"All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost." ~ Avicii

"You're cheating!" Olivia laughed, zooming around the indoor track behind Fitz. Her helmet dug uncomfortably into her chin, but the excitement of racing her husband and all but caused her to forget about the minor inconvenience.

"Experience, babe!" Fitz yelled behind him, stomping his foot harder on the gas pedal. He went skidding around the track, going sideways at the curves.

After, Olivia leaned against an arcade game, picking at the cotton candy she had in her hand. Fitz's fingers were beating furiously against the buttons and joysticks. Leaning sideways to see the screen, she smirked as she watched Mario fall into the lava and a blocky, 'game over' appeared across the screen.


"You just don't have it anymore, babe."

"Oh, I definitely have it." He dropped his hands from the game, instantly finding a new home on her hips and pulled her close for a quick peck.

"Three babies definitely prove that you have that going for you," she winked, tilting her head back as he rested his forehead against hers. His lips sought hers out once more just as her phone began to ring. Pulling back, she reached into her back pocket for her phone.

"I'm sorry, babe. I know it's our date night, but it's mom."


She handed him her cotton candy, sliding her finger across the phone screen and holding it to her ear. "Hello?"

"Olivia! He's awake!"

Olivia's jaw fell in shock. She didn't know what to say and couldn't form any words. Thoughts were swirling around her head - mainly one single thought 'her dad was awake!' over and over again. Vaguely, she felt Fitz take her phone from her hand and heard him telling Alice that they would be at the hospital soon. In a daze, she allowed him to lead her out of the gaming facility they had decided on for their date and to their car. They rode in silence, Olivia nervously twisting her hands in her lap.

"Dad?" Olivia whispered, rooted to the doorway. Butterflies were fluttering around her stomach and tears were beginning to well in her eyes. Gaze focused on her father, she bit her lip as he smiled at her. Alice rested beside him, her arm across his shoulders.

"Hi Olivia." At the sound of his first words to her in four years, her knees began to buckle. Only Fitz's quick thinking, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her steady. Slowly, he began leading her toward Eli's bed. When they were close enough, Eli reached out, arm shaking, and wrapped his fingers around Olivia's hand.

"Dad." This time, she let her tears fall and pulled her hand from his, throwing her arms around his neck. With Alice's arm still around his shoulders, the redhead twisted her body and placed her other arm around the two. The hug lasted for a while - all three conveying their feelings and the heartbreak of the last four years in that one hug. After they had pulled away, Eli turned his attention to Fitz.

"What's up, man?"

"Four years and he acts like nothing happened," Fitz chuckled, reaching his hand toward his friend and shaking Eli's.

"Harper is four now? I bet she looks so much like you." The next day, Olivia sat in a chair beside Eli's bed. Their intertwined hands rested on the mattress, neither willing to let the other go just yet.

"Ha. She looks just like Fitz. Her and Leo both. Elisha looks like me."


"Our...our youngest. She's two."

"I have two granddaughters I don't even know and a grandson who probably doesn't even remember me." Eli hung his head, sighing.

"They'll love you."

"Tell me about them." He finally lifted his head once more, smiling. There wasn't a point in dwelling on the past and letting it bring him down. He had to move forward.

"Leo is Fitz's little shadow. He's tall for his age and looks so much like his dad. He plays soccer, baseball, and football. I have pictures!" She grabbed her purse from the ground and dug her wallet out before tossing her purse back to the floor. Digging through her wallet, she produced a photo of Leo in a baseball uniform, blue eyeblack under his eyes and his baseball cap slightly crooked as he shouldered a bat.

"He's grown so much."

"He has. Ah! Here's one of Harper. She plays basketball and foot-soccer." Olivia passed the photo of Harper, her hair in a bun and one foot balancing on a soccer ball as she smiled at the camera. Eli's gaze passed over the picture and he raised a finger, tracing the tiny objects that were barely noticeable on the side of Harper's head.

"Is she -"

"She is deaf. She has extra bones in her ears that prevent the other bones from moving correctly. They tried doing surgery when she was a baby to remove the extra bones, but her facial nerves are embedded in her eardrums."

"You're going to have to teach me how to sign."

Olivia smiled at the sweet gesture from her father. Her whole family had been supportive after they had learned that Harper couldn't hear. Alice and Audrey had learned some ASL while Mellie and Jase both had taken classes offered by the hospital. Deborah had been quick to pick it up when she was around and even Micah was slowly beginning to learn. It was nice to have such a supportive group.

"And this -" Olivia tossed her wallet into her open purse and unlocked her phone, scrolling through photos until she found one of her youngest sitting in front of her birthday cake - a wide, toothy grin on her face and her curls held back by a white bow, "is Elisha."

"This one is all you, Olivia." Eli smiled, holding Olivia's phone in his hands.

"She is! The only one of the three. She's a major daddy's girl, though."

"Fitz always has been great with kids," Eli chuckled, handing her phone back.

"I can't wait for you to meet them."

"I can't wait to meet them, either."