The inner workings of Lily Evans' twisted mind.

Disclaimer: If you think I own Harry Potter your pretty stupid, cuz I don't, and you know that. Your just trying to get me banned aren't, you?*glares @ u*

Summary: Lily Evans is a goody-goody at Hogwarts, to anyone who doesn't know her. They think she's nice, innocent and sweet. Their wrong. People may think Lily has no friends in Hogwarts, and knows no-one, but they have never seen her at 'La Rave'. She usually parties all night long, but they don't know that, or do they?

a/n: Alright. This story was deleted. I decided to start it up again. This is one of the chappies that I am redoing. Yay!


When people at Hogwarts think of Lily Evans they tend to think of sweet and innocent. I highly doubt that Lily Evans was or will ever be sweet or innocent. She can act both sweet or innocent, but I'm underline the act in the sentence. No one really knows the real Lily Evans, and she would like to keep it that way. She has friends in every different places, most of them Slythrens (at least the ones on Hogwarts anyway). . Lily is a druggie. She has tried every drug on the market, legal or not. Lily lost her virginity when she was13 years old. Now with every thing you just heard would you believe me if I told you she was a Gryffindor? Well, she is.

Now James Potter is another story. He's a mindless jock, and he's popular. Probably one of the most popular guys in school. Some would say he's a player. Others would say he's searching for the right 'one'. He occasionally went to parties (like once, or twice a week). He had 'tried' some stuff, but nothing serious. He was a prankster, who had formed a tight group with 3 other boys in first year (Lily formed some friendships, but, of course no one knew that).

Which one is worse, do you think? That's what I thought.

Lily's family is screwed up, to say the least. God knows what happened to her sister, Petunia. She was probably living with her boyfriend, but Lily didn't know, or care for that matter. Lily's mother has tried to kill Lily many times, by poisoning her food. She was insane, by Lily's standards, and threw "fits" for no reason all the time. Lily's father didn't want anything to do with Lily, and neither did Lily for that matter. He sends checks in the mail every month to Lily and she is fine with that. Lily spent more time in someone else's house than she did her own. That was normal for everyone where she lived. She lived in a hell hole. The only thing in that town you ever had was your friends, and that was usually it, unless you were lucky and had a loving family(which was rare).Sometimes people moved out of the city because they got new jobs, or shit like that, but it didn't matter. It was the only town in England that was so poor that it didn't matter if you were muggle or magic. It was a really bad place, especially for kids growing up there.

Now James was different again. Better off. He grew up in a rich part of England, where you got judged by everything you did. The only thing he had to worry about was if his tie looked strait or not.


a/n: Short, I know. Please tell me what you think of it. Give me any suggestions, too.Yay! I redid it!