Gotham Season 5 (Alternate version)


Gotham City (Three weeks after the bridges blew up)

Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are in there vigilante suits with their masks on to and they're heading towards the GCPD building to meet Captain Gordon on the rooftop. The two of them were jumping across different buildings, because it was part of their night patrols so that way they can get a better view of Gotham to see what's going on. As Bruce and Selina made their way to the GCPD building they could see the signal light shining in the sky. The of them stopped once they were close to the building, but the rooftop was very high up. Bruce then pulled out a prototype Wayne Tech grappling hook gun from his utility belt that he got from Lucius Fox. Lucius told him that these were the only two that Wayne Enterprises has built so far, because the technology for it are still in it's early phase. Selina did the same thing and pulled out her prototype grappling hook gun to. The two of them then fired their grappling hook guns on to the ledge of the rooftop to the GCPD building. Bruce and Selina then attached the grappling hook guns on to their utility belts to make sure it will safely lift them up to the rooftop. The two of them were then lifted up on to the roof of the building. After that they both made sure that the end of their hooks were re-tracted back into their grappling guns and then placed them back into their utility belts. Bruce and Selina saw Captain Gordon standing next to the signal light and is unaware of their presence. The two of them then decided to let him know that they're here.

"Captain Gordon." Bruce said

Captain Gordon turned around and saw the masked vigilantes standing in front of him. Even though he had know idea who they are underneath their masks, Captain Gordon was still willing to work together with the vigilantes, because he trusts them.

"I appreciate you two coming we have a serious situation." Captain Gordon said

"What's the problem?" Selina said

"The GCPD has been attacked more than once by random criminals ever since the bridges were destroyed. At first the gangs only tried to break in and steal some of the food and supplies we have stored in the building. However, we believe there's more to these attacks, because some of the thugs tried to break out Jeremiah Valeska who is still locked up in the holding cell right now. So far we've manage to stop them thanks to your help, but I'm concerned that we won't be able to fight off another attack next time and I don't want to endanger any of the civillians that are staying in the GCPD building for protection. I think that the gang attacks are being orchestrated by Jeremiah's partner Ecco who is still on the loose. We've been trying to track her down for days, but there hasn't been any sign of Ecco yet. Me and the other officers have tried interrogating Jeremiah into giving us information on where to find his partner, but so far he won't tell us anything." Captain Gordon explained

"So you want us to interrogate him in order to find out where Ecco is hiding in the city." Bruce said

"Yes, but that's not the only reason why I need your help." Captain Gordon said

"What do you mean?" Selina asked

"I can't risk any of the civilians or police officers getting hurt in the cross fire as long as Jeremiah is here. I feel like the only way I can keep them safe is if I move Jeremiah somewhere more secure and unescapable to. You two know this city very well so I was wondering if you may know any places in Gotham that can keep Jeremiah locked up than here." Captain Gordon said

Bruce and Selina knew Captain Gordon was being serious about the situation and so were they, because the two of them want to help him as best as they can.

"Will do our best to find a place where Jeremiah can't escape." Bruce said

"We'll also help you with interrogating Jeremiah to find out where Ecco is hiding." Selina said

"Thank you." Captain Gordon said

Inside the GCPD building

Captain Gordon brought the two masked vigilantes into the GCPD building so that way they can interrogate Jeremiah. He was a little worried about how the other officers would react to seeing them in person, but Jim trust his men and he knew deep down that they wouldn't have a problem with having the vigilantes around in the police station. When the three of them entered the facility all of the cops and civilians were surprised to actually see the masked heroes for the first time.

"Oh my god it's really them, the two vigilantes." A random civilian said

"Gordon wasn't kidding when he said that they were wearing masks." A police officer said

"Is it true that they took down a Gun Factory that was owned by Oswald Cobblepot." A civilian asked

Captain Gordon didn't his allies to draw too much attention from the crowd so he decided to say something.

"Alright listen up, I know you're all shocked to see these two masked heroes, but I want to clarify that they're only here to help the police." Captain Gordon said

All of the police officers and civilians each gave Gordon a nod as a way of showing that they understand. After that Captain Gordon showed them where Jeremiah was being locked up in the holding cell. As the three of them made it to the holding cell they saw Jeremiah sitting quietly. He was still wearing the same purple suit ever since Captain Gordon arrested him weeks ago. Jeremiah then turned his attention to Captain Gordon and the two vigilantes.

"Well this is quite a surprise. At last I finally get to meet the masked heroes of Gotham that I've heard so much about." Jeremiah said as an evil smile formed on his face.

Captain Gordon had two of his cops bring Jeremiah to the interrogation and made sure that his wrists were handcuffed to the table. Captain Gordon then let the vigilantes go into the interrogation room alone so that way can talk to Jeremiah alone without any interruptions.

As Bruce and Selina sat down and faced Jeremiah they started interrogating him.

"Tell us where to find your partner Ecco." Bruce said

"How should I know where she is, I haven't been in contact with Ecco ever since Gordon brought me here weeks ago." Jeremiah said while still smiling.

"We're not playing games here nut job. The GCPD has been attacked by random gangs a couple times and we know that some of them tried to break you out of your cell." Selina said

"And your point is?" Jeremiah asked with a fiendish look on his face

"No more joking Valeska we want answers to where Ecco is and what she's planning. So start telling us what we want to know now." Bruce said in a serious tone of voice.

"You really think that's going to make a difference?" Jeremiah asked

"If it means keeping guys like you off the streets than yes it does make a difference." Selina said

"Captain Gordon must be really desperate to ask you two for help. It just further shows how pathetic the Gotham police are at their jobs." Jeremiah said

"You're wrong, Captain Gordon has changed the GCPD for the better. The police are not afraid to stand up to psychopaths like you, because no matter what they'll protect Gotham and not let fall into the hands of criminals." Bruce said

In that same moment Jeremiah's smile slowly turned into an angry expression, but that didn't stop him from talking to the two vigilantes.

"Tell me who are you two underneath those masks? Why do you feel the need to go out into the world and fight people like me? Do you really think you can win, we'll see? Jeremiah asked

"No more games Valeska tell us where Ecco is now." Selina said in a serious tone of voice.

"Or what you gonna kill me." Jeremiah said

In that same moment Bruce literary got up from his seat and grabbed Jeremiah by the collar of his purple suit, thus lifting him up in the air. As Bruce stared at Jeremiah with anger in his eyes he wanted nothing more than to beat him up with his bare hands. Bruce hated Jeremiah, because he threatened the people Bruce loves and cares about. Not only did Jeremiah try to destroy Gotham, but he also tortured Alfred, tried to mentally break Bruce with scarecrow's fear toxin, and Jeremiah almost shot Selina right in front of him. Despite everything that has happened Bruce couldn't let his anger take control of him, because if he allowed himself to go down into that abyss he will never come back or be the same ever again. As Bruce finally, started calming down he pulled Jeremiah closer towards him and said something to him as a way to sound intimidating in order to make Jeremiah fear both Bruce and Selina.

"We're not going to kill you, but you'll wish we did." Bruce said before throwing Jeremiah back into his seat with a lot of force that almost made the psychopath fall to the floor.

After that Jeremiah immediately started laughing maniacally as he was impressed by what just happened. After a few seconds passed by Jeremiah finally, stopped laughing and started talking again to the two masked vigilantes.

"I must say I am very impressed by the both of you, but I'm a little disappointed. You have all of this rage directed towards me and for what. You know if you actually let me finish a sentence you might learn something. You might learn that we're not so different." Jeremiah explained

"You're wrong Valeska, there is difference that separates us from you. Unlike you we choose not to allow our inner darkness to control us, because we believe in the value that good exist in Gotham. This city is worth saving and that's why we're here, to save and protect innocent lives that are being threatened by maniacs like you." Bruce said

This made Jeremiah angry and he couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Now for the last time tell us where Ecco is hiding." Bruce said

"I have no idea where she is and even if I did know I wouldn't tell you." Jeremiah said

Selina got sick and tired of this so without any hesitation she got up from her seat and grabbed Jeremiah from the top of his head with her right hand. She then slammed his face on to the table as a way to force him to start talking and reveal where Ecco is in the city. Selina then whispered something into Jeremiah's ear as a way to threaten him.

"You wanna bet, because if you don't start talking we're going to break every bone in your body." Selina whispered before letting go of his head.

Jeremiah then lifted his head from the table and just stared at the two vigilantes. In that same moment his angry expression changed into an evil smile on his face. Jeremiah then started talking to the two masked heroes again.

"You want to know what I think? I think we were destined to meet. This is what it has been building up to all along. As Gotham falls the three of us shall rise. You may not see it that way, but I do. I will break out of here soon and when I do, it's going to be chaos." Jeremiah explained

"That will never happen as long as were here to protect this city." Bruce said

"We shall see." Jeremiah said while still smiling.

After that Bruce and Selina left the interrogation room, because they knew that Jeremiah wasn't going to tell them anything about where Ecco is hiding so they'll have to find her another way. As Jeremiah watched them leave the interrogation room he whispered something to himself.

"This is going to be fun." Jeremiah said to himself.

When Bruce and Selina exited the interrogation room they saw Captain Gordon standing by the one-way window. There were also a couple of police officers along with detective Harvey Bullock standing with Captain Gordon to. Bruce and Selina then walk towards them and started having a conversation with Captain Gordon.

"Jeremiah doesn't seem to know anything about where Ecco is or what she's planning." Bruce said

"But we're not going to give up and we won't stop looking until we find her." Selina said

"I appreciate you saying that and thank you for trying to help us with interrogating Jeremiah." Captain Gordon said

"You're welcome." Bruce said

"We'll let you know if we find any information on where Ecco is hiding while we're on patrol." Selina said

During that same moment Harvey Bullock decided to step into the conversation.

"I want you two to know that we think what you're doing is very brave and noble. Ever since the bridges were destroyed Gotham we thought the GCPD wasn't going to be enough to keep the city safe. But you guys have given us something worth fighting for, which is hope so thank you." Harvey Bullock explained

"We appreciate you saying that, but you really don't need to thank us." Bruce said

"We're just doing our job." Selina said

Detective Bullock nods in agreement, because he understood that the two vigilantes are not looking for praise.

After that Bruce and Selina left the GCPD and get back to doing their night patrol through Gotham.

Wayne Manor

At one point Bruce and Selina decided to call it a night since there wasn't a lot going on in the city tonight. The two of them safely returned to Wayne Manor and they mostly spent their time explaining to Alfred what happened while they were at the GCPD building.

"So aside from the interrogation with Jeremiah, you're telling me Captain Gordon also asked you two to help him with finding a different place that can keep Jeremiah locked up then the GCPD?" Alfred asked

"Yes and Captain Gordon was very serious about it, because he's worried that keeping Jeremiah locked up in the GCPD will put both the police officers and the civilians in there at risk if Ecco tries to break him out of his cell." Bruce explained

"The only problem is that we don't know any other places in the city that can keep Jeremiah locked up." Selina said

There was a moment of silence between the three of them for a few seconds until Bruce, finally spoke again.

"There might be one place that can keep Jeremiah locked up." Bruce said

"Where master Bruce?" Alfred asked with a confused look on his face.

Without any hesitation Bruce took out his cell phone and called Lucious Fox. Alfred and Selina had no idea what Bruce's plan is so they decided to just go with it until he actually tells them.

"Hello." Lucius said as he answered his cell phone.

"Lucius it's me Bruce." Bruce said

"Bruce, what can I do you for you?" Lucius asked

"How are things at the GCPD?" Bruce asked

"Everything is alright at the moment, but there's been a lot of conversation going on about how Captain Gordon is planning on moving Jeremiah somewhere else that can keep him locked up. I also heard that the two masked vigilantes came by earlier to interrogate Jeremiah about where his partner Ecco is and that it didn't go very well for them." Lucius explained

"I know this may sound strange, but does Wayne Enterprises still have the prototype vault in the applied science division?" Bruce asked

"Yes we do, why do you ask?" Lucius asked

"I think it may help with keeping Jeremiah locked up so that way he won't be able to escape." Bruce said

"That might actually work, good thinking Bruce. I'll inform Captain Gordon about it and see what he thinks about it."

"Thank you Lucius." Bruce said

"You're welcome Bruce." Lucius said

After that Bruce hung up his cell phone and then started explaining his plan to both Alfred and Selina. They thought his plan was genius and that it will definitely work.

The next day at the GCPD building

Jeremiah was sitting in his holding cell and in that same moment Captain Gordon entered the cell along with detective Bullock, Lucius Fox and a couple of police officers.

"Have you finally come to your senses and allow me to go free?" Jeremiah asked

"No you're being transferred somewhere else that will keep you locked up." Captain Gordon said

At first Jeremiah thought that this was some kind of joke, but he could tell that Gordon was being serious when he ordered his men to handcuff Jeremiah and bring him to a police SWAT car. Jeremiah had no idea where he was being taken and this was starting to make him mad.

Wayne Enterprises

The SWAT care finally, made it to the Wayne Enterprises building. The police took Jeremiah out of the vehicle and started walking him to the entrance of the facility.

"You seriously think that Wayne Enterprises can keep me locked up." Jeremiah said in a mocking tone of voice.

"Yes we do." Captain Gordon said while walking with his fellow police officers.

Lucius lead Gordon, Bullock and the other officers with Jeremiah in custody to the elevator inside the building. The elevator brought them down to the lower floor area underneath the building. Lucius then showed them the prototype vault that was in the applied science division.

"You can't be serious, you're going to lock me up in a giant vault." Jeremiah said as he started laughing hysterically.

"This isn't just a regular vault, it's an advanced Wayne tech vault. The walls for this thing are indestructible from both the outside and inside. It also has built in cameras that can record everything inside the vault in case if someone attempts to break into the vault and steel the stuff inside of it. The vault can only be opened with voice recognition." Lucius said

This caused Jeremiah to stop laughing as he now realized that the police were going to place him into a vault that is literally unescapable. Jeremiah watched as Lucius opened the vault with his voice recognition.

"Open." Lucius said into the microphone on to the control panel of the vault.

"Access granted" A computer voice said from the control panel.

The door to the vault opened and then the police put Jeremiah inside the vault. Captain Gordon took the handcuffs off him while the police officers stayed cautious by keeping their guns aimed at Jeremiah in case if he tried to attack anybody. After that Gordon and his men exited the vault and then Lucius Fox closed the door to the vault with his voice recognition.

"Close." Lucius said

"Activating closed door." The computer voice said from the control panel as the door to the vault automatically closed. Jeremiah was now locked up in the vault and will not be able to escape.

The computer monitors next to the vault showed the live camera footage of Jeremiah inside the vault. In that same moment Jeremiah started banging on the locked door and became very angry.

"You think that this will hold me forever, well you're wrong." Jeremiah said in a serious tone of voice.

As Captain Gordon, Lucius, detective Bullock, and the other police officers watched the video footage from the monitors they noticed that Jeremiah was becoming more unstable with his behavior.

"I WILL ESCAPE FROM THIS AND WHEN I DO I WILL KILL YOU ALL. GOTHAM WILL REGRET MESSING WITH JEREMIAH VALESKA AND AFTER I GET RID OF THE POLICE AT THE GCPD I'M GOING AFTER BRUCE WAYNE AND SELINA KYLE. I STILL HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS WITH THEM." Jeremiah yelled at the camera in order for Captain Gordon to hear his threatening message. After that Jeremiah started laughing manically with an evil smile on his face while he is locked up inside the vault.

After that Captain Gordon spent the next few minutes explaining to his men of what they need to do in order to prevent Jeremiah from escaping the vault.

"Alright I need you all to pay attention to the next step of our plan. Everyday we'll have a squad of police officers on guard duty at Wayne Enterprises. We will have a police SWAT car transport different teams back and forth so that way there will be a couple of cops at the GCPD and a few at this building. Each of you will be on the look out to make sure that no intruders get into Wayne Enterprises. You will also need to check the monitors every hour to make sure that Jeremiah is still locked up inside the vault. We will stay in contact with each other by using our police walkie talkies. Our main priority is to make sure that Jeremiah does not escape from the vault." Captain Gordon explained

All of the police officers nodded to him in agreement, because they understood that the situation is very serious.

Meanwhile at ACE chemcials

Ecco was inside an office of ACE chemicals writing down plans to break out Jeremiah from the GCPD building. However, she is unaware that he has been transferred to another facility. Ever since the bridges were destroyed ACE chemicals has become her headquarters. Ecco has manage to gather up a bunch of criminals and thugs to join her cause in freeing Jeremiah from the police station while also help with setting up secret plans for bringing chaos to the city. Before Jeremiah was captured by Captain Gordon he gave Ecco a list of instructions of what he needs her to do in order for his other schemes to happen. ACE chemicals is a huge part of Jeremiah's ultimate plan and so far Ecco has succeeded with taking control of the building. She also has her men working on the manufacturing area of ACE chemicals, because the whole process of Jeremiah's plan involves creating a deadly toxin.

As Ecco continued setting up her plans to breaking out Jeremiah she started talking to herself.

"Don't worry puddin I'll get you out the GCPD building no matter what." Ecco said to herself as she laughed hysterically.

Hello everyone, this is a brand new Gotham fanfiction that I'm putting together and it is a follow up to the first one that I wrote called "GOTHAM'S HOPE". The whole idea of this story is that it's an alternate version of season five of Gotham. I honestly loved everything about season five and I think it ended perfectly, but I will admit that the writers of the show could've fixed a few things. This version of season five is mostly going to focus on the relationship between Bruce and Selina since they are now working together to protect Gotham from the bad guys. The other characters will get plenty of attention in the following chapters and it will follow the same plot of the final season, but with a few changes along the way. I pretty much have this whole story planned out, however if you guys have any ideas or recommendations on what you would like to see in this story then please leave a review to let me know. Anyways thank you so much for reading this and I hope you have a good day.