"Do you know how long you're going to be gone?" Cas asked, I could hear Eli in the background, it sounded like he was speaking to the TV.

"Not a clue. Are you sure you're okay with watching them? I know they can be a lot."

"I was a soldier of Heaven; I think I can handle your offspring." I laughed a little.

"Just wanted to make sure. Anyway, you know where their medicine is, please make sure they take it correctly, and you have to watch them, Emmy will pour it, or spit it out in a plant if you turn your back for a second." I fingered the strap of my duffle bag as I spoke.

"I won't, as you say, turn my back."

"Thank you, you're the best. I'll try and call around bedtime but if they'll go to sleep before then, let them. Oh, and I don't care how much Eli asks for it, you do not, under any circumstances let him eat my pie. Those little… little gargoyles have already devoured half of it, I deserve some." I heard a snort behind me, I glanced over my shoulder to find J.J, she also had a bag. "I gotta go. Tell them I love them."

"I will. Be careful."

"Careful is my middle name."

"I meant the dictionary definition of careful, not the Winchester one." He said, the tone of his voice slightly exasperated.

"I'll be fine. Thank you again, love you. Remember, my pie."

"You're welcome." I hung up the phone and turned around fully, pushing the phone into my back pocket.

"Gargoyles?" J.J. asked.

"My boys. They're heathens but I try and switch up their pet names whenever I can." I shrugged, pulling my duffle bag over my shoulder. She laughed a little.

"How old are they?"

"They're about to be three." I sighed. "Time flies." I gestured to her stomach, "don't be in too much of a rush for 'em to start talking and walking."

"You guys ready?" Agent Prentiss walked up, "Hotch wants us on the jet ASAP." I nodded.

"Yep." J.J. said. "Is there anything you need before we head to the jet?" She directed the question to me.

"Nope." I shook my head. "I'm good." Now, the idea of flying was kind of…unsettling. I have managed to avoid planes for this long. I drove everywhere, I guess you could say that dad kind of hammered his phobia into me growing up. I let them lead downstairs, to an SUV that took us to the airstrip that was less than five-minute drive.

"Your father was a Shakespeare fan?" Agent Reid was already on the jet when we got their along with Agent Morgan, Rossi and Hotchner. It sounded Agent Reid had been sitting on the question.

"No…why would you think…? Oh, my name! No, my mom named me." I sat down in one of the open chairs. "My dad probably wouldn't have been able to name a play other than Romeo and Juliet….Hamlet, maybe." I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket; Seth's name was in large bold letters. I sent him to voicemail before it got to the third ring. I didn't want to deal with him at the moment. Agent Reid opened his mouth to say something else, but Agent Morgan cut him off before he could.

"So how do we catch this guy? What are we looking for?"

"Well, I need to see all the names that were found at Mackey's."

"Most of them were aliases." Rossi said.

"I might recognize them. Also, I need to search Ellington's house for his contacts as well, see if there was any overlap. There's a very high chance that the Unsub knew them."

"They searched Ellington's house top to bottom-"

"You'd be surprised what can be hidden with a little unpermitted contracting work. I once met a hunter who broke through the concrete wall of his basement and carved out a bunker underneath his backyard. He recemented the walls and hid the door behind wooden paneling. Trust me, If Kyle was a hunter, then the names are there somewhere."

"If he's retired, isn't there a possibility he got rid of all his contacts?"

"No. I don't care how long he's been retired; you never get rid of your contacts and you never get rid of your weapons." Agent Hotchner pulled something out of his own file and handed it to me while Agent Prentiss started talking about the normal lives both families had lived, they didn't really need me for that. The papers Agent Hotchner gave me were scanned pages from what looked to be Mackey's journal. The last entry was dated for three weeks after my father and uncle was killed.

The war's over. Was all it said. The first few pages were of names and number. I recognized quite a few. Bobby's was at the top, a few of Garth's identities were on there. Irv was on there. I grunted at Roy and Walt's name, shaking my head and frowning, Gordan Walker also made the list and I felt my heart beat a little faster, the sound of screaming, my own screaming and an explosion echoed in the back of my mind. He's dead. I thought to myself, He's not important.

"What is it?" Agent Hotchner asked, "Do you recognize any names?" His question cut off the other conversation." I glanced up at him, and then back down to the papers.

"Roy and Walt." I said, "they broke into our motel room when I was like… 12, maybe 13, I woke up to a gun in my face. My uncle pissed them off or something. I don't really remember why…" I tried shifting through the memories, there had been so much going on that everything was blurring together, "anyway, they shot us and took off." There was a moment of shocked silence.

"Why shoot you? At 12, you weren't a threat." Agent Morgan asked.

"I wasn't going to be 12 forever." I said, "my father and uncle spent 22 years hunting down the man that killed my grandmother."

"Mary Winchester died in a fire." Agent Reid corrected. I could feel my face darken.

"No, she was killed, and a fire was set to cover it up. The same way Uncle Sam's girlfriend Jessica was killed, the same way my mother was killed. He was also responsible for the death of my grandfather." My voice sounded cold, detached.

"There wasn't any evidence-"

"That man kidnapped me, tied me up, held me for three days while he described my mother's murder to me in graphic detail when I was eight years old until my father found me, they were murdered. Anyway, that's not the point, my point is that Roy and Walt were worried that I would come after them when I grew up." I explained, leaning back in the chair, my gaze on the table in front of me. "I also think that's why the unsub is killing the entire family."

"He's protecting himself. Both from leaving witnesses and from revenge in the future." Agent Rossi said.

"Why didn't your father go after Walt and Roy?" Agent Reid asked.

"Reid." Agent Hotchner's tone was warning.

"Because there were bigger fish to fry at that moment and he never got around to it. We all survived, that's all that mattered. Regardless, they are currently at the top of my list." As I was saying it, Agent Rossi was hitting a button on the computer. Penelope's face appeared.

"What can I do for you my loves?" J.J. Looked over at the papers.

"Roy McCann and Walt Anderson, get anything you can find on them." I had a feeling they weren't going to find much, hunters, experienced ones anyway, had a way of keeping their information off records. A fingerprint record might not be as kind, but fake names can get you pretty far.

"I uhh…" Penelope faltered, "ooo, Walt is a bad boy. He's currently in prison for possession and the transporting of illegal weapons with intent to sell, murder, kidnapping, credit card fraud….basically, if it's illegal, he did it." My eyebrows seemed to raise higher with every charge, his rap sheet was almost as impressive as my father's.

"What about Roy?" I asked.

"It looks like he's been off the map since his wife died in 03….but I will keep digging until I hit the internet's equivalent of the earth's core." And she clicked off the screen, the look on my face made Agent Prentiss chuckle.

"She does that." I nodded, more to myself then anyone else. I thought about calling around to get more information, but I thought better of it. The longer I could I go without passing information along, the longer the unsub would go without knowing I was looking for him.

"They are the only one's that stand out on this list." I said, setting them down on the table.

"May I?" Agent Reid asked.

"Of course." I pushed them closer to him across the table.

"Alright, everyone try and get some rest. We've got a long flight." Agent Hotchner looked at me as he said it. I didn't really see myself being able to sleep, but I was kind of hoping that my body had other ideas.

"I'm sorry if I offended you?" Agent Reid said as he stood up.

"You didn't offend me." I said, smiling softly, "it takes more than that to offend me." The agents all spread out over the plane. The only people that didn't move away was Agent Morgan and J.J.. I wet my lips, almost wondering if I should move as well but decided against it.

When Uncle Sam and Dad were killed, I threw out most of our phones. I had known I was going to ditch out on hunters and monsters forever, not only had I promised my father I would never hunt another monster again, but I also knew that I would never be happy living in the bunker, filling out credit card applications and drinking beer. I'd thought about changing my name and getting a real fresh start, but I couldn't go through with it, not after everything my father did for me.

I had originally gone to school to be and EMT, I made it through the whole course, got certified and even got a job before I realized what I really needed to do. I had been walking home from work, Cas had the Impala and for whatever reason he hadn't answered his phone to come pick me up. I was walking past a park when I heard screaming. I blacked out most of what happened, all I remember was running towards the sound and finding a man dragging a little girl down a wooden path. She had been in her pajamas, obviously, she wasn't supposed to be out. The man saw me, dropped the girl and took off.

I had wanted to run after him, to find him and make it impossible for him to touch another little girl, but her cries took precedence over my anger. I sat with her, called the police, she wouldn't leave my side until her parents got there. The police took my statement and sent me home, I remember being so upset that that's all I could do, they wouldn't let me help look for him. They eventually found him, but not until he kidnapped, rapped and killed two more little girls. I saved one but I didn't save the others and I knew I would never be able to sit back and read those stories in the newspapers without the guilt of knowing I could have helped. So, I enrolled in the academy that next fall.

"How many of these guys are out there?" Agent Morgan asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"How many? I have no idea."

"No one keeps track?" J.J. asked.

"Not that I know of. Its actually pretty cliquey, I can only think of two or three people who were actually pretty integrated among the community and they're dead. Most hunters operate in small circles, sometimes you might stumble on another one on a case, but it only happened to my dad and uncle a few times." I yawned, covering it with my hand, "uh, yeah. There's a good chance that he's in the contact list of both victims."

"And if he's not?"

"Then…" I sighed. "I'm gonna have to do some asking around."

"You don't sound too excited about that."

"Well…" I could feel the wrinkles pressing together on my forehead, "if the wrong people find out I'm helping the FBI track down a hunter…it could get real ugly, real quick." I licked my lips. Agent Morgan looked at me for another few moments before nodding.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." He said. His face was still scrutinizing but it seemed less untrusting. Not that I could real blame him for his hesitation. I know I wouldn't be very welcoming if I were him.

"If you don't mind me asking…why exactly did you leave hunting? From the information you've given us, they do the same thing as law enforcement without the proper credentials. I assume that since you were raised in it, you were pretty…desensitized from the ethical and moral issues that go alone with it." J.J. asked after it became clear that Agent Morgan was finished talking.

"Um, it's kind of….I guess it's not really that complicated. I promised my Dad I would live a normal life."

"This isn't a normal life." Agent Morgan said.

"This is as best as I could do. I'm not…I can't just read a sad story in the paper, sigh and get on with my life. I just…I can't do it…" I shook my head.

"I get it…" Agent Morgan said after a few moments.

"And… I know that I can do this job. I know I can hunt down the bad guys."

"Even if you have to betray your Dad's friends?" He quickly added onto his statement, "I'm not saying that you'd cover for anyone, I just want to make sure you understand that you might have to do that."

"Listen, Agent Morgan. My Dad's 'friends' aren't going to be the ones killing people. For starters, most of them are dead and have been for a while. The others aren't killers."

"And you know that for sure?"

"Yes, and if they were, I'd be the first person to take them down. I don't have much patience for innocent people being killed."


"What are we looking for exactly?" Agent Prentiss, who told me to call her Emily, asked as the officer let us into Kyle's house. Her, Agent Morgan and Rossi all got off with me when the plane landed for the first time. The rest of the team went to Mackey's. I had spent the rest of that plane ride reading over the information of both victims. I had skimmed it when the agents brought them to my house, but I hadn't had a chance to really look it over. Nothing about what they had on the Ellington's made them look like anything other than a nice, happy, normal family. Of course, no one knows how to play 'normal' quite like an ex-hunter. Kyle was a mechanic for a local chain shop that specialized in air conditioning. Why do most hunters all chose being either mechanics or police officers? At least Mackey decided to go into sales, granted it was cars he sold, but still, he was changing it up a little.

"Look for structural abnormalities, hollow walls, false bottoms in drawers, stuff like that." I tried to ignore the blood stains all over the living room as we moved into the house, but something bothered me about it. How did the guy get the whole family into one room when one of them had been a hunter? I haven't met a hunter who wasn't skilled in some form of martial arts, there should at least be some signs of struggle. There's no way a father and husband would just sit back and watch his entire family be slaughtered without putting up a fight. Unless, he caught them off guard and killed the husband first. At that point, it wouldn't have been about hurting the hunter, the end result would just be about killing, the weapon choice made me feel like it was more personal, why bring a loud ass shotgun into a crowed neighborhood and risk getting caught when you weren't trying to mess when their heads? I could think of so many other weapons that could do the job just as efficient.

The kitchen wasn't much different, everything was in its place, it didn't seem like anyone had been in there during the altercation. The refrigerator was covered in drawings and certificates. The sink was full of dishes that would never be done, the pantry full of untouched food. I did notice several large bags of salt in the bottom corner of pantry floor.

"It doesn't snow here." Emily said from next to me, her gaze also on the salt.

"Salt's important to hunters, Spirits can't cross over it." I closed the doors.

"So, they burn their dead to stop them from becoming ghosts and then keep excess amount of salt to keep ghosts from harming them? Why so much focus on spirits if they were just going after criminals?"

"Well….that's where it gets complicated. Hunters all believe in supernatural, they just…project the idea of monsters onto their human equivalent. And vengeful spirits happen to be the most common ones. They are created from a violet death, or murder if you will, and since most hunters die bloody." I gave her a tight smile, letting her connect the rest of the dots. A look came over her face, but she quickly changed her expression. "What?"

"It's nothing." She said.

"You sure? looks like you thought of something."

"Its just uh…your father and uncle…"

"You want to know if I burned them?" She look really uncomfortable.

"It- it has nothing to do with the case, it is none of my business."

"Its okay, really. And yes, I did." I said. I moved from the kitchen upstairs, looking for the master bedroom. It took me two tries, but it was at the end of hall all the way in the back of the house. The bedroom was in slight disarray, the comforter was pulled halfway off the bed, one of the parent's cell phones was on the floor, the screen cracked from the fall. It was pretty obvious that his wife had decorated the room, family photos on the nightstand, brightly colored pillows and sheets. They even had two separate hampers, one for each of them. From a quick run through it was easy to tell that I wouldn't find anything. All of their things were mixed together, Kyle didn't appear to have any space to himself and since there was a lack of hunter paraphernalia to begin with, I took a wild guess that he never shared his previous lifestyle with the Mrs.

"Hey, Winchester." Agent Morgan called from another room back downstairs. Emily and I shared a look before moving off in his direction. He was inside what looked to be Kyle's office, sitting at the chair. He held up a small canvas bag that was tied off with a piece of twine, a Hex Bag. "Something like this?" I took it from him, I felt a little panicked until I opened it and quickly realized it was to hide from demons, not placed by a witch.

"Yeah…where did you find it?" judging by the dust on the fabric, it was pretty old.

"False bottom in the desk drawer." I glanced inside, there was also a silver flask. I grabbed it popped the top and smelled it. All I could smell was the metal, so I tilted it over my hand. "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Its water." I said, setting it down on the table, drying my hands on my pants.

"You had no way of knowing what was in that bottle."

"Yes, I did. It was either water or whisky." There wasn't anything else in the bottom of the drawer and I frowned. Where the hell is all of his shit? There were several papers on the desk, it all looked like normal, documentation things people kept ahold of. Bank records, kids doctor information. One thing stood out. "Got cha."

"What's that?" Emily couldn't read the paper from the angle I was holding it.

"He order an alternator for a '67 Chevelle."

"So what?"

"So, where's the car?" It felt a little too easy to me, but when you've grown up around and as a hunter, there's only so many places you can hide an arsenal. And since he kept it from his wife, I can't see him being able to keep a pile of weapons from her inside the house. I wasn't surprised to find the car underneath a tarp in the garage. Rossi saw us on our way through the house.

"Find something?"

"She's looking for a car." Agent Morgan sounded pretty unconvinced.

"A car?" I pulled the tarp off, it looked in great condition, new paint job, new tires. He probably worked on this car in his spare time. The doors were locked, but a few moments digging inside the toolbox produced the keys. The glove box was full of dead phones, fake IDs, some fake badges, no contacts. The trunk on the other hand…looks like dad wasn't the only one that used the boot.

"What the hell?" Emily said, picking up a machete. I will say that he had a pretty impressive stash. I dug around inside until I found an old looking journal, flipping through it for a few seconds confirmed what I thought.

"Found the contacts…" I lifted it up. Morgan reached for it looking through it more carefully. He started taking pics of the pages.

"I'll get these names to Garcia."

"A few of them are dead." I said. Morgan stopped.

"We might be able to find some connections to the other names regardless." He continued taking pictures and sending them off.

"Nicely done." Rossi said to me. "Tell me, how'd you know to check the car?"

"Hunters live a transient lifestyle, they generally don't have a 'home', from the way he hid everything in his house said he never told his wife what he was, there's no way he would have been able to hide an arsenal inside." I said, glancing at the arsenal once again, picking up one of the handguns. "Hunters are sentimental, I'd bet my pie that this car at the very least goes back to his father. Once I saw the receipt, I had a feeling." He nodded.

"I see. Is there anything else here that looks out of place?" I glanced around the garage and shook my head.

"Nope. It looks like any other middle-class house. Nothing other then the salt and this car points to Kyle being a hunter." I said. "The only why this guy would have known was if he either knew Kyle or heard about him through other hunters."


We went through the house with a fine-toothed comb before heading off to where the bodies had been dumped. We didn't find anything there else. After that, we got back on the jet that had just returned from dropping the other agents off at the newest crime scene. Overall, things were moving pretty fast.

When the plane landed, the first place we went to was the police station. They had us all set up in a small conference room off to the side of the station. They had a board with the pictures of all the victims on it as well as one that had all the aliases, and names from both lists of contacts. It felt weird to be looking at all of them written down like that, though I'm sure they're names have all been on some list like this before.

Agent Reid perked up when I walked into the room. "Okay, we organized the names into five different categories." He said, gesturing to the board, "One for those with an actual death certificate, one for, as you called them, retired, one for 'missing', one for names we couldn't find any information one, and one for missing or retired with known criminal records for violent behavior." I nodded, picking up a marker.

"May I?"

"Of course." He said, backing away from the board. The names under the death category all seemed legit, it was the ones that were missing that was pretty incorrect. I started with the 'missing' one.

"Alright, The Harvelles are dead." I stared both Ellen and Jo's name, "these three names are aliases for Bobby and he's dead." I crossed them off, "uhhh not sure who he is off the top of my head…Caleb's dead…I think that's one of Garth's aliases, not for sure…" There were still about five names I didn't know in that list and I moved on to the missing/violet section. The first name on the list was Gordan Walker and I frowned.

"He's looking like our best lead." JJ said. "He spent over a year in prison for weapons but, the only reason they found him was due to a 911 call that he was holding a little girl captive in a rundown cabin. The cabin was surrounded by explosives, they found a kid backpack and a pink jacket but the girt was never recovered, he was also thought to be behind several other murders around the country but there was insufficient evidence. He's been off the map since he got out of prison almost 2 decades ago." I nodded, listening to what she was saying. I always wondered what dad told the police when he called it in.

"Well, he's dead."

"Are you sure?" Morgan asked. I nodded.

"That little girl was me, he used me as bait for my uncle, but Dad and uncle Sam outsmarted him, and he got arrested. We took off right as the cops came up. He came after us again when he got out of prison and my uncle killed him." I crossed off his name, sighing. There were a few more names I crossed off. I stepped back and nodded. "There's a pretty high mortality rate."

"That's putting it lightly." The more I looked at the names, the more I couldn't think of how else to narrow it down, the more I realized I would have to start asking questions.

If I didn't have two toddlers at home that couldn't protect themselves, I wouldn't think twice about smashing some kneecaps and getting the information I need, but…I've been used as leverage against my family and I didn't want my kids to go through that. Over my dead body.

wow, I can't believe how much response i got out of the first chapter! Thank you guys so much! Anyway, a little bit of information for you guys. The supernatural 'show' ends at the end of season 8 when they are doing the trials. Sam completes them and dies in the process, dean dies as well. That also means that everyone who died season 9- now is still alive unless directly said otherwise. Any questions, let me know. Thank you and please leave me your thoughts !