Chapter 1

Tony let Steve down once he'd managed to reach solid ground. The mission today had so far been…exhausting. Steve had been thrown off of a building as the roof exploded, while the others were inside searching for survivors after a bombing. Tony had managed to catch Steve just before the man had hit the ground; Spiderman had caught Clint, who had been on the same rooftop as Steve but on the opposite end, reloading his bow.

"Alright team, are we ready to call it quits?" Tony asked over his earpiece. They had been in the shaking building for fifteen minutes now. Each minute left him feeling more and more certain the building was going to collapse on them.; they were pushing their luck.

"Just about there, let us search this floor first then we can go." Clint replied, heading down a hallway. Spiderman headed the other way, keeping his senses focused on the noises of the building. He hadn't told the others but he wasn't keen on a building falling on him.


Clint was about ready to call it after a few more minutes but he heard…someone down the hall. It was definitely a call for help but barely loud enough to hear. He moved towards the sound and found a woman on the ground, her leg caught underneath a filing cabinet that had fallen over. Luckily a nearby let light into the dark room; only part of the window was uncovered. Another filing cabinet had fallen over, partially blocking it.

"Can I get a hand?" Clint asked over his earpiece; he knew Spiderman would be quick. He added "Quickly?!" when a rumble shook the building. He was right; the other hero was with him in only a few seconds. It was easy work to lift the filing cabinet while Clint helped the woman up. The building ended up collapsing internally as they stepped out onto the street. Talk about close calls.

"Nice work Clint, got that woman out just in time." Steve said, finding the archer sitting on the curbside. He was holding a cardboard cup of coffee Natasha had got for him. Clint suspected Natasha had taken hot drinks around to everyone.

"Only because I heard her screaming." Clint said, shrugging. Steve frowned at the comment. "Her throat must be raw; she was so quiet."

"Did you? She said she'd given up, hadn't called out for a few minutes before you turned up."

"Dunno man, I heard someone yelling and there she was. Weirder things have happened to us."

"It's almost annoying how true that is." Steve said, shaking his head. "Tony wants to go out for dinner, you in?"

"Sure, why not."

Clint pretended not to hear the very obvious 'yes!' that came from an excited Tony Stark off to the side; he still appreciated it though. He also appreciated Tony paying for everyone's dinner when they weren't paying attention.