This is my first fanfiction-story ever. I actually wrote it just for myself, but I want to know what you guys think of it. Hope you enjoy :).

„You made it. Goodbye Andrew." Then he flew off. The only thing to hear was the snow, which was whirled up. Matt knew exactly where he was headed. Home.

He spent a lot of time thinking, turned his phone off and went to Peru in the hope that he could close that chapter of his life. The hike almost took the whole summer break and it was time to return home and to face his family and maybe the police, which was waiting for him to arrest him or worse.

Matt was aware of that and that might be the price to pay for what he did. The memories of those recent events were circling in his head, but the slowly getting warmer wind he felt on his skin helped him focus. By now he might be as strong as Andrew was, at his end.

He flew for hours and then finally he landed on a very familiar doorstep. As silently as he could, he set his feet on the ground. He hadn´t seen his home since he left, which was three months ago. Matt was about to knock and then froze. He began doubting if this was a good idea and let his hand sink again. After a slight moment of panicking he took the backpack from his shoulders and placed it against the wall. Nothing had really changed while he was gone. He turned around and watched the sun go down at the horizon.

Behind him the door opened. "Matt? MATT? IS THAT REALLY YOU!?" Matt closed his eyes. The voice belonged to Casey. It was so satisfying to hear it again, he had really missed it. He opened his eyes and turned around. As soon as he saw her, Matt began to smile. They walked towards each other and fell into each other's arms.

"I have missed you so much. I am sorry for everything that happened." They stood in front of each other and looked into each other's eyes. Matt had been thinking a lot about this very moment, how Casey would react and what he could say to her. "The truth wasn´t supposed to become public. We decided it would be the best to keep it a secret, so nobody would get hurt, but well you know how it ended."

Matt felt so bad for what happened to Casey. She must have felt agony. "It is not your fault. Andrew was the one terrorizing the city, not you. You tried to stop him and in the end you actually did." Matt knew that she was just trying to comfort him. "Come inside. Your family will be so happy to have you back." Matt´s facial expression became tense. He was scared. What, if they were afraid of him? What, if they didn´t want him back? Matt thought of his little brother. What will he say? Casey opened the door a little further signalizing him, that it´s okay. Matt took a deep breath and walked into the house.