*grins* You all loved my ending for that chapter then I see ^_^ Well, it got me a few more reviews if nothing else, thought really, I just thought it was an adequate ending point, considering this is ending & I don't want the last chapter to only be a page long.

Uh, the idea the cliffhanger is based on comes from Angel Yami-ko, so thanks for the ideas you gave & you get your wish, kind of.

Onto the reviews, so thanks to Todo, Shaami, Queen Hatshepsut II, ExBobble06, Mare & LK/YLK.


I pause, waiting for Yugi to respond, I'm curious to know why he got so upset. He doesn't seem like he's going to say anything however, so I guess I try again.

"What is it Yugi?"

He stares at me with teary eyes. "It's Yami. I-I didn't know who else to c-come to."

Yugi starts crying again & I'm left confused.

"What about Yami?"

"Marik took him!" Yugi practically yells, he is in hysterics though.

Still, why would Marik have taken Yami, it doesn't make much sense.

"Where?!" Bakura growls from behind me.

"I-I don't know. H-he threw this at me though, only, I c-can't read it, that's why I came here, I thought that you would be able to."

Yugi's stopped crying at least, he passes what appears to be an obelisk to Bakura, which has hieroglyphs engraved in it. This was definitely intended for Bakura.

"What does it say Kura?" I enquire quietly.

"Pharaoh's power is mine, if you wish to see, come to the docks." He replies sullenly.

"The docks? That's a huge area. Maybe Malik can help?" Assuming he's still talking to me anyway.

"Someone say my name?" I jump upon hearing Malik's voice, what is he doing here?

"Where did you come from?" I don't mean to be blunt, but I'm still slightly startled.

He grins sheepishly. "Uh, I kind of decided to stay around."

"Your psycho yami left this." Bakura states unpleasantly, while throwing the obelisk at Malik.

Thankfully Malik catches it with ease, I really don't want my boyfriend getting concussion.

"Do you know where he means Malik?" I ask softly.

This earns me a grin before he replies. "Sure, my old hideout."

Bakura promptly walks out & pushes Malik towards the gate. "Lead the way."

I cringe slightly at Kura's action, but quickly lock up & follow them both, occasionally checking that Yugi is still with us. It still bothers me as to why Marik would have done this, he's been settling down, he'd even started being nice to me & was always nice to Ishizu & Malik.

My boyfriend is also currently a concern, I could swear that he smirked when Bakura mentioned Marik, the obelisk & even when he pushed him, it also seems very coincidental that he just happened to be here when he was needed. I don't want to consider the possibility that he's part of this though.

We've arrived at Malik's old hideout & enter cautiously, if Marik is back to his old ways, we could well be walking into a serious & deadly trap. A spotlight turns on in the centre of the room & we see Yami tied to a chair, though strangely enough, he isn't gagged, though it's strange that he would be like that at all if Marik was simply after his power. Things are getting even more confusing now, which is not what my head needed.

Yami notices us & looks relived to see Bakura standing there, even if my yami does look very angry.

"Where are you Marik?!" Bakura growls.

I feel sorry for anyone who makes my yami this angry, even if they do deserve it. More lights turn on & Marik walks out a few moments later, smirking arrogantly.

"What is it thief, don't like the show? Here I was thinking you'd appreciate my efforts." Marik's voice is full of sarcasm & goading, not good, considering Bakura's foul mood.

"What the hell is this all about?" Bakura's anger is clearly present still.

"What, you can't read or something?" Yet more goading from Marik.

"Yami wouldn't be tied up on display if you were after his power Marik." I state calmly, trying to prevent a fistfight from occurring.

Marik grins insanely & glances behind me at Malik, I look at Malik questioningly but he shrugs nonchalantly. This doesn't help my feeling that he's caught up in this too, though I still hope I'm mistaken, my boyfriend & best friend, harming niisan is not a pleasant idea.

"Maybe you're correct, thief's hikari, or maybe you're not." Marik states simply.

Malik seems to gains a glint of amusement at this, though I can't be certain.

"Enough games, what is this about?" Bakura snarls.

Niisan is angry enough, without Marik trying to play me as well, Kura is very over-protective of me, though it's not a bad thing.

"Simply put, I intend to destroy the useless Pharaoh & I wanted a nice little audience. You never answered me earlier thief, don't you appreciate my efforts?"

I really wish Marik would stop taunting Bakura, what's the point in him doing it anyway? There is something wrong about this whole situation, but I can't figure out what it is, which could be down to my current lack of concentration & my rather irritating headache.

Bakura growls & takes a step towards Marik, before being surrounded in a yellow glow, I hear Malik snicker behind me & turn to see him holding the Millennium Rod, presumably using it's power on niisan. He smirks slightly & walks to Marik. I just stand in shock, even though I knew, I couldn't accept that it was true. Does this mean that Malik never cared? That he was just working with Marik, trying to get revenge?

"I'm afraid I can't let you harm my yami thief." Malik states snidely.

"Why would you do this Malik?" I ask shakily, I'm either close to tears or crying.

"Because I should be Pharaoh & my yami wanted a little 'fun' thrown into the mix."

I shake my head in disbelief, Marik smirks in response.

"Still avoiding my question thief? Not afraid to answer are you?" Marik is so horrid.

Bakura growls again. "No I don't appreciate you 'efforts' you idiotic porcupine."

I have to repress giggling at that, though I can't prevent an amused grin from appearing. Malik & I had joked about Marik's hair on several occasions & I believe I've used the term 'porcupine' myself.

Marik shrugs off the comment as though it's nothing, before continuing his harassment of my yami.

"Why not thief? Aren't you & Pharaoh enemies? Don't you hate him?"

Yami looks at Bakura at this point, he seems concerned about Bakura's answer. Though I click upon that thought, I know what this whole this is about now, it's a set up, Marik had no intention of harming Pharaoh at all, they're trying to help this situation by making Bakura admit how he feels. It's such a relief knowing that, I'm so glad Malik didn't betray my trust. Bakura seems too adamant about saying nothing in response however.

"Two choices thief, answer his question, or I start the wonderful thousand- cut torture on Pharaoh." Malik states, seemingly deadly serious.

Bakura growls again, but his resolve is definitely wavering, he'll crumble & answer eventually, he won't risk losing Yami again for the sake of his pride.

"Because I love him, okay? I've been in love with Pharaoh since the first time I ever saw him." Bakura sounds angry, yet dignified, his pride never ceases to amaze me.

Marik & Malik start laughing at this point & 'high-five'. Bakura & Yugi just look confused, though Bakura also looks angry, he doesn't like to be laughed at.

"What is so funny?" He asks darkly.

"T-that you've finally admitted it, i-it took forever." Malik replies, still laughing.

Bakura looks startled again, the colour leaving his face. He looks over at Yami, somewhat fearfully. Yami looks somewhat startled himself, but not so much as I'd expect, so he must have figured it out for himself to some degree. He's still in too much shock to be any reassurance to Bakura though.

Malik recovers from his laughing fit & walks to Pharaoh, removing the end of the Rod, to reveal the dagger, which in turn, he uses to cut the rope binding Yami to the chair. He then hits Yami lightly on the head with the opposite end. This snaps Yami out of his reverie & he looks at Bakura questioningly.

"Did you really mean that Bakura?" He asks quietly.

Bakura nods dumbly, I don't think he can find his voice right now.

Yami smiles slightly. "That's good, because I was going to try & tell you the same thing. I've really enjoyed being around you & I think I fell for you the first day I came round. I'd ever noticed before, but you really are exceptionally attractive."

I grin as Bakura blushes a deep crimson & Malik & Marik start laughing again. Yugi's reaction isn't so promising, he looks to be a mixture of hurt, angry & disgusted, Yami doesn't seem to care though, I guess he already made that clear to Yugi too as he glares & Yugi quickly leaves, once again in tears.

Bakura then turns his attention to Malik & Marik, who have stopped laughing, but are still grinning.

"Tell me, before I chase you idiots out, why did you set this thing up anyway?"

"Hikari was worried about your hikari & kept bugging me, so I decided to resolve the situation myself." Marik replies nonchalantly.

"I figured what happened & Ryou & Yami confirmed that, so we took the opportunity to leave you idiots no choice but to admit your feelings for each other. I mean, how hard can it be if Ryou & I managed it?" Malik adds, equally indifferent.

I can help blushing at Malik's comment about us & notice Bakura twitches at the comment, which just makes me blush even more, considering he walked in on us. Still, that was certainly one event I'm not going to forget anytime soon.

Bakura smirks slightly, which can only mean trouble for the two Ishtar's. He removes his deck, deliberately slowly & shuffles through it, eventually removing a card & replacing the others in their holder.

"Then I'm free to remove you from here as payback for this little game of yours." Bakura states smugly.

He then proceeds to summon the Man-Eater Bug & sets it on them both. Marik grins insanely & seems set on staying until Malik pushes him & tells him to leave. Malik then grabs my hand & pulls me outside as well. From his body language, I think we're going to go back to mine & uh, 'have some fun'.


Now that the 'audience' has left, I turn my attention to Yami, it seems I have a lot to explain to him, considering our recent confessions. Still, I don't know what to say to him, what he wants to know or hear. Just because we admitted we care, what does that mean for us exactly? After all, I'm in love with his past self, no, I re-fell in love all over again, it doesn't matter if he never remembers, I love him for who he is, not what he knows.

"Bakura, I need to ask, were we, lovers, in the past? Were you hurt because I didn't remember? Is all yours & Ryou's pain because of me?"

I'm momentarily stunned by Pharaoh's words, how did he figure so much out? I'm about to nod when the last thing he said comes to mind, all this pain isn't his fault, it isn't like he meant to lose his memories, or told me to take it so badly & treat Ryou so badly.

"Most is right Pharaoh, but this isn't to be blamed on you. The past doesn't matter anymore, because we can be together now, right?"

"I'd like that very much Bakura, though I am curious about our past, I'm more interested in following Ryou & Malik's example."

I'm left confused momentarily, but then I realise that he politely suggested we go & make-out, leading to, other things. I grin & nod in response to his question & he smiles, taking my hand & attempting to lead me outside, before he can however, I pull him close to me & kiss him deeply. This is a new beginning for us & I want it to start off right.


Well, there we go, this fic is all finished now, sorry if you expected a little more interaction between Bakura & Yami, but I'm afraid that was never the intention. I said the pairing was eventual & I meant it ^_^

Uh, if any of you care, the 'thousand-cut torture' I mentioned is something my dad told me about, it's a very nasty torture method invented by the Japanese, though practically no one knows how to do it anymore.

Thanks in advance to everyone who reviews this chapter, as I'm not updating anymore I won't be able to thank you later.

I really hope you've all enjoyed the fic, as I keep depriving myself of sleep to write it ^_^ unfortunately I only seem to be creative in the early hours of the morning, which isn't much fun -_-

Anyway, I look forward to reading the reviews later; I really am interested to know what you all think, so be sure to let me know. If I haven't explained everything or something, let me know & I'll do an author's note explaining it.

Anyway, definitely time I shut up, the fic was long enough as it is, so ja ne & thanks again ^_^