Title: You and I Always

Author/Writer: CassieRaven (Cassandra Raven a.k.a. Formerly known as GothicAnn87 and Cassandra Malfoy)

Rated: M

Genre: Romance, Humor

Fandom: Sailor Moon

Relationships/Ships: Usagi/Mamoru

Warnings: Alternate Universe (AU) setting, Romantic-Romance Fluff, Some Humor, Sometimes there are No Sailor Senshi or Tuxedo Kamen, and Drunk Adorable Silly Mamoru!

Summary: Stories written for MamoUsa Week 2010 on Tumblr. Various stories of Usagi and Mamoru's relationship together based on various challenged provided prompts.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with Sailor Moon; Sailor Moon the Manga (Comic/Graphic Novel series) was created and owned legally by it's creator Naoko Takeuchi, while other companies have or had prior licensing rights to the original Anime and various reboot Anime Series Sailor Moon, such as companies being Toei Animation, Madmen Entertainment, VIZ Media, DIC Media, Cloverfield Media, etc. The characters contained herein are not mine. The only thing I own rights to or creation is if any of my original characters are in this fan fictional story. No money is being made from this fan fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only. I own nothing! Thus no need for a lawsuit!

Seriously, if I was the one behind the creation of that amazing manga/anime series, then fan fiction stories would have so happened in the series. Maybe...maybe!

Author's Notes:

Hello readers! Guess what has returned, it's MamoUsa 2019 Week! Yes, it has returned! Another week where we all thanks to Tumblr all of us Sailor Moon fan fiction writers each day writes a themed challenge of our beloved ship couple Usagi/Mamoru! I am happy to be back to this fun week filled writing challenge with my fellow fandom authors/writers.

My first story is a little late, a day behind but better late than never, and I am posting it on my BIRTHDAY WHICH IS TODAY ON THE 24TH OF JUNE! So, happy birthday to me! Up first on the first day of the challenge is Free Day! I always enjoy writing challenges or stories where it's free reign to write whatever you'd like in fan fiction or story writing. It's so much fun! This seriously was such a blast to write in alternate universe plot-writing fest.

Also, I would like to majorly thank my fellow fan fiction writers, fellow authors TinaCentury, and Kasienda for being so supportive of me when I sought some advice, asking for their thoughts when I was brainstorming in the process of working on this first challenge story. I greatly appreciated all of your thoughtful words of advice and moral writing support. I would like to thank the wonderful MamaLadyKT for being my Beta-Reader for this story, thank you so much darling, I greatly appreciated your Beta-Force Powers of awesomeness!

Lastly, this story is dedicated to QueenRisa and this story is a belated birthday gift for her so SURPRISE QUEEN RISA, HAPPY BELATED JUNE BIRTHDAY TO YOU! (Enjoy reading this fanfiction birthday gift lovely!)

Enjoy reading this first story of the various challenge in UsaMamo Week everybody!

UsaMamo Week 2019: Day 1

Sunday, June 23rd, 2019: Free Day

Title: Confessing to the Bartender

"Lady bartenders live a tougher life than anybody knows..." - James Crumley

"Is there anything else I can get for you both Saori-san?" Usagi asked from her place behind the bar looking towards the auburn-haired woman, dressed in a sharp looking white club top with a matching light red jacket and pencil skirt.

"I think I'm fine with this second martini and a glass of water. Arigato Usagi, but I think Mamoru's maybe had one too many rounds of AMF's." Saori smiled looking to the left side of her towards her very happy smiling and drunk friend at his bar stool.

"Saori-channnnnnnn, two drinks are not too many rounds! I can hold my liquor, just ask Usako! I can hold my liquor intake, can't I Usa?" the ebony haired man's words slurred with a giggling hiccup.

"See! Three rounds of AMF's after a simple shot of whiskey and some cherry coke is enough to make this one a giggling wild kawaii schoolgirl. Mamoru, hush. Here, just eat some of these orange and pineapple slices." Saori laughed, sliding the purple metal little dish holding the fruit slices used for drink garnishes to her drunk friend.

"Oh all right, fine. Hey! These are really juicy and good! Usa! Can I have another one of these pinkish-purple drinks you've made for me? Please?" Mamoru pleaded with the blond-haired bartender with odango shaped hair buns across from him at the bar.

"Um, I think that you've had enough to drink for tonight Mamo-chan. How about I make you a nice glass of ice cold water, or some plain cherry sprite, or what about a cup of nice black coffee, strong coffee?" the blonde known as Usagi tried suggesting to him kindly.

"Noooo! I don't want any of those things to drink! Coffee is bad! Bad, bad, bad! You hear me Usa! It's bad, and I'll tell you when I've had enough! I want a pink glittery drink that you give to all the princesses and princes now!" Mamoru suddenly started shouting in a high pitched voice between drunken hiccups, as Usagi looked at him in stunned astonishment.

"Okay, take it easy there mister grumpy-drunk doctor! Easy Mamo!" Saori tried calming him down, as Usagi immediately went to the small refrigerator by the shelf holding the strong bottle of Japanese and imported alcohol, to retrieve a can of cherry sprite.

"I'm sorry! Gomen Saori-chan, Usa-chan! I'm just so thirsty and hungry...Usa, can I have some more fruit slices? Some cherries? What's that?" Mamoru asked, looking curiously as the bartender placed a new glass with a crazy bent neon blue straw before him.

"This is a sprite with lots of shiny red fruity cherries in it, all just for you to drink. Drink it slowly Mamo." Usagi told him gently and calmly as he got a happy look in his eyes.

"For me? Really? You're the best-est and greatest bartender and friend ever Usa! I love you sooooo much!" Mamoru suddenly started crying as he leaned over to grab and draw Usagi into a happy drunk bear hug.

"You're very welcome Mamo...not a problem...uh, Saori...why don't you go call Motoki-kun up...so he can come down here to pick up Mamoru?" her eyes pleaded to the put-together professional, nodding her head emphatically, "So he can give him a ride safely home. I think it's time we've called it a night." Usagi managed to get out in between the hug and arm Mamoru had wrapped around him.

"That's what I was thinking of doing actually", She replied, nodding her head back just as emphatically before turning to her overly inebriated friend.

"I'll be right back, Mamoru...please sit here and don't leave this stool, stay here talking to Usagi-chan. Please for the love of Kami, DO NOT talk to or bother the other customers." Saori as if coaxing a small child to mind, with a serious look. He just nodded, letting go of the blonde as she left the two alone in the bar area of the bar establishment.

"Here you are Mamo, just drink your soda slowly. Hopefully, Saori can reach Motoki so he can come to pick you up. So, today was a long day in the ER, eh?" Usagi asked, trying to keep an eye on him while she mixed together some tall iced teas and shots of Saki for one of the waitresses to take to their table orders.

"Yeah. It was really boring, the usual. Stupid baka people with baka dumb injuries. The usual, blah, blah, blah. I hate my job. I should've become a detective or police officer as Saori did. It's more fun...my job is just so boring. I just came in here because Saori made me." Mamoru began to whine while buzzed still, as he took to his soda to sip at it slowly, very slowly.

"Really? You don't say?" Usagi drawled, looking amused by his antics, as she placed shot glasses and tall glasses on to a serving tray just as a waitress came by to pick them up.

"Really! She practically just kidnapped me in her car when she picked me up after my shift was done at the hospital in Juuban, and dragged me to my apartment to go get changed for coming over here! Saori's so pushy and bitchy Usa! She's just as bad and bitchy like your friend Minako-baka is!" Mamoru nodded, as he shared with her, the bartender nodded quietly, listening to his tales of drunken woes.

- Flashback: Three hours Previously in Downtown Tokyo -

"Saori, I'm just not in the mood tonight." Mamoru tried protesting, looking miserable as his best friend dragged him along the Tokyo sidewalk.

"I won't take no for an answer Mamoru. We haven't hung out in weeks since you've been swamped at the hospital. And I haven't seen freedom after all the reports I've had to file at the prescient. So you and I are going out to our usual bar haunt." Saori argued, grinning ear to ear looking pleased she was getting her way.

"But I really think we should just call it a night, it's late."

"Mamoru, it's barely eight o'clock tonight and we've both got the night off for once and on a Saturday. We're doing this, we need this! Besides, you don't want to disappoint your favorite friendly blonde, pretty bombshell bartender." Saori grinned mischievously as she saw how Mamoru started to blush and sweat suddenly.

"I don't know what you're talking about Saori..." Mamoru tried to deny as he continued to be dragged to the route of the bar 'Tenou Winds.

It's their regular place they've dubbed as their hang out, going after work from time to time for drinks and late night snack to wind down in the evenings.

"Denial is a river. Just own up to having it 'bad' for Tsukino-san ever since we stumbled upon that place when we went bar hopping with our coworkers two years ago, baka. She's always so thrilled to see you when you make a beeline for your 'stool' at her bar, and order the usual drinks and bar food she knows immediately by clockwork that you get," Saori reminded him amusingly with matchmaker mischief in her eyes.

"All bartenders know their regular customers' favorite drinks and bar snacks " Mamoru tried arguing, still blushing pink in his cheeks.

"Do all female bartenders that are adorably sweet and sour tough like our favorite little bunny Tsukino Usagi call you only by Mamo-chan or Mamo-san?" Saori questioned, smirk still in place.

"...She doesn't like being so formal with her regular clients that she considers her friends technically!"

"Sure Mamoru, surreee. Keep telling yourself that...remember during the New Years celebration party Motoki-san and us all gathered at Tenou's bar last year when Usagi was working as the main bar creator for drinks? You punched the living hell out of that creep of hentai who kept hitting on her and then helped Tenou the owner of the establishment hurl that guy out the back door...after you broke the drunk's nose." Saori brought up, remembering how she had seen in the chaos the blonde bartender looking in awe and adoration for her friend the ER Doctor who had been in that moment, her prince charming.

"He was pissed drunk and had tried a feel of Usako's butt. She was wearing that ridiculous jean short skirt with those fishnets stockings her baka friend Aino Minako 'convinced' her to wear because it would get her extra tips under the bar! I had to protect her from that perverted hentai!" Mamoru argued yelling at the brunette-redhead.

"Usako eh?"

"Shut up Saori!"

"Whatever you say Mamoru."

- The Current Time in the Present -

"Odango." Mamoru slurred.

"Hai?" Usagi asked, looking up.

"How do you make an AMF and what does an AMF stand for?" He asked, blinking curiously when Usagi raised an eye of surprise at him.

"Nani? You don't know what it is? Really?" Usagi exclaimed looking very surprised.

"No. That's why I'm asking you. When you went to use the restroom, I was skimming through the list of popular drinks on your bar menu thingy, and that other girl behind the counter Kyoko highly suggested that I order the AMF. I wanted to try something new after my whiskey and cherry coke ...she said it was sweet and I'd like it." Mamoru shared, shrugging.

"...I see...I'm going to kill Kyoko..." Usagi murmured and sighed.

"What does AMF stand for?" Mamoru pestered her again while sipping his sprite and tugging at the arm sleeves of her bartender uniform, his movements jerky, it pulled at the button of her blouse, threatening to pull off a button if he didn't stop.

"Okay, okay! Stop doing that Mamo-chan. An AMF stands for Adios Mother Fucker, it's a drink from America according to Haruka-chan and another bartender, who works another shift, Demande-san. It's the strongest of drinks foreign wise that we have on our bar menu. All made from a mixture of various liquors...some call it 'Everything but the kitchen sink' of drinks." Usagi shared, her pink nail-polished fingernails cleaning the bar with a wet towel.

"I see. How'd you make it?" Mamoru inquired, in-between sipping his soda lazily.


"How do you make it? The drink Odango!"

"Well, it has a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. I take a little measurement of some vodka, rum, tequila, and gin. But instead of that Blue Curacao Liqueur stuff, I put in my own half ounce of some strawberry pink liqueur I use for Mexicana-Japanese infused Margaritas and Iced Zombie Hello Kitty Vodka drinks I make for the summer season and on Halloween holiday." Usagi giggled a little bit, sharing her secrets.

"Really? That sounds amazing, what else do you put in it?" Mamoru drawled, continuing to sip at his straw.

"I add lastly some American sour punch, the blue kind of warheads candy. I order them from the internet, and then mix them with that imported berry flavored pixie sticks, then some pink cherry and regular 7-Up or Sprite Soda to give it a kick, and then mix them all together until, ta-da! You've got my take on a pinkish-purple Adios Mother Fucker. I add the soda of 7-Up or Sprite last to finish it off all pretty," Usagi shared.

"Wow, that sounds magical, like a unicorn or a shiny brand new motorcycle..." Mamoru replied, sounding amazed by what Usagi had revealed to him.

"I guess. It's my job, having fun making neat and new alcoholic drinks. Makes me glad I went into bartending school instead of boring stuffy old university after high school. I love it, it's so much fun meeting new people every afternoon or night I work here. Plus, the pay is good enough to afford the apartment that Minako and I have here downtown." Usagi grinned happily.

"Kami, you're so beautiful when you smile...did you know that Usako?" Mamoru slurred, smiling lovingly at the blond with starry blue eyes.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you."

"...I love you Usako, will you go out with me?"


"Eh, Have I said too much?"

"Eh...maybe uh, just a little bit. I never thought I would hear that come out of your mouth before. Um, Would you like some water?"

"Oh, no thanks. I think I'm good with this soda. But those AMF's tasted so fruity and tasty, like cotton candy and ice cream had a baby with a cocktail!" Mamoru giggled.

"Okay...I'll just still get you that glass of water in case you change your mind. Are you hungry?"

"I'm n-now that you mention it, I am getting a little hungry. How did you know I was hungry Usa? Oh Kami, are you psychic like a superhero or just magically gifted?!"


"You know what I'm thinking about? Do you have the power of ESP?"

"No. Tell me what you're thinking about Mamoru-kun. I'm your bartender and promise to keep all of your secrets."


"I promise."

"Okay, so what is it that's on your mind?"


"Nani? Kissing?"


"Kissing who exactly Mister Chiba?"


"Nani?! Me?"

"Hai, Kissing only you. Always."

"Okay, I think that you've had a little too much to drink. I'm just going to take your glasses from your previous drinks away now. You're getting that water now."

"Heyyyy! That's mine! Usa-Dango! That was my drink! Give it back!"

"I don't think so, you have had one too many of these. As one of your very good friends, and only real confidant besides Motoki-kun, and most loyal bartender I've got to do this. I am cutting you off and getting you a cup of coffee because I care."

"You care about me Odango?"

"Hai, of course, I do Mamo-chan. I consider you one of my dearest friends besides being one of my best and favorite baka customers. Let me get you that cup of coffee and hopefully, Saori is waiting outside for Motoki-kun so he can come to take you home."

"You care about me? You're so sweet Usa, seriously, you're the sweetest odango-dango I know. Motoki' going to pick me up? Why?"

"Because you're drunk, really, drunk as a skunk and...you need to go home to sleep it off."

"...Fine.." he pouted like a child before his eyes lit up with an idea, ``Can I kiss you before I leave? A good night kiss for your favorite customer and ER doctor?"

"Well...I don't think it's appropriate or right, you're drunk Mamo-chan. It isn't right, you won't even remember." Usagi blushed.

"I will, promise," Mamoru assured her as he leaned over the bar, to give Usagi a peck on her lips until...

"CHIBA MAMORU! DRUNK! I feel so proud but so disappointed in you buddy! What would all your house plants think? The shame!" a voice called, as Mamoru was pulled away from his favorite blond odango bartender as he yelped.

"Hi, Motoki-chan! Sorry I had to have Saori call you to come to get him. I didn't want him walking home alone or taking the bus or train home this late, with muggers and evil ladies of the night around the streets." Usagi smiled looking relieved.

"Of course, anything for you and my best friend here. Come on Mamoru, let's get you home, into a shower, a nice cold one, and to bed. No more trying to woo poor innocent looking bar tending maidens like Usagi-chan here." Motoki chuckled as he and Saori each took an arm of Marmoru to help him steadily walk from the bar.

"Have a safe time getting him home you two. Don't worry about your drinks Saori, I'll put it on yours and Mamoru's shared best friend tab. Good night Mamo-chan, sweet dreams and tomorrow morning!" Usagi smiled, waving farewell to the trio.

"Arigato Usagi, I owe you one definitely. Let's you and I do a luncheon girls date and a shopping trip at the mall sometime or get our nails done at the four sisters beauty salon." Saori nodded smiling goodbye to her.

"Will do Saori-chan! Let's plan for it next week, I'm off next Friday!" Usagi called back.

"Motoki! Saori! Wait! I didn't even get to kiss Usa-ko goodnight or ask her out! Not fair!" Mamoru cried out in distress whining.

"Believe me, buddy, it's better if you hold off from doing that until you're properly sober and sane to ask her out. You can do it another time." Motoki assured him.

"What Motoki-san says, it's for the best Mamoru. You don't want to accidentally throw up on Usagi or her high heels, or Kami forbid, her uniform or in her hair. Your too drunk to think properly." Saori added laughing.

"B-But I love her! She has to know how I feel about her, and I've got to ask her out! She's my Juliet! My bunny!" Mamoru cried.

"Oh, believe me, buddy, I'm sure she's well aware that you like her, care about her, and love her Romeo."

"...Poor Mamoru-kun, maybe giving in to him wanting two of those AMF's was a bad idea...but he kept giving me that sad look like a kicked up puppy. He's kinda cute when he's a little tipsy, but I couldn't take advantage of him or a kiss...my Mama raised me better than that. I'll just ask Saori for his number later, and ask him out some other time when he's sobered up completely." Usagi mused to herself quietly as she watched the two take her drunken knight in shining armor, the doctor out of the bar.

The End

Author's Ending Notes:

Day One's first story write up the challenge for MamoUsa Week 2019 finished. Did everyone enjoy reading it, like it, love it, or hate it? Keep a look out later today this evening for the next story in this week's challenge that will be the following: Monday, June 24tth Prompt: Memories. Fill free to leave any comments or reviews. Any reviews that are actually not 'Constructive Criticism' but Flames of Hate 'Reviews' or 'Comments' will be thrown in the trash to be picked at by the local Raccoons a.k.a. Trash Pandas that hide out in my residential neighborhood.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them in a commented review down below, or directly private message me here on the fan fiction site (if you have an account), or you can find me at Tumblr online under the username "cassraven". I'm always happy to receive any questions about my stories, future writings, or dropped in greetings of hello from my fanfiction reader fans over there at Tumblr.