father-in-law.

After explaining about the solar panels Leonard came to the point, "I wondered if you could take over the ownership of the ranch. You see I don't know anything about running a ranch and now with these guys starting the installation in a weeks time and all I seem to be doing is worrying about Penny and the twins and I, I."

Leonard's words had by now begun to run away with him and in an effort to calm Leonard down Wyatt had indicated for Leonard to stop talking.

"That's mighty generous of you Leonard, but I am going to have to refuse. You see Leonard I'm too old to run a farm now, let alone a farm and a ranch. Also Penny will be the owner of this place one day, and it might not be the best for her to own both farm and ranch and raise my grandchildren.

But you just might have solved a problem for me, you see Sam has been with me for a good many years but the farm is just getting too much for him. Not that that old coot would ever admit to it.

So Leonard how about you have Sam running the ranch and I reckon if we start training horses ourselves then the income from that should be enough for me to take on three or four people to work under Sam's direction"

Leonard at once saw the wisdom in Wyatt's suggestion and thanked him with some relief at this answer to Leonard's problems.

"I'm sorry, I 'm so stressed lately what with worrying about Penny, the ranch and now these solar panel guys", Leonard apologized, wringing his hands in the process.

Wyatt smiled, then said, "I've been there myself Son, and I found what helped me was just to go for a run, sure it was hard at first, but it made me feel as if I was doing something and I felt a lot calmer. So, why don't you try that?"

Although feeling dubious at the suggestion Leonard promised he would try. Then he left to find the surveyor.

As soon as Leonard was gone, Susan quickly appeared, "Since when did you ever run for exercise?" She asked Wyatt.

"have you been listening at the door again?", Wyatt asked her.

"Hey! It's my door and if I want to place my ear to my door I will", Susan replied, completely unabashed.

"OK Look! Beverly told me that our Penny's stressing out on the fact that Leonard is now in his forties and still does no exercise and she is plumb scared of him having a heart attack or something and leaving her with three children," Wyatt explained.

"But why on earth did you suggest running? you do know Leonard's an asthmatic? And running could very likely bring on a real bad asthma attack if it is not managed properly?" Susan reminded him.

Wyatt suddenly felt sheepish, he had forgotten that Leonard was an asthmatic. And Wyatt had heard of a couple of folks that had died through such an attack. And if it happened to Leonard then Wyatt himself had better learn how to run now, before Penny could get her hands on him.

And as if reading his thoughts, Susan simply said, "Precisely."

Then she quickly left to find Leonard.

She caught up with him just as he was about to enter the lounge with a tray of drinks. A coffee for himself and hot chocolate with marshmallows for Penny.

"Oh good," Susan said more to herself. "Look ignore what Wyatt told you about running. It might not do you any good at all," she warned, Before adding,"Look, think of another type of exercise you could do? Please".

"It's OK, I wasn't going to do that, I have been managing my asthma for a long long time?" Leonard replied, then as a sudden thought struck him. "Hang on! Just why are you and Wyatt so keen for me to do exercise?" Leonard asked her in some puzzlement at why his in-laws were suddenly so interested in his current state of fitness, or lack of.

His mother-in law nervously confessed, "Look sweetie," she began, in imitation of her youngest daughter's usual form of address. "Penny has got real worried that something bad could happen to you and your children would then be without a father," she whispered seriously.

Leonard could only garble a stunned "OK, thanks," in reply.

He nudged the lounge door open with an elbow and entering the room he put the tray down on the coffee table, then sitting beside Penny and without any preamble, he bluntly asked her why was she Worrying so much of the chances of becoming a widow with three small children?.

Penny was startled at Leonard's sudden inquiry. And at first was intending to deny all.

But he was wearing his sad eyed expression and Penny knew in that moment that she needed to turn that anxiety ridden face of Leonard's back to normal.

"I'm sorry. It was the death of Aksel. It just got to me how easily I could lose you."

"Leonard, you haven't done any exercise since we went to that spin cycle class together," Penny blurted in confession.

"Well first of all, Aksel was thrown from his horse? and you only seem to be worried of being left on your own with the kids?" Leonard asked.

Realizing Leonard's line of thinking, Penny quickly moved to correct it.

"Leonard!" She said sternly, "It has taken me some time to realize that I was only at my happiest when I was with you! It also took me quite a while to discover that you would forever be the only man that I wanted in my life. And when I fell pregnant, My God, I was so relieved that I was bearing the child you wanted so much, instead of Zack's wife, and in being pregnant, I realized I was so happy being a Mom to be. And I never want to lose you, sweetie, Never!" Penny stressed, by now with tears.

Leonard took his wife in his arms to comfort her, feeling utterly shaken at hearing her state the strength of feeling that she had for him.

Penny in turn, put an arm round Leonard, laying her head on his chest.

She had been feeling quite restless. But now cuddled up to her man, the restless feeling had vanished.

"Come on Penny. Don't let your drink get cold". Leonard gently reminded her.

"OK sweetie, just when I had got comfortable too," She said as she sat up and picked up her mug.

Then as she looked over the rim of her mug, Penny engaged in an important conversation in her mind.

'OK Death, Look! I know you have got a job to do but Leonard is mine OK, so I want you to leave him off of your list, Got it, He's mine.'

And once they had finished their drinks, Penny returned to hug her Leonard shaped pillow.