If a person were to fly in a helicopter over New York City, they would see a multitude of things, from normal to odd to downright confounding to mind melting. For example, one would see the usual New York traffic. Yellow cabs mixed with commuters locked on the roads. If they looked towards Lower Manhattan, they would see a cool looking tower with a stylized 'A'.

Luckily for most New Yorkers, the weirdest thing they could see is the Avengers crammed into a minivan. Which has happened. Don't ask Tony. As for the other two things, most of them lived blissfully unaware of the dangerous mythological world that coexisted with theirs. Keyword is most. A few could see it, but they were dismissed as crazy. Those people saw teenagers riding winged horses. They saw monsters walking around, men with goat legs, and girls that seemed to be trees. And above the city, a mountaintop floated, glimmering gold. However, there was only a few that saw this. Until one day, someone not meant to see, saw.

Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. walked through the Helicarrier. He passed a few of his underlings, as Tony called them, who saluted. The day had been quiet so far and he rather liked it. When Fury reached his office, he initiated the entrance sequence and the door opened. A man sat in his chair, his combat booted feet up on his desk. Immediately, Fury drew his pistol and pointed it. The man looked at him, almost bored. Dark tinted sunglasses covered his eyes. He flicked his hand and the weapon flew to his grip.

"Come on in, Nicky."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'll tell you, just get in here." the man said. An invisible forced pushed Fury farther into the room and the door closed, locking. Quickly, the agent reached into his coat, drawing another pistol and loosed a shot at the man. The bullet stopped in mid-air, mere inches from his face. The man stood. He walked over to Fury.

"I'm sure you're wondering what's going on."

"That's one way of putting it." Fury snapped. The man chuckled and shoved him into a chair.

"You wanna knows what's happening, right? Well, Nicholas Fury, allow me to tell you. I am Ares, the Greek god of war. And I have some very good Intel for ya."

This story is gonna be on hiatus for a good while until I finish my other stories. I'm really excited to work on it, though.