
Here we have it, the last one-shot for this year Poker Pair Week! The prompts were Gang AU and Supernatural AU, I combined them and so, you can safely guess the gangs we see in this also deal with the supernatural. It also leans more toward supernatural so the gangs part is mostly implicit.

There's a note at the end, as I don't want it to spoil anything right now, so make sure to check it too!

Thank you for reading, I still think I might expand at least Deity's Royal and Protectors, but it wouldn't anytime soon if I do. I'm really happy with this one too, I loved them all but this might be my favourite right alongside Deity's Royal, as I expected.

You can find me on my blog, chrisemrysfics on tumblr, and I'll probably be working on Assassin's Light and Meet me Halfway next, those poor stories of mine need my love.

I hope you enjoy!

Everytime, Everywhere

(It will be you)


When the young man with a startling head of pure white hairs first sat at the table, gentle smile and soft-spoken as he asked to be dealt in, Tyki admitted he shared everyone's thoughts. Poor, naive boy.

And probably, what a cute one, though.

Amber eyes flickered to the side, lips twitched as he noticed his brother fanning himself with a menu while ignoring Lulubell's flat look. Then Tyki focused on the game. He and his two friends had a clear lead, making sure to win and lose in equal parts, slowly edging everyone else to fall under Tyki's trip.

And that was why he started to feel suspicious when the new arrival won and lost in no clear pattern. Clear silver eyes met his, blinking with apparent surprise, then he nipped his bottom lips. Tyki had until now thought it was one of his tell, and so had a few others.

This time, Tyki didn't fall for it. It was a real sign of nervousness, not the false one he had used before to make everyone else think he was bluffing. Everyone was wary now, but not Tyki. The boy has been making us notice his tell so we won't know anymore when it's the true one.

Only, Tyki had not taken into accounts that this little genius pretending to be innocent was a real fucking demon.

Someone coughed and almost choked on their drink as Tyki stared down blankly at the royal straight flush the young man had revealed, all the while thinking, a demon, he's a real demon, how was I fooled?

A threw a dark look at the youth tapping his chest to get his drink down, adjusting the turban that had slipped a bit, thinking viciously, I hope you choke on your amusement, and then as an afterthought, that boy cheated like a pro.

He respected the skills the boy had showed; he knew he had to cheat but no one had seen him do it. Or more specifically, he out-cheated Tyki and his friends. And they couldn't call him out on it without revealing themselves.

Smooth little bastard.

So he waited for the players to disperse, glanced toward Wisely who nudged his head toward a direction, and grinning, Tyki found the boy.

He was already turning toward him when Tyki reached him, and the taller man dipped his hat a bit. "That was rather impressive, boy."

A polite formed, but his silver eyes showed amusement. "You played very well, too. Geezer."

Tyki waited a few second for the sudden roar of laughters from somewhere at the counter to calm down a bit, before he lifted his hands in surrender. "Hey, I don't know your name, you can't do that yet."

The young man snorted. "So you admit you'll still call me boy if I give you my name?" To add to his words, he lifted a single eyebrow.

Tyki grinned wildly. The young man sighed.

"You may call me Allen."

"Allen," Tyki repeated with a smooth, silky tone that made shivers ran down Allen's frame. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Tyki. I hope we get to play together again soon."

Allen groaned, a hand lifted to cover Tyki's mouth, making his amber eyes grow wide in confused surprise. "You can't tell me you didn't do that on purpose, Tyki."

His confusion lasted a second later before it clicked and he grinned, words muffled by the gloved hand on his mouth. "I actually didn't mean to sound like this. Where's your mind going, boy?"

Eyebrows twitched. Allen growled out, "Where you'll never know if don't start using my name's more, you fiend." But he did remove his hand.

Tyki's grin was almost too wide. "So that means I'll have more occasions to?"

Allen lifted his eyes skyward for a brief moment as he grumbled, "I feel like I'll regret this."

The taller man mock gasped, putting a hand on his heart. "I'm wounded, Allen!" Then his lips formed a smirk. "I can assure you, your time with me would be nothing but enjo-mmff"

He expected the hand that covered his mouth this time, and it was Allen who didn't expect the tongue licking his gloved palm. With a squeak, he removed his hand, cradling it close to his chest like a wronged maiden.

The glare, though, was more like a fiery kitten.

However, before any of them could comment, someone slapped the back of Tyki's head. "Stop being a pervert and come, we're leaving."

Tyki sent a betrayed look at Lulubell, who ignored him, nodded to Allen, and marched off. Tyki turned, noticing from the corner of his eyes that the stool at the counter was empty, and Sheryl was nowhere to be found. He pouted.

They almost left without him!

"I apologize, but it seems I have matters to attend to," Tyki said with sincerity, focusing back on Allen, who blinked and tilted his head in such a cute way Tyki had to use all of his self-restraint not to coo. "I do hope we see each other again soon, bo-" A pout started to form. "Allen."

The smile Allen gave was sweet and pleased, making Tyki's heart skip a beat, and oh. He's really a little devil, having figured out how to make me use his name.

"You're here often?" Allen asked, eyes bright with mischief as Tyki smiled.

"Sometimes. I'll be there for certain Saturday."

"Then we might see each other then. Good night, Tyki."

Tyki watched the young man go, grinning wide, then joined his family outside.

"He's such a cute thing!" Sheryl gushed first thing, only to turn serious, like on a warpath, and he jabbed a finger at Tyki's chest. "Brother, be careful with this cute little thing!"

Tyki rolled his eyes. "I assure you, brother, I would bet he's capable of handling himself well."

Wisely had a little smirk as he added in a sing-song voice, "He certainly handled you with skills."

Sheryl made a choked sound, Tyki sent a furious glare, and Lulubell's lips curled up at the corner. Wisely laughed hard.

Then all four of let their expression shift, serious and oh so dangerous.

"Now let's get to business, shall we?"

In the end, Allen would come regularly, sometimes not finding Tyki, but most often, Tyki would find him. It didn't seem to bother Allen, how Tyki seemed able to know when he would be around, and the man had to wonder if the white haired might have taken a guess.

The young man was observant, clever, hiding it behind a polite mask. However, Tyki had soon realized he was also kind, that he was in fact able to grow shy if one found the right buttons to push, and that he was with endless snark.

So when Allen took one look at Tyki, and his brows furrowed lightly with the hint of concern in his eyes, and his tone came out flat with, "Why do you look like death rolled over?", well. Tyki felt no surprise, although he pouted and grumbled a little.

"I'm almost offended, boy." He had tried to mask his worry, after all. Allen only stared at him and he sighed. He showed a faint, genuine smile, and ruffled Allen's hairs. "Thank you for your concern, Allen, it'll be fine."

The little frown, and more visible concern, as silver eyes gazed up at him, made Tyki's heart grow warmer. He chuckled, letting his hand pet down Allen's hairs from the ruffle he just gave. "The twins are late, and you know how they are, I don't know if I should hope they made troubles, rather than being in trouble."

It wasn't quite all that was buzzing in his mind, and Allen knew it, judging the piercing look he gave; but Tyki couldn't tell more, and Allen offered a soft, sad smile. "Someone already looking for them, I guess? Why don't be play together while we wait?"

Fondness melted his body, allowing him to relax a bit. "I'd love that, Allen."

They were in the middle of their third friendly game of poker when Wisely marched to them, expression strained. His eyes flickered to Allen, managing a small smile and a nod of greetings, as he stopped beside their table. Both players paused, and Tyki's expression grew sober as he noticed the glint of agitation in Wisely's eyes.

"We need to get our men out." Wisely stated, more than enough for Tyki to understand.

The man nodded, Wisely left to start passing the message, and Tyki met Allen's eyes. The piercing understanding in those soft eyes and kind smile confirmed Tyki's suspicion that Allen had taken a guess at the kind of people they were.

"Good luck, Tyki." Allen told him, gathering back the cards.

Tyki covered Allen's hand with his, stopping him and meeting his eyes. "I'll show you to the back door." The young man furrowed his brows, so in a lower voice, Tyki added, "We have… troubles coming here. We're getting out to meet them halfway. But I'd rather… you not be anywhere near."

Allen widened his eyes, and for a single moment, Tyki felt like the young man wanted to come with him. Then his shoulders dropped, and he nodded. "But promise me you'll meet me next time I'm around?"

Tyki smiled. "I will. I promise I will."

With that, Allen accepted to be guided through the pub, Allen's hand still held by Tyki, and when the man stepped outside with the smaller male, he paused, fingers tightening their hold. Allen looked up, tilting his head in silent question.

Tyki's free hand lifted to cup Allen's cheeks. Silver eyes widened, staring back into amber ones, their breath mingled and their eyes closed as, finally, their lips met in a chaste kiss. The single taste made a fire burn inside Tyki, he wanted to press their body closer, to taste Allen more, but there was no time, and it took all of his self-control to part from the kiss.

It took all of his self-control again to not seek a second kiss when he saw the slight daze in those silver eyes and the flush on those cheeks. Instead, he rumbled a low, "Be safe, Allen," and stepped back, letting go of Allen's hand.

The young man stood there without moving for a second more, then, he murmured a soft, "You stay safe, Tyki," and finally walked away.

Tyki watched him go. Then he let out a long sigh, and turned the other way, walked to join his brother.

Sheryl put a hand on his shoulder, squeezed briefly, then let it drop. Both of them started to walk off at a brisk pace.

"It's been confirmed: the remnants of the Order seem to have found the Fenrir."

Tyki's fingers tightened around his glass. "So there's a living Fenrir still around?"

Adam's shoulders sagged. "It seems so, and we failed to secure them."

"What's the deal though?" Devit blurted out, confused.

Road frowned down into her laps, mouth a thin line. "Mana and Nea were saved by one, long ago. You weren't around yet. They were already so rare, but this one didn't hesitate to risk their life. We promised them we would look for their kin and protect them." She had grown steadily more upset, tears almost falling as she mumbled, "We thought for so long we failed. We can't fail this time."

To see their eldest in such a state, it pulled everyone's. She and Adam were the only one who had seen a Fenrir before, the very same Fenrir that protected their boss' brothers. They were said to be rare, warm, luminous, and wary of humans but even more so of other supernatural beings. Yet the Fenrir that saved Mana and Nea had not hesitated, both to step in human matters, and protect who their senses must have known dealt in the darker side of life.

The Fenrir had not survived, so for all they had hoped briefly, it wouldn't be the same. But it didn't change the gratitude they owed, and the fondness they could see in Adam and Road's sad expression.

For all intents and purposes, the Fenrir kin was their family too.

And Noahs protected their family.

Tyki felt the breath being stolen from his lungs.

They had been merciless in finding the location, not wanting to waste time, and barely two days later they planned how to access and help the Fenrir.

It was once Tyki had gotten in position that he could get a view of the mythical being, and he knew that the silence in the communicators meant he wasn't the only one.

Who could blame them? For all they had a vague idea of what a Fenrir was, nothing compared to the real deal.

And it hurt, so much, to see this beautiful being locked in place by chains, growling deep yet watching with deep wariness the movements of the ones around, flinching at the touch on the lovely white fur and baring large fangs at the greed they could witness.

Dragon-wolf, Tyki remembered from books, and how true it was. Twice the size of an elephant, with the body of a wolf, the fur white like snow and very soft looking; but with a serpentine tail ending up in a tuft of fluffy white, and large feather wings currently pinned to the body. The head was of a wolf too, ears pulled back and fangs bared, but Tyki swore he could also see traces of draconic in this head.

Tyki's gaze fell on the eyes, and his heart skipped a beat, inhaling sharply. Slitted light silver eyes were narrowed, gazing down on the ones around them, but in this single moment, flickered up to meet Tyki's gaze for a brief moment, too brief for anyone else to notice.

His heart thumped harder. Those eyes… They feel so familiar… It can't be..?

"Allen, it's Allen-!" He heard himself hissing low, and murderous intents rose into the air not long after.

And not just from him.

Now that he said it, the few who had seen Allen most often saw it too.

The Order's members tensed, and Allen's ears perked up, no doubt all sensing the sudden darker notes in the air.

The Order's members, about to move, froze when a rumble echoed, and Tyki grinned with dark delight as he realized it was purring.

Allen was purring, knowing what was about to happen, knowing Tyki and his family were there for him.

The surprise of the sound gave the Noahs just enough time to launch a surprise attack. Gunshots echoed, alongside waves of dark energy and light energy. In the middle of the fray, Tyki exchanged a look with his family, and sneaked toward Allen.

He put a gentle hand on his muzzle once he was closer, thumb brushing there in a soothing manner as his others hands found one of the chain keeping his head down.

The tip of a large tongue licked his cheek as Tyki sent his powers to break the chain, making him let out startled snickers. Then the muzzle pushed at him gently, as if telling to step away, and Tyki did.

He watched, eyes wide and awed, as Allen lifted his head as much as possible, the chains straining, and managed to get his fangs around another chains, this one meant for his neck. The chain held no resistance to his fangs, and yell of horror echoed as it broke.

Tyki shot someone who aimed for Allen, and he noticed his family take a more protective formation. In the meantime, Allen had been able to twist his head, and aimed for one of the chain at his left wing.

Everyone froze as the wing managed to slip free, snapping open, almost shining. No, it was shining, a luminescent wave that shot sharp feathers toward his kidnappers while his fangs broke the chain of his right paw.

With his right front leg and left wing free, Allen visibly forced his body up. The rest of chains could not held anymore, and they broke one after another, a sudden instinct going through Tyki that made him step under the Fenrir, and he spotted his family too did.

Allen headbutt the ceiling, tail lashing out, and his wings pressed at his side.

The building crumbled around them, burying everyone but the Fenrir and the ones protected under him.

When the light of the moon finally hit the large body, dust settling, he lifted his head to the sky and howled.

Tyki shivered with delight, with awe, and then he yelped in shock as there was a flash of light and Allen in his human form fell from above.

Tyki pushed at the back of his mind the observation it was where his heart had been located as he quickly extended his arms and caught the young man, falling backward from the impact but thankfully Sheryl had came and stabilized him.

He adjusted his hold, staring down at the tired half open eyes, heard the soft thank you before Allen closed his eyes and nuzzled closer to Tyki's chest.

Safe. Allen was safe now, he was a Fenrir and they could protect him.

And I can give you love.

The End

Note: The Fenrir that saved Mana&Nea isn't Allen, but I toyed with the idea they were related. Since I couldn't decide and it would make me get too deep into the details of the background, I didn't add more about it; but the two main ideas is that either Allen is a reincarnation of that Fenrir (or the same Fenrir returned), or Allen is the child of that Fenrir (in which that Fenrir was Crown Clown basically). Whatever float your boat to headcanon, knowing now what ideas I toyed with!

(Oh, and Allen totally knew from the start Tyki was in a supernatural gang).