
Today marks the start of Poker Pair week, the overall theme this year are AUs, and I've decided to mix each day's prompts together to inspire me. Each day will have a one-shot written, so they are independents from each other, though I might or might not have a hidden background for all of them. The title is a wink to that, the idea that in every world, every incarnation, they find each other again. Maybe they're even reincarnation of the original (canon) ones, who knows~

Today's prompts were Adventure and School Settings; it's hinted and vaguely said through this that Tyki&Allen are college students (I'd say Tyki is older than Allen, probably something like Allen is 20 and Tyki is 25, but I'm going to headcanon Tyki wasn't in college before so they're in the same year and share some classes), and that they're on a school trip.

If you feel like something is being implied once or twice, you might be right. My idea was to hint but never confirm that something creepy/supernatural was going on too. It might be the location, or it might be a certain someone. Again: who knows~

Some of the one-shots might be expended into a longer story one day (Field Adventure is one, the ones from the 12th and 14th are the others), but it won't be my priority and it's still a "might", not "they will". So if you did feel like asking me if I can write more, the answer is yes I might, but it's not certain, or at least it's not something I'll work on anytime soon.

On another note: tomorrow's one-shot is more than halfway written, and I've got the start of the third one-shots. The fourth one is one that will probably on the shorter side, as the idea I've had is smaller than the other ones so I'll probably only work on it on the corresponding day, which leave the fifth (and last) one-shot to be worked on a little bit each day. I'm not sure yet if I'll manage to have the fifth one ready on time, as it has a little bit more ideas behind, and I do need to focus on the second and third one first. So it's possible the fifth one might be late (and if I can see it's the case, I'll post a preview on the 14th).

Now I hope you enjoy Field Adventure, and good Poker Pair Week!

Everytime, Everywhere

(It will be you)

Field Adventure

"What a lovely lake! And such beautiful flowers. You've outdone yourself, Tyki. I am swooning."

Tyki winced briefly at the flat tone of Allen's voice, but covered it with a grin right away, opening his arms. "Fear not, I will catch you, boy."

Allen sent him a deadpan look, tone falsely sweet as he muttered, "Ah, yes, like you caught our map?"

Tyki pouted. "Come on, I didn't mean to get us lost." His lips pulled into a smirk. "I can't say the same about you, mister I get lost in a two doors room."

Silver eyes darkened with the heat of Allen's glare, and cheeks coloured slightly with the heat of embarrassment. "That was one time and you were the one who spiked my drink!" He added in a mumble, "My sense of orientation isn't that bad..."

Tyki snorted at that, then covered it with coughs as the glare returned. The other smiled all of the sudden, and only then did Tyki grow paler.

"Tyki~ Since we're here, how about we see what this charming, abandoned, creepy house has to offer? I'm sure we will find a nice view of the swamp. Maybe we should make a crown of weed?"

Tyki's palm met his face, and he dragged it down. "Alright, fine, I'm sorry I got us lost, now can we try to find the rest of the class?"

Allen clapped his hands together, smile bright and eyes glinting. "It's sunset, Tyki. And this is a field trip. They won't worry unless we don't show up tomorrow at the meeting point."

Tyki noticed how Allen's gaze was still set on the mentioned creepy house and he stared at Allen. "You cannot be serious."

The other fluttered his eyelash at the taller male. "But Tyki dear, you are the one who found this lovely place! Don't you want to enjoy it with me?"

"… You want to push me in the swamp, don't you?"

Allen's innocent smile grew, sparkles almost in the background. "Of course not!"

Tyki stared. Stared some more. Then moved to turn and walk off, but a hand grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him. He didn't try to fight Allen, and the younger male let him go when Tyki yelped, "Alright!" and turned to walk besides him.

Of course, Tyki stayed far away from the swamp. He didn't trust that content, sweet smile on Allen's face.

And yet, once more he fell into one of Allen's trap, hands pushing at him and his arms flailed before he fell in a literal sense. Right into a thorny bush, all with a loud squeak. Allen went into fit of laughters from the sound, thinking, squeaky toy!

"Ow, ow, ow! Boy!" Tyki whined, quick to struggle back to his feet, pouting and ignoring the way his heart fluttered at the sound of Allen's laughters. "That hurts, boy! That's so mean, you should kiss the pain better."

"Would you have preferred the swamp then, Tyki dear?" Allen snorted, turning toward the house, eyes twitching, nose scrunching up.

Crossed arms now, and still very much pouting, Tyki stepped besides Allen, mumbling, "Still… and if you're going to look like that at the house, we can camp out."

The white haired glanced at him, then back at the house. "What would be the fun in it, though? Besides, we have been camping out for the past three days. There should be something inside that will make a better bedding, right?"

Tyki's eyes lit up, but he forced his pout to stay. "That's acceptable. Unlike being pushed into thorns."

Allen rolled his eyes, and started walking forward. Tyki followed, intending to keep his act, except the other turned without warning, grabbed his collar to pull him down, and leaned up to place a feather like kiss at his cheek. "There you go, you big baby," he breathed out, lips twitching up at the blank, frozen look he got.

Then he moved back and walked into the house, whistling a merry tone and totally leaving behind the man staring at him.

If he had looked back, he would have seen the sudden dark glint in Tyki's eyes, and the wide smirk that formed.

Allen sent a glare down at the wooden floor, or to be specific, the plank that had creaked loudly just a second before, making him jolt back.

Tyki bit his lips to stop any sounds he might make in his amusement, knowing better than to attract Allen's attention when he looked like that.

And yet, Allen seemed to know, because he threw a dark look at the other student before marching off, the floor squeaking and creaking as he did, traits twitching as Tyki swore he could almost see the dark cloud growing above Allen's head.

My poor boy, you're the one who insisted, Tyki shook his head, following after Allen, wincing when the white haired stopped and turned, glaring with betrayal that the floor made absolutely zero sounds. The taller male smiled nervously, lifting his hands in surrender.

Allen rolled his eyes, looked forward, scrunched up his nose, then moved to ascend the stairs.

Tyki heard the louder creak, his heart gave harder thumps, and he moved before he could think. He grabbed the back of Allen's collar, pulled him back harshly. The young man fell against his chest, into his arms that wrapped protectively around him, both of them falling back and Tyki groaning at the impact on his back and side.

The stairs collapsed with louder sounds, sending dust and some debris flying. The cloud of dust made them cough, and Tyki had soon turned fully, putting Allen on the ground and half hovering above him, caging him between his body and his arm.

The dust settled slowly, their coughing had lessened to a stop, and Allen felt warm breath against his face. He opened his eyes, and so did Tyki. Their gaze met, realizing how close they were, nose almost brushing, Tyki's strong body almost pinning Allen's down.

Allen realized how close he came to being hurt, he wouldn't have fallen from high, but any of those debris could have harmed him. He had heard it too, the sound that told him it's about to break, but before he had even reacted, he had felt Tyki pull him back.

He let the smile form, a little shy; and it made a sigh of relief leave Tyki's lips, who had been staring down at Allen until now, as if both frozen by the proximity, and assessing if Allen was fine.

"You saved me," Allen murmured, his voice low, smile a little wider as he observed the slight darkening of Tyki's cheeks.

"You were in danger, of course I would," Tyki replied, a breathless quality to his voice, swallowing visibly.

His breath seemed to stop completely when Allen's head tilted up, and lips brushed lightly with his. "That's why I wasn't afraid to spend the night here."

Tyki felt the words spoken, teasing his lips with faint brushes of Allen's, it made him not process Allen's words until a few seconds later. They met at the start of the term, but they had spent time around each other, feeling comfortable around each other; and like always, Tyki heard the unsaid words.

When you're with me, I feel safe.

I don't mind exploring if it's with you.

I trust you.

His control snapped and Tyki pressed down with his body, covered Allen's mouth with his own, relief and warmth in his chest as he kissed Allen deeply, but without rush. Arms slipped around his neck, lips pressed back, a soft sight escaping Allen, Tyki's arms caged Allen's head, keeping his weight from pinning the one under him too harshly.

They forgot everything else, lips moving together, without hurry, with ease, as if they had always known to kiss the other, like a welcome home.

Then a plank fell with a loud thud, and both parted with a jolt, Allen with a yelp, Tyki shifting to turn his head and find the source of the sound. When he realized what it had been, he glared with heat, cursing that piece of wood for breaking the moment, and then some more for it and its brethren from almost hurting Allen.

The white haired, meanwhile, nipped his bottom lip, trying to stop the giggles that wanted to leave at the way Tyki looked. Some started to escape in little choked laughs, and those amber eyes fell on him again, the dark glare turning into a sad puppy look, completed with a pout.

Allen couldn't help it. He cooed, lifting himself up a bit to kiss Tyki's nose. "Let's look more into the house, if only to find the safest place to sleep." His lips curled into a coy little smile. "If we do sleep."

Tyki's eyes darkened and his lips split into a wide grin.

Allen's laughters rang inside the house as the taller male stood up and pulled him up in one smooth movement, linking their hand together as he marched them into the very dark corridor Allen had initially meant to avoid.

He didn't know whether to bless or curse the stairs for caving in. Would the corridor be better or worse? But well, he did gain a kiss and the promise for more, so Allen felt benevolent and sent a mental thank you to the stairs.

And then a mental threat to the house that it better not mess with them more. Only to add as an afterthought, unless it gets me in Tyki's arms again.

Tyki snorted then, making Allen glance up with curiosity, and the taller smirked. "Wanting to come inside this house is the best idea you've ever had, boy."

Allen laughed in reply, cheeks and chest a little warm at the genuine, happy glint in Tyki's eyes. "Just wait until we start screaming at shadows," he teased, but nothing could prevent the fondness of his smile.

"Fear not, my dear! My arms are always ready to receive you!"

And Allen knew that for all the tone had been light, it was no joke.

No, it was a promise.

"Ah, my knight in shining armour. Yours arms are the only one I want."

The bright smile on his face stayed for a long while after, faced with Tyki's startled look and reddened cheeks at the genuine, soft tone his second sentence had taken. A promise of his own.

And their promises were put to use right away during the next few hours, with a house that seemed intent to frighten then, and every flat surfaces, horizontal and vertical, used whenever they found themselves in each other arms.

End of Field Adventure

See you in A flower for your heart!