
Isabelle Fuhrman as Esther

Liv Tyler as Liv Sophia mom

Vitani vice by Jennifer Lien

Kovu vice by Jason Marsden

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Sophia

The Leprechaun voice by Tim curry

20 years later the mother is still there, as she sits by the pond she hears a voice say "I am coming for you Liv." Something jumps out of the water and lands on her, it's a mutilated Leprechaun. He pins her down and strangles her, she tries to scream but fells like she couldn't move. She soon wakes up on the floor next to the wall in her bedroom covered in blankets. Liv breathes until finally she's calm then calls for her daughter Sophia. Her daughter arrives out of nowhere still looking the same as before she died 20 years ago. Liv bawls as Sophia sits closer to her, Liv cries and says that he is still haunting her dreams. Sophia wraps an arm around her mother and hugs her.

The Next Day

The next day Liv gets a visit from Vitani and Kovu, they bring a little girl with them named Esther. Liv hugs her sister Vitani and then hugs Esther, they start looking around the house then go outside. The child finds a crystal stone, not knowing what it was, she takes it and begins to play with it. Soon after she plays with it it begins to sparkle and visions of the leprechaun start to appear. She plays with it more and more until the leprechaun starts full form, during that time the leprechaun had become fond of her. The leprechaun soon has plans to turn her evil. That night after Esther goes into her aunt's room and sits lies under the bed waiting. Liv goes to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and gets attacked from the behind, Esther wraps her arm around her throat and begins to squeeze. Ensuring no one could hear her she placed her hand over Liv's mouth until the was not motion. Esther laid her aunt down in her bed and made it look like she passed away in her sleep. Kovu goes into Liv's closet to search for a box and finds her dead on the bed, he believes it was an accident until he saw Sophia crying in the corner. Kovu asks whats wrong, she explained she's waiting for her mother to come and that there was a little girl who attacked her but she couldn't stop her from killing her mother due to her being too strong like she had magic powers. Sophia touches Kovu on the arm, he soon sees himself laying in Liv's bed as if he was her. He sees Esther attacking the body he was in. When he comes to he realizes his daughter was the reason his sister in law was dead. Kovu goes to call the cops but Esther grabs him from behind with almost super human strength and throws him down the stairs. She flies down the stairs directly on top of him and begins strangling him after grabbing both arms and pulling them back. Soon both his arms break and then slowly he stopped breathing, she throws the body down then heads for her mother. Esther tackles Vitani to the ground and tries to strangle her but it was too late, Vitani had already called the police. The police warn her to put her hands above her head but instead she smiles and jumps out the window. After the police were done the ambulance proceeds to take her sister's and husband's body to the morgue. As the police leave they reassure Vitani that they would find her daughter and bring her to justice. Later that night Sophia stays with her aunt due to so much happening. Sophia asks if her aunt needs a massage, she said OK then got one. Soon she falls asleep but still worried for tomorrow.

In the Woods

Deep in the woods back in a cave the leprechaun and Esther being to plan their attack on the house of Deadly Inn. Vitani got a call from detective Aladar and he says he's coming to the house to talk to her, as he began to talk she cut him off and told him he needed to come to the house now. Once there Aladar shows up and greets them with hugs. Soon Esther and her new pal the leprechaun show up, they brought a fun spell with them to lock everyone in the house. No one in and no one out, battle to the death. Aladar's back up finally arrived and made plans to break in the house and stop the fight, as they ran for the house the police being to scream. Soon their bodies began to evaporate due to the spell. Vitani runs upstairs to the balcony to see why there was screaming, she finds all of the police turned to ash. Knowing she might not have a chance out she turns to cry and is now face to face with her daughter who has a crowbar. Vitani pleaded with Esther to stop and try to convince her that she was good but Esther heard nothing then lunged at her mother. She takes the crowbar and knocks her mother on her stomach, jumps on her back then begins to strangler her from behind. Vitani fights her daughter off Sophia steps in, grabs Esther and begins to fight and choke her. Soon Sophia being stronger then she was before throws Esther out the window. Esther falls to the swimming pool but was one inch from making it safely in, she hit her head onto the side of the pool then bleed out as she drowned to death. Aladar shows up and begins to hug Vitani and tells her everything will be OK. As he says this the leprechaun comes from behind and grabs Aladar, he throws him to the ground and begins to strangle him. The earth begins to shake and the ground began to crack as pieces of the floor began to disappear. They both fall into the hole, Aladar manages to grab a ledge but then fells a heavy weight attach to his back. The leprechaun puts Aladar in a choke hold and attempts to bring him down with him but Aladar hits him with his elbow. It loosens him but not enough to get him off. Soon Sophia shows up and hits the leprechaun straight in the face sending him down the hole. On his way down he grabbed Sophia and took her with him. as they are falling leprechaun grabs her around the throat from behind and begins to choke her but she uses her new power and hits him, he falls off her as she watches him go down the hole. and then she flies back up into the house Vitani runs down stairs to the living room. Sophia says goodbye to her aunt as she disappears, she looks down in the pit and sees Esther coming up for her. Esther from behind grabs Vitani around the throat and begins to strangle her. Aladar shows up to help Vitani get out of the pit, as they kiss Esther climbs up Vitani's back then strangles both Aladar and Vitani. Esther now has a crow bar, almost the length of a table then begins to press down on their throats. They gasp for air and gag, Esther laughs as loud and as evil as she can when Aladar grabs this gun from his belt and shots Esther. Esther goes flying into the pit, they watch as she hits the bottom. Aladar and Vitani hug each other, as they pack their belongings they look at each other with love in their eyes. They start making out with each other when she said "I love you Aladar" he replied "I love you too Vitani" and they continue to make out as the scene fades to black.