Shokugeki no Soma: Ikumi Mito

'Hmm...Karaage, huh...We've made that here before. But maybe I need some special knowledge about take-out side dishes like I did for the buffet assignment at camp. Who do I know that has special knowledge like that...'

A flash of black drew a pair of golden irises towards a framed photo. His own wide grin peered back at him, the newly acquired uniform of Totsuki tucked under one arm, and the other arm flung around the petite shoulders of his companion.

Long, black waves spilled over his arm.

Pink, full lips pulled into a serene smile.

Ocean blue eyes half obscured by cheeks pushing almond eyes into a moon-shape.

In her arms, a bouquet of flowers with a congratulatory ribbon hanging from it.

And a memory then surfaced, clouding his eyes in remembrance.

"No, Soma-kun," the same large, blue eyes rolled back in exasperation, "You can't short cut this step! It's what gives it it's flavor."

Soma Yukihira grinned as he held up the plastic container high above the shorter girl's reaching arms.

"It doesn't hurt to taste! Besides-ACH" Soma stumbled as manicured nails dug into his sides. They wriggled violently in attempt to elicit a spine-tingling tickling or pain, which one the girl was intending on, Soma wasn't so sure.

"You give that to me right now or so help me! I didn't come all this way for you to annoy me!"

"Not even the distance could keep us apart for too long, it's okay. I understand your love for me."

" Y-u-k-i-h-i-r-a, S-o-m-a"

"What was that? I couldn't hear you from way up here~!"


Soma slapped a fist into his open palm, an elated smile splitting his face.

"I forgot about that! That was some pretty good Karaage!"

Fingers flew as they dialed a number he long since burned into his memory.

As the tell tale sounds of the phone ringing echoed in his ear, he spread his remaining limbs across the tatami flooring.


The familiar ring of her voice pulled a small but soft smile on his face.

"Hey Gome, are you free this week?"

"Why yes Soma-kun, I'm doing okay. It's definitely been a while, how are you?" the voice replied pleasantly with a twinge of sarcasm.

Soma snickered, "Mah mah, sorry about that. I just really need you. The plaza might be in trouble."

"Eh? What happened? Are you and Joichiro-san alright?"

"I'll explain when you get here."

"So you're assuming I'll drop my vacation plans and travel an hour to help you? Just like that?"

"You mean you're telling me that you wouldn't come to your fiance's help in an emergency?!"

Surprised spluttering elicited a belly aching laughter from the teenage boy.

"W-would you drop that?! We were kids!!"

"Hehe, well you know how we were as kids. You were so much more open back then. You professed your love to me, how could I say no to your proposal?"

"Some-kun," her tone dripped like honey.

"Yes, wife?" His own tone nearly gave him a cavity.

"Go die in a hole."

"Is that a yes?"

"I'm taking your room and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Well, it's practically your room every time you come over anyways."

"Shut up. Tonight okay? You better be awake to open the door."

"Of course. Love you too! Thanks a million!"

The abrupt dial tone rang on the line.

Soma felt his cheeks ache in delight as he closed his eyes.

'Now...who else do I need? If it Karaage...then I definitely need some chicken. Meat.'

"So you're Yukihira, the idiotic transfer student. Erina-sama mentioned you before."

Tan skin.

"Call me Nikumi again and I'll slice off what makes you a man."

Yellow blonde hair.


A giant meat cleaver.


Green eyes behind designer shades appraised the diner with a sharp gaze.

'Not bad,' he mused. It was definitely better than what he had imagined. Less shabby and bigger, at least on the outside.

Sighing, Ikumi Mito pulled the sliding door entrance wide open.

A brunette teenage girl in pink greeted him with a startled look on her face.

His own face settled into a neutral one.

"This is Yukihira Soma's place, right?"

Mayumi Kurase felt as though she was going to melt into the floor. It had taken her all night to pull her nerves together enough to fathom the thought that she would be spending the day with her childhood crush, Yukihira Soma. She figured it would just be the two of them.

She had not been prepared to meet his other invited guest.

Bright blonde hair, practically yellow styled into a model-esque style. Intense, forest-green eyes stared down at her, nearly glaring. His tall stature put him the same and possible taller than Soma. His clothing screamed designer, from his tight purple short sleeve shirt that nearly had her choking on her spit to form fitting white pants.

She was convinced he was either a model or pop star.

Sweat beaded on her face as she struggled to stay conscious.

"Y-Yes," She peeped and instantly felt mortified.

"Oh! Hey Nikumi!"

Mayumi breathed out in relief as the sound of her former classmate's voice.

"This is my classmate Kurase. One of my old classmates from Junior High," Soma introduced with an easy grin as he made his way closer to the duo, "I asked her to be a taste tester today."


Mayumi felt her voice catch as the blonde boy's face twitched in confusion that looked very similar to anger.

"And this is one of my classmates from High School. He's a meat expert," Soma continued as he gestured towards his classmate.

"Call him Nikumi."


Irritation exploded across 'Nikumi's' face, "Don't spread that nickname around! I'll punch you!"

Mayumi could have fainted then and there.

"Anyway, now that everyone else is here. Let's go check out the enemy territory! Gome get down here!"

Mayumi and Nikumi tilted their heads in confusion.

'Gome? There's someone else helping too?'

"I'm coming! Hold your horses," A faint but distinctly female voice called out from above.
"Who's that Soma-kun?" The brunette of the three inquired looking towards the door leading to the residential side of the building.

"Oh, you mean Gome? She's my wife."

The horror on Soma's former classmate's face would have been enough to send Ikumi laughing but the shock of the statement had him choking instead.


Him? Yukihira Soma? Married already?! Ikumi could not fathom the idea.

And as if on cue, a white wedge shoe sailed and hit the red-haired boy square in the head.


The other two teenagers jumped back in surprise.

"I said stop spreading that nonsense to other people!"

For the first time in a while, Ikumi Mito felt his breath leave his body.

Huffing from the back door was the short stature of a ravenette girl. Her hair flowed like ocean waves down her sides, short bangs styled to frame oceanic blue eyes. Her shoulder hunched and hands fisted, her whole body radiated anger.

But to him, she looked angelic.

The reasonably short green skirt of her short-sleeved dress fluttered around her thighs as she made her way closer to the trio.

Ikumi tensed and immediately felt self-conscious about his admittedly bold outfit. He had not cared, and usually ever do care, about how his clothing was a little more form fitting and louder than the conventional style. But now he felt worried that the attractive girl would have the wrong take of him.

However in his opinion, no other style of clothing suited him more.

At that thought, he forced his shoulders and body to adjust into a more relaxed stance.

That seemed to catch the new girl's eye from her frantic choking of the laughing Yukihira.

Her blue eyes widened as the girl dropped her captive and worked to straighten herself out.

"I-I'm so sorry about that! This idiot brings out the worst in me," The girl giggled nervously before smiling softly. Ikumi felt his heart sail out of his chest and into the ocean in her eyes.

"Awe, don't say that Gome! They're going to get the wrong impression of me!"

The other three teenagers stared at the grinning Soma with weary gaze.

"You don't need me to do that Soma-kun. You easily embarrass yourself without me."

"Hey now!"

The girl pointedly looked away from the irked, but happy boy.

She then bowed before them, her hair briefly moving to wrap around her like wings.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, it is nice to meet you both."

When she looked back up to meet his gaze, Ikumi Mito knew this would the best summer break ever.


"Wh-what do you mean you're staying here with Yukihira?! Just you two alone?!" The Meat Master's jaw dropped as the black-haired girl smiled at them from behind the counter.

"Y-you live here with S-Soma-kun?!" Mayumi joined in shock and despair.

"Ah, nah. She just stays here whenever she ends up coming down here because she misses me so much. Like I said, we're practically already married. She sleeps in my bed and everything," Soma snickered in good nature, oblivious to the devastation in Ikumi and Mayumi's faces.

Kagome simply rolled her eyes with a smile as she moved the used dishes into the diner's large sink.

"Don't listen to him, he was dropped as a kid. Many times, trust me I know," She teased lightly.

"Hey! You pushed me in half those instances!"

Her pink lips pulled into a thoughtful pout, "Did I? I can't recall."

"Yeah right! See this, this from you!"

Yukihira Soma pointed at a spot on his elbow. The three other teenagers leaned in to look at his skin, but saw nothing.

"There's nothing there Soma-kun," Kagome stated with dead fish eyes before turning to the other two, "See, he's a liar. Makes up things all the time."

A sigh of relief left the other girl, much to Kagome's amusement. Whereas the taller boy seemed to furrow his brows more.

"Anyways, you guys should retire for tonight before Soma-kun pulls us into an all nighter. We need our brains for tomorrow too," Kagome reasoned, gracefully dodging her friend's grabbing hands.

"A-ah, you're right. Good night Higurashi-San, M-Mito-San, S-Soma-kun," Mayumi waved as she made her way into the cool night.

Ikumi seemed to pause before nodding at the two teenagers, a nervous expression overtaking his face.

"Good night...Kagome-chan," He stuttered out, his cheeks mottled with red.

Kagome's own face brightened as her smile grew, "I had a great time today and can't wait to work with you tomorrow too! Good night, Nikumi-Kun!"

'Nikumi-kun's' face burst like a volcanic explosion at her use of his reluctant nickname. Though coming from lips, it felt like a term of endearment that he suddenly cherished.

Then he spotted something that made him blanch in horror.

The feral grin that split Yukihira Soma's face.

"Good night, Nikumi-Chan."