Luna began to wake up from her recharge cycle; this night, she had been sleeping pretty good with no nightmares that had gone and ruined her rest. But even with that, she didn't feel precisely well-rested as her system slowly started to boost it up. Her whole frame felt stiff, and most of the programs felt sluggish, with a lack of better word as it did not seem to want to come to life. Luna gave away a low groan as the feeling of her processor thumps hard against her helm; it was like someone had taken a large hammer and hit her temple repeatedly and laughing doing so.

It didn't feel right.

Luna tried to move her fingers, but the slightest movement from her joints was sending painful signals through her net, It was like she had not moved for an eternity and was stuck in the same position. She gave up trying to move her hands and allowed her body to wake up itself dreadfully slow, even if it felt wrong to do so she could not rush her programs.

The horrible feeling of being trapped inside her frame spread through her; it was like a colossal weight sat upon her chest, forced her down into the berth. The feeling was slowly choking her, or at least it felt like that. Her ventilation increased, and her fans hit a higher gear as the warmth was registries in her processor. Suddenly it all felt too hot. Luna gasped and tried to open her optics, but the action was denied, and more red warnings popped up in her mind.

She heard something dropped on the floor and the vibration of her surrounding as someone quickly walked to her, she tried to reach out to whoever it was. Then she could feel a cold servo on her cheek. Like a saving grace, it drove the weight away from what had been paralyzed her for a moment.


"What's the matter, Sweetspark?"

That was Sides and Sunny's voices, she would recognize them anywhere. She tried to online her optics but was once again denied. But she could feel how her heated frame pressed up to a cold surface, and she moved her helm slightly to rest it more against it, seeking the chilly relief.

"Sides, she is burning up."

Huh, so it was sunny that hold her. Luna tried to move her arm again, and a new warning shot up inside her and then another one. She pushed them away and now forced her system online. The pain shoots through Luna's system, and a soundless gasp escaped her vocals. The sick feeling startled her as she online her optics. The outer edges were alarmingly red as she stared up at the blurry figures that were above her

"Luna? What's wrong?"

:: Speak to us, Luna::

Sunstreaker's voice almost sounded scared in her warm processor, but that would not be right. Sunny was never afraid. She could hear them, but she could not find the right program to respond to them. She did know that it was there...somewhere. The feeling of her tank was turn upside down came over her in an instance, and a horrible nausea feeling swept over her system as her vision blacked out again. There was not much energon in her tank to purge, and thank the Allspark for that because then it would probably have been coming right back up by now. And she hated to purge her tank, the burning feeling of undigested energon was the worst ever.

Luna gave off a low whimpering as Sunny, or she thought it was him, let her sit up. Her helm lolled to his neck as she had no control over her limbs at all.

~Charier...I'm not feeling well~ she whimpered over the bond, grasping the last straw she could to help her with this sickness. Where ever it came from.

But suddenly, there was an internal waning sign that said at some programs was denied function, her vision started to dim, and her hearing was now muffled. Even her carriers, safe and robust voice was lost to her as all the words echoed in her processor. Luna could hear the muffled voice of her name again, or at least it sounded like it. And then the motion of someone shaking her, but she had no energy to either answer or move.

All the sounds around her bounce back and forth; she could no longer focus on one bite at a time. Luna didn't want to get up but didn't want to go back in recharge either. She understood that something wasn't right, and she could feel a soothing, familiar field around her, calming her down and anchoring her to the one that was carrying her.

Luna did know that only because it felt like she was weightless, and the spinning would not stop. A new heat around her enveloped her, but at the same time, it felt like a summer breeze, chilling her overheated frame. Suddenly the safe feeling disappeared; she gave off a low, complaining noise and tried to force her body to move. Her mind was screaming protests against the lost, and if she could, surely would have been crying out her displeasure.

Then suddenly, a swiftly cold feeling spread through her system, It slammed her processor into an emergency static, and in an instant, everything went painfully quiet and dark.

The next time Luna opened her optics again, there first thing that welcomed her was a sickly white sealing with lamps that could blind anyone that looked into them for too long. The clean and sterile smell that hit her senses was one very familiar, and one sent that she associated with safety and a sense of security that she did not find in so many places. Not even on the island that she called home.

There was a low shuffling sound coming from her right, heavy steps that walked around. The hydraulic pumps in the legs attenuated the metallic sound and gave off puffing noise as the weight shifted. A sweet and familiar voice was talking to itself, making Luna smile softly in her mind. The familiarity was almost enough for her to drift back to a light recharge. To think that when she was smaller, she would lay wrapped under her crystal blankets and hide from the reality outside of these very walls.

What an irony, now Luna wanted nothing but that reality and whatever lay on the other side of the ocean. She tried to lay completely still, refusing to move even a muscle as she was listening on the voice as the young medic walked around in the med-bay. She wanted to enjoy this calm feeling before everything would turn upside down, and she had to face the music.

As Luna laid there on the berth, she could recognize the proximity of her carrier, and he was not far from her. And as she was laying there, she could feel him coming closer and closer, making a cold feeling grown in her chest, and she wanted to sink back into static once again. The day that Luna had avoided like the plague itself was here. She was doomed, nothing could stop it now, the ball was in rolling, and she could not stop it, frag it to the pit and back.

Frag her whole life...

Luna put her arm over her optics and tried to block out the inevitable. Perhaps she could continue to ignore him? Would he drop it then? Ignore her?... probably not. Would he scold her again? He would probably give her room arrest, or worse, lock her in her room for an eternity. She would grow gray and Wheeljack... Luna's ex-hailed was hard as she dropped her arm from her face and blinked as the blue apprentice of her carrier replaced the white ceiling above her.

Jolt looked down at her with a facial expression that Luna couldn't read, but there was a relief in his optics as he now saw her awake.

"It is good to see you awake. You gave us a scare when you was in static" Jolt said as he slowly helped her to sit up

Luna looked at him and nodded as she could not answer him as all off her external functions were offline. She lowered her gaze and looked at the large and slightly hot energon cable that sat in one of her main energy lines.

The feeling of her tank rolling around made her feel a little sick and mostly dizzy as her processor felt like it was weighing a ton. Luna quickly turns off her optics to avoid looking at it and took new deep ventilation and then slowly release it. Calm, she needed to calm down. The horrible energon, they needed it to live and for her to drink it... went... somewhat... well... But seeing the turquoise mass flow into her system from an outside source made her weak throughout her body.

"Ratchet will be back any minute now," Jolt said as he started to unplugged her and let her free from the cable of Energon.

Luna nodded and kept her optics shut as he put the bag away before she dared to open them and threw a worried glare over at the door. She didn't look forward to that conversation with her beloved carrier as he was coming closer. Luna put a hand over her spark as she felt it do a double beat, and she pulled a face. She needed to calm down. She could literary see the purple energy crack under her plating.

Jolt walked away with his datapad in his hands and put it on the office table that was littered with datapads, tools, and scrap. He said nothing more but went to the back of the storage; a few seconds later, he came out with a box. Luna followed him like a hawk with her eyes. She had not been able to talk so much with the blue bot, and honestly, it was not something that she even planned to start doing now either. But that did not mean that she would not watch him and stay away from him if she could. But he did not seem like the most talkative type of bot but soft-spoken until you angered him, then he would have a temperament that Ratchet would be proud of.

A slight sensation from the outside was the only warning Luna received before the big yellow-green mech barged into the hall with thundering footsteps. His optics were blazing, and Luna riled back from him as he stormed up to her bench.

"Stupid little sparkling! Why are you always giving me a spark attack? And not only that, you catch a virus for which you had no firewall or protection to," Ratchet yelled as his eyes caught hers. Jolt was smart enough and went back to the room with something in his arms and left them both for the conversation they needed to have.

Luna avoided her carrier's blazing gaze as soon as she had met it; she knew he would scold her the first thing he did. It felt like it was the only thing that he ever did nowadays; it ripped through her mind and sent painful impulses along with her entire chassis. Luna could not even find the words to speak to him or yell, or even phantom a replay.

In this case, when he was so angry as his frame literary was steaming, it was easier to let him scold her and get it off his chest. He already had turned off all her interior features, no com-link, and no internet; if he wanted to punish her, this was the time.

"Are you even listening to me, Luna?" Ratchet asked, and she flinched away from him as he had slapped her in the face. Even if she knew that he would never lay a hand on her, the situation was making her tense, and her helm was not helping her, like at all.

~Yes, Carrier~ she answered him low

It was silent for a moment, and Luna refused to look up at him; she had settled to stare down on his feet's and her oral cave felt dry as she had swallowed a handful of sand.

Suddenly a hand reached out to her, and by reflex, she jerked away from it. Even though they had been working on her PTSD, it was still hard to control. And some situations or actions may create a reaction, especially tense situations like this was. And this time it was worse, Luna knew for sure that he was furious with her. Luna felt a hard lump in her chest, and suddenly everything felt so suffocating, a hand was griping her spark, slowly crushing it. Before she knew it, she was enveloped in the massive arms of her carrier and hugger into a broad chest. Luna gave away a low whimpering sound as she buried her helm in the hard, yet warm metal that was her creator.

Ratchet pulled her closer as he could feel the tremor travel through her frame. He hugged her more firmly, not harder because that would only set her of. But he let her know that it was him with everything that he could.

"Oh sparkling," Ratchet said in a broken voice, he had a hard time adjusting to the fact that his little sparkling was now more or less a teenager in human terms. And so fragile.

~I'm sorry carrier~ Luna mumbled still hiding in his arms and held him as best she could. ~for kicking... and...yelling at you and... and... flinching~

Ratchet shook his head, and the movement made a scraping notice as he refused to let go of her. ~No, I'm sorry, sweet spark. I shouldn't have lost my patience the way I did~ He hugged her a little tighter before slowly relishing her.

" I know that you are starting to feel cramped on the island, that's normal for your development, But..." He looked down at her and let his hand cradle her helm. His little sparkling, her frame was dulled and full of tearing and scratches, but in his optics, she was the most beautiful creation he ever had seen. And to remember everything she had been through in her short time alive. Ratchet suddenly looked so much older in his look than before, and Luna stared up at her carrier.

"It was not so long ago I could feel you very spark leave mine, to feel the pain when you were torn away from us. Your frame is finally catching up to you grow spurt, and you are so very much alive. But my spark Can't keep up, to me. You are still my little sparkling that only two years ago was depending on me for survival." Luna put one of her servos over his and hugged the larger hand in hers as she closed her optics.

"I'm not ready to see you risk your life yet again, Luna. Not over something stupid as our war when you had nothing to do with it from the start, " His voice was low, and he put his helm against hers, and Luna closed her optics." And I don't want you to have to take someone's life the way yours was almost taken from us. And for a week, you were lost to us, and I would never want to go through that again, ever."

Luna opened her optics again and stared up in her Carriers' faceplate. The scenes in Mission city were not only playing up in her nightmare, but they were also in her creators but from a completely different view. She had never felt the kind of feeling that feasted itself into her structure, that threatened to overtake her with its overwhelming presence. Luna never experienced that kind of fear that came with watching a loved one die. The only difference between them was that they had far more experience to handle loss and death than she had, and both of her creators didn't want her to experience it. She never once had stopped and thought about her creators feeling in the matter.

Luna wrapped her arms around Ratchet's neck as best she could and hugged him hard. ~ I'm sorry Carrier, I'm so, so, so sorry~

Ratchet hugged her close to him again, both of their fields mending and welcoming the other's warmth. "It's okay little one." He patted her back.

Luna snuggled into him again and breathed in his scent; it felt like a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. But even if she understood their feelings and worry, she would not give up on getting off the island. She didn't need to participate in the war. The only thing that she needed was to get a change in her lifestyle and nothing ells, and she could stay out of fighting.

"Now, let's see if your processor has rested enough from the virus." Ratchet said as Luna loosened her grip on him. He connected himself with her network, and Luna gave him full access to her systems.

Ratchet gave way a low humming sound as he then rebooted her communication system and internet access once again and ran a few diagnostic on them.

"There you go, al healed," he said and, only to be sure, he looked through all of the systems yet again, which caused the youngster to give off tickling sounds and squirm on the bench.

"Sit still, youngling," Ratchet said, looking through the last program and nodding contentedly. everything was in place, and she would indeed not be attacked by any human virus again.

~But It tickles~ Protest Luna as she tried to sit still, but failed remarkably as he digger around in her processor.

"Don't be a sparkling now, show me that you are indeed a youngling" Ratchet teased her and, with one finger, poked her in her side. Making her squirm away from him, and a laughing sound was emitted from her other silent vocals. Ratchet smiled at the sound as it was proof that the mental blockages that upset her voice box had at least begun to dissolve. In time, he hoped that she would once again be able to speak out aloud.

~Carieeeer, stop it!~Luna pulled away and struck his fingers half-heartedly.

Ratchet chuckled and pulled away from the cord and everything. "Yaya, you are as good as new, now promise me that you will not get involved with some shady pages on the human internet, don't click on things you don't know what it is and don't open emails from unknown senders."


Ratchet snorted, "Cheeky brat."

Luna stood up and stretched herself so that both cables and joints gave away a satisfying sound. It felt heavanly to be able to move again. She had been sitting still long enough, and as her energy levels were high, she could not wait to get the hell out of there.

Luna grinned ~May I go now?~ she asked and looked up at him, already halfway to the door.

"oi, oi, oi wait a bit now sparkle."

Luna halted ~What Carrier? I want to go out and play and tinker with my project~

"There was a time when you refused to leave my med-bay, what happened to these times?" Ratchet muttered lowly, shaking his head and walking up to her. "Before you start with something new, you will go straight to those twin of yours, they have been nothing but a royal pain in my back since you got the virus."

~The twins?~ so that's what happened

"Yes, I thought they would tear down the place when you crashed with them." Ratchet sighed and shook his head, however much he wanted, he couldn't doubt what he saw in front of him. Ever since the twins had realized that she was their spark mate, they had slightly changed. Sunstreaker, who would otherwise not care about anyone other than his brother, had shown such terrified expression when he had thrown himself into the med-bay with Luna clenches in his arms and Sideswipe closely after.

Luna calmed them down, he wouldn't go so far as to say that they were more...mature, but they were more manageable than before. Only a little bit, maybe not so noticeable, but Ratchet had to give it to them that they had improved in his book.

~Oh, I guess that I scared them, I do remember them trying to talk to me~ Luna said as she frowned ~ I have to show them that I'm fine now, perhaps I should make something for them?~

Ratchet nodded, "you do that, and don't EVER forget to refuel again, Primus. I swear that if you pull a stunt like this again, I will weld your aft in the selling so that I can keep an eye on you!." he threatened her and held up his wrench in front of him as he pointed at his creation

Luna backed away with a massive grin on her face ~ Can't promise you that, I'll probably forget all over again.~ she said as Ratchets engine growled at her and she laughed ~ Lucky I have you to remind me, right carrier? ~ She skipped away from the door before he could say anything ells as she started to run down the hallway to find her twins.