Can't Sleep

Early TIVA fluff; Ziva and Tony are in their own apartments but can't sleep on a muggy summer night.

Tony turned on the bed again, and picked up his cell phone. He swiped the screen and opened the messages app. 'You awake?' he typed the message to Ziva and hit send.

Within a minute a reply popped on his screen. 'Yes, cannot sleep.' He smiled as he read her message. He thought a minute and then responded, 'Want some company?' He hesitated, but figured what the heck, the worst she could do was say no. He hit send and waited.

Ziva moved on the bed, grabbing her cell phone just as it signaled an incoming text message. She smiled when she saw it was from Tony. Apparently he was not sleeping either on this muggy summer night. She replied and waited his response. As she waited, she pulled her tank top from her skin. She was used to heat, but the humidity of the DC summer was unbearable. Even with air conditioning, everything became damp within minutes; clothing clung to skin.

Her phone chimed with the incoming message. 'Want some company?' Her heart skipped a beat; oh, yes, she definitely wanted his company. Her head overruled her heart as she typed, 'It is 0220'

Tony read her reply, disappointed, but not quite ready to give up. 'What are you doing?'

'Not sleeping. Tried reading, but could not concentrate.' He pictured her with her face in a book, distracted by her thoughts.

'oh? Distracted?' he grinned as he imagined her distracted by thoughts of him.

Ziva read his message, thinking of him distracted by thoughts of her. 'by you…' She pictured his face reading her message and smiled. Two can play this game, she thought. She wondered if he were sleeping in the nude as usual tonight. A mental picture of him sitting on his bed naked came into her head… She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

Tony read the new message; oh yes. He quickly typed a response, 'what are you picturing?'

She didn't even hesitate before typing and sending the next message. 'you in your usual sleep attire…' Her heart beat increased at the image of her partner in his 'usual sleep attire' or more precisely lack of attire.

His message came back quickly, 'what are you wearing or not?' He pictured her in a skimpy tank top and sleep shorts, or not. His pulse quickened at the mental images.

'short cotton tank top and panties…' her reply sent his mind racing with imagery.

'will you let me see?' he tried again to get her to agree to let him come to her place. 'want some company?'

Ziva read his messages, the image of his bare body still in her mind. 'yes!' He grabbed a pair of gym shorts and a mesh tank top from his dresser, pulling on both quickly.

'be there in ten' he grabbed his keys and wallet and headed to the door.

'I will be waiting'