A/N There are going to be some major changes to canon in this fic as well. Torchwood Three's team set up will change. For example Gwen is already part of the team before Ianto joins and in this story Suzie is already dead. Plots from future series' episodes will be brought in earlier but will happen quite differently. There are so many amazing stories that I loved about the post-Rose series that I may use them in this story as it would be interesting to tell them with different dynamics and characters involved. Also as much as I love River, for story purposes she doesn't exist here so other characters may fill their role for any stories that might have normally involved her. Last but not least the events will be set in present day so 2019. So Fear Her would have been a trip to the past rather than future.

Rose felt sick with deja vu the second she landed in the parallel world.

Around her, Jake, Mickey and Pete were taking off their devices. Her mum was looking around, eyes wide with comprehension as she took in the room. It was the exact copy of the room they'd just left, only darker because curtains shielded the room from the light. It was also empty of all furniture, just an expansive office space. Rose looked around and then back at her mum, suddenly all the more conscious of the choice she had to make and ashamed that she already knew what her choice would be.

Jackie's eyes turned to Rose and she hurried forward, tugging the device over her head and handing it to Pete on the way. "Rose," she said and her grey eyes were full of raw understanding. "It'll be all right. He just wants to make you safe," she whispered. "He's always tried to keep you safe and I love him for it." She pulled Rose into a hug and for a moment Rose closed her eyes and hugged her mother. She would never get to do this again. She had to make these seconds count. She wouldn't hold her mother's words against her. She knew that her mother's perspective on this was different from her own. But this was Rose's choice to make, not the Doctor's.

Pulling away from the hug, Rose looked down at her mother. "I can't stand, Mum," she said as her voice shook. "I can't stay here, I'm sorry."

Jackie began to frown. "Rose, please don't-" she reached for the device around Rose's neck but Rose stepped away, hating herself for doing it.

"I don't want to stay in this universe, Mum. I'm sorry," she said with more emphasis as she looked around at the others. "Seriously, it- it means a lot you inviting us here to stay but… my life is with him now, Mum. I don't want to give that up."

Jackie's lips pursed and her eyes began to glisten. But no tears fell. "But you could be killed."

"Or I might not be," Rose countered.

Jackie sighed. "Then I'm going back with you." She stepped forward but Rose reached out to gently hold her back.

"No, Mum," Rose said, her voice still shaking. "You have a second chance here. A second chance with Pete. To be in love again," she said wiping away the tears sliding down her face. "You deserve it. You've been an amazing Mum to me and- and you've done it all alone. You've always put me first." She took a deep, shakier breath.

"You're my daughter. I'm your mum. You will always come first and that will never change." Jackie said firmly. "No one is ever going to matter to me as much as you do."

Rose smiled through her tears. The words were choking her up but she managed to get them out with some difficulty. "But maybe it should change, Mum. I don't want you to miss out on the man you love because of my choice. I've watched you grieving for Dad and how much that hurt you. I want you to be happy, Mum."

"I'll always be happy as long as I've got you," Jackie said though her own face was full of pain. Rose could see the light of hope that had been in her eyes since Pete asked her to come to the new world slowly disappearing now. She was determined to get it back for her. "If you go to that world we'll never see each other again. Is that what you want?"

"No," Rose answered. "I don't want that. I don't want to lose you. But I also don't want you to miss out on this chance. Maybe this is me just being selfish because- because I need to be with the Doctor but- but I mean it Mum. You deserve to be with Pete and focus on a life with him. You've earned it, Mum."

Jackie's eyes finally began to tear up and they streamed down her older, slightly weathered cheeks. She pulled Rose into another hug. "What kind of mother would I be if I let you do this? If I gave you up to that world."

"The kind of mum that is doing the right thing for both of us," Rose whispered in her ear. "I know it's gonna hurt like hell. I can't imagine a world where you're not there but…"

Jackie was silent for a few long seconds. "But you want to be with the man you love." More seconds of silence. She rubbed Rose's back and then took a deep breath. Pulling back, she gently pushed Rose away. "You should go," she said bravely, trying to offer Rose a smile but it was betrayed by the tears on her cheeks. Rose mirrored her expression.

"Yeah? You're going to be okay?" she asked.

"I'll be okay," Jackie promised her. "Just promise me you'll have a good life, Rose. I'm only doing this because that's what I want for you."

"I will," Rose said as relief and a kind of grief flooded through her, filling her blood streams and her lungs with a sharp, stinging ache. "Thank you, Mum."

"I promise I'll take care of your mum," Pete said stepping forward. "You don't need to worry about her."

"Thanks Pete," Rose said. She turned to Mickey who was smiling through slightly glossy eyes of his own. "You look out for her, yeah?"

"Course I will," Mickey said as he moved to hug Rose briefly. "You go back there and be amazing, yeah?"

Rose laughed a little. "I'll try."

"Pff," Mickey said. "You don't have to try. You go back and save the world." He moved away from her and Rose looked around at them all, taking them all in one last time. Her gaze lingered on her mother who had stepped back and taken Pete's hand. It was a nice image, Rose thought to herself.

She suddenly stopped and pulled out her phone, loading the camera. "Let me have this one memory?" she asked.

Jake grinned and started ushering them all together. "Move in, move in, time's a wasting." He started to move away but Rose gestured for him to move back.

"All of you, Jake." She grinned as he stepped in next to Mickey. She took a picture of them all, smiling at their tearful smiles and then she put her phone away.

"Okay then," she said as she lifted the device in her hands. Her fingers pressed onto the yellow button and her family disappeared before her eyes.

Rose appeared back in the brightly lit top floor of the Torchwood Institute. She exhaled, letting the last tears slide down her face. She wiped them away with a sniff. She removed the device and looked down at the button. Looking up, she saw the Doctor leaning over a computer, inputting some figures. He hadn't noticed her yet. Rose started to smile despite the sadness in her heart right now. He could be so obtuse sometimes but she loved him for it.

"Think that's how it works," she joked as she put the device to one side.

The Doctor's head jerked upwards so fast like he'd been shot in the back. Brown eyes searched the room and found Rose within seconds. "Rose…?" he murmured.

He raced around the desk, abandoning his work as he hurried up to her. "What are you doing? You'll be safer there!" he cried out. Rose felt a small rise of anger surge upwards.

"Like I was safe when you sent me away from the Game Station?" she whispered.

The Doctor faltered and Rose sucked in a breath. "Yeah I know you're protecting me," she said. "But this is my choice, not yours. I made my choice a long time ago and I'm never going to leave you," she added. "So what can I do to help?"

In other circumstances, the frozen look of disbelief on the Doctor's face might have been funny but right now Rose was so painfully aware that this was one of those important moments in your relationship with someone, that something else was going on behind the scenes and you didn't really understand why. But you sort of accepted it. Rose accepted it.

"But she's your mum, Rose. You'll never see her again."

"I know," Rose wished her voice hadn't cracked as she spoke. "But she deserves to be happy with Pete and I can't stay there, Doctor. I just can't."

"Why not?" the Doctor asked. "I can't guarantee your safety here."

Rose laughed. It burst out of her so randomly that she couldn't help herself. Tears slid down her cheek. "Let's be real, Doctor, you can never guarantee my safety. That's okay. I don't want to live my life wrapped up in bubble wrap. This is the life I want and- and if you don't want me to come along then you have to make that choice. You don't just get to shunt me off to another universe to protect me. This is my choice, okay?"

The Doctor continued to stare at her. Then, just at the edge of his mouth, a smile began to prick at the corners. "Okay," he murmured. He cleared his throat. "See that panel, switch all the numbers to six."

Rose nodded and hurried over to the computer. She didn't look back as she got to work.

"Okay so attach these to the wall," the Doctor announced ten minutes later as he brought two huge black clamp devices in. He handed Rose one of them and gestured to one wall next to the levers. "Press the red button to activate them. So, all we need to do is push those levers up and hang on tight." He flashed Rose a grin.

"That's more like it." She said as she followed his instructions and set the clamp up on the wall. "Bit of the old magic back there again."

The Doctor laughed. "That's us. Sugar n Spice, Shiver and Shake."

"Which one's Shiver?"

"Oh I'm Shake," the Doctor insisted. He stepped away from the device and looked at Rose hard. "Are you sure about this? This is your last chance to go home."

"I am home," Rose told him, meeting his gaze. Still, a tear slid from the corner of her eye. This was it, the final wall separating her from her mum forever.

"You okay?" the Doctor asked.

"Yeah," Rose replied as she walked over to the lever. "So we-" she cut herself off as she looked out of the window. Outside, one Dalek was making its way closer to the window.

"Looks like we have company," the Doctor observed. "Okay, go!"

Simultaneously, they moved the levers up to the upright position. Instantly Rose felt a tug against her face and front, like a powerful wind was just starting up. She ran against it though and grabbed onto the clamp. The pushing sensation intensified and Rose felt her feet being blown off the ground as her arms wrapped around the clamp securely. The effect on the Dalek outside was immediate. With a smashing of glass it came flying through tossing and turning over itself in the air, out of control. At the other side of the room there was a massive wall of light. The Dalek flew into it. More windows smashed as more Daleks and Cybermen began to fly through the hole into the Void.

Rose felt a soaring sensation of triumpjh fly through her. It was working. They were gonna stop the war.

She looked over to the Doctor who was grinning back at her, laughing like a madman. Well, he was that. But he was her madman.

More and more Daleks and Cybermen flew through the windows and into the Void. Rose watched them go, dozens by dozens. Go on, go on. Go to hell. She thought as she watched them. She remembered all the dangers these races had posed to the world and how many times she thought they were done for. But once again they were being foiled. It just went to show that you could find a way out if you were clever like the Doctor and brave enough to at least try. How could she pass up this world? How could she turn down this kind of life, saving people and seeing the stars? She could never do that and she was glad that her mother had .

Thank you, Mum. Rose thought to herself with a smile.

A movement out of the corner of her eye made her heart plummet. The lever on her side had been disjointed. It was slowly lowering back down. Well shit. She reached out towards it, fingers reaching for the handle of the lever. But it was too far away.

"Rose, hold on!" the Doctor shouted over to her.

"I've got to get it upright!" she shouted back. If that fell then the Daleks and Cybermen would come into this room and kill them all. The force was already weakening, their enemies were disappearing into the Void slower now. She couldn't risk it. She leaned over and threw herself forward. Her hands landed on the lever but now she was completely off the clamp. She slid around the lever and used her strength to get a grip on the floor so she could push the lever upwards. It began to move forward. Thank god for that.

As soon as the lever locked into place, though, the full force of the Void picked up again and Rose felt herself being lifted upwards.

"HOLD ON!" the Doctor was screaming at her.

Panic flooded Rose. She could already feel her grip slipping on the lever and the Void didn't seem anywhere near ready to close. Oh god, I'm not going to make it, the horrible thought crept into her mind. She wasn't going to be able to hang on. But she had to try. She had to give it everything she had. She gripped it with all of her energy.

But the force of the Void was too strong. Rose felt one finger lose its grip on the lever, and then another one.

"HOLD ON!" the Doctor kept screaming at her. Rose looked at him and in that moment she didn't think she had ever felt more afraid. He couldn't save her from this. If she let go then that was it. She would go into the void and die. She would break the promise to her mother. She would lose the Doctor and all the adventures they could have had.

But at least she'd gotten that lever up and if this worked out, well dying helping to save the world was not a bad way to go, she supposed.

Another finger slipped. Soon that hand was pulled off entirely.

"ROSE, NO!" the Doctor was screaming. Horror and terror shone out of his face and Rose felt more tears slide down her face.

"I'M SORRY!" she shouted back. Another particularly strong tug of the Void caused her to nearly loose grip on the handle. The amount of Daleks and Cybermen were still consistently rushing past her. She thought about the millions of Daleks and Cybermen that were flying into the Void. This could take a while. But they didn't have a while. She'd lost count of how much time had passed since they'd started.

She summoned the rest of her strength and clutched the lever tightly, trying to regain hold with her other hand. She heard herself screaming, louder and higher than the Cybermen and the Daleks, fighting for her life as she reached for the control. Her hands were aching. Rose tried to ignore that feeling. But it kept pulling and pulling.

She looked towards the Doctor who was still screaming at her. The aching in her hands was now intensifying to pain and Rose tried harder than ever to ignore it.

The Void pull yanked her once more and Rose's hand slipped off the lever. She screamed. Across the room, the Doctor was screaming to, harder and more anguished than ever.

Rose rushed towards the void, towards the end of everything.

A rush of blue-green light surrounded her and Torchwood was gone.

Rose hit grass and rolled over and over. The impact knocked all of the wind out of her. She rolled onto her front and gasped for breath. Seconds passed as she processed that she was in fact alive and was somewhere solid and sturdy. She clutched at the grass as she lifted her head.

Long blades of it surrounded her. Tall, violet blue grass as far as the eye could see. As Rose lifted herself onto her knees, she stared around at where she was. A meadow of the violet grass stretched out for miles. In the distance there were dusky blue shapes of trees. But it was the sky that captivated Rose the most; it was a canvas of magenta sky with lilac clouds drifting across it. In the middle of the sky she saw pale shapes of planets of different sizes, spread across the sky in different positions. There must have been at least six or seven of them. A wind blew through the grass and it rustled, bringing up the scent of blueberries as it did. Blueberry grass, Rose thought. It reminded her painfully of New Earth.

Where the hell was she?

The absence of Daleks, Cybermen and general nothingness told her one thing. This was not the Void.