Last time on Dragon Ball Mutinous, in a bold sacrifice Gohan fights off the Demon Clan and kills all but Piccolo, whom he stripped of ki and the ability to move. In his final moments, to the very end, he thought of Goku. In his funeral, a dark mystery becomes of the Z Fighters as they realize that they have no defense against Babadi…

Gohan: Is it truly possible?

King Cold: Of course, my child… a demon can expel the power of another demon. All you need to do is-

Gohan: I am not taking you to a Demon Clan! Frieza already tried…

King Cold: Hohoho… I know of the locations of the Demon Clans. In fact, I am a Demon King of sorts…

Gohan: Wh-what? Then why…

King Cold: You aren't the only one cursed with knowledge… you hold the horrors of the future, I hold the horrors of the past and present. My race, it is a subspecies of Demon. We are Frost Demons. We were not sealed with the others because we are different in attitude, abilities, and power. Even so, we still have demonic capabilities though Demon Ki is far from our grasp now…

Gohan: So, the hell do you want in return?

King Cold: Your trust… as well as assistance… you see, there are three beings in this world I fear. The first is Buu, the second Beerus, and then above those two is a true monster… all three of which you fought in the past. After which, I will exorcise the demonic power existing within you… hopefully before it becomes too attached.

Meanwhile Turles, Majuub, and Roshi located their target in the midst of their travels. They stood before them ready to fight.

Lord Slug: You are early, Turles… Tsk tsk tsk… messing with time is a dangerous game. Pick and choose who lives and who dies. Not even caring for those that died in the fight with Frieza. Not even trying to prevent the other races he erased. No no no… only save the race you align yourself with… shameful really for the self proclaimed hero…

Turles: You messed with time long before I did…

Lord Slug: I know how to manipulate time, you do not… you made another Time Ring, and as such speed up the time in which Zamas would unleash the Zero Mortal Plan… oops… my point is, you can kill me now. In reality though it would not change things. Time is like a river, you can try and block it with sticks and stones but it will always find another path… yet still have remnants of the old one.

Roshi: What the hell are you blabbering on about?

Lord Slug: Whether you kill me or not will affect nothing. Someone else would take my place and they would be far worse… same goes for Frieza. You never thought why his father hasn't tried anything? He has come up with his own motives, his own plan. One that might be the fall of those Saiyans and this accursed universe.

Turles: Even so… we will take them down too. You cause too much suffering in the future!

He lunged a strong kick towards Lord Slug, whilst in the form that Slug had given him. Slug simply smiled and sat back down.

Lord Slug: Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia. You hate me with a passion… and yet you use the power I bestowed on you. Now again, define suffering… without the dragon balls the multiverse existed without the forbidden fruit. The temptation to ruin the cycle of life, one's own greed, it was all gone. I don't see that as suffering. Especially when you yourselves ignored races destroyed by Beerus and Frieza, but when your world was affected or those you cared for that was when you stepped in…

The team, silently, made themselves separated and surrounding Lord Slug. They went in their fighting positions, ready to attack.

Lord Slug: Cum tacent, clamant… so be it. You want a fight… let us fight… I must warn you though, I already have an advantage…

He pointed his finger out at Turles, who reacted by clenching his chest and howling in pain. Majuub and Roshi broke formation and ran to help him. Majuub attempted to heal Turles, only for it to prove ineffective.

Slug: As a Namekian, I am a master of the healing arts. Don't you think I would develop the opposite? You see, Turles was enhanced by my power. As a result, I am able to manipulate my energy that resides in his veins. Right now, it is all being concentrated on the heart. But enough talk, you want to fight after all…

Using his finger he created an M in the air with energy and shot it towards Majuub, it struck him directly in the chest and began to burn itself onto him.

Majuub: Wh-what is this?!

Buu: Uub… Buu no feel so good… evil presence is flooding Uub's body and Buu's spirit.

Majuub: Evil presence? Like your other half that became me?

Buu: Hmhm… Lord Slug is awakening Kid Buu…

Majuub was forced into Devil's Awakening, this time with Buu's skin color leaking onto his body. His skin turned bright pink, with black veins pulsing the Majin power throughout his body. In a raspy broken voice, Majuub began to speak.

Kid Buub: What… happen... why Buu here? Why voice different?

Roshi: No!

Kid Buub sniffed around, holding his head trying to unscramble all of his broken memories.

Lord Slug: His intellect grows… likely from Grand Supreme Kai or Uub.

Kid Buub: I see… the Saiyan killed me… we are in the past. This Majin symbol awakened my dormant mind in the boy I became, but not binding me to the bidding of Bibidi nor Babidi… and you, you are the reason for this…?

Lord Slug: Correct.

Kid Buub: Then… if we are in the past… am I capable of absorbing my past self, and killing the Earthlings?

Lord Slug: The ones who hurt you haven't been born yet. With the exception of Vegeta and Goku, the Saiyans whose power was used for your resurrection as well as the two big players in your death.

Kid Buub: I see… then there is no reason to let you survive… you could use this symbol to suppress me…

Lord Slug: Perfect…

Kid Buub teleported in front of Lord Slug, who attempted to take a swing at him. Kid Buub retorted by twisting his body around to avoid him, then rolling into a ball to fly into Lord Slug's stomach. You could hear every crack in Uub's bones, it sounded agonizingly painful and Roshi tightened his eyes to try and ignore the violence.

Kid Buub kept trying to attack Lord Slug, who just dodged and pivoted around the monster. Finally he got tired and kicked the boy off his feet, then stomping on his head to make him bow down.

Lord Slug: I awakened your primordial mind so that you and I could become partners. I helped you, will you help me? You are being hunted down by a powerful entity at the moment, if he kills the current you repercussions will transpire.

Kid Buub: Or… I can just absorb you!

The skin off him peeled off and attempted to wrap itself around the Namekian, Lord Slug just pointed the palm of his hand down and created a giant ki attack, triggering the Majin symbol to disable and empower the blast.

Majuub then laid down on the ground, his bones shattered and skin ripped apart leaving streaks of blood running down.

Turles got up, fighting the pain to try and attack. Lord Slug grabbed him, bending his arm backwards and twisting it. You could hear the snap echoing across the planet, followed by an eerie scream of the Saiyan.

Lord Slug pointed at him, forcing him into his full power, the aura started to accumulate energy in front of him. The Namek was using the Saiyan's own power against him in a destructive ki blast, one that would strip him of the power gifted to him.

It went off, spawning an enormous crater, Turles was atrociously beaten. Left lying on the ground, rendered useless. Roshi stood there, legs trembling. He was able to go buff, but struggled to keep his fear hidden. His eyes briefly widened as he sensed the spirit of a close one slip from the world.

Roshi: Goodbye old friend… once again, I was unable to help you… let us pray that this timelines me, can right the wrong… training Goku, to prevent another Sons death.

Roshi: You think you can beat me the same way?! Well guess what… you hold nothing against me!

Lord Slug: We shall see…

Roshi cavorted into the crater and landed a few blows on Lord Slug. Lord Slug countered by getting bigger as well, the two jocks lead a spree of powerful blows at one another before Roshi finally caved under the power and was knocked down.

Lord Slug: I don't need to beat you in the same way as them. You are an old, feeble, man… me at a simple soupçon of my unyielding power can destroy a thousand of you. As for your mystical arts, they may have drubbed my son… but to me it is child's play to avoid them.

The elder master punched his hands together, creating a green and black aura around them. A melee version of the Mafuba. He jumped around, punching Lord Slug who simply stepped back and pivoted around. Yawning as the master continued.

Slug: Please… Muten Roshi… you are no Saiyan, no Frost Demon, no Demon enhanced entity, not even a Namekian… and certainly no Android. The Saiyans might be arrogant, the Frost Demons are naive, the Namekians are weak, Demon enhanced are cowards, and Androids slave bound but they all have a purpose… they all have a goal, a thing to fight for. Not to mention something unique… what do humans have huh? What do you have?!

Roshi finished his spree of attacks, the green and black aura faded. He just stood there, looking down. His breathing intensified greatly, before finally he stopped and looked at Slug.

Roshi: We fight to protect the planet we were born on! We fight to prove ourselves! We have each other! And most of all… we are the most resourceful!

He extended his hands revealing a Mafuba cage about to trap Lord Slug once and for all. He just looked around, impressed by the craftsmanship. Only to poke a hole in it and disperse the energy. Roshi stood there, defeated, terrified by Lord Slug.

Roshi: Wh-what are you…?

Lord Slug: Just a Namekian trying to right the wrongs of man. Also, if you want to prove yourself… you have done just that. Now I shall treat you as I did with them… I do have leverage over you…

He teleported behind Roshi and placed his hand on his neck. Then dispersed a flame like aura out of Roshi. He then collapsed onto the ground, his knees and hands turned to dust as they made contact.

Lord Slug: The Immortal Phoenix granted you biological immortality. A simple matter to do, and even simpler to reverse. Now your age will catch up to you… and correct the wrong the Phoenix did by disturbing the flow of time and your life cycle.

After a few moments, as his arms caved in on themselves as they became pure dust Lord Slug seized up and gave him back his Biological Immortality before sitting back on his throne.

Turles: H-how… how did they beat you… before?

Slug: Because at that moment… cursum perficio… I had nothing more to do. Whether I resisted, or not. Eventually, my legacy would catch up. You can fear destiny, you can try and run from it, but it will find you all the same. If you get caught up trying to avoid it, you will overlook the good things in life.

Next time on Dragon Ball Mutinous! A new contender arrives to take on Lord Slug. A being familiar with Roshi, one whose power rocked the entire world. The two battle, holding out well with one another. Meanwhile Roshi, Turles, and Majuub are all slowly fading.