" I will discuss things with you later your majesty , I have some catching up to do " Zaleem said as he and Yasaka sunk thought the top of the palace and into the throne room .


Zaleem sat in the courtyard as he watched Kunou pick flowers happily , He watched with a small smile on his face as he felt a familiar presence come up behind him .

" I thought i would find you here " The sweet voice of Yasaka said as she stood next to him as he looked up at her .

" This is a wonderful courtyard , It's so peaceful " Zaleem responded as Kunou ran over with a hand full of flowers and handed it to Zaleem who smiled and rubbed the top of her head .

" Thank you Kunou " Zaleem said as he picked her up and carried her as he walked beside Yasaka .

" We have missed you " Yasaka commented as they walked through the halls .

" I must appologise , I have been caught up with everything that has been going on , I must also appologise due to being caught up with another woman " Zaleem explained as his eyes dropped slightly .

" I understand , However that doesn't change how I feel about you , It doesn't surprise me that other women are after you , I'll just have to win you over " Yasaka said with a wink as Zaleem focussed and removed the seal around the woman's neck .

Zaleem smiled as they stood next to a small stream , Butterflies hovering around the small shrubs around the water .

Kunou smiled as Zaleem placed her down as she raced after the butterflies .

Yasaka watched her daughter chase the butterflies as she and Zaleem watched her .

" Kyoto feels different compared to what it should , Why is that " Yasaka asked as Zaleem twitched slightly before sighing .

" After you were kidnapped I had to take desperate measures . Do you remember that vision I showed you when we first met " Zaleem asked as Yasaka nodded.

" I remember , We stood inside of Kyoto's crater " Yasaka commented .

" That was the first part of stopping that Vision , I transported Kunou away from danger as well as the youkai , I Blew Kyoto to peices when you were kidnapped , It's why you can't remember getting rescued " Zaleem said as Yasaka went still .

" Then ... How is this here " Yasaka asked as she remembered everything going blank .

" I restored it to what is was before , I also accidently Killed you because I didnt realise you were inside the boundaries of the barrier , So I brought you back from Limbo along with the rest of Kyoto " Zaleem explained as he grew sorrowful .

" I must appologise for doing so " Zaleem said as he looked into Yasaka's eyes .

" You are forgiven, Plus you kept your word and saved my kind as well as my daughter " Yasaka said as she edged closer to Zaleem before leaning her head on his shoulder .

" I said I would do anything in power to save her as well as you " Zaleem responded as Kunou captured one of the white butterflies in her grasp as she ran over and showed it to them .

" Good job Kunou , I knew you could do it " Zaleem said as he picked her up again , She gazed at the Butterfly in her hands as they all walked inside the palace .

Zaleem put Kunou down as she raced around the palace while He and Yasaka went to the throne room .

" I think Ameterasu still wants to talk to me , But there seem to be ... others in the room too " Zaleem stated out of the blue as they came through the throne room doors .

" Lady Ameterasu " Yasaka stated as she knelt infront of the beautiful woman while Zaleem looked at the others gathered into the room .

" Who are they " Zaleem asked as he gained a raised eyebrow from a man with long black hair who wore a white and red kimono .

" Watch your tongue boy , Do you know not who you speak too " The man said as he slowly stood .

Zaleem , Whom had been in a pleasant mood before hand , Now marred a frown as the black haired man was forced back into his seat by an unknown force .

" I know who you are , Susanoo , As well as you Izanagi and Izanami , Ameterasu took the time to explain who you are a while ago " Zaleem explained as he came and sat on the throne without any regard .

" Mind your tongue , You will show us respect " Izanagi shouted as he came to stand up before he too suddenly sat back down with his body refusing to follow it's owners bidding .

" I will not respect those who have not earned it , Whether be man or god , It matters not , You are all beneath me anyway " Zaleem said as he gazed down at the gathered gods .

" Ameterasu , Who is this insulate brat " Izanami asked as he kept his temper in check .

" Please forgive my siblings " Ameterasu asked as she noticed Zaleem grow agitated , Feeling the need to protect her siblings from the considerably powerful beings anger .

" Sister , Why do you feel for such a lowly being " Susanoo growled out as he struggled to stand .

" You call me a lowly being , You say you deserve respect while you believe yourself higher than everyone else , This is why I hold no respect for you , You do not deserve it " Zaleem explained as he flashed his presence under his own anger , The ground under Kyoto rumbling as the city shook before he reigned in the energy he had yet to re seal before releasing a sigh as he brought his temper down .

Yasaka looked up at the man who held her affection in worry as she noticed his mood swings .

" Forgive me lady Ameterasu , I do not do well when spoken down to " Zaleem explained as he sat back into the youkai throne .

" You are forgiven , It is not your fault " Ameterasu stated as she held in her fear.

Izanagi clutched his chair as it cracked , His hand shaking slightly as he had never felt more fear for his life .

Izanami sighed as the pressure withdrew .

Susanoo , Whom had endured the worst was sweating after accepting he had stepped to far with an unknown element .

" Now then , With that sorted , I believe I must notify you of something , Cao Cao Is not dead " Zaleem noted to the shocked Expression of Ameterasu .

" How , I saw what happened in there " Ameterasu asked as she had to think of any possible way of the man surviving .

" He was taken out of the barrier by an external force , Something strong enough to break in , Gather the man and leave before being blasted to peices " Zaleem pondered as he thought of all the possible beings capable before one popped into his mind .

" Damn dragons " Zaleem muttered as he thought of another Khaos brigade dragon with the motives to protect the Chinese descendant.

" Who " Ameterasu asked .

" I believe it goes by the name of crom cruach , It is one of the only creatures with the knowledge to get through the barrier , However it knows when it is outmatched and left as soon as it collected Cao Cao " Zaleem answered as he reviewed what had happened. Anyway , I believe we are here to discuss our alliance " Zaleem continued as Ameterasu nodded while gaining surprised looks from the other three deities.

" Explain , I knew of no such thing " Susanoo asked as he looked at his sister.

" We have entered into a contract alliance between Zaleem and the shinto faction " Ameterasu explained as she looked at her siblings .

" And why were we not notified " Izanagi asked .

" It was too important , It needed to happen , And after what transpired yesterday , I believe it was for the best " Ameterasu asked , And for the first time sounded irritated.

" We will discuss this later sister , But for now I want to know who we have pledged ourselves too " Izanami asked as he looked at Zaleem .

" Verywell , I will introduce myself , My title included , Which is never to be repeated outside of this room by anyone " Zaleem stated as he stood and brought the entirety of his being to bare causing not just the city of Kyoto to shake but the entire continental shelf .

" I am Zaleem Gremory , Offspring of the previous emperor beast of Apocalypse , I am known as the true Emperor beast of Apocalypse , I am the embodiment of the good which surrounds the universe, My is power unrivaled ,My existence is endless ,I am eternal " Zaleem introduced as he once again reigned in his power .

" That's quite the title " Izanagi stated as he shook while trying to calm himself .

" Do you see now why I accepted " Ameterasu asked as he finally calmed herself while her siblings slowly nodded .

" Please forgive me ,I knew not whom you were " Susanoo asked as he kept his gaze down .

" You are forgiven ... This time " Zaleem stated as he leaned back again .

Yasaka silently wiped the sweat off of her brow ,Thankful towards not being his enemy .

" What does this alliance entitle " Izanami asked with a straight voice .

" I will not strile against the youkai or any member of the shinto faction , I will put their safety first , They will be cared for and the foundry as at the disposal of the shinto faction . As for you , The shinto faction swears loyalty to me , You fall under my banner , I will not take command of Kyoto or Japan, This is a joint alliance , We are equals in this " Zaleem explained the alliance as he watched the other gods nod reluctantly .

" That is ... acceptable " Susanoo stated reluctantly .

" Are there any others in this alliance to you " Ameterasu asked curiously .

" Yes , There are a few , There are various human governments who have sworn themselves to me , They have allowed certain citizens into the foundry who serve as it's force . There are few other gods such as the Egyptian pantheon who swore themselves to me along with both of the current heavenly dragons and the being known as ouroboros has sworn itself to me as both a lover and follower " Zaleem explained as Ameterasu stiffened at the mention of the last as well as Susanoo shaking slightly while Izanagi and Izanami went wide eyed .

Yasaka herself squinted at the mention of the Dragon god before resuming her usual smile .

" That ... Is indeed quite the force " Ameterasu finished with a nervous chuckle .

" We work for the betterment of this world , I have joined with the faction alliance between the Christian pantheon to make our dream reality " Zaleem said his gaze swept the room .

" And your dream is " Izanami asked curiously .

" Peace , Equality , No-one will ever suffer unjustly at the hands of another , I wish for this to happen " Zaleem explained with conviction.

" I guess we're just going to have to go along with you , We already have an alliance " Ameterasu stated with a smile .

" Indeed , It will be honored , And you asked me a question before , What can kill me " Zaleem asked as Ameterasu nodded .

" In short , Nothing can permanently kill me , However I do not wish to expand apon the subject , Maybe at a future date when I know I can trust you , But as of right now , I do not " Zaleem explained .

" That is understandable , I believe that brings our meeting to a close , I also extend my thanks for helping us with the invasion " Ameterasu asked as her siblings stood from their seats .

" It is of no Issue , I bid you safe travels " Zaleem responded as Ameterasu nodded left via teleportation along with her siblings.

" My my so commanding and from my seat " Yasaka teased as she made her way to stand infront of her throne .

" Do you wish to take it back " Zaleem asked before reaching out and grabbing the middle of Yasaka's kimono and dragging her onto the seat as she gasped from the sudden movement .

" So forceful " Yasaka cooed as Zaleem chucked while placing her on his lap .

" You know you wouldn't have it any other way " Zaleem teased as he ran a finger down her chest and stopping just above her breasts .

" We are in the throne room you naughty boy " Yasaka responded .

" Its our throne room , I don't see the problem " Zaleem said as Yasaka shrugged off the right shoulder of her kimono while feighning ignorance to what she did .

" You have a point ... " Yasaka stated as Zaleem pulled her closer , Her kimono barely covering her chest due to the left shoulder .

Zaleem however had to sigh as His eyebrow twitched as he felt a presence about to step into the throne room .

However he once again smiled as an excited Kunou ran into the room as she waddled up to her mother and Zaleem .

" Zaleem , you're still here " Kunou yelled excitedly as Yasaka stood up after repositioning her Kimono while Zaleem swept the Giggling girl into his arms .

" Of course I am , I promised didn't I , Now how about we go and get something to eat " Zaleem stated as Kunou nodded eagerly .

Zaleem exited the building as he fell into a peaceful stride witb Yasaka while he carried Kunou in his arms .

He was however troubled as he walked , Cao Cao being alive more than likely meant that the Khaos brigade knew it was he who defeated them .

' This could be a problem in the future ' Zaleem sighed as he schooled his features and took both Yasaka and Kunou to lunch.

He waved and Acknowledged many of the youkai waving to him as well as the various Foundry members who were spending their free time conversing with the youkai .

" They seem to be getting along well " Yasaka noted as she saw many humans laughing and getting along with the locals .

" That's how they wish for everything to be , They don't see youkai as animals or slaves . They see them as equals , That's why these specific humans were selected for the foundry " Zaleem explained with a small she as he saw an Adult foundry member playing ball with a bunch of teenage Youkai of all races .

" Why use humans for the foundry " Yasaka asked as she caught Zaleem's attention.

" Humans are the most basic race , Their DNA is the easiest to alter . They are essentially a blank canvas, Moulded by whatever is around them " Zaleem started explaining .

" What does that have anything to do with it " Yasaka asked with a raised eyebrow .

" A secret to the weapons and armor they carry on them , It is imbued with the energy of both devils and angels as well as various different power sources " Zaleem kept explaining .

" The Weapons release a certain type of Radiation which leaks into the holders body as long as they hold the weapon , It is not harmful in any way but it starts a process to which Is secret to the foundry " Zaleem kept going as Yasaka eyed the armor of the nearby foundry members , Noticing various power packs along the their armor .

" And what does it do " Yasaka mumbled .

" It fuses the power released by the fuel cells held on their armor to their DNA , Essentially altering them in the process and evolving them " Zaleem finished as Yasaka grew a shocked Expression.

" You're making hybrid warriors " Yasaka surmised .

" Yes , And they are doing it willingly , They are becoming and unofficial member of each race , But it is dangerous if done quickly, So it takes time and they will always appear to be human " Zaleem responded .

" That... I dont know how to describe it " Yasaka stated in a loss for words .

" You don't have too , I never liked it how humans were used as pawns by most races , With this , They have the chance to choose for themselves " Zaleem mentioned as they made their way to a restaurant.


Zaleem watched as Kunou blushed with food dripping from her face , He laughed slightly as he reached over , A tissue materializing in his hand as he wiped her face , Causing her to blush more .

Yasaka sat with a serene smile on her face as she watched them interact .

" You better watch how much you eat , You'll get fat otherwise " Zaleem teased with a smile .

" I'M A GROWING GIRL , ITS NOT MY FAULT " Kunou yelled out in embarrassment, Zaleem's responce was to laugh lightly and pick her up and hug her .

" Nawww , It's okay I understand " Zaleem kept joking as she calmed considerably while taking in his warmth .

Zaleem and Yasaka stood up as he left the money for the bill on the counter before leaving .

Zaleem and Yasaka conversed happily while Kunou slept on Zaleem's shoulder , Exhaustion fonally setting in on her .

They made their way back to the palace as Zaleem placed Kunou in her bed quietly before she whimpered when he tried to move from her .

This caused Zaleem to chuckle as he slowly untangled her arms from his neck and placed a kiss on her forehead before standing and quietly walking out of the room .

" You'll make a great father " Yaska commented having observed their interaction .

" I certainly hope so " Zaleem said as he came to stand by her side " Forgive me Yasaka , Cleo is in need of my assistance at my home "

" Think nothing of it , I just hope you come by sooner rather than later " She stated as she wrapped her arms around his frame.

" Of course I will " Zaleem responded with a kiss to her forehead before wrapping her in an embrace .

She smiled in content before she felt him fade away in her grasp as she sighed to herself .


Zaleem Appeared standing atop of his palace as he observed the changes to the scenery made by the excess matter .

Surrounding his palace was lush forrest spreading in all directions as snow fell which made Zaleem raise an eyebrow in wander as there were no clouds or mountains nearby .

His gaze drew upward as a dim sum hung in the sky which was obscured by a never moving moon directly in the middle which made an eclipse that spread over the land .

Sighing as he leapt to the palace entrance , Landing with a dull thud before he entered the building .

He found Mathews fussing over an irritated Cleo , He was lifting her arms to check for any issues .

" YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR TWELVE HOURS , STOP " Cleo yelled out as she sat back down in a huff .

Mathews himself shook his head , Ignoring her plea as he made sure she was okay .

" Cleo , Are you okay " Zaleem asked as he looked over the girl .

" Yes ... I thought I was dead " Cleo said as she thought about what happened.

" I would never allow such a fate to befall you , So I healed you " Zaleem said as he felt the ratio of origional cells in her body compared to him cells in her body .

" I ... Thank you " Cleo said as she looked at him gratefully.

" None of you ever have to worry about dying as long as I am here " Zaleem ensured as he drew her into a hug .

" Thank you " Cleo said again as the others had small smiles on their faces .

Vali and Issei stood to the side as they bickered about who did better .

" I must alert you all , The Khaos brigade now knows that I am not on their side , They probably consider me a traitor and will hunt me down " Zaleem notified everyone gathered in the dining room .

Zaleem was about to continue talking when his head suddenly snapped to the side as he glared .

" What is it boss man " Mathews asked in curiosity .

" Sirzechs lucifer ... Has just woken up " Zaleem notified as a scowl made it way to his face before he stormed through a rift to an unknown location .